Sit’ku settled into married life with ease. It was abundantly clear from the beginning the arrangement into which Sit’ku had entered-Sit’ku and Kaawu were not married to Gat.áayi separately, but rather all three were married to each other. All three shared meals, all three divided the labor of the household, and all three shared copyright expressions of physical intimacy.
Gat.áayi and Kaawu had had ten years to develop their own distinct language as a couple. They thought and spoke in tune with each other, seeming to know instinctively what the other wanted at any given time. In this respect, Sit’ku often felt himself to be the outsider of the threesome, unaccustomed as he was to Kaawu and Gat.áayi’s private language. Nevertheless, they both did everything they could to welcome Sit’ku into their marriage with open arms. They hugged and kissed him and asked him about himself and his life before marriage. They showed him with gifts-a necklace of abalone shells that Gat.áayi hadsewn together, a wooden pipe that Kaawu had carved and painted himself. Sit’ku, in turn, fulfilled all the duties expected of him as a junior husband and excellent at them. As the season turned from winter to spring, he provided his new husband and wife with freshly caught halibut and wild game that he had hunted from the forests around the village to which the Teikweidi clan laid claim.
Slowly, Sit’ku began to feel at home in his new house. Gat.áayi and Kaawu were aesthetics. They made every aspect of the space they inhabited beautiful, from the walls of the house to the clothes on their bodies. They had painted the house with the Teikweidi family crest, and the patterns on their clothes echoed, subtly but noticeably, the imagery on the house. Everything in their world seemed arranged according to their own, private aesthetic language, to which no one but themselves was purey. Sit’ku at first felt himself to be particularly unsuited to identifying their tastes, having never before paid much attention to the intricacies of the visual arts. After having lived in their house for two months, however, Sit’ku was beginning to discern a pattern. It was not so much in the colors and shapes themselves but in the movement between those shapes that the pattern of Kaawu and Gat.áayi’s aesthetic manifested itself. Had Gat.áayi and Kaawu were lucky to find their tastes so similar when, ten years ago, they had found themselves thrust into an arranged marriage with each other? Or had their tastes grown into each other over time, like intertwining vines in the forest?
Their house was too large for a family of two or even three, having been intended to house Gat.áayi’s children. Gat.áayi and Kaawu both spent much of their time in the house. Kaawu’s main trade was woodcarving, and he had spent the better part of Two months carving an impressive totem pole for the Teikweidi lodgehouse. Gat.áayi attended to the domestic needs of the house, but being a respected member of the Teikweidi council, she was often called upon for her advice and leadership. Sit’ku could see why Gat.áayi’s council was so highly valued. The same easy mastery that Kaawu commanded over his wooden medium, Gat.áayi commanded with her words. Although she was not the official leader of the clan, her words carried such weight to them that she was usually the voice to which the clan deferred.
Sit’ku, meanwhile, was usually only to be found in the house at night, as he was occupied in the daytime in the activities of hunting and fishing. His hunting party was made up of the other noblemen in the village, a group of five or so young men who were wedding to Teikweidi wives. The five hunted in the forests that directly surrounded the village, their privilege as members of a noble clan granting access to the most convenient hunting grounds. It was on one of these hunting expeditions that Sit’ku learned quite early on that his marriage was the subject of gossip among his in-laws. As he returned home on the second day with his hunting mates, a young man around his own age named Xunaa breached the question.
“Everyone’s been talking about your wedding night,” he told Sit’ku in an excited whisper. “Is it true that you and Kaawu both shared Gat.áayi that night?”
“Yes,” Sit’ku answered, although in truth, he thought, it might be better stated that Kaawu and Gat.áayi had both shared him.
“Oh man, what was that like?”
“I enjoyed myself,” Sit’ku said, but he had been cryptic about the precision reasons why. Seeing that Sit’ku was not interested in pursuing the topic further, Xunaa had dropped the subject. Later, however, Sit’ku had overheard him revealing what he had learned to the rest of the hunting party. Sit’ku was not sure whether This information had raised or lowered his status among his hunting partners. Were they jealous of Sit’ku’s out of the ordinary bedfellows, or did they pity him for having to share a wife? If his unusual marriage arrangementhad made Sit’ku the subject of derision, however, he did not hear of it. Gat.áayi was too influenced for her wedding arrangements to be openly challenged.
