Watching Punishment

This is dedicated to all the thoughtful, open submissive women who teach me their pleasure on Lit Chat but also to that special sub who is now mine. -C


Watching Punishment

A Submissive Woman’s Penalty

Dean felt the kid’s eyes on them the moment they came in the door. Diana glowed like there was light inside her, the beaded cocktail dress ghosted her torso and her hair all pinned up showed her neck. Just looking at her made him want to kiss her neck, to mark her to…the list got long when he thought about it and aroused him in his tux, so he kept his distance, viewing her like a masterpiece, like the Mona Lisa or the Venus de Milo, the living, breathing incarnation of his lust just there, and at his beck and call. It was her full willingness to knee to him that sacrificed him and put him two gnat steps away From arousal whenever she was around. His hands tensed because he lusted for the feel of her skin. His mind undressed her and caressed her, he heard hergasps as he did what she liked, what she loved, what she long for. Her utter satisfaction wrung him out.

He turned away from her and felt her stiffen. She’d never understand that the little flourish of rejection when she was so beautiful, so perfectly his. He turned back and looked down at her. When he bent and kissed her jawline, she fairly blossomed, lighting up like he’d put a diamond on her finger, but this was better, more erotic, more extensive, he owned her and she consented to his ownership.

He felt the eyes, glowing at him and for a moment he locked his eyes with the young man, pretty, desperately handsome, every line drawn by design, the tux fitted, likely one of several that the young Tennengroend heir owned. Still, for all the tradition, for all the money, for all the power, Terrence Tennengroend looked away first, his eyes shifted and then shifted again but then flicked back to Dean’s. Finding Dean’s soft hazel eyes on him still, his flicked away again butHis face tightened so very slightly it could have been a trick of the light, but Dean saw, so when the moment came, he wasn’t surprised, disappointed but not surprised.

The cocktail party was a private affairs held in a Master suite at the Marquise D’Or Grand Hotel. The Tannengroend family was in negotiations with Dean’s firm and Dean had managed to gain an interview with Jorge Tannengroend, the older patriarch of that family. The planned forty-five minute meeting had stretched to three hours and the distinguished old man had agreed to the meeting with the VP of operations but only on condition that Dean have dinner with him and meet his son afterward. Salvador was the spitting image of his father but younger, of course, angular, chiseled, with the same close cropped good hair but his was coal black and his father’s was all white, snow white.

Dankins, the VP of Operations was miffed when he was “dismissed” and the two Tannengroends left with Dean. During the meal, Jorge hadleaned in and said in a low voice only the three of them could possibly hear, “My good man, I am an intuitive man and there is something about you I like and like very much. I don’t often feel this about a person but when I do, I listen to it and embrace it. Will you join me,” he glanced at his son, “us, for a little soiree, a cocktail, or two, very formal but…” Here, he glanced at his son.

What passed between them Dean didn’t know but the son nodded.

“Let’s us be frank with each outer, Mr. Barringer, you have…shall we say a woman, a very special woman…whom you might like to bring to this party.” The man smiled not unkindly but rather unctually for a man of his status.

Dean waited, not sure he was hearing what he was hearing. He felt exposed but to volunteer, to confirm what the man was suggesting was…unsettling.

At that point, Salvador had laid a hand on Dean’s arm, the hand laying inconspicuously on the table.

“My father, is too circuitspect byhalf. You own her, he means. Your submissive. Our family is…shall we say, replace with women who wear a collar or as in your case, knee for you?”

Dean was shocked. He wanted to ask how these people knew of Diana, how they dared present this to him at all, something so private. He withdraw his hand from Salvador’s touch and they understand each other. The man nodded and moved his own hand off the table. He looked at his father and arched his eyebrow. Jorge smiled, a slight nod.

“Mr. Barringer, you and I understand each other.” He said. “I have a number of women who knee to me. My son has some more eclectic tastes but we are not wont to alter anyone’s tastes. Bring her, I would like to see her, meet her, your female.”

The way he spoke that word touched Dean with an erotic thrill. He had a flash of Diana in this powerful man’s swway and the plained thrill she’d have bound up in his thrall. It may never happen but the idea touched him and he had that familiar twinge that jolt that was his constant desire for her.

“When?” He’d asked and the agreement was made, as easy as ordering pie.

