I wake to the sound of distant laughter. It’s just getting light. The air is fresh on my face. I feel the soft skin of Amy’s leg against mine. I turn to look at her, she is sleep facing me, a mess of hair covers her face. She is naked beside me, I feel the heat from her body in the sleeping bag and I feel my cock swell again, I feel kind of horny from last night.
She tends and yawns stretching comically, her eyes open and she grinins when she sees me.
“Good morning,” she purrs.
“Hi!” I reply a little shyly, I feel a little awkward this morning.
She puts a hand on my supposed reassuringly and rubs it with her thumb. I relax a little.
“Did you sleep well?” I ask, she giggles.
“After last night, sure, did you?”
“Yer, despite what you did to me,” I say with humor. She looks at me amused. To my surprise, she hugs me, nuzzling my neck. I shift my hips back, so she doesn’t notice my erection.
“I suppose we should get up now,” I suggest hesitantly. She remains silent and I feel a tension between us. Then her hand starts to explore my abdomen, and moves down, she giggles when she finds my erection.
“Hmm hmm, doesn’t look like you are ready to go anywhere yet? Did last night leave you a bit horny?” she teases. She feels my nod.
She leans back, propping herself above me on her right elbow, and with a movement of her head, she throws her mess of hair back behind her right should expose her neck. Her left-hand grips my cock, and she starts a gentle up and down movement. Our gazes lock, she grins at me. Then she opens the sleeping bag revealing our bodies to the fresh air. I’m now fully awake. She knees beside me at the level of my hips and resumes her handjob faster now. Her eyes find mine again.
She chuckles. “You know how this is going to finish don’t you?” she whispers playfully as I start to tense my body.
“Hm! But I thought we said every evening, not morning…” I manage, keeping my voice low.
“At least every evening,” she corrects. “But I can stop if you want.” Her movements feel so good, she looks down at me amused.
“Can’t you just let me? I promise I will let you ruin me again tonight.”
She slows right down.
“Um, but the experiment won’t work if we do that, will it?” she replies a little awkwardly.
“No, I suppose not,” I groan. She smiles and speeds up again.
“Come on then, just relax!” She rubs my chest.
My hips start to understand, and she switches to her right hand and picks up even more speed, holding my gaze, her left-hand strokes my balls. She opens her mouth and gasps with me. She leans in closer so I can feel her breath between my legs. She keeps going for a couple of minutes, Sometimes slowing for a few strokes, always watching my face and grinning. Then just as I reach the point of no return she let’s go and my cock falls onto my abdomen. Her mouth is open, inches from my cock, she watches my face with soft eyes. Just like thenight before, no orgasm comes, instead I feel very clearly my ejaculate move up my urethra and gently leak out onto my abdomen. I focus on the strange sensing. Amy sights with a beaming smile, she leans in and kisses my chest gently. Then she pulls out a tissue from her jacket and still kneeing over me starts to wipe up the cum very gently and carefully.
“Thank you,” she says affectionately. She leans back over and pecks me on the corner of my mouth. She checks the time on her phone. “Ow! I should get going! I have to find Jane before she starts to worry.”
“Uh. Oh. Ok!” I reply still catching my breath. She gets dressed, kisses me once more, and leaves. Somebody whistles as she walks away from my tent and I hear some laughter, I grin. What have I gotten myself into? The sensing of her lips on mine lingers, her scent hangs in the air. My balls felt drained now, but like last night my cock somehow buzzes and it feels irritated. I don’t feel like I have it in me to cum again, and yet I want to, it’s quite frustrating.
I take a shower. I put the tent in order and put the sleeping bag to air. That day we go hiking. Me and Amy walk side by side chatting. My friends notice, they glance at us and laugh. I learn that she is at the same university as me. That she is studying ethology, the science of animal behavior. I also learn that she is more in shape than me as I struggle to keep her pace on our way up, she keeps glancing back at me as if to challenge me. We talk about politics, we talk about past relationships, we talk about films. She is growing on me, and she seems to like me back. As we talk and we decide to keep seeing each other after the holidays. She jokes that she wants to see if I can make it through this week with her first, I groan but chuckle. And by the time we find ourselves alone in my tent later that night, I’m feeling butterflies when she looks me in the eyes.
