In early summer, just at the beginning of the seal and salmon catching season, Sit’ku and his hunting partners returned after a day of fishing to find a foreigner’s canoe docked on their beach.
“I didn’t expect a visit from the Yanyeidi bunch for another moon,” observed Xunaa.
“Don’t be silly,” replied another in the group, “that’s not a Tlingit boat. He must be a Haida or Tsimshian trader.”
And indeed, when the party returned to the village, they found a crowd of people gathered around this visitor from the south. He was a tall, angular man. Sit’ku was struck by the severity of his features, the curvature of his nose, the thickness of his eyesbrows, the exaggerated prominent of his cheekbones. As the hunting party approached the stranger, they heard him speak to the crowd in a deep voice with a thick Haida accent. Surrounding him was a pile of furs, baskets, jewelry, woolen garments, and other treasures that he had brought with him from his homeland, and the crowdAround him was rummaging through the goods and appraising them. Sit’ku did not recognize him, but clearly many people in the village did. They murmured excitedly and touched him on the arm in greeting.
The man looked up at Sit’ku’s hunting party and straight at Sit’ku with such intensity that it gave Sit’ku a start. For a split second, the stranger’s eyes seemed to bore into him. He watched as the man’s hungry eyes flicked downward, taking in the contours of Sit’ku’s body with a subtle, consumed glance. The next moment, the trader looked away.
The strange continued described to his audience in detail the goods he had brought to trade. You wouldn’t find such good beaver pelts anywhere else, he told them, and look at the woolen coats that the women of his village had so painfully woven. Such beauty, such craftsmanship. Several women from the Teikweidi village came over to the crowd bearing their own hats, baskets, pelts, and jewelry with which to barter. Sit’ku shook himself off. He must have imagined the intention behind the man’s pointed gaze.
Sit’ku felt someone slip their arm around his shoulder and turned to see that it was Kaawu. Kaawu leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheese. “Who is he?” Sit’ku asked.
“His name is Xhuyaah, he’s from Haida Gwaii. He comes to trade goods with us about once a year.” Kaawu was carrying a basket with a few choice items he had carved–an eagle mask, a pipe, and a knife handle with the pattern of a whale.
“What do you want to trade those for?”
“We’ll need those coats once winter comes, and we’ll want to barter for them now while they’re available.”
“Do you think he’ll give them to us?”
“Oh yes. For this mask? I deserve all the coats he has.” Kaawu gave him a cocky wink and went to join the fray of people bartering for Xhuyaah’s goods.
Sit’ku watched the group of people buzzing around the goods from a distance. They haggled and argued, but everyone seemed to emerge from the fray with something they wanted. Kaawu returned to where Sit’ku was standing laden with three woolen coats. “I told you we’d get them!” he pronounced with satisfaction. “Xhuyaah knows an excellent carving when he sees one.”
As the crowd began to disperse, Sit’ku saw his wife Gat.áayi emerge from the main lodgehouse. She walked straight towards Sit’ku and Kaawu, directly past the Haida trader without so much as a glance in his direction. Xhuyaah’s head turned as Gat.áayi walked past him. He finished his conversation with the remaining villagers around him and quickly turned to follow Gat.áayi.
It was as if, by ignoring him, Gat.áayi was beckoning him towards her. She arrived at the spot where Sit’ku and Kaawu were standing. Before turning around to greet Xhuyaah, she planted deliberate kisses on Kaawu’s and Sit’ku’s mouths in turn.
The whole interaction seemed to Sit’ku to be quite obviously staged. Gat.áayi had not approached Xhuyaah but had made Xhuyaah approachher, establishing her own power. By making a show of kissing both Kaawu and Sit’ku, she had demonstrated to Xhuyaah that she now laid claim to two husbands.
“Welcome,” she told the stranger. “We are happy that you’ve arrived. This is Sit’ku, my second husband.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Xhuyaah gave a bow in Sit’ku’s direction. Once again, Sit’ku met his eyes and registered the emotion behind the gaze, this time unmistakable: lust. Gat.áayi saw it too (Sit’ku could tell by the slight narrowing in her eyes), but she said nothing.
