Sharing Love of Self-Bondage

A man is enlisted (perhaps mildly coerced) into helping a young woman explore self-bondage. During the ensuing session, he becomes her quasi Top.



My mouth was hanging open. My hands were trembling, and I was having difficult holding the phone. The video showed me trusted up like a bondage slut, with a fucking machine working a huge stallion-shaped dildo in and out of my ass, deeply and slowly. You could hear my pleasure as I moaned and panted.

I looked up from the video into the eyes of my cleaning lady, Angela. I should have been furious, but the fact was I was terrified. She told me when she arrived that she needed to talk to me. It was an urgent matter, and it couldn’t wait. The standard employee thoughts ran through my head: raise; family emergency; time off; or quitting. I didn’t expect her to hand me her phone and say: ‘please watch this, then we’ll talk.’

I sat before Angela trembling. I had to look away. I was ashamed. Crushed. Terrified. What would she demand? Oh god! Why did I have to give her the key to my house!

Angela spoke; quietly, soothingly. “Please don’t be frightened, Mr. Taylor. I’m not gonna do anything with the video. In fact, if you want to delete it from my phone, please do. But the video seemed the best way to broach the subject.”

She stopped talking. I looked at the phone in my hands. The video had stopped, and the file manager was now displayed. I looked back at her and then back at the phone.

“How?” I managed to whisper. “Why?”

I looked from the phone to Angela’s face. Confused. What game was she playing?

She turned red and looked at the floor. “I didn’t mean to catch you playing. After I left on Friday, I couldn’t find my phone. I Remembered taking a call in your Game room. And I called to ask if you could look for it. You didn’t answer. Then I remembered you were leaving for the weekend. I assumed you had already left, so I came over and let myself in- and well, that’s when I saw you.”

She paused, and we sat in uncomfortable silence. It stretched on for a couple minutes.

“I didn’t mean to catch you,” Angela exclaimed. “I’m not trying to blackmail you or force you into anything. But… Well… I…” she trailed off again and looked at the floor.

She seemed to be as embarrassed and confused as I was. I continued to watch her. Was this some game? Was she acting? Was she gonna go all psycho on me at any moment. The silence built again until I couldn’t take it.

“If you didn’t mean to catch or embarrass me, why take the video? Why not just get your phone and leave!” I was starting to get angry, and my voice was rising.

She looked at me, concern and worry on her face. “Because… Because I want you to do that to me!” It burst from her lips, then she quickly looked at the floor again.

I was rocked. My head nearly exploded. “You want me to do what!”

“I want you to tie me up and fuck me with that machine. And… well… if you’d like… to use me yourself…”

She keep looking at the floor and was wringing her hands in her lap. She appeared serious. She wasn’t here to blackmail me; she was here asking if she could play with me. I was stunned.

“But why me? You’re young, attractive, desirable; surely you know men that would be delighted to tie you up – and well – to use your words, ‘use you.’”

“I’ve never been able to speak to anyone about this before.” She spoke to the floor, her words barely audible. “So when I saw you like that, I knew… Well, I knew you wouldn’t think I was a freak.”

She looked up at me. A tear trailed down her cheek. Her eye’s pleading. “You understand – right? You know the pleasure. The crippling fear of people finding out. The terror of broaching the subject with friends or potential partners.”

Angela paused, perhaps waiting for me to respond. When I didn’t say anything, she continued.

“I’ve never been able to tell anyone.Not even my closest girlfriends. They all think bondage is sick. Dirty and twisted. Something for degenerates. So when I saw you, I thought: he understands. He gets it. Maybe… Maybe we could play together…”

She had become animated but trailed off. Looking at the floor again.

I smiled. How could I not? This beautiful young woman was sitting here baring her soul, asking for my help. I wondered if I could trust her, but that only lasted a minute. She had all the dirt she needed if the plan was to ruin or destroy my life. She could have blackmailed me or worse. No, trust wasn’t the issue.

I took her hands in mine, and she looked into my eyes again. “I’ve never been a Top before.” I soothed.

She cocked her head to the side like she didn’t understand.

“You know about Top and Bottom in bondage, don’t you?” I queried.

“Yes.” she sniffled quietly.

I handed her a kleenex box from the window sill. She dabbed her eyes, then blew and wiped her nose.

