Sharing Gat.áayi Pt. 01

The proposed marriage between Gat.áayi Teikweidi and Sit’ku L’eeeneidi made perfect logical sense. It was a strategic union, which benefited both dignified clans and strengthened their diplomatic bond. Gat.áayi, a noblewoman and clan leader from the wealthy Teikweidi clan, had been married to her current L’eeeneidi husband, Kaawu, for ten years. They had not, however, been able to conceive a child. She had proposed that she took on a second husband from her husband’s original clan, as was customary. Kaawu’s young cousin Sit’ku had been the obvious choice. He was athletic and virile; if he could not get Gat.áayi pregnant, it was thought, then no one could. His strength, youth, and beauty would serve as a perfect compliment to his older cousin Kaawu’s wisdom and craftsmanship. And being that the L’eeeneidi clan had fallen on recent hard times, his family was only too happy to be relieved of the burden of their youngerest son.

Yes, it would be quite a mutually beneficial union indeed.So why did Sit’ku feel so appreciated? It was a few hours before the wedding ceremony, and his stomach churned with a combination of fear and excitement. What kind of wife would she be? What kind of husband would he make? It had been quite intimidating, to say the least, to be told that he was to be wed to one of the most learned and powerful women in the archipelago. It was also, Sit’ku had to admit, more than a little flattering. To have won Gat.áayi’s approval was a great compliment, and it was Sit’ku’s vanity more than anything that now bolstered his courage.

Sit’ku looked around now at his unfamiliar surroundings. The Teikweidi were generous hosts and had provided lodging for his family in one of their own clan houses. The bedding was comfortable and the decorations ornate. The painted face of a large brown bear, the sacred animal of the clan, guarded the door. The gifts Sit’ku’s family had brought lay in a pile in the corner-dried fish and berries, intricately woven baskets and rain hats, necklaces and bracelets made of shiny abalone shells. Sit’ku knew that the Teikweidi family would lavish equally extravagant gifts on his clan at the potlatch tonight. His family would return to their own island with just as many gifts as they had arrived with, but he would not be with them on the canoes when they left.

Sit’ku’s two sisters sat in one corner, chatting and playing with their babies. His brothers in law sat in the opposite corner, making sure their faces were clean sad for the potlatch. Sit’ku examined the wedding outfit his mother had laid out for him-his best woven mantle with the elaborate red salmon on the back, and his favorite shell necklace. He decided he needed some air, and he told his family that he was going to take a walk to the beach.

Wrapping his everyday mantle around himself and slipping on his moccasins, Sit’ku passed underneath the brown bear over the doorway and headed in the direction of the beach where they had dockedThe crisp winter air invigorated him, and he observed his surroundings intently. In form, this island was no different from the island on which he had grown up. The smell of the sea, the omnipresent greenness of the trees and mosses, even in winter-it was all erily reminiscent of home. Sit’ku arrived at the beach and stood a piece of driftwood, listening to the grey waves lap against the shore.

Gat.áayi. Sit’ku recalled every memory he had of her. He had never spoken to her himself, but he had seen her many times when his family came to the Teikweidi clan to potlatch. He recalled her voluptuous body and the way she moved her bulk with such grace and poise, walking always as if she were dancing. As a teenager, he and his cousins ​​had made jokes about her breasts, how engaged they looked, how much they’d like to bury their face in them. The simple, animalistic part of Sit’ku (and a not insignificant part this was) was thrilled that he would soon be able to actout those childrenhood fans. But what was truly remarkable about Gat.áayi was not her volumeous bosom but her gift as a storyteller. Her words came alive as she said them. Myths, histories, origins, all wove themselves together effortlessly in the stories that Gat.áayi spun. Sit’ku thought that she was never more beautiful than when she was in the middle of spinning a story, her eyes large and face animated, and her charisma in command of her entire audience.

“Are you nervous?” A voice from behind Sit’ku made him give a start and almost fall off the piece of driftwood on which he was balanced. He turned around to see his older cousin Kaawu, the other husband of his soon-to-be bride.

“Kaawu!” he exclaimed. If the thought of marrying Gat.áayi was intimidating, the thought of interacting with her other husband was even more so. But Kaawu’s expression was kindly, and his question seemed to come from a place of geneuine concern rather than a place of intimidation.

“I’m sorry to startle you.”

“No, no, it’s fine. I just, you know, have a lot on my mind.”

“It’s natural to feel nervous before your wedding. But count your blessings! Gat.áayi is a remarkable woman. We are both very lucky men to be married to her.” He said this matter-of-factly, without a hint of jealousy. Sit’ku was surprised. He had assumed that Gat.áayi’s second marriage would be a matter of great shame for Kaawu, a singing reminder of his inability to bring children to his wife.