“Pleased to meet you too,” Sit’ku answered.
“Gat.áayi, do you have a moment?” Xhuyaah asked. “I have something important to discuss with you.”
“Yes, absolutely. Come to our house with us. Sit’ku, would you please gather some more wood for the fire tonight?”
This was an odd request. Sit’ku had chopped firewood only the night before. He was about to tell Gat.áayi that there was a whole pile of firewood just outside the back door to the house when he stopped himself. Was this seemingly innocuous request code for something else? Yes, it must be, he was sure of it. Gat.áayi was telling Sit’ku to stay close outside the house so that he could listen in on their negotiations.
“Sure,” he told her. As Gat.áayi, Kaawu, and Xhuyaah turned towards the house, Sit’ku headed in the direction of the woods, then looped around the village clearing. Using this circular detour, he arrived at the house a few minutes after the rest of the party arrived. When he reached the wood pile by the back door, he croouched down and listened intently to the voices inside.
“So do you have it?” Gat.áayi was asking the trader.
“Yes. For you, Gat.áayi? I’d bring you a whole chest full of necklaces.”
Sit’ku heard a rustling sound, and he allowed himself a peek into the house. Xhuyaah, Kaawu, and Gat.áayi were gathered together on one of the benches. Xhuyaah had just reached into his purse, and he produced from it a large piece of jewelry. Even from a distance, Sit’ku could tell that it was a necklace of extraordinary beauty. It was made up of shards of whale’s teeth, each almost a foot long, extending from a center circle like rays of the sun. Each shard was carved with intricate animal patterns.
Sit’ku could not see Gat.áayi’s and Kaawu’s expressions directly, but he knew that, if he could, he would see the same look of desire appears on both sets of eyes. Gat.áayi and Kaawu shared a lust for beauty that must clearly be ignored by the sight of this necklace.
“It is as beautiful as you said it would be,” Kaawu crooned, reaching out and running his fingers across one of the shards of scrimshaw.
“I saved it for you,” Xhuyaah told them.
“I knew you’d appreciate it. The craftsman back on Haida Gwaii will be happy to know that his masterwork has landed with people who have an eye for beauty.”
“The big question that remains,” Gat.áayi said, “is what you want in return?”
“I’ll take some more carvings. People are always eager to trade things for Kaawu’s craftsmanship.”
“That’s it?”
“Well…” Xhuyaah hesitated, then continued with measured words. “I appreciate your…hospitality.”
There was a pause. Gat.áayi must be thinking, as Sit’ku was, of what meanings were hidden behind Xhuyaah’s last statement. What manner of hospitality did he want from them?
“We promise to reward you handsomely for this necklace,” Gat.áayi answered tenatively. “You are welcome to take advantage of our hospitality whenever you like. My husband, Sit’ku, provides our little family with good food–you’ll be well provided for in our house.”
“I would like that. I’ve taken a liking to Sit’ku. He is a handsome man.”
“Yes, he is.”
“A very handsome reward indeed…”
So this was it. Gat.áayi had seen it a minute before Sit’ku had–the Haida trader wanted Sit’ku. Perhaps she had seen it even earlier, when Xhuyaah had first glanced at Sit’ku upon meeting him. Had she asked Sit’ku to listen in by the back door because she knew that he could be bargained with?
Gat.áayi spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully. “I think you’ll find Sit’ku to be very…accommodating. He is always eager to please.”
“I like that in a man.”
“Come back tonight, Xhuyaah. We’ll show you some hospitality.”
“Thank you. I’ll be back.” His heart pounding in his chest, Sit’ku heard Xhuyaah get up and leave the house.