“So, I’ve never been a Top before. I’m not sure I can be what you need. We can try… if you really want… but…”

This time, I trailed off, unsure how to continue. This was way beyond my experience or comfort zone. I’d never done bondage with another person. Like her, I’d never had the nerve to mention it to another soul. That’s why I got into self-bondage, and I’d become very adept at it.

So we sat facing one another – both looking at the floor. Angela’s hands were still in mine.

“Well,” she started, “perhaps you could guide me in self-bondage. You know – be there in case something goes wrong. A safety net, in case I can’t get out.”

I looked up at her, and she was looking at me, biting her lip. Hopeful. Demure. Beautiful.

I smiled. “I can do that.”

She smiled, and it got awkward again, and we both sat there.

“I should probably start cleaning…” she stuttered unfortunately.

“No. We need to talk about this now. If we don’t – we’re both gonna chicken out. Don’t you think?”

She nodded.

“Okay. So… I guess the first thing is when are we doing this?”

“Could we do it now?” She asked quickly. “If we don’t do it now, I’m afraid I’ll get cold feet. Maybe even be afraid to return.”

“Oh… um… well… sure, if you don’t mind using stuff I’ve, you know, used…”

She smiled at me. “I’ve cleaned your house for over 6 months, Mr. Taylor. I know how clean and meticulous you are. I’m not worried about using your stuff. But I understand if you don’t want me using your toys and equipment.”

“Angela, my name is Bob. If this is happening, you can’t keep calling me Mr. Taylor. It makes me feel weird. Like I’m a teacher preying on a student.”

“Okay. Bob. So… can we do this now?” she looked down at our still clapped hands.

“Yeah, if you really want to. We can try. But we need to set some ground rules first. Okay?”


“Okay. So first. Are you planning or wanting to getnaked this first time?”

“Yes,” she answered firmly and quickly. Perhaps to prevent any change of heart.

“Have you ever been tied up before?”


“Really? Fully bound, so you couldn’t get free?”

“Okay, no, I’ve bound my legs and tied myself to a footstool before, but my hands have always been free. I’m too worried I’ll get stuck.”

“Okay. Do you have any issues with circulation or bruising from bondage?”

“Well… I’ve tied my ankles too tight before, which caused my feet to turn purple. So maybe, I guess…”

Angela and I talked back and forth for about 30 minutes, with me asking very pointed questions about her experience and knowledge. The conversation became fun, and we started to enjoy ourselves. She started asking me questions about my experience. My likes and dislikes. We queried one another about our fansies and fetishes – I mean – she’d seen me fucking my ass with a fucking machine, watching porn – it’s not like I had many secrets left.

I got drinks – beer for me – vodka rocks for her – which surprised me. We continued talking, and after another half hour, we decided to move forward, To see if I could help her with her first self-bondage session.

We got up and headed down to the Game room. I unlocked the furnace room, just off the Game room, and walked Angela – Angie now – into my toy storage room.

Her face betrayed her amazement, and she clapped her hands near her chin as she eyed all the items in the room.

“Holy fuck!” she gushed. “This is amazing. It’s like a candy store.”

I grinned from ear to ear. She got it. She really understand.

“So… It’s your party… pick your poison.” I waved my hand around the room.

“Jesus. I don’t know. How long can we play? I don’t want you to drag out a whole bunch of stuff if you have plans…”

“I’m retired, Angie. I have nothing planned until Thursday, so this is all about you. How long do you have? And don’t assume you can handle this for hours your first time.”

“Awesome! I’m free all day,” she gushed, “So I can pick anything?”

“Anything at all. It all get’s cleaned before it gets put away. And all the lingerie and latex items have been washed and cleaned. However, I’m not sure the clothes items will fit you – but you can try them on if you like…”

Angie clapped and danced like a giddy schoolgirl. She started moving around the room – examining equipment, frames, chairs, crosses, floggers, paddles, dildos, vibrators, butt-plugs, fucking machines, and my lingerie and latex collection.

She looked back at me. “Toys too?” She had a large life-like black dildo in her hands.

I grinned. “Toys too.”

She looked at the cock in her hands. “Does this go with a specific fucking machine?”

“They all support the same attachments. I usually choose the machine based on the frame I plan to stick myself into.”

“Oh. Okay. So I’ll pick out a frame first. Do you have a recommendationdation for a first-timer?”

I was enjoying this. Sharing my password with someone for the first time.