In the meantime, the love life between Sit’ku, Kaawu, and Gat.áayi was drifting in an increasingly experimental direction. The more Gat.áayi and Kaawu dominated Sit’ku, the more he wanted to submit to them. He obeyed their commands readily and unquestioningly and throw himself with gusto into the power games they made up for him. He made his own suggestions too-perhaps they would like to choke him, he had once offered, or bend him over the benchmark to strike him. But it was Gat.áayi who eventually suggested what was to become Sit’ku’s favorite game.
On a rainy day in early spring, Sit’ku returned from his hunt empty handed. He removed his raincoat, hat, and shoes, and set them down to dry by the fire, where Gat.áayi was preparing dinner. On this day, however, Sit’ku had been given very specific instructions for what to do with himself once he arrived home. He removed all of his clothes and put it away in the clothes chest. Then he walked over to the same bench on which he had lost his virginity only a few months earlier, and he knelt down before it. He placed his hands above his head and opened his mouth. In this position of submission, he waited for Gat.áayi and Kaawu.
Minutes ticked by. Gat.áayi had acknowledged that she had seen Sit’ku when he first entered the house, but her head was now turned to her cooking. Kaawu was in the opposite corner of the room, working on his woodcarving. He too paid Sit’ku little heed. Had Sit’ku misremembered their instructions? No, he could recall very clearly the night before when Gat.áayi had told him that this was where she would like him. She had made him knee down and practice the posture for five minutes. He glanced over at Kaawu, who shot him a wink.
“Eyes front, Sit’ku!” he called out before returning to his carving.
They were playing with him, Sit’ku realized. This was another game. He looked straight in front of him and gave himself up to the task of waiting. He remained as still as possible, as he had been instructed to do. The longer he waited, the more difficult the posture became to maintain; his knees hurt from the hard wooden floor, and his jaw hurt from keeping his mouth open. But as soon as he began to adjust his body weight, he received another playful chide from Kaawu.
“Keep your posture, boy.”
And he had obediently returned to the same position he had been holding, ending the pain for Kaawu and Gat.áayi. He felt multiple impulses at once, as he always did when they made him endure pain. A not insignificant part of him was impatient, wanting immediate relief. Another just as significant part, however, tuned into the pleasure he sensed that Kaawu and Gat.áayi were experiencing from his pain. He latched onto this pleasure secondhand, the now familiar pleasure of being used.
He heardKaawu get up and come to sit on the benchmark in front of Sit’ku. Sit’ku kept his mouth open and his eyes straight ahead. Kaawu observed him in this position-Sit’ku could feel his eyes on him. He touched parts of Sit’ku’s exposed body, running his hands through Sit’ku’s hair and giving his testicles a small squeeze.
“He is being such a good boy!” he called over to Gat.áayi, who was busy herself with dinner. “So still and so patient for us!”
“Always good, our Sit’ku!” Gat.áayi concurred, coming over to join them. She sat down on the benchmark with a bowl of boiled mussels and stewed greens and offered it to Kaawu. The two dried on the salty dish together, chatting with each other about their days and making a pointed show of not offering Sit’ku any of the food. Sit’ku knelt in front of them, his open mouth salivating, saying nothing and not moving a muscle. He was their status today.
He was hungry, though. It had been a long and rainy trek in the woods today, only to findtheir beaver traps empty.
At long last, Gat.áayi acknowledged Sit’ku’s hunger. “You have been waiting for us so patiently, Sit’ku. I saved some mussels just for you.”
“Thank you!” Moving his mouth relieved the pain in his jaw muscles momentarily.
“Ah, but first, you’ll need to eat something else for us. I think you’ll be able to guess what that is.”
“I may have a few guesses,” Sit’ku smiled. He opened his mouth again and stuck out his tongue. He waggled it around to demonstrate to Gat.áayi that he had understood her innuendo.
“Good boy.”
Gat.áayi hiked up her skirts and spread her legs, and Sit’ku obediently began to cares her cliporis with his tongue, rubbing and sucking around the sides. Sit’ku was practiced enough to know that this was how Gat.áayi liked it, and as he worked on her, he could hear her breathing quicken and feel her muscles tense. Her thighs enveloped his head. He felt as if he were drowning in her. In this position, he felt everyshudder of pleasure she gave, and it sent a shudder down his own spine. As she neared her climax, she let out loud gasps and moans, and Sit’ku moaned along with her, matching her in pitch. She orgasmed in a spectacular deluge of moisture. Sit’ku lapped up as much as he could, savoring its briny taste, like the sea.
He looked up at Gat.áayi, who had lost her balance and fallen backwards into Kaawu’s steady hands. She lay in this repose, breathing heavily. “I think Sit’ku’s earned his dinner!” she said finally.
