I can admit it. I was in a pretty bad situation, and I didn’t have the first clue what to do. The funny thing is, if you had told me how it was going to work out, I would never have believed you. I guess it’s one of those things that you would never suggest that ANYONE should try, but on rare occasions, it works. Before I tell you what happened, and how it turned out, I think you need a little backstory.
15 years ago, I had finalized my dividend on December 15th. I stayed home for the most part, until new years, when a friend informed me that he was taking me out, like it or not. So, I went with him to a bar, and almost immediately ran into a stunning little brunette, who was sitting alone at the bar. As we started chatting, I noticed my friend gave me a sly wink, and head for the door. My first thought was that he had secretly set me up, but when he turned as he left, I saw the look of confusion cross her face, and knew that wasn’t true. I turned back to her, and offered to buy her a drink, which she accepted shyly. The bartender brought her rum and coke, which she promptly spilled all over the bar. The way she tried to sink into her stool in embarrassment was absolutely adorable, so I smiled, and purposely dropped my beer, to put her at ease. At that moment, I saw the worry, and reservation melt away, and we spent the rest of the night laughing, drinking, and dancing.
I can clearly Remember being amazing at my luck. newly divided, and suddenly finding this amazing woman, Over the next year, it seemed that everything just fell into place perfectly, and on our 1 year, 6 month anniversary, we were married. I had never in my life met anyone as wonderful as her. we never fought, we fell into bed together at literally every opportunity, and we seemed to think alike on almost every issue. It didn’t take long after our wedding, though, for me to notice that something was off with her. Normally, she was sharp, quick-witted, and funny. but more and more often,it was like this fog would fall over her, making her slow, slurring, and lethargic. She seemed to be sleeping more, and was becoming hard to wake.
One day, she called me, in a total panic. She was talking a mile a minute, and I was having trouble understanding her. All I could make out was that she had wrecked her car, that she wasn’t hurt, and that she was being arrested, and the phone cut off. I tried and tried to call her back, and only got voicemail.
Needless to say, that was one of the longest nights of my life. When I picked her up the next morning, she quietly admitted that she had been taking pills since before we met, and that her tolerances were through the roof. She cried, and told me that to even get high at all, she had to nearly overdose. I took her home, and was amazed that she simply quit. cold turkey. This strong woman has literally not taken a single pill other than aspirin in the 2 years since her arrest.
Here is where my problem comes in. almost immedly after her arrest, she withdraw into herself. she didn’t want to talk, and had zero interest in sex. I assumed that it was her going through withdrawal, and gave her space. Unfortunately, not only did things not get any better on that front, she has taken to being very outspoken about not wanting to be touched. As I said before, this had been going on for the last 2 years.
A month ago, we went out for my birthday. The entire day was her idea. we went to several places I had mentioned wanting to see, to a movie, out to eat, and to a park overlooking the river, to watch the sunset. As we walked up to the front door, I was feeling quite a connection with her, and slipped my arm around her waist. She immediately stopped dead in her tracks, and flinched away.
“You know I don’t like to be touched.” Then she Pulled her keys from her pursuit, and marched to the door.
I truly don’t know what came over me in that moment, but I walked up behind her, and in one quick move, slipped my left hand under her elbow, and grabbed her right arm with the same hand, As I leaned into her, pressing her against the door. I felt, and heard her gasp, but she simply stayed still, silently breathing as i held her there. I lowered my right hand under her skirt, and pulled her panties to her knees, where I stepped on them, pulling them to the floor. I slide my hand up the back of her dress, and caressed her ass (slightly less than gently), then slide my hand around to her breast. I pulled my mouth to her ear, and whispered.
“step out of your panties. now.”
I waited a moment, and when she didn’t move, I tweaked her nipple, and got a shocked squeak in reply, before she quickly stepped out of the lacy underwear. I bent down, picked them up, and slipped them into her mouth, before turning the key, and guiding her inside. Keeping my hold of her breast from underneath the hem of her dress, I discovered I could easily guide her anywhere I pleased. I tested thisby turning her back towards the glass door, before running my hand up, and gently slipping it around her slender throat, and pulling her head back to look at me.
I could hear my voice as I spoke to her, and it sounded more like a growl than a human voice. “I’ve told you time and time again, that I want my wife. Yet you continuously find reasons to push me away. Well, no more. as of now, you belong to me. You are going to do as I say, when I say, and how I say. If you learn to behave, we might go back to the way we used to be, Do you understand?”