“Well, the gynecology chair is probably the most appropriate. It’s comfortable. Allows access to both your holes. And allow you to stick yourself in easily. I don’t have a pussy, so I’m not sure about getting a fucking machine lined up for that particular hole, but I’m sure we can figure it out…”

The chair has MagBound time-release locks fastened near the top of the seatback, so it’s just a matter of setting the timer and seating the cylinder into the base. And if you’re concerned about your hands being restrained, we can move the power cords within your grap. If you pull the power cord, the locks release. It’s their built-in failsafe.

“Wow! Time-release locks. And all this equipment and these toys… This shit must have cost you a fortune…”

I’ve acquired it over more than a decade. I have no idea how much I’ve spent. I stopped counting after I bought myfirst fucking machine for more than $1000. But if I had to guess, I’d say – $20-30,000 in this room. Less than the cost of a decent car, but I can assure you, I’ve gotten more pleasure out of this room than any car has ever provided.” I laughed – thinking how true that statement was.

Angie picked items, and we piled them on the gyno chair. When she was done, we wheeled the chair into the Game room and positioned it in the center of the room, facing the 80-inch TV.

I asked if she wanted to watch porn while she was bound. Or if she just wanted some music or just peace and quiet.

“What kind of porn do you have?”

“Well, no gay or bisexual porn, but I have pretty much anything else you can think of. We can also stream any Internet porn site if there’s something, in particular, you’d like to watch.”

She paused for a second, considering something.

“I’ve got a subscription to the ‘Sexually Broken’ site. Could I log into that and play something?”

I laughed. “No need. I have an account too. We’ll load up your choice after we get you settled. Sound good?”


The gyno chair has a 6-outlet power block attached to it, which I plugged into the wall. I positioned the Matrix Multi-Angle fucking machine before the chair and ran its cord to the power block. I set the height to where I thought Angie’s pussy would sit and turned to see if she needed assistance.

She had removed her clothes and placed them on the sofa. As I watched, Angie turned to face me. My eyes expanded, and I’m pretty sure my mouth dropped open. She was a vision.

She had pulled her blonde hair up on top of her head and fastened it in place. Her long supplement neck was that of a supermodel. Her radiant grey-blue eyes blazed from her oval face. Her cheeks were pink with just a hint of rouge, and vibrant ruby ​​lipstick glistened on her lips.

Angie’s skin was tanned bronze, with incredibly defined tan lines highlighting her tits and pussy. The color contrast was striking – alabaster white on golden bronze. Her breasts were small and pert, barely bumps with tiny dark areolas and dainty protruding nipples. But her nipples were pierced, each sporting a small gold ring.

Her pussy was shaken but showing stubble. It had a tiny landing strip of yellow-blond hair above it, leading down to a tight slit and her puffy outer lips. Her thighs were together, but there was a delightful 2-inch gap between her tights where they met her pussy.

As I watched, she spun, revealing her toned, tight ass. It was spectacular, with a small heart tattoo on the right cheek and the Rolling Stone’s logo on the left cheek. Her legs were long and lithe – perhaps even thin. But her calves were toned and taut, and she was standing on her toes, further enhancing the vision of her calves.

Her back was the pièce de résistance. A spectacular black and grey tattoo covered nearly the entire surface. A female angel stood above men in supplication. Her hands were on the hilt of a long sword, picing the ground at her bare dainty feet. Her wings partially extended, filling Angie’s should blades and extending on to her triceps. It was a masterpiece. The angel looked like she could step off Angie’s back and into the room.

“You really like it?” She turned and faced me. Searching my eyes for deception.

“Like it? Fuck I don’t have the words to describe its beauty. The artist is… Well… You could hang your tattoo in any museum, and people would flock to see it.”

She beamed. “I drew it. But the woman that tattooed it is the real star.”

“You drew it? Jesus, what are you doing cleaning houses for a living. You could sell your art for a fortune.”

She danced on her toes and twisted from side to side. “Thanks! That means a lot to me.”

We looked at one another for a few seconds, and I became uncomfortable – my cock was getting hard. Thank god I was wearing booty shorts under my sweatpants. Otherwise, I’d be sporting a rather large tent in my pants.

“So,” she asked. “How do we get started.”

“Right,” I cought, “come over here and sit on the chair and we’ll set the stirrup heights and position the fucking machine. Then we’ll figure out how you can pull it into place to penetrate yourself when you’re ready.”

