Wax and Ice

Walking up the stairs, apprehension in every step, knowing that whatever would lie ahead was out of my hands. Only You know what would happen once I walked into the bedroom, and You never tell me, never warn me .. I put my trust in You, knowing that You will bring me pleasure whenever we walk this path together. I know the new candle will be played with today, W/we’ve only played with it a little before, and yesterday I asked that IF there was chance to play today…

Had I was out of my mind to ask? I never ask for anything …even though You tell me to, and ask me what I want often.

I get undressed and prepare the room, You’re downstairs for what seems like such a long time. You come in and undress in seconds … my nervouss not calmed at all as I see the bowl of ice You’ve brought with You. All I can think of is the red candle. I’ve got out a tall glass holder for it and it sits on the table at the side of the bed. Your arms around me reassure me … the nerves and apprehension fall away as Your hands cares me and our mouths meet, I lay on the bed and I know that whatever You have planned will bring me pleasure that months ago I never thought I would ever feel.

You light the candle and the smell of the burning reach me along with the sound of gentle spluttering as it melts. Expecting the wax, and even the ice my mind goes into overdrive as You tell me to pass You the flogger .. I look into Your eyes and know over and above the words You are speaking to me that today I won’t be surprised if I’ll feel the crop and Your hand as well as the flogger before W/we are finished.

The trickle of wax on my body focusing my mind on pain and pleasure … heat turning to chill as You rub me with ice .. my stomach tingling and twisting as You trickle down my torso … a taste of what is to come …a torque!!

You tell me to turn over .. my usual position .. head right down, arms outstretched .. not knowing what was to follow. My mind followingthe sound of the movements behind me and the spluttering candle. Feeling myself tende as I wait for … whatever? Flogger and wax follow along with Your hand gently caresing the heated flesh with the ice cubes. My mind following, but not, as I flow with the pain and the pleasure Your hands give me … right through my body .. bringing me the ecstasy only You ever have. Taking me beyond anything I have experienced until You. The wax cooling with the ice I feel the heat calming but still there where the marks of Your flogging remain. You turn me over, and I see in Your eyes Your pleasure.

I try to calm my breathing as I hear the swish of the flogger as You move as I lay there, eyes now closed not wanting to know what will happen next …flogger? Wax? The silence lengthens and then …. Thwack on my breast …then the other .. and again .. and again until the my moans fill the room as You dribble the wax over my nipples …the heat warming .. spreading before being taken away suddenough as you rub me with the ice .. my squirming body pulling away, yet not wanting to really. Wanting the touch of Your hand on my heated breasts, the touch of Your fingers on my tingling nipples and my mind knowing that You will decide where and when torment me …tease me … bring me to the edge of orgasm and turn away … hold me there until You are ready .. letting me beg for release at Your will.

My eyes Still closed I jump as You turn the ice to my pussy .. rubbing the cube all over .. the chill making my mind move from my nipples and my need and what will happen next. Still concentrated on the chill the heat of the wax trickling over my lips come as a shock .. centring my thoughts, my eyes open and I look up for the first time to see You and the smile on Your face as You concentrate on my body. My heart misses a beat as I see the pleasure on Your face. The surprise of ice shocks me again and Your fingers wreaking their havoc on my clip and inside me …bringing meto climax time and time again as You use the wax and ice. My mind drifts … concentrated on You and Your hands until I hear You move away and blow the candle out.

Your hands start to move over me .. peeling away the chilled wax .. Your mouth tormenting the fragment, tingling skin .. keeping me on the edge … as You pick up the flogger again and I close my eyes ….

The flogger … my pussy … the cold wax … pain … pleasure … Your hands. All flowing through my mind into one .. please Sir .. more Sir …

Your hands turn me over .. the wax still on my backside .. cracked, some broken off, but not all gone. You seem fairly pleased .. or so You say, as You peel it off. The next thing … Crack! as the crop connects with my backside, again and again … concentrate … pain … again and again. Feeling the welts rise .. the heat spread … pleasure spreading through my stomach after the pain receptions. Your fingers take me on a journey of ecstasy again … and beforeI have time to gather my thoughts Your hand lands on my backside .. spanking me as always with Your firm strokes … one after the other … side after side … deliberate … steady … pounding … only stopping when You know I can take no more and my body craves release which You give me. Thank You Sir

You take me in Your arms as we lay side by side .. bodies entwined .. You stroke the hair from my face. Your eyes say it all as W/we share a look .. the love .. the password .. the enjoyment … the pleasure … I am His toy, always and forever.


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