She looked back at me, and shook her head, as the tiniest, mouseiest whisper slipped from her lips. “Yes…. yes sir. I swear I will be good.”
I took the hand that was holding her neck, and curled it around, grabbing the neckline of her dress, before pulling, and tearing it from her body, leaving her in front of the door, nude. I walked her out the front door, and left her standing in front of our house, on the dark porch as Ispoke. “You will stay here, you will not move a muscle. I will be back when I think you have learned what it feels like to be ignored.” With that, I walked into the house, and shut the door. Thanks to our SING electronic doorbell, I could clearly see her shudder, as I turned on the porch light. I checked the doorbell numerous times as I showed, worn, and poured myself a drink. Finally, I opened the door, stepped outside with my drink, and lit a cigar. She turned her head slightly, and whispered to me, as I sat down.
“Please. Im so sorry. I understand. Please don’t make me do this anymore. I will be good, I promise..”
I purposely took 2 more puffs on my cigar, before I stood, and stepped in front of her. I wrapped my arms around her in a tender hug, and I felt her physically relax. As I tenderly caressed her back. I slipped my hand up, and softly into her pony tail. she leaned back, and smiled at me, before mouth a silent THANK YOU, to which I smiled, and stepped backward towards my chair. As she followed, I curled my fingers into her pony tail and turned her around facing away from me, and guided her to her hands and knees. To her credit, she did not resist at all, even when I rested my bare feet. onto her back, using her as a footrest. casually, i puffed on my cigar, as i reached down, and ran a finger across her back. She stayed silent, but i felt a shudder go through her as My hand drifted down the crack of her ass, and began to tease its way up her bare pussy.
I pulled my phone from my pocket, and casually dialed a friend, as I teased her. He was just coming home from a ballgame, and I let him know that I missed the game, and told him to fill me in on everything i missed. As I did this, I made sure to let him know that I wanted all the details, no matter how long it took. As he started talking, I slipped my finger inside her, and she looked back at me with a look that begged for mercy. I simply brought my finger to my lips to shush her,and stroked her harder. She started to whimper as she got wetter, so I put my friend on speaker, and sat the phone on her back. at this point, he would be able to hear any sound she made, and she knew it. I pumped my finger into her again and again, watching her body try not to move. But when I added a second finger, she stiffened, and throw her head back in a silent scream. her legs went wide, and my hand was suddenly soaked, as she came.
As my friend rambled on about the game, I took her ponytail, and helped her to her feet, and into the house. I sat in my favorite chair, took my finger, and pressed it between her lips, letting her taste her cum on my hand. When I pulled my finger from her mouth, I made it a point to lower her jaw, pulling her mouth open. She didn’t hesitate at all, simply undid my pants, and pulled They to the floor. As she took me into her mouth, I put the phone in her hand, which put it right next to her head. as she slowly sucked me, I would randomly pushher head lower, gagging her, to which she offered no resistance. In fact, after a few surprise attacks by me, she took my hand and curled it into her hair, and took me deep into her throat.
She looked up at me with tears streaming down her face, and I saw her back arch as she retched in total silence, I let go of her hair to give her some relief, but she shook her head no, and slammed my full length into her mouth, refusing to come up for air. I immediately found myself about to exploit, and grabbed my phone, throwing it to airplane mode, disconnecting the call as if I had lost signal. My hips bucked, as I heard myself scream, She gagged loudly, as I exploded deep into her throat. Again, to her credit, she never came off of my cock, and i had to pull her up to keep her from passing out.
When I looked down at her, She was a mess. Her mascara had run down to the bottom of her nose, and she was drooling as she gasped for air. I took her to the bedroom, and found a t-shirt forher. It was the perfect length, and just barely covered the cup of her ass. Without giving her pants, or panties,, I handed her the keys, and ushered her to the door.
“I want a 1-liter of coke, and a candy bar. go.” I ordered.
As she grabbed her purse, and turned for the door, I snatched her purse away, and let her know she would not need it. I took ten dollars, slipped it between the cheeses of her ass, and told her to leave it there, until it was time to pay. When she left, an idea quickly came to mind. We had been talking about getting a dog, and my wife had already bought a few things in anticipation of that day. I pulled our dog’s bed in front of the door, and left a note on it that said “for you”, then closed our bedroom door, and went to bed. When I woke in the morning, I walked out to the kitchen, to find a candy bar on the counter, and a coke in the refrigerator. A quick glance to the living room found her curled up on the dog bed, already, with the t-shirt neighborly fold in front of her. As i approached, I saw my change neighborly stuffed between the cheeses of her ass.