“And my good man, do collar her. She won’t be alone and, if Sally is right, she’d add to the splendor of the evening.”

That was how Dean and Diana came to be in this illustrious company and how she came to have a collar on her neck of silver and the silver chain as delicate as an angel’s braid running from her neck to his hand when they knocked on the door of the suite and were admitted. The style of the other women, in bejeweled but unmistakable collars was to hold their own leads in their hands, in one hand while they mingled, speaking and meeting and exchanging pleasuresants. Occasionally, one would stand up to a man and he would pull her to him and kiss her, a rampant show of ownership that made her blush and turn away when he finished, often to fix her hair or replenish smelled lipstick.

Those moments were like flashes of phosphorescent light flaring and then fading, leaving a garish imprint on the corners of all who saw it. It didn’t happen often but enough to connect the floating free radicals of collared women in the room to their owners. When Diana approached, Dean thought about making some such demonstration but refrained, savoring the idea, the desire but preferring to leave her in the easy state of excitement that showed plainly on her face. He thought Afterward that had been his mistake, to not mark it out clearly that she was his and his alone.

She took her cue easily from the five or six other women in the room wearing their collars and carrying the leads in one hand. Dean handed his to her and she drifted away, her silver chain held in her left hand. He circularized, nodding and speaking to the two or three people he knew, ending finally at Jorge Tannegroend’s elbow listening to the man declare about politics and finance with his casual air of lordly command. They were discussing the US national debtWhen there was a sudden change in the atmosphere and a slight disorder.

Jorge raised his eyesbrows, staring past Dean. Dean turned in time to see Diana toss her drink into the young man’s face. Her eyes blazed. The young man reached for her wrist, the hand that held her lead. Dean moved so fast, he bumped a woman’s arm and spilled her drink but he cared nothing for that. Before he arrived, however, Salvador Tannengroend was there, his hand on the young man’s neck, squeezing it hard and speaking in a very soft barely audible tone that Dean just caught as he arrived at Diana’s side.

“Unhand her, boy or I swear I will have you horsewhipped. She is not yours and not ours and you do not put a hand on her unless invited to do so!”

The young man hesitated then simply opened his hand. Di pulled back her wrist, rubbing it with her other hand. Dean put a hand on her elbow. The champion glistened on the young man’s face, gray splotches tainted the white collar of his shirt. His face blazed red.

“Cunt!” He swore.

“Terrence, by god, son, I warn you…apologize.” Salvador’s voice was low, like thunder.

Dean felt a presence at his side and glance around to find Jorge Tannengroend there.

“Sally, I told you the boy wasn’t ready. Take him out of here.”

“Not until he apologizes.” Salvador said his eyes fixed on his son.

“Apologize? She throw a drink in my face!”

“And you called my Master an old sod, a fool and said I should knee to you. I would never…” Diana’s voice tried in the silence. The entire room had gone silent. Dean’s hand on her arm silenced her, a death grip that communicated clearly his feeling at that moment.

“Diana, words should not provoke you to such rude behavior.” Dean said. “Please apologize to Mr. Tannengroend.”

She looked, not at Dean but first at Jorge. She nodded, the color rising in her face.

“I have behaved badly, Sir. I apologize to you for…my actions.” She reached out and touched Jorge’s arm. “I am sorry. Please forgive me.”

Jorge let her hand remain on his arm for a moment, a pause made too long by the silent but erotic by the stillness and his closed eyes. He opened them and turned his head to Dean.

“Mr. Barringer, please introduce me to this lovely creativity.” He said, his voice a smooth flow of sound that felt like an orchestral swell.

“Jorge Tennengroend, may I present Diana Cantwell, my pet.” Dean spoke the last two words with a bit of a slur. Suddenly aroused, he wanted to take her right then. Salvador who still held his son by the neck, shook the young man like a wolf shakes a cub. The young man glowered, anger evidence still on his face.

Diana turned to Salvador.

“I am so sorry for my rude behavior. Do forgive me.” She whispered. It was artisticly done because there was no telling to whom she addressed her words. Salvador shook the young man again.


“Cunt!” The man said. Salvador’s hand crackedAgainst the back of his head. The boy cringed then and glowered at the entire world. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, okay? What’s she doing with that old shit anyway? A hot piece like…”

Jorge turned the boy out of his father’s grapp and slapped him with an open hand before he could finish the sentence.