“I’ve heard of husbands in our kind of arrangement becoming jealous of each other,” he told Kaawu warily.

Kaawu smiled. He was a sturdily built man, but not athletic. On the side of his face was a jagged scar, a remnant of a hunting accident back when he was a youth and Still living on his own clan’s island. Although Kaawu’s rough skin and sagging body seemed all the more imperfect in comparison to Sit’ku’s own lithe muscles and smooth, young skin, Sit’ku thought that the asymmetries of his appearing held their own beauty.

“Are you worried that I will be jealous of you or that you will be jealous of me?” Kaawu asked.

“Both, I guess.”

“Well, I can tell you right now that it was not only Gat.áayi’s idea to take on a second husband. We both thought that that you were a strong and beautiful man, and that you would be a good addition to our little family.”

Sit’ku was flattered, as he always was when people complimented his appearance. “Thank you!”

“We’re excited for the wedding night,” Kaawu added.

Something about the statement tugged at Sit’ku. “Wait, sorry, did you say we’re excited for the wedding night?”

“Yes,” said Kaawu placidly, “I think you’ll enjoy yourself. I know I will!”

And with that, he turned away to the group of houses, leaving Sit’ku once again alone, thoughts whirring around in his head at breakneck speed.


The wedding celebration itself seemed to go by in a blur of color and movement. Sit’ku looking beautiful in his favorite mantle, Gat.áayi looking stunning in hers. The exchange of elaborate gifts and profuse pleasantries. Kaawu dancing in the intricate fish mask he had carved and painted himself. Gat.áayi taking Sit’ku by her side and telling everyone a comedic story about a man who had accidentally fallen in love with a bear. The feel of Gat.áayi’s warm legs beneath her mantle.

And Then, all too soon for Sit’ku’s taste, his family was embracing him and his brothers in law were patting him on the back, and he was being led away by Gat.áayi and Kaawu, one on either side of him. Instead of turning left from the main gathering area to reach the house where Sit’ku had been staying with his family, they turned right towards a large house on the end of the row. It was beautifully painted with patterns of Bears and wolves and eagles emblazoned onto the wood, and the two large totem poles that adorned the entrance gave off an air of imposing grandeur. But the inside waswarm in the lamplight, and the carved benches and chests were laid over with comfortable looking animal furs and clothes.

“Well now, my beautiful husband,” Gat.áayi cooed, “here we are!”

“Yes, here we are!” Sit’ku noticed that his voice was more high pitched than usual. He hesitated, not sure what to say next.

“Don’t be nervous!” she said, “Here, come, take off your mantle, make yourself comfortable.”

“Thank you.” Sit’ku did as he was told. He took off his mantle and laid it carefully on a benchmark beside him. When he turned around, he found that not only had Gat.áayi and Kaawu removed their mantles-they had stripped off their clothes entirely. Sit’ku balanced. There they stood, in all their nude glory, Gat.áayi with her breasts dropping like overripe fruits, completely unabashed.

“No secrets among us married folks!” remarked Kaawu. He took a seat on the mantle and spread his legs deliberately so as to highlight his impressive erect penis. Gat.áayi sat down next to him, planted a kiss on his cheek, and began unbraiding her hair so that it fell in wavy tempers around her bare chest. They both looked at Sit’ku expectedly.

Sit’ku stood in front of them in his shirt and pants, hesitating.

“Show us those muscles!” encouraged Gat.áayi.

Emboldened by the compliment, Sit’ku removed his shirt, pants, and moccasins for them. His audience hotted Appreciatively. Shaking a bit, he lowered his loincloth. He felt Gat.áayi’s and Kaawu’s eyes take in the whole of his body, his smooth bronze skin, his muscle legs, his erect penis. Sit’ku had always felt confident that the size of his penis, even if it may not impress, would not disappoint. Against Kaawu’s far superior length and girl, however, he felt diminutive by comparison. He resisted the impulse to cover his genitals with his hands.

Gat.áayi and Kaawu, however, seemed impressed. “Gorgeous, come sit with us!” Gat.áayi told him, making space on the benchmark between her and Kaawu.Sit’ku obeyed. He sat down between Gat.áayi and Kaawu. Gatáayi immediately began stroking his hair, and Kaawu ran his hand up and down his chest and tights.

The whole scene was so foreign to Sit’ku, the combination of pleasure and disappoint so unnerving, that he tensed up and batted their hands away. “I don’t…I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now,” he told them, ashamed.