Sit’ku was both appalled and somewhat elated by the crassness of the exchange. Gat.áayi had traded Sit’ku for a necklace. She had agreed to lend Sit’ku’s body to Xhuyaah for the night, for him to use and exploit at his will. The thought sent a shiver of anticipation down Sit’ku’s spine. Would Xhuyaah have the same affinity for domination that Gat.áayi and Kaawu had? Sit’ku suspected that he would; the possessive way Xhuyaah had consumed Sit’ku’s body with his eyes made Sit’ku believe that Xhuyaah would like a man who submitted to him.
The back door opened and Kaawu beckoned Sit’ku inside. Sit’ku got up from his crouch behind the wood pile and followed him in.
“Well, Sit’ku,” Gat.áayi began, “what do you think?”
“I…I’m not sure. You’re going to let Xhuyaah have me tonight?”
“The real question is whether you are going to let him have you tonight. You do have a choice, you know.”
“I do?”
“Of course you do. But I’m guessing you’ll want to say yes. I thought you would enjoy being taken by a stranger.”
“I’m not gonna lie, the idea does turn me on,” Sit’ku mused.
“And we’ll be here the whole time,” Kaawu added. “We won’t let him do anything to you that you’re not comfortable with.”
“Alright,” Sit’ku said determinedly, “I’ll do it.”
After dinner that night, Kaawu made Sit’ku undress. He tied Sit’ku’s hands together in front of him and then to the rope that hung from the ceiling beam, standing Sit’ku upright with his handsabove his head. Kaawu then tied a second length of rope around one of Sit’ku’s lower thighs and with it suspended Sit’ku’s left leg. Sit’ku was now balanced on one leg, his genitals and inner thighs exposed.
“I want you to be all ready for when Xhuyaah comes,” Kaawu told him. “I think he’ll enjoy seeing you so helpless.” In a burst of inspiration, Kaawu brought out his paintbrush and proceeded to paint an image of a raven in red and white across Sit’ku’s chest.
“What does that mean?”
“‘Xhuyaah’ means ‘raven’ in the Haida language. I should symbolize to Xhuyaah that you are his for the night.”
Trussed up for Xhuyaah and marked as his plaything, Sit’ku waited. Gat.áayi was busy cleaning up after dinner, and so Sit’ku convinced with Kaawu to pass the time.
“So you think Xhuyaah will like seeing me all tied up lie this?”
“I think so. He gave me the impression that he likes to be in charge of things.”
“He seemed…” Sit’ku searched for the right word, “just a little bit dangerous. You know, like he’d be willing to do anything.”
“And that turns you on?”
“You tell me,” Sit’ku laughed, gesturing downward with his head at his erect penis.
“Good boy.”
“I’m a little nervous too,” Sit’ku added, searching for reassurance.
“He will love you,” Kaawu responded. “And if he doesn’t he can go fuck himself.”
At that moment, they heard a knock at the back door. Kaawu went over to the door and opened it a crack to make sure that it was the guest they were anticipating, then quickly let the visitor in.
“Come on in, Xhuyaah,” Kaawu beckoned. “Sit’ku is eager to see you.”
Xhuyaah entered. He gave a visible start as soon as he saw Sit’ku, then broke into a hearty laugh. Sit’ku saw his hungry eyes dart downward, consuming the details of Sit’ku’s bound, naked body.
Sit’ku gave him a broad smile. “You like me like this?” he flirted.
“Yes,” Xhuyaah almost grew. “Gat.áayi didn’t tell me that you’d come so nicely…packaged for me.”
“The rope and the paint were my idea, actually,” Kaawu interjected. “Sit’ku likes it when he’s helpless.”
“I can see that.” Xhuyaah had not taken his eyes off of Sit’ku. Sit’ku could see him scheming beneath his furrowed browser, imagining the possibilities available to him with his bound prisoner.
Gat.áayi came over to greet Xhuyaah. “We are generous hosts, aren’t we?”
“You have no idea…” Xhuyaah answered. “It’s been so long since I’ve lain with a handsome man. I’m going to be rough with you, Sit’ku, are you prepared for that?”
“Yes,” Sit’ku breathed, “do whatever you want with me.”