“Take him out of here, Sally.” Jorge said, his voice quivering.

The two cut a swath through the crowd to an internal door and vanished. The manufacturer challenge ended and the murmur of conversation rose once more.

Jorge laid his hand on Dean’s arm.

“My good man, I am so sorry….”

Dean pulled his eyes away from Diana.

“No sir, she is at fault. I have insulted you and abused your hospitality. It would be better if we just go.”

Jorge, graceful to a fault, merely nodded.

“As you wish.”

Dean did blush then, the hot scarlet flooded his skin.

“Come, Kitty, we must leave.” He reached, not for her hand but for the silver lean she held inher hand. She surrendered it, bitting her lip. Dean turned to Jorge. “I don’t know what to say, I thought she was better trained than this. I apologize. Sincerely.”

Jorge extended his hand. His smile was warm and comradely.

“Mr. Barringer, at least she’s not your family. My grandson…” he shrugged. “You saw, you heard. He’s a shit and we are at a loss as to how to deal with him. He prevails on us to give him station in our family and then he embarrasses us as he did tonight. It is not the first time nor is it likely to be the last, I fear. He wants his own…pet…” the man’s eyes raked down Diana’s body and then returned to Dean’s. “But I fear he hasn’t got the temperature for it. He’s…more…shall we say rambunctious? I do think it would be best if you go, however, much as I’d like to…become better acquainted with this diverting creativity, it would be unseemly I think. I am glad you came and am sorry to see you go but discretion is the better part of valor….”

His smile was since and he patted Dean on the back.

Dean turned to Diana. He hoped she’d see in his eyes what was in his flesh. The sudden flinch in her, the slight widening of her eyes told him she understand. The walk to the door was uncomfortable. Diana trailed behind him the chain connecting them. He opened the door and went through it into the cool hall of the hotel. Diana followed but huddled against him.

“Master, he said you were an old fool and that he’d…he would be better for me than you. He said you don’t deserve me!” Her voice broke. “When he said that, I throw my champion in his face! Oh Master…” She clung to his arm and despite the trembling, despite the claws of her hands, rigid on his arm, Dean felt it, the crackling sizzle of their sexual connection. He walked and Diana struggled to keep up.

They arrived at the elevator. He turned and kissed her, taking her mouth with his. Her trembling vanished.

“You’re not angry with me, Master?” She whispered.

Dean smiled and she quailed. She knew that look.

“Oh no, Di, I am angry with you. But how can I punish you for this? You have landed me in quandary. I cannot leave this unpunished. I cannot fault you for your sentiment…” he kissed her again and this time her hands grasped his sides, clinging to him. The trembling had returned. The kiss stopped and she looked shattered at its ending. “But you embarrassed yourself and me. We couldn’t stay a minute longer. I had to lead you out of there like a dog!”

The elevator arrived and he looked away. He handed her the leash and she coiled it up so it nearly disappeared against the lattice of her dress. They didn’t speak again, not on the walk through the lobby, not in the taxi that took them back to the Bella Donna Arms hotel where they were staying for the week. Dean extended the stay for the weekend for this cocktail party alone and now this…..

He walked through the lobby of the Bella to the elevators. Diana trotted along behind, hurrying to keep up but failing. Her red sandal high heels made hurrying impossible or improbable at least and robbed from her beauty when she tried. She huddled against him waiting for the elevators. He turned to her.

“I must punish you, Di. You know how much I hate that, don’t you?”

She nodded.

“Yes sir. I’m sorry, sir!”

A couple glanced at them, their eyes drizzled with disbelief and judgment.

“Not now. Not here.” Dean whispered. He felt her stiffen and regretted it, he’d spoken first. He patted her hands on his arm but it seemed she was not reassured.

They didn’t speak until they were safely inside their room, not a suite but a room only but with two double beds.

“Master…” Diana began but he touched her lips with his fingers. Then he pushed her back against the wall of the narrow entrance way a hand on her neck. He put a hand under her dress, pulled aside her thong and touched her pussy. She grunted a little, her eyesclosing but they opened again. Her hands were crooked back over her shoulders against the wall. She held still while his fingers fluttered across the pursued lips of her pussy.

“You’re wet, Di.” He said softly.