She starts kissing me passwordately, our tongues intertwine, our brEathing is ragged. My legs are sore from the hike, and my balls felt drained. I want her but at the same time, I feel like I don’t have it in me. We lay beside each other in our underwear. She strokes my face.
“I’m feeling kind of drained, to be honest,” I admit. She grins and rolls onto me. She sits up, my hips between her legs, she leans forward so her pussy is directly resting on my penis, separated only by two thin layers of fabric.
As she leans over me her hair falls around our faces. Her musky scent envelopes me. Then she whispers softly, “that’s ok, don’t worry, we don’t have to.”
Even though I know I still won’t get to really cum, the thought of just cuddling frustrates me even more. Maybe with another ruined, I will feel a bit more relieved.
“Uh, well maybe we can try even so…” I suggest sheepishly. She kisses me passwordately.
“Mmm, then let’s see what I can do to get you going!”
She starts to slowly grind her hips against mine. My penis isthrobbing and buzzing, it swells a little but doesn’t quite get hard. Amy reachings down under herself and puts a finger in her panties, she brings it back up, it’s wet. She wipes it gently under my nose, so I smell her pussy juices, and I get a little harder between the heat of her thighs. She leans up and reaches for a condom. She stops her grinding and slips it on me carefully, in the moonlight I can make out her cheeky expression. Then she guides my semi-erect penis to her pussy. She makes soft encouraging little moans as she looks down at me and rubs the head of my cock on the hot wetness between her leg. She pushes it in a little way, and I feel the tight hot squeeze around my cock. She moves slightly up and down, and the sensing gets me hard enough to push all the way in. She feels fantastic as she rises slowly up and down. She puts her hands in her hair as she fucks me.
I sit up to undo her bra. Her breasts fall out and I sit up even further to suck on her nipples. She lets out a little gasp of pleasure and I run my tongue in circles around her nipples, turn in turn. I pull her sweaty body now on top of me and kiss her neck. I buck my hips to thrust into her, with each thrust she lets out a muffled gasp and moans into my ear.
“Keep going!” she moans.
She complains above me, she wraps one arm around the back of my neck, the other reaches down to stimulate her clip. She feels great, but I feel I could take a while to cum, like when you’ve masturbated a bit too often. Her breathing accelerates. She pants words of encouragement into my ears. Although everything, I feel the pleasure rise in me two. I am tense, I feel my back muscles burn from all the thrusting up into her, but I keep going harder and faster. She starts to shudder.
“Slow, slow down, it’s not a race boy” she whispers with a giggle, I obey and slow my thrusts, she strokes my face.
“Ok Amy, how about we go slow and deep,” I whisper in her ear. She lets out a little gasp.
“Hmmm, yer, that feels great Ethan.”
She places an arm on either side of my head and pushes up above me and back into my thrusts. She looks down at me. Her sweaty breasts hang in front of my face and her back arches down. She closes her eyes as we pick up speed. She reaches back to touch herself and I see her face grimace with pleasure. I pull her down onto me.
“I’m going to make you cum so hard girl!” She squirms with pleasure in my arms.
“Yes! Yes! Ow! Ow god! Yes!” she gasps, trying her best to keep as quiet as possible. Her hips buck into my thrusts and she gasps for air. Her face twists as if she is in pain but with a weak smile and her pussy clenches, she shakes above me as she orgasms.
It feels great and I am getting quite close too but she pats my chest. “Oow, slow down, slow down.”
I slow to a gentle thrust. She slumps onto me wrapping her arms around the back of my head. I feel her hot breath on my neck. I am still inside her, but I am still now.
“That was great!” she pants into my ear. She remains still for a minute catching her breath, I feel my orgasm reception, I lay there under the heat of her body, breathing in her scent. Finally, she strokes my face, and with soft eyes and an amused grin she whispers, “Now I better take care of you.”
