“Finally Friday,” I think happily to myself as I walk out of work. Not just for the obvious reasons either.
My love and I have a somewhat unorthodox relationship. In everyday life, we are like most couples. Decisions are discussed and made mutually. We have a partnership based on love, respect and trust.
However, it’s a little different in the bedroom. He is my Dom, I am his sub. And Friday night is
Maintenance Spanking night. It sets the tone for the weekend ahead. It lets both of us release the work week stress, anxiety and frustration, and move into the weekend in the mindset for our sexual explorations. It reaffirms his dominance, his care and love. It is vastly different than a discilinary spanking. It still hurts, but in a less intense way, and I always feel relaxed and happy after.
I drive home thinking of what’s ahead. Spanking always starts with a temperature taking. I have a love/hate relationship with that thermometer. And he knows it. He knows the embarrassment and powerlessness I feel in certain acts between us. Putting me in those positions always turn us both on. After checking my temperature to both embarrass me and to make sure I’m healthy enough for whatever he has planned for the weekend, the spanking begins. It starts firmly and becomes harder. I usually end up in tears, which I find oddly cleansing. After that, he may cuddle me and tell me I’m his good girl. Other times because I’m already over his lap, his fingers will explore. It all depends on our moods.
I pull into the driveway and feel that tightening low in my stomach of anticipation and desire. I walk into the house and find my Dom sitting on the couch, in conversation with another man sitting in one of the side chairs. I’m a little thrown, because we both know what happens on Friday night.
My Dom introduces me as I come in, and says that Mike is someone he recently met and it turns out they have many of the same interests. Mike is about our age,Perhaps a few years younger, and seem nice. I sit next to my Dom on the couch while they continue chatting. After a few minutes he casually turns to me and tells me to go get the Vaseline and the thermometer. I freeze, and stare at him, with ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME all over my face. He stars back, his mouth tightening slightly at my non compliance. An eyebrow raises, the unspoken Dom signal for “you will be punished for this later.”
I get up and walk to the bathroom. I’m worried he is actually going to do this in front of a stranger. My stomach is in knots, although the exhibitionist in me is a little excited.
I gather the requested items and return to the living room. He motions me across his lap. I hesitate for a moment, looking at Mike. He looks back calmly, expectedly. I Sigh and lay across my Dom’s lap. He pulls my skirt up and lowers my black lace panties to below my cheeks. I hear the Vaseline jar being unscrewed, which always makes my stomach do a slow flip flop. He shakes the thermometer down, then dips it into the Vaseline, then parts my cheeks with 2 fingers before gently sliding the thermometer into my ass. I. Am. Mortified.
They continue to chat for the mandatory 5 minutes for the thermometer to register. I have all kinds of thoughts running thru my mind. He has threatened to sell me to other men for the night, something I am very opposed to. Or is Mike going to join us in bed? I’m worrying over what comes next, all while being very aware of being drawn over his lap while a stranger watches this embarrassing ritual.
My Dom pulls the thermometer from my ass, and holds me in place with a hand on the small of my back as he looks at the reading. He sets the small rod aside without a word, and begins to spank me, catching me off guard. Firm strokes of his hand, alternating between cheeses, keeping a steady pace. I am determined not to cry in front of this other man, but my Dom is giving a very technical and through spanking. I’m wiggling slightly on his lap, using all my will to keep my hands down and not trying to protect my bottom.
My Dom slows and then stops, hand again on my back to keep me in place.
“I’m sure you are curious as to why Mike is being allowed to take part in our Friday night ritual,” he says, conversationally. As if it’s a normal thing to have this conversation half naked and dying of embarrassment.
“Mike has met a lovely young woman. A little feisty and headstrong, but he senses a submissive side to her. It has brought a more dominant side of him out. He wishes to explore this side of his sexuality. And he was looking for guidance. He doesn’t want to hurt her emotionally or physically. We’ve had long discussions about the emotional and psychological sides of a D/s relationship over the past few weeks. I thought he might enjoy seeing how the physical can play out. And of course, try a few things out for himself.”
I stiffen under his hand, a myriad of emotions rushing thru me. I’m a little afraid, a lot outraged, yet also excited and intrigued. I notice nowhere were the words “if that’s ok with you,” used. This is the part of being his sub I struggle with. The ownership. I like it in many ways, but he reminds me often that unless I invoke the safe word, there will be times I do things strictly for his enjoyment and to reform the dynamic between us.