She laughed, “You know those leg supports aren’t stirrups, right? Stirrups were called stirrups because they looked like the part of a horse saddle.”

She skipped towards me, not waiting for me to answer. “This is so fucking awesome,” she beamed.

“Yeah, okay, you got me. But stirrup is far easier to say than leg support, so I’m sticking with stirrups.” I was thrilled we could banter like this.

When Angie reached the chair, she examined it for a minute, then moved the stirrups higher. “Now you can just lower them. Much easier than fighting gravity to raise them.”

She hoped up on the chair, raised her legs into the stirrup, shifted forward until her ass was just over the end of the chair, and waited. I couldn’t help myself. Her delectable pussy and ass were on full display – I stared lustfully.

“The offer to play with me still stands…”

I looked up. Angie had caught me ogling her goods. She looked into my eyes, playfully imploring me to play with her.

I cought unfortunately again. “Um. Maybe. Why don’t we see how things go…” I trailed off.

“Oh… Okay.” She seemed disappointed, maybe even hurt.

“So, how are the stirrups? Higher? Lower?”

“Down just a touch. My lower back isn’t quite touching the chair.”

I released the stirrup for her right leg and let it lower. She was right about using gravity. I could immediately feel it when her back touched the chair. I did the same for her left leg. Eying her pussy the entire time.

I stood back. “How’s that?”

“Perfect,” she replied. “What’s next?”

“Well… now I’ll show you how to tie your legs to the stirrups. We’ll start with some simple rope wraps for today. If more intricate ties interesting you, you can research how-to videos. I can help to ensure you don’t tie them too tight. That’s the most important thing.”


We spend 10-15 minutes tying her shins to the stirrups. Just a basic wrap. I did the left leg, showing her how to ensure the ropes didn’t get too tight, then Angie did her right leg. It took a couple of tries, but we got her legs securely fastened to the gyno chair.

The entire time, my eyes kept scanning back to Angie’s pussy. It was like a magnet. I just wanted to drop to my knees and worship it. But that would really kill the idea that I was being a Top for her. So I held it together and ignored my desire.

“What’s next?” she queried.

I looked at her and realized she’d caught me staring again. Her smile was mischievous – she was really enjoying this.

“Next, we need to line up the fucking machinewith your pussy and figure out how you can pull it towards you. In hindsight, we should have probably done that before we tied your legs. Then you could hop on and off the chair and use the controls to get lined up and inserted. After all, this is supposed to be self-bondage.”

I scratched my chin, realizing my mistake. There really was no way to pull the Matrix around. Once it was in position, if we tried to move it using a rope or something, its back leg would just come off the floor and drop back. Or it might jerk forward more than desired. Nope, I’d fucked up.

“This isn’t gonna work. You’re not going to be able to pull it towards you.” I reflected.

“So what do we do?” Angie queried. She looked crestfallen.

“Well… Unless you want me to untie you, I’ll have to help you insert it and get the depth right…” You could hear the disappoint and concern in my voice.

“You did this on purpose, didn’t you? You just want to insert something in my little pink pssy.”

I looked up at her in shock, ready to defend myself. That’s when I saw she was teasing me and enjoying my disappointment. I shook my head in amazement and perhaps a bit of joy. Maybe she was right. Maybe subconsciously, I did do it on purpose.

I spent a couple minutes attaching the large black dildo to the Matrix. I moved the legs close to the chair and raised the height so that it was aligned with her pussy. I used the controller to fully retracted the thrust rod, then placed the dildo tip against her pussy.

In her current position, Angie’s pussy was open just a touch. Her inner lips were visible, and a small trickle of moisture was trailing towards her ass. I realized we hadn’t thought to lube her yet, and it was a pretty big dildo.

“Um, we need to get you lubed. How about I lube the dildo, and you lube your pussy?” I croaked uncomfortable.

“Okay, but I prefer spit rather than lube. So you wrap your lips around that big cock and show me how good you cansuck it, and I’ll get my pussy.”

My face turned red as a Christmas stocking, and my mouth dropped open in shock. I stood there, not knowing what to do.

Angie already had fingers in her mouth, gathering spit. She pulled her fingers free, brought them to her pussy, smeared spit around her lips, then inserted two fingers and lubed the inside of her cunt.

“Jesus, Bob. I was joking,” she teased. “But I really do prefer spit. So either spit on it yourself or bring that big fuck stick up to my mouth, and I’ll lube it.



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