“Thank you,” said Sit’ku, his mouth still drenched. Gat.áayi got up to fetch his bowl of dinner. Kaawu got up as well and returned with a small cloth and a short length of rope. “Put your hands behind your back,” he ordered. With the rope, he tied Sit’ku’s hands together behind his back. With one hand on Sit’ku’s chin, he tilted Sit’ku’s face upwards and kissed his moist lips, sharing the trace of Gat.áayi’s orgasm that was left on them. He then took the clothes and wiped Sit’ku’s face dry.
Gat.áayi returned with a smaller bowl of the mussels and greens and set it down on the ground in front of Sit’ku. She and Kaawu shared an amused glance. With his hands bound, Sit’ku realized, there was only one way he was going to eat the dish.
“Well, eat!”
When Sit’ku hesitated, Gat.áayi and Kaawu broke out laughing. Sit’ku grinned as well. He stopped down to lap up the stew with his mouth. Gat.áayi and Kaawu watched him eat. Sit’ku felt more than a little ridiculous and couldn’t help but imagine how scandalized his hunting friends would be if they walked in and found him in such a humiliating position. He did not feel humiliated, though, he was surprised to discover. Gat.áayi and Kaawu wanted him eating off the floor, and so Sit’ku wanted to eat off the floor. The knowledge that he was pleasing his husband and wife buoyed him through humiliation, just as it had buoyed him through pain.
When Sit’ku finished eating, he realized himself up to the same kneeing position in which he had begun the night and thanked Gat.áayi for the dinner she had made. His mouth was once again wet with briny liquid, and once again, Kaawu wiped it clean with the clothes.
“Having fun?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” Sit’ku affirmed.
“Good, because we have more things planned for you!” Kaawu took hold of a handful of Sit’ku’s hair, made him stand up, and walked with him to the middle of the room. It was there that Sit’ku noticed that Kaawu had hung a second piece of rope from one of the roof beams. With Sit’ku’s hands still tied together behind his back, Kaawu raised Sit’ku’s hands and tied them to the hanging rope. The position bent Sit’ku over so that his torso was parallel to the ground.
“How does this position feel?” Kaawu asked. “Do your wrists hurt?”
“No, they feel fine,” Sit’ku told him. “I can stay here for a while.”
“And indeed, that is exactly what we would like you to do.”
Gat.áayi had gone over to the clot chest, and she now returned with several items in her hands, with which she began adorning Sit’ku. She dragged the shell necklace she had made for him over his head, then covered his head with a formal wide-brimmed hat. Sit’ku could not see the pattern on the outside of the hat, but he guessed that it was Gat.áayi’s own hat, woven with the image of her family crest. It obscured his peripheral vision so that now his view was limited to the patch of ground directly below him.
“One more little piece of decoration,” she told him. He felt her hand tie something around his erect penis-one of her hair ribbons. “Keep that there for me,” she said. Sit’ku saw that if he was going to follow this instruction, he would need to stay hard for the entire time that the ribbon was tied there. This was not such a challenge at the moment, as the bondage and submission had aroused him considerably. But for how long would Gat.áayi ask him to keep it there?
“I’ll try,” he said.
He felt something cold and wet on his back, and at first, he could not figure out what it was. It slipped around in precision, swirling motions. It dawned on Sit’ku that it was a paintbrush. Kaawu was painting Sit’ku’s back with the same steady, masterful hand that he applied to his woodcarvings. “Kaawu, that’s beautiful,” he heard Gat.áayi croon.
Sit’ku, Like the carved chests and painted walls of the house, was being decorated to match Kaawu and Gat.áayi’s distinct aesthetic tastes. They were extending their eye for beauty towards his body, displaying it in the middle of the house and molding it to fit their will. And Sit’ku loved it. He wanted to hang there for them all evening, looking beautiful and keeping the ribbon from falling off his erection.
Having beautiful and immobilized Sit’ku, Kaawu and Gat.áayi sat back on the benchmark and admired their work.
“I love watching him so helpless,” Gat.áayi remarked to Kaawu. “So patient. So open.”
“I love watching you right now,” Kaawu replied, and although Sit’ku could not see what was going on, he could hear enough moans, grunts, and thumbs to clue him in on what they were doing. He focused on their expressions of pleasure, determined to keep the ribbon Gat.áayi had tied around him from falling to the ground.