He turns to Mike. “I’ve explained our Friday night ritual, the difference between maintenance spanking and discussion/punishment. Starting with the temperature feeds one of her kinks, but also reformes her helplessness under my hands. It sets the tone for what’s to come. It’s also a good way to introduce anal dominance to your sub. To let her know that no part of her body is too private, or off limits to her Dom. My little whore loves anal penetration, I am quite fortunate. She also finds many part of it humiliating and embarrassing. Also fortunate for me, because that just heightens my enjoyment.”
He takes his hand from my back and helps me stand. I’m relieved, the spanking was a fraction of what it normally is.
“Remove the skirt and panties.”
I feel my face redden as I step out of my clothes. I watch as he cleans the thermometer with a tissue. He glances at me.
“Across his lap.”
No. No no I’m screaming inside.
“Now.” I hear the edge in his voice and move to Mike. He helps me lay across his legs, bottom lifted and exposed.
“I recommend starting all spankings with a temperature taking. If it’s maintenance, it is a signal of caring, of taking care of her in all ways. It also puts her in a submissive frame of mind. A reminder subconsciously of having to submit to an authority figure in similar circumstances as in childhood…a parent or pediatrician; a reminder of both the lack of control she had in that situation as well as the fact it was part of taking care of her health and well being.
In discipline, you are checking to see if bratty behavior is a result of not feeling well. And for humiliation. You’ll quickly figure out the words and actions to hit your subs buttons as you do these things.”
He walked over and stood behind Mike where he could see everything from Mikes point of view.
“Dip the thermometer in the Vaseline, then use the other hand to part her cheeses. Ah, good. Now pause a moment, draw out her feeling of being exposed and helpless. Perhaps comment on how lovely her rosebud is. Or just quietly observe her most private place. Now place the thermometer in the center of the pumper and push gently past any resistance until the thermometer is about halfway in. Good. Now hold her cheeses together. I don’t lube her with a finger first or move the thermometer in and out. This isn’t meant to be sexual, again it’s to establish a mood and to check her well being. And since we’ve already established that, you can remove the thermometer.”
Mike gently pulled the glass rod from my bottom and looked at my Dom.
“Depending on moods and preferences and what your sub likes and fears and needs, you can clean her up. You can also humiliate her. Tell her the thermometer wasn’t as clean as you expected, threaten or give suppositories or enema. My sub makes a point of being clean, but both those options are still on the table, because she is a private person and taking control of her bathroom Activities would be beyond humiliating to her. Something to look forward to, right dear?”
I was relieved to realize that wasn’t on the menu tonight. That is something I dread although I know eventually it will happen.
My Dom wiped the miniscule amount of Vaseline from my hole, because he knows i find it embarrassing.
“Ok. On to the spanking. Firm and steady. You want her skin warm and bright red. I know my sub won’t cry during this tonight, but I usually spank her to tears. She finds it releases stress and tension and tells me she needs these weekly sessions.”
MyDom nodded and Mike began to spank me. He was quite good, it got my attention and was on the low end of the pain scale. His strikes were firm and even and soon the burn began. My Dom noticed the slight squirm and stopped Mike. He helped me off Mike’s lap and then suggested they both move to the couch. They sat side by side as my Dom instructed me to turn away and bend over and spread my cheeses. Tears formed in my eyes from the humiliation washing over me. I turned around and did as instructed.
“Again, this is a power move. A humiliation tactic. I examine her anus visually to make sure she has no injuries from our last punishment session.”
He leaned forward and pulled on the skin on either side of my dark hole to open me up. I felt his eyes on me, checking for any signs of injury. After a Very long few minutes, he sat back.
“Your turn,” he said to Mike.
Mike did as he had just seen my Dom do.
“I’m hard on my sub’s backdoor. She is taken there regularly andusually quite roughly. So I check her daily to make sure there are no tears or abrasions.”
Mike made his visual inspection then sat back. I held my position.
“At this point, I would normally put her back across my lap, and using a liberal amount of Vaseline, digitally penetrate her and check inside as well for anything out of the ordinary. However, we need to begin to address the hesitation and even Insolence showed earlier when told to get the thermometer.”
He took one of this thick fingers and with no warning and no lube, pushed it into my ass as far as he could. The pain and shock caused me to cry out. He withdraw his finger, paused, then thrust it roughly into me again, ripping another cry from me. The drag and pull internally was painful as hell, and I knew I would be in tears soon.
The finger was withdrawn and shoved back in a third time, and I started crying. The pain, the humiliation, the fact I needed to be punished for not behaving, it was too much.
Then I heard him tell Mike it was his turn and I started crying in earnest. Mike places his finger against my pumper then quickly pushed in. Then withdraw.
” Don’t touch her first. Just drive your finger in like a nail into a board. Then yank it out. It’s all about the friction and the quickness.”