“Good answer.”
Xhuyaah took off his jacket and handed it to Gat.áayi. He strode over to Sit’ku, grabbed a fistful of his hair with one hand, gripped his neck with the other hand, and kissed him. It was a rough, forceful kiss, unlike any that Sit’ku had experienced before. With it, Xhuyaah took possession of Sit’ku’s mouth, colonizing it with his tongue. His lips pressed themselves into Sit’ku’s, as if trying to imprint themselves permanently. Sit’ku tried to let out a moan, but Xhuyaah’s hand had tightened around his neck, blocking his windpipe. He held Sit’ku in this state for a few long moments–penetrated, immobile, his breath building up inside his chest–before finally releasing him.
“Oh! Oh!” Sit’ku gasped.
“You love this, don’t you? You like being used…”
“Yes!” Sit’ku cried out with relish, “Use me please!”
Xhuyaah had relaxed but not released his grip around Sit’ku’s neck. He tightened again, blocking Sit’ku’s breath. Sit’ku looked straight into Xhuyaah’s hungry eyes, holding his breath for him.
“You will breathe only when I let you breathe, move only when I tell you to move, understand?”
He loosened his grip on Sit’ku’s neck just long enough for Sit’ku to take in a gasping breath and answer, “Yes!”
“Say ‘Yes, Master.’ I’m your master tonight, aren’t I?”
“Yes, Master,” Sit’ku croaked through Xhuyaah’s chokehold.
“Very good.” Xhuyaah released his grip on Sit’ku’s neck in order to give him a sharp slap across the face. Sit’ku cried out in pain. Another slap came, with the back of Xhuyaah’s hand across his other chef. Xhuyaah ran his hands up and down Sit’ku’s naked body, taking possession of his chest, his stomach, his thighs, his genitals with deliberate strokes. Xhuyaah grabbed, pinched, and squeezed Sit’ku’s flesh, as if by squeeze hard enough, he could mold Sit’ku’s body into any shape he wanted and take it for himself.
“Ohhhh,” Sit’ku moaned with the combined pain and pleasure of being seized so completely by this rough stranger.
“Open your mouth,” said Xhuyaah.
When Sit’ku did so, Xhuyaah spat into it. Sit’ku gasped. “Thank you!” he said.
Xhuyaah laughed in delight. “He’s too good to be true!” he exclaimed.
Kaawu and Gat.áayi had taken a seat on the bench to watch the show, and they bothresponded in enthusiastic agreement. “He’s enjoying this, believe me,” Gat.áayi added.
Xhuyaah slapped Sit’ku hard across the chest, again and again. He struck his inner tights with the back of his hand, then his face again, his chest, his thighs, his arms, accelerating in frequency. The pain seemed to come from every direction. Sit’ku had no time to recover from the previous slap or prepare himself for the next one. Disoriented, he cried out and clutched the rope he was tied to for support. Xhuyaah began interspersing the sharp sting of the slaps with the deep thud of his fists, sending dull pain into Sit’ku’s exposed thighs in deliberate, condensed bursts.
“Tell me you like it when I hit you”
“I like it when you hit me!”
Another hard, blinding slap across the face. “Forgetting something?” Xhuyaah asked.
“I like it when you hit me, Master!” Sit’ku remembered.
In answer, another rough kiss, then another slap across the chest. Sit’ku glanced over at Kaawu and Gat.áayi, who were settled in each other’s arms, watching the scene intently. He recognized their looks of arousal–Gat.áayi’s piercing gaze, Kaawu’s smile. As Xhuyaah delivered another blow to his thigh, he felt a thrill go through his body at the thought that he was the object of his husband and wife’s pleasure, the spectacle of their enjoyment.
Xhuyaah reached up and untied Sit’ku’s hands and his leg. “Get on your knees,” he ordered.
Sit’ku obeyed unquestioningly. Xhuyaah removed his trousers and loincloth and brandished his half erection at Sit’ku. “Show me what you can do,” he challenged.