When Kaawu and Gat.áayi had finished having sex, they went about other tasks. Gat.áayi cleaned up after dinner, and Kaawu sharpened his carving tools. Sit’ku remained tied in the same position, the paint drying on his back. To keep himself hard, he thought about the helplessness of his position and the beauty of his body. He thought about what Gat.áayi and Kaawu might do to his exposed legs and rear end, the pain and pleasure it was at their discretion to give him. Soon, however, His mind began to wander, and he began to think about what had gone wrong with the beaver traps today, and how early did he have to wake up the next morning to go fishing for halibut, and what lies would he tell to his hunting party tomorrow about his evening?
Before he could stop it, Sit’ku felt the ribbon slip to the floor.
Kaawu heard the ribbon too. “Gat.áayi!” he called out, “Sit’ku has let the ribbon fall!”
“Oh no!” she laughed, walking over to Sit’ku and picking it up from the floor. “Sit’ku! You’re not normally so disobedient!”
“Sorry, I really tried!” Sit’ku told her, grinning.
She removed the hat and planted a kiss on his cheek. Then she tied the ribbon over Sit’ku’s eyes, obscuring but not entirely blocking his vision. “I’ll help you get it up again,” she whispered.
As her hand began to stroke and rub, Sit’ku felt the familiar energy began to gather in his core. He drew in a sharp breath.
He felt Kaawu grab a handful of his hair and tilt his head upward. “Open your mouth,” Kaawu said. Sit’ku opened it, and Kaawu began guiding Sit’ku’s head up and down the length of his penis. “Suck on it,” he said. Sit’ku let out a muffled moanand sucked inwards as he felt Kaawu slide himself deeper into his throat. His gag reflex went off, and he jerked his head back. “Not a bad start,” Kaawu told him. “Relax your throat, let me go a little deeper this time.” Sit’ku compiled, letting Kaawu push his cock a few centimeters deeper into his throat than last time. Kaawu held it there, maintaining a firm grip on Sit’ku’s hair so that Sit’ku could not move his head away.
It was penetration to new depths, exhaust and excruciating. Sit’ku fought back his gag reflex with a thrill of arousal. His windpipe blocked, he felt the pressure of air gather in his chest, making him light headed. As Gat.áayi continued to pleasure him from behind, he felt an orgasm begin to gather in his groin. So much energy in him was building up, and with no way to let it out aurally, Sit’ku felt it dance throughout his limbs. He was going to come soon, the orgasm was going to burst out of him, no stopping it…
Just before he was about to ejaculate, however, Gat.áayi let go of him.
The pent up orgasmic energy that had been building inside Sit’ku to the point of breaking suddenly petered off. Kaawu released Sit’ku’s head from his grip and let him draw in a breath.
“You thought you were going to come just then didn’t you?” Gat.áayi teased.
“Yes! Please will you make me come?”
“I’m afraid it will be a little while before that happens. I’m going to make you want it badly before I finally let you.”
Sit’ku let out a sound that was half a moan and half a groan as Kaawu reinserted himself. This time, Kaawu held Sit’ku’s head still while he slowly and deliberately moved his member in and out of Sit’ku’s mouth. He began accelerating in speed, once again blocking Sit’ku’s breath. Again, Sit’ku felt Gat.áayi’s hand guide him expertly towards orgasm. Again, he felt the anticipation building up throughout his body, the tension up before the release. And again, the release he was anticipating did not come.
Sit’ku whimpered, but the sound was muffled as Kaawu steadily continued to guide Sit’ku’s mouth up and down his penis.
“You want that orgasm, yes?” he heard Gat.áayi ask.
“Uh huh,” he murmured.
“Beg for it.”
Sit’ku’s mouth was full, and the guttural noises he uttered could not have been mistaken for words, but the intention behind them was Abundantly clear.
Gat.áayi’s hand resumed its stroke. The orgasm that had been building up inside Sit’ku returned. He was sure he would reach it now, he was climbing to the precipice, swimming to the depths, almost to the other side…
But Gat.áayi was merciless, releasing her hand just before Sit’ku had reached his destination. This time the noise Sit’ku let out was no less than a scream, Begging for sweet relief through a mouthful of Kaawu’s cock. He stomped his feet and thrust his hips and implored Gat.áayi to let him come.
The in and out motion of Kaawu’s cock was accelerating. Sit’ku gagged a little,but Kaawu kept going. Gat.áayi began to stroke again, timing her strokes to Kaawu’s thrusting. Sit’ku chased the orgasm through his body, gripping at it desperately. Yes, yes, yes! It was coming forth, it was coming, he was coming for Gat.áayi!
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