I feel Mike’s finger jab into me , up to the last knuckle in one fast shoes. A small scream escaped me as the pain registered.
“Excellent,” my Dom exhused. “Ok. Over our laps.”
I had no fight left. Sniffling, tears running down my cheeks, and embarrassed beyond belief, I laid down. My Dom spread my cheeks and gave another quick visual inspection to make sure there was no tearing from my punishment. Then he dipped his finger in the Vaseline jar, and put a glob of it directly on my anus. He rubbed it it around with his finger coating his finger as well as the area between my cheeks. He circled my hole before slowing pushing his finger in.
“As I said before, she is used here often, and usually not gently. So I feel around for anything unusual. A hemorrhoid, a weakness in muscle tone, anything unusual.”
As he spoke he rotated his finger inside me, feeling around first shallowly, then deeper. I wasn’t sure I could be any humiliated until he casually started talking about the health of my rectal area.
He pulled his finger out, then handed the Vaseline jar to Mike. And I learned that yes, I could be more humiliated.
Mike dipped a finger in and gently inserted it into my rectum. My Dom coached him on how the walls should feel, what he should be looking for. He then told Mike to leave his finger in me.
“I’m hoping to be able to fist my sub someday. She is up to 3 fingers, and I try to incorporate a little stretching into her play.”
I Felt him push his finger in next to Mike’s and gasped at the feeling. They started moving their fingers in and out. It actually felt amazing. I love to have my ass fingerprinted. My Dom removerved his finger, and Mike inserted his first two fingers into my ass. Then I felt my Dom trying to slide his two fingers in on top of Mike’s. The disappoint was intense. I pushed out, trying to make it easier for him to gain entrance. Slowly, he pushed in, past his knuckles. My hands gripped the couch cushions tightly. He held his fingers inside me, while my body quivered and tears rolled down my cheeses.
“Baby. You took 4 fingers! I’m so proud of you!!”
They pulled their fingers from me, and I went into the bathroom to clean up while they washed their hands. I was relieved the night was over.
I was wrong.
My Dom took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom, and guided me into bending over the bed. I heard him undo his belt and it slide from the loops.
“You have have been punished for the earlier attempted mutiny over the thermometer. But not for the insolence, the heavy sights, the hesitation in following orders all night. You have embarrassed me in front ofmy friend, and you will pay for it now. And he will also be applying a few welts, for the disappoint your hesitation caused him. Now arms spread out. And do not break position and embarrass me further.”
“Yes Sir,” I whisper.
He starts talking to Mike about the variations to amp up the severity of the punishment. He pulls a cheese aside to expose my anus to their view as I once again feel complete humiliation wash thru me.
“Punishment can be layered, enhanced. Figging for example. Inserting peeled ginger root into the anus causes an intense warmth, a burn. It reignites each time the sphincter clenches around it. And a sphincter tends to clench each time a belt bites into a button.
“A variation is a plug coated in Vick’s Vapourub and inserted and held during punishment. Or BenGay, or Tiger Balm. Different degrees of sting there, but all uncomfortable.
“But as you can see, her hole is already puffy and swollen from the dry finger fucking and the stretching. Those things would cause unnecessary additional irritation. But I still intend to fuck her there later, because fucking her swollen asshole is a delightful feeling, well for me anyway. But she will cry, yet still allow it, and the combination of her tears, her pain and her compliance turns me on. And I don’t need BenGay on my penis to ruin it.”
He lets my cheek go and I hear the belt again. They talk about strike placement, about wrist flick and speed. Then my Dom gently kisses each chef, steps back, and brings the belt down on my ass. I yelp, but I don’t dare move. A second later, the belt bites into me again, and the sobs I’ve contained all evening begin.
“Safe word?”
“No,” I sob.
The belt comes down again, and I shriek. My Dom hands the belt to Mike, give him a few last points, then Mike swings into me. The nip of pain makes me moan thru the tears. I hear my Dom tell him one more, and hear the belt move thru the air one more time before catching me where my thighs meet my cheeks. I began crying in earnest.
My Dom sits down and pulls me into his lap, rocking and soothing me, kissing my head and whispering words of love. After a few minutes he whispers he’ll be right back, and he and Mike leave the room. I hear him explaining aftercare, and to never forget submission is a gift given and not to be taken lightly. They talk a few minutes more and I hear the door close. He comes back into bed and gathers me close. We talk about how we both feel during various parts of the evening. We spend an hour snugging and talking.
“Are you still going to fuck my ass?”
He smiles and then a slightly evil laugh. “I’m sure you will still be swollen and puffy and sore in the morning. Go to sleep.”
And I do, thoughts of a morning blowjob followed by a lazy morning in bed accompanying me into dreamland.
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