“Yes, Master, god yes I am.” She was. He felt it oozing out of her, like milk from a sponge. His fingers located her entrance and pushed into her. Her hips lurched forward and her body squelched, loud enough to feel like an echo in the close quarters of the entry way.

“You want me to punish you, don’t you?” He mumbled, his voice thick with his desire.

“Don’t ask me that, Master, please!” Her tone carried the answer even if she refused him the words. He pushed into her harder and she grunted, then ground her cunt onto his fingers. “Oh god, that feels so good! Sir!” She crooned.

He yanked his fingers out of her.

“No.” He said aloud but it was not entirely clear to whom he was speaking. Diana looked frightened, gone still before him. Dean took her by the arm and drag walked her to the side of the near bed. “Kneel, Kitty.” He said. She did, immediately. He grabbed a handful of her messy chic hair and tipped her head back. He glared at her, letting the full humiliation of the ending of their night fill his eyes. She gazed up at him, and the trembling returned.

She didn’t speak. She couldn’t. There was nothing to say and Dean took some small pleasure that she knew enough not to say anything more.

“Kitty…” he began but she flinched and her eyes grew more terrorized. He relented, “Kitten, you packed the handscuffs?” He asked.

“Yes, sir.” She whispered.

“Get them please.” The hotel did not have the usual stock furnitures. Both beds were full queen sized but with a strong, wrong iron head board of long pipes and scroll work. Dean collected the pillows against the gnarly headboard and when Diana returned, he had her sit against he pillows.

“Bathroom, Di? I may not be back very soon.”

She noddedand did her business returning after washing her face and hands and patting them dry with a hand towel. She sat against the pillows and put her hands out beside her head. Dean hooked her to the bed. The cuffs had simple releases but they’d be devilishly difficult to release with one hand.

He left her there, alone in the silence of the room. Out in the hall he hesitated, took out his phone and fanned through his contacts. He touched the screen of his phone and connected. He felt a sort of ebullience when he heard the voice answer.

“Dean, my friend! I haven’t heard from you in ages! Tell me you’re in town!”

“Hey, Badger, yes, I’m in the city but right now I need a favor, and it’s a big one.”

“I owe you man, anything. What?”

Dean hesitated again, realizing he was being very abrupt.

“I’m here until Sunday evening. I’d love to see you, tomorrow or Sunday brunch or something?”

“I could do brunch. What time do you leave, Sunday?”

“Four I think.”

“So tenish, where are you staying?”

“The Bella Donna.”

“Nice. They have a great menu or buffet if you like. Say ten?”

“Ten works. Barry, listen…”

“Barry? Barry? When was the last time you called me that? I’m Badger to you and always will be.”

Dean smiled.

“Badger, listen I know this is asking a lot and really short notice but are you still…do you still own Lola?”

The man exhausted into his phone.

“God yes! She’s…why do you ask?”

“I want to borrow her. I need to punish her. You know, use her. I know it’d be asking a lot…”

“Now, you mean?”

“Yes. Now.”

“No marks, right. I mean you’re not crazy or something?”

“Nothing like that.” Dean began walking towards the elevator, optimism in the motion but also hope, erotic hope.

“Lola loves you man, I had to spank her last time you came through because she was so hot for you. You make her wet, man. Thanks for that by the way. Oh god, you want to punish her? This is perfect. I keep a list, you know, of infections. She broke my mother’s punch service bowl the other day and so she’s got some fun coming. Other things too. I let her ask for it, letting it dangle out there, then make her plead and beg until she’s fucking desperate. But this, god, handing her over to you? God, she’ll lose her mind! You always did have perfect timing. I’ve been threatening to take her sister up on her flirting offers and this would be perfect. God, Lola will come unglued!”

Badger always had grasped situations nearly immediately. They’d shared a number of girls in college and had gained a reputation there. They both discovered their dominant ways together and learned together until they found the right girl. For a while, they shared her, using her submission to them both and driving her insane with their constant use of her. Dean surprised, that was a while ago! A long, long while ago, but it remained fresh in his mind. Unforgettable.

Lola was a black woman, thirty-five, curvaceous, viciously smart, an attorney, and wildly erotic behind closed doors. She and Badger lived in the same condominium building and so her submission to him was very convenient, in the strict sense of proximity. Staying ahead of her demanding lust was a chore. She was a door knocker….


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