Sit’ku got to work. By this time, he was well practiced at bringing pleasure to both Gat.áayi and Kaawu. He was intimately familiar with the way that Kaawu’s penis felt in his mouth, and he knew how to care and suck on it to elicit grosss of pleasure from Kaawu. He applied this same technique to Xhuyaah and almost instantly felt the man’s penis grow inside his mouth.Yes, he could hear Xhuyaah grunt with pleasure and tighten his grip on Sit’ku’s hair.
“Good, good, Sit’ku,” Xhuyaah grew. “Worship it.”
Sit’ku was not entirely sure what this command means, but he sucked on Xhuyaah with renewed enthusiasm. He licked his penis and tasted it and took note of the soft texture of the foreskin in his mouth. He accelerated the up and down motion of his head with such verve that he gagged, then kept on going at the same speed. From the groans and sights emanating from Xhuyaah, he could tell that his performance was satisfaction.
He heard someone get up and walk across the room. “Here, he’ll love this,” Kaawu said. He looked up to see that Kaawu had handed Xhuyaah a slim wooden rod. Sit’ku had just enough time to mentally prepare himself before he feel the sharp sting of the rod as Xhuyaah brought it down on the small of his back.
“Aaahh!” he cried out.
“Don’t stop sucking me, now,” Xhuyaah ordered, bringing down the rod again cruelly over the same spot he had just hit.
“Yes, Master!” Sit’ku whimpered and obediently continued sucking. The third strike made him reel forward in pain, clutching Xhuyaah’s tights for support. In, out, in, out, he thought, sucking on Xhuyaah with desperate fertilizer. The more Xhuyaah struck him, the more wildly Sit’ku tried to pleasure him; as the blows accelerated, so did the Rhythm of Sit’ku’s mouth.
Xhuyaah showed no mercy. If anything, he was egged on by the state into which this punishment was putting Sit’ku. For every desperate cry that escaped Sit’ku’s lips, Xhuyaah delivered another searing blow.
“Now on your hands and knees,” Xhuyaah commanded. Sit’ku obeyed. In this position, Sit’ku was facing Gat.áayi and Kaawu as they perched on the benchmark. He made eye contact with both of them.
“You’re doing great, Sit’ku!” Kaawu called out.
“So good!” Gat.áayi encouraged.
Xhuyaah strode behind Sit’ku. “What do you think,” he asked his audience, “Do youWant to see me fuck his brains out?”
Kaawu and Gat.áayi cheered in ascension. Sit’ku let out a whimper of excitement and fear. He felt Xhuyaah position himself behind him. Without warm up or warning, Xhuyaah thrust himself deep into Sit’ku’s channel, eliciting a guttural cry from Sit’ku.
Sit’ku had been penetrated by Kaawu only the night before, so the Sudden entrance of Xhuyaah’s penis was not as painful as it might have been otherwise. Nevertheless, Sit’ku was used to the gentle, measured pace of Kaawu’s penetration. There was no subtlety in Xhuyaah’s technique. His fucking was violent, paying no heed to Sit’ku’s pleasure and, indeed, seeming to reveal in Sit’ku’s pain.
Crack! A sharp pain seized Sit’ku’s upper back as the wooden rod made contact with it. Another on his back, another on his thigh, again, again. Sit’ku gasped and cried out as Xhuyaah continued to ride him. The sting of the impact on the outside of Sit’ku’s sensitive skin combined with the deep pain ofthe penetration, bringing tears to his eyes.
“Get yourself off,” Xhuyaah ordered. “Show me how much you love my cock inside of you.”
It was too much for Sit’ku, the pain all over, inside his body and outside it, the simulateneous pleasure as he stroked his own penis with his hand. He loved it and hated it, wanted it to be over and wanted it to be only the beginning. As Xhuyaah delivered a deep, painful thrust, coupled with a sharp blow, Sit’ku tried to move away from him. But Xhuyaah grabbed Sit’ku by the hair and pulled his head up next to his.
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