Then she sits up and rises on her knees. My penis still sheathed in a condom and soaking falls out. She sits on my abdomen facing me with my penis resting on her butt. She reaches behind her and starts jerking on my cock hard slowly. She looks back at me, I place my hands on her hips.
“You see Ethan, every animal responses to stimuli,” she begins, whispering in a tone of mock condescension. “Each stimulation,” she squeezes harder and I gasp, “elicits a response in the animal, a behavior.” I hold her gaze transfixed. She lets go an instant, spits on her hand, and reaches back, she strokes faster and harder.
“Some stimuli trigger reproductive behavior, Ethan,” she cotinues with a cheeky smile. “You see a girl like me… you smell me, you feel me,” she moves my right hand up onto her left breast, “and, as a male, you want to cum in me!”
I let out a small moan in reply. God yes, the cent of sex fills the tent, I feel her tights on either side of me. She picks up the speed and I feel the pleasure build, but as I approach the edge she slows right down again. I twist and turn in frustration.
“Not yet!” she says mockingly, opening her mouth in a fake gasp.
“Please!” I beg, still keeping my voice at a whisper.
“But humans are not like other animals, Ethan,” she continues ignoring me, her hand still pleasure me down below. I groan again. “We can do more than just fulfilling our basic animal needs!” She changes hand. “We can fuck to enjoy the moment, not just for a quick orgasm but for connection!” She looks me in the eyes. “Of course, us girls know this Ethan, but you boys, well I’m afraid you have to learn it,” she explains ina slightly more humorous tone.
She adds a flick of the wrist to increase the sensing and I push up against her weight. She goes a few seconds fast, then a few slow, fast again, slow again. She watches my expression.
“Hmmm, I know it’s hard, but I will help you I promise, we will do it together, me and you, ok? Me… and… you… do you like the sound of that Ethan?”
“Y-yes,” I manage to gasp.
“Are you ready to let go of your orgasm for me?” she whispers in a playful tone.
I feel it rising in me. My heart races. Oh god is she really going to ruin it again?
“Yes- I- please just-“
I buck beneath her as I get to the point of no return, and for the third time in 24hrs, she coldly lets go. In a swift movement, She grabs my hands and leans forwards bringing them down beside my head, interlacing her fingers in mine. Her sweaty mess of hair covers my face and her soft breasts push up against my chest. I buck and my cock bounces against her butt butit’s not enough.
“Stay with me,” she whispers in my ear. “I’m here, focus on my body! Let go of the orgasm, you don’t need it!”
My orgasm seems to receive, all my sense focus on her, I feel her against me, warm and soft and loving, and I relax. We kiss passwordately, and the emptiness of the orgasm that never came is filled by the warmth of her kiss, and the sensing of her hands gripping mine. After a few seconds she leans up and I feel cold air fill the space between us. She pivots to inspect the tip of my condom as I catch my breath, she flicks the head of my cock.
“Hum, not sure if that’s a bit of cum in there or just precum, maybe I stopped too soon.”
“I’m not sure… I, I didn’t feel it.”
She seems satisfied with that response.
“Well you know what They say, the best lucks are the ones you can hardly feel,” she replies playfully.
“Who the hell says that, Amy?” I chuckle.
She grins and shrugs. “People… uh, online?”
Then she suddenly starts stroking me hard again, but I’m too sensitive and it hurts. “Ahah! Stop!” I exclaim.
“Ow sorry! Hum, guess you did cum a bit then hey, well, kinda,” she giggles. I saw in frustration, but I felt nothing, it must have been a tiny dribble!
A few minutes later, after clean-up, we are cuddling. I feel sleepy despite the sort of itchy buzzing sensing between my legs. I pinch my penis to save the sensing, but she feels me shuffle and grabs my hand, she brings it around and holds it against her warm soft abdomen. “You’re the best, I love being with you,” she whispers sleepily. The compliment makes me feel butterflies. “Me too Amy, I really like you.” I am exhausted and drunk on the scent of her hair, but the sensing down below keeps me awake for a while longer. These next few days are going to be hard, but worth it, for her, I think to myself as I drift off.
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