“I’m sorry,” Gat.áayi said, “we don’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“No no, I’m sorry. I want to do this right, I just don’t know how.”

“So that’s what you’re worried about? Not knowing what to do?” asked Kaawu.


“Well that’s easy, then. Just do what we say and we’ll guide you through Everything.”

“I…I think I can do that.”

“Good boy,” said Gat.áayi, and she began to stroke his hair again.

Sit’ku felt a wave of relief. So this was all they expected him to do-follow their instructions. This he could do. More than that, this he wanted to do. TheThought of ceding control to Gat.áayi and her husband was, he had to admit, not just relieving but arousing.

The truth was that Sit’ku had always been intrigued by the idea of ​​submission. He knew that he was not in the majority in having this desire-his conversations about women with other men his age had made that abundantly clear. While his friends opinionated about all the things they would like to do to women, Sit’ku Found that his fansies usually led him to imagine all the things he would like for women (and sometimes men) to do to him. He imagined those things now-to be touched, to be used, to be treated roughly-and resolved that he would give himself up to experiencing whatever Gat.áayi and Kaawu had in store for him.

Kaawu’s and Gat.áayi’s hands were greedy, leaving no inch of Sit’ku’s body untouched. His hair, his face, his neck, his thighs-they claimed all of it as their own. Their tongues consumed him from either side, and their hands caresed his genitals. To Sit’ku, it felt as if he were being eaten alive, subsumed into Kaawu and Gat.áayi, lost in them. He let out a moan of pleasure.

“Very good, boy,” Kaawu encouraged. “You want more?”

“Yes, yes, please!”

And they burrowed into his body with renewed ferocity, scratching, rubbing, biting. Gat.áayi was sucking on his nipples and playing with his penis, Kaawu was pulling his hair and kissing his neck. Their hands grazed, squeezed, stroked.

“Oh! Oh!” Sit’ku moaned.

His nipples burned and tingled where Gat.áayi was playing with them. His hips were moving up and down, as if of their own according. Sit’ku felt almost as if he were floating outside his body, yet at the same time more present in it than he had ever felt before. He felt every care, every scratch, every bite, acutely.

“You like it a little rough, don’t you?” implored Gat.áayi.

“Yes,” he breathed.

She slapped him across the chest. The pain was rousing, rightful, invigorating him to his core, and Sit’ku cried out with pleasure.

“Say thank you.”

“Thank you!”

She slapped him again, hard, on his thigh. He squirmed, but Kaawu still held a firm grap on his hair.

“Thank you!” He shuddered involuntarily.

“Oh Sit’ku,” grewled Kaawu, tugging Sit’ku’s head back, “we never thought you’d be this much fun!”

“I know!” exclaimed Gat.áayi. “We are going to do so many pleasant things to our beautiful submissive boy.”

She twisted his nipples, and he whimpered in pain, but he did not bat her away.

“Look how good he is!” she told Kaawu. “He’s taking so much pain for us. Don’t forget to say thank you, now, Sit’ku!”

“Thank you,” Sit’ku smiled.

Sit’ku recognized that he was being infantilized. This was the undercurrent of the power dynamic into which their threesome’s interaction had fallen; he was the ignorant youth to be fawned over, dominated, and taught the ways of sex. It was a real power dynamic-he was young and inexperienced, and they were older and apparently quite well practiced. But it was also one into which all three willingly leaned, one that Sit’ku was playing up with his passivity and Gat.áayi and Kaawu were playing up with their orders and diminutive names. Rather than retreat from this game, Sit’ku dug himself in further.

“I could take more pain for you,” he offered.

“Excellent,” said Gat.áayi. “Let’s find out how much.” She whispered something in Kaawu’s ear, and he stood up and fetched something from inside a wooden chest. When he returned with it, Sit’ku saw that it was a wooden rod, like the kind used to hang salmon as it smoked. It was slim and soupple, and Kaawu flicked it at Sit’ku playedfully as he sat down.

“Now, I want you on your hands and knees,” Gat.áayi ordered. “On top of the bench, facing me.”

Sit’ku did as he was told. The position put him at eye level with Gat.áayi’s illustrious bosom, at which he gawked with pleasure. Gat.áayi seemed pleased at the attentionon. “Enjoying the view?”


“You can suck on them if you like.”

“Thank you!” He buried his face in her breasts with gusto, licking and kissing and sucking.

He felt a sharp pain as the rod made contact with his rear end. He jerked his head back. “Ow!” This pain was deeper than the slapses had been and more concentrated. It made his body seize up involuntarily.

