
He can do anything to me he wishes – in any situation. I flourish in knowing that – in giving that to him. Blindfolded and bound – open to him – I feel so vulnerable. I hear him move about the room, setting something up, taking things out of his magic bag.

More firsts for me – always firsts. He comes on the bed, finds my lips and tastes them, kisses the nervousness out of me. His lips move down to my nipples and gently take one at a time in his mouth. His gentleness turn harsher and my nipples grow and harden under his teeth and tongue – the heat of it. Then I feel the coldest sensing – ICE – he’s putting ice on them – the heat of his mouth first – then the ice – I can’t control the river running through me.

“Are you ready, summer?” One of those rhetorical questions – it was more of a warning than a question. I’m never ready for the power of him – and I’m always ready for the joy of him.

The first drip – like a hot dart – on my breast. The next drip on my nipple – so hot. “Ohhhhhhh…” Drop, drop, drop…the wax first burns then hugs my skin, tightening. The burning then the tightening – oh God. Different sensings – constantly – drip, drip. Each drip – possessing me more and more. Perhaps one on the small of my throat – the underside of my breasts – making a line down my tummy.

It stops, but his finger finds my pussy feeling my uncontrollable Response to this new first. “Soooooo wet for me, summer – you like this, don’t you?”

I’m not sure if I can manage to speak so I just moan a ‘yes’.

He moves to the other nipple, ice, drip, drip, hot burning sensing…hugging, tightening. The wax holding my nipple hostage making it harder and more aching than ever before. The river is flowing up and down my body – I can’t see – can only feel what is happening to me. He’s so careful – deliberate as he sends me to the stars…

His voice calm, steady, erotic, “Your body is on fire, summer, in more ways than one. You love how your nipples are being grabbed by the wax.” He’s so right – I loved what was happening to me – I so needed to come – the river running through me was threatening to overflow. He was going so slowly – in no hurry. He knew my need, he knew I needed to experience all of what he gave to me. So selfish – grabbing each experience and holding it inside never letting it go.

He so generally gives more and more. He Keeps my body right there – on the edge of the earth waiting, singing, begging. Normally he sees every need and desire in my eyes, but with the blindfold, he reads my body – he reads the words he wrote – the music- the complete overpowering need. His fingers touch me there again – so wet and aching. I feel his cool breath on my nipples then blowing and kissing gently down my torso. Then his mouth on my pussy – gentle kisses. I’m quivering with the need. His pace is excitingly slow. He sticks out his tongue and laps my clip – the shock of it sends me soaring. I couldn’t stop the quake – I couldn’t even if I tried.

“Come for me, summer -yesssssss come now!” His tongue lapped again – and again – and sending my body on waves of pleasure. So intense, so powerful. I’m quaking, quivering and trying to come down from the overwhelming orgasm that shook my soul. He gently came up and kissed me letting me taste myself on his mouth. He unclasped all my binds releasing my legs, and arms, then removes the blindfold so I can see his eyes.

“You did well, summer,” he said, words that warmed me as much but in a different way than the wax. I looked down to see the wax on my body, he wanted me to see – to feel – to help remove it. But not yet. In a swift motion, his strong arms moves me on top of him so I’m straddling him. I’m sitting up, he’s staring at me and tells me, “Take it, summer, put it inside where you want it.”

I took him the wet wonder he created and once again my body bowed back as I absorbed the quakes of pleasure. Shimmering through me, silken heat, velvet aches, never-ending pleasure. I rode, taking him, glorying in the desperate grip of his hands on my hips. The orgasm this time didn’t build – it ignored like fire – in both of us. I felt him harden and thicken and tense at the same time and spasmed spending himself deep inside of me touching all parts within. As I sat on him, our breathing ragged, our eyes locked, his smile melts me.

He takes my hand and together we remove the wax from my nipple and the tightening and sensitivity awakens again. As he softens inside me, Istart contracting again from the wax removal and give him the aftershocks he’s looking for. I collapse beside him and as he strokes my hair, I wonder at the pleasure he gives me – more than I’ve even known possible.


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