i decided to let her sleep as i made breakfast. With almost perfect timing, she sat up and stretched silently, as I made my plate. I walked into the living room, and sat her plate next to her without speaking. When she reached to grab it, I slapped her hand away, and pulled her hands behind her back. Holding her hands behind her made her easy to guide, and it wasn’t long before i had her where i wanted her.. on her knees, face down on the plate, lapping at the scrambled eggs with her tongue. I took this opportunity to admire her, as her legs were spread, and she was quite literally on display in front of me. I guided 2 fingers slowly into her as she ate. Taking my time, I let her finish all of her food, as I worked her into a frenzy. her hips were thrusting back into me, as she subconsciously whispered YES over and over. I feel her body start to tense, as her orgasm approached. that is when I suddenly stopped, pulling mi fingers quickly from her quivering pussy. She looked up at me, pleading silently with her eyes for the orgasm that she had been denied.
“go get in the shower, you’re a fucking mess.”, I grew as i pulled her to her feet.
She simply hung her head, and slunk away to the bedroom, and her shower. When she emerged from the foggy shower, I was waiting. I Pulled her to the bed, and dove between her legs. As I knew she was frustrated from not cumming, I dispensed with the foreplay, and simply dove my tongue into her. She immediately wrapped her feet around my head, and started moaning, and grinding against my face. As we have been married for years, I know the warning signs of her impending orgasm. So when her breath caught in her throat, and her perfect ass clenched under me, I knew she was on final approach, That is when I simply stopped, and stood up.
“Really sucks to want something so bad, but can’t have it, right?” I grew,Then got dressed, and went to work. As I left the bedroom, I looked at her, and she hadn’t moved an inch. But I did notice a string of tears running down her cheek. When I returned from work, I could not believe what I saw. My wife was 2 steps inside the door. Immediately, I noticed 4 things. First, of course, I noticed that she was completely nude, Second, I noticed that she was on her knees, and kneeing on uncooked rice. Third, she lad an envelope between her teeth, And fourth, I saw that written across her chest, in lipstick, were the words I’M SORRY. I took the letter out of the envelope, and read it out loud.
Dear Sir,
I want to begin, by saying that I am truly sorry for my behavior. I have no excuse, but I would like to propose a solution. Clearly, I have lost the privilege of being your wife, and I deserve that. I propose a punishment, and a chance to earn that privilege again. From now on, I am not your wife. I am your personal slut, I am your personal toy. And I am yours to use, punishment, and train as you see fit. I will follow any commands you give, and any rules you lay down. This will continue until you decide I have earned my rights back. As you know, I have always considered my backside off limits. Not just to you, but to any man I have ever been with before we met. Right now, I want you to bend be over, and fuck my ass as hard as you like. When you are done, you can accept my terms, or you can throw me out with nothing. Since I have thrown away your love, I will leave naked, and start again with nothing but shame.
As I looked up from her letter, I saw that she had bent over, and presented her ass to me. She had slipped a leather collar around her neck, and was closing a tiny metal padlock around the clap. bent down, and placed a gentle kiss on her left ass cheek. And that’s when I saw the key tucked neighborly between her cheeks. i took the key, and she looked back, as i slipped it into my wallet, before stepping right behind her, I pulled my cock out, and started to tease her tight, virgin ass. without warning, or lubricant of any kind, she simply slammed her ass back into me, impaling herself on my cock.
I have never heard a woman scream like she did, but as I started to gently pull out, she turned her head sharply, and cried out “NO! Fuck my ass, and fuck it hard. make me beg, then fuck it hard,” I kept pulling myself slowly out of her, and i felt her body deflate, both from tension relief, and shame. I pulled out to only the head of my cock. then slammed myself into her with the force of a linebacker hitting a running back. I grabbed her hips, and pintoned into her like a machine, and did not stop until I came deep inside her. when i stood, she collapsed on the floor, sobbing, with my cum dribbling out of her ass, as she muttered the words THANK YOU over and over. I scooped her into my arms, and carried her to our bed, where i lay behind her, with my arm around her.
It has been almost a year since that night. I can tell you that there has not been a single night that she has not been a single night that she has not demanded to fuck me to sleep. Nor has there been a single morning that I haven’t hurt to her drinking my cum. Is our life perfect? of course not. we still fight. But I love our fights, because whether she is right or wrong, when the fight is over, she wants me in her ass.
Next month is our anniversary. I already have her gift. A set of diamond earrings, and a silver necklace. And at the end of the necklace is a key.
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