“Very good,” Kaawu said steadily from behind him. His hands stroked the spot where he had just hit Sit’ku. “Relax your muscles, arch your back.” Sit’ku did so.

“Keep your face in my tits,” Gat.áayi told him, grabbing his hair and forcing his head between her breasts.

Sit’ku waited for the second blow, trying to relax and keep the posture he had been ordered to keep. But the pain did not come when he expected. Kaawu was taking his time, stroking Sit’ku’s rear end with his hands and tapping it lightly with the rod. The fear of not knowing when the next dose of pain would come sent a thrilldown Sit’ku’s spine. He felt extremely afraid of the next blow and safe within the cocoon of Gat.áayi’s bosom.

The second hit was more painful than the first, striking the already sensitive spot where Kaawu had struck the first time. It took all of Sit’ku’s willpower to keep his back arched for Kaawu, but he did it. Kaawu struck again, hard, on the opposite chef. The blows began to Accelerate in frequency. Again and again they came, sending shudders down Sit’ku’s spine and jolts of pain into his rear end. His fists clnched, his face still buried in Gat.áayi’s bosom, he cried out until he thought he could take no more. Still, the blows came. He felt as if a the cane was reaching deep into him, below his skin. It was again, and yet at the same time he felt elated, as if he had reached a new state of experiencing his body beyond boundaries, beyond pain.

Just when the unbearable ecstasy was at its peak, Kaawu set down the rod. The pain was over. Sit’ku gasped and collapsesed on the benchmark.

“Are you alright?” Gat.áayi asked. With his head on her lap, she stroked his hair. Kaawu stroked the warm skin that he had reddened with the cane.

“Ohhh,” Sit’ku moaned. He felt warm and vulnerable and intimate. Words returned to his mouth slowly. “Yes, I am very good.”

As merciless as he had been with the rod, Kaawu was now just as gentle with his hands, which soothed Sit’ku’s body as they made contact with it. “You took that so well for us,” he said.

“Thank you. I think part of me always wanted to experience what it was like to really submit to someone like that. I didn’t expect that that would happen tonight, though.”

“Neither did we!” chimed in Gat.áayi. “But you seemed to enjoy yourself so much when we hit you that I thought, well, why not!”

“You seemed to enjoy it more than I ever have,” remarked Kaawu.

“You’ve been hit before?”

“Oh yes. Gat.áayi and I have been playing around with pain and pleasure for a while now.”

A new world seemed to be opening up to Sit’ku-a world in which pain was not only a thing to be endured but a substance that could be played with and combined with dozens of pleasure with thoroughly arousing results. The possibilities for what one could do with one’s body and others’ bodies in this world were manifold.

“So what other things have you done, with pain and pleasure?”

“Ooh, let’s see, we’ve had a lot of different experiments. We had some fun with rope a little while back. But until now we’ve been a bit limited in our experiments because we both tend to prefer giving rather than receiving.”

“I’ll receive for you!” offered Sit’ku eagerly.

“Good boy.”

Sit’ku lay recumbent on the benchmark between Kaawu and Gat.áayi, locks of his hair stiffen over Gat.áayi’s lap.

“You know what I was thinking?” said Kaawu. “If you’re going to have sex with Gat.áayi, maybe you should learn first what it’s like to be penetrated. It might make you more sensitiveve to how a woman feels.”

“Oooh that’s a fabulous idea!” exclaimed Gat.áayi. “Would you like that, Sit’ku?”

“I…I think so.”

“Very good.”

Gat.áayi stood up and fetched a small cloth from the same trunk from which Kaawu had just retrieved the rod. “Close your eyes, Sit’ku.” She folded the clothes and tied it around Sit’ku’s eyes, obscuring his vision completely. Sit’ku breathed in sharply, drawn into himself by the loss of his vision.

Gat.áayi laughed. “I thought you’d enjoy that. Lie back, legs up.”

Sit’ku did as he was told. Gat.áayi was behind him now, a fistful of his hair held in her firm grasp. Kaawu stood in front of him, surveying his exposed body. He ran his hands down Sit’ku’s thighs and stroked his genitals. Sit’ku let out a moan as he felt pleasure began to gather in his groin. With the blindfold on, he found that he was even more acutely aware of each touch, each sensing.

“Say thank you to Kaawu!” reminded Gat.áayi. “He is being sonice to you.”

“Thank you, Kaawu!”

Sit’ku hear Kaawu spit on his hand and then felt his fingers make their way downward from his penis. Unused to be touched in so intimate a place, Sit’ku tensed. He felt the now familiar combination of arousal and fear return to his body.


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