Watching Molly: Part 2

This is the second part of ‘Watching Molly’ – it may be worth reading that first! The story may be moving away from the Voyeur/Exhibitionist category and more into the BDSM than I feel!

After that world shattering Friday night, Molly did not hear anything from Mistress. She did see Mistress around the building, occasionally, but apart from a slight nod of the head in her direction Mistress ignored Molly completely. Molly had been in a daze after that night; marvelling at the sexual awakening that had occurred in her and desperate for more! Every night she hoped that the phone would ring and it would be Mistress demanding that she join her; but days turned to weeks and Mistress did not phone.

Molly got on with her life. She worked hard at her office job and got recommendations and a pay increase. She even started seeing a guy from personnel, Joe. They had been to the movies, out for dinner, walks in the park but apart from the odd ‘kiss-with-tongues’ goodnight, neiter of them seemed to be able or willing to make the move to take it any further. Molly even began to get her binarys out again and sit on her balcony and peep into the lives of her neighbors. She had been embarrassed to start this again, for fear that someone out there had seen what had happened on Mistress’ balcony, but she had gotten over that. The thought that someone might have their eyes trained on her as she watched the world added an extra frisson to her activities that had not been there before. The thought that two floors up Mistress could be performing with Slut made it even more exciting! Every time Molly went out onto her balcony she looked up and strained her ears, hoping that she might catch a glimpse of someone or that the wind would carry the odd snatch of sound down to her. But Molly was disappointed – she saw and heard nothing.

It was Saturday night and Molly was getting ready to go out with Joe. They were going to the opening of a new, fairly high class, neighborhood restaurant and Molly decided to really get dressed up. Also, she had decided, enough was enough with Joe and she was going to do her best to seduce him and get him in her bed. Earlier, in the shower, she had taken a fresh razor and shavaged off her public hair. She still had a clear memory of seeing Mistress’ smooth pussy for the first time and was eager to illicit the same response in someone else. It had been a strange experience at first, soaping up her pussy, carefully scraping the razor around her most delicious parts, but as the smooth skin of her mound and lips appeared, allowing the little bud of her clip to show every now and then, Molly began to enjoy it. So much so that she felt her labia swell, her clip tingle and the familiar moisture collect. She considered masturbating but decided it would be more fun to keep this luscious feeling between her legs for as long as she could. Wandering around her bedroom, drying herself, collecting together the clothes she would wear, she felt her thighs gliding across her smooth swollen lips and her state of arousal increased even more. When she pulled on her black to the material pressed onto her lips and she could even feel her clip rub gently on the lace. No wonder so many women shake, she thought, wish I had done this before!

Molly continued to dress, black lacy push up bra, hold up stockings (something else she had borrowed from Mistress!) and her new red dress. The dress was sleepless with a fitted scoop necked bodice and the bra gave her a cute little cleavage. The skirt was full and swirled around her legs sensitively, falling just above the knee. She could feel the cool softness of the material on her ass and the tops of her thighs. She felt wonderful! Instead of pulling her hair back into her usual ponytail she left it down, putting in a few soft curls with a hot brush.

When she had finished her make up, she checked the time. She had half an hour till she had to meet Joe, so she poured herself a large glass of wine and went to sit on the balcony. It was a beautiful evening, clear and still. She was tempted to go get her binarys…but no she was already aroused enough! She opened her legs a little though and pulled the skirt of her dress to the top of her thighs and felt the cool evening air ticket her hot, pulsing pussy. She couldn’t wait to see Joe and begin to work the magic she was feeling tonight! She was feeling extraordinarily horny and she dipped a finger in her wine and licked and sucked it clean – imagining licking and sucking something else later! She jumped a little as the sound of the door bell brought her out of her reverie. She put the wine glass down and straightened herself up. Joe had probably decided to come and pick her up instead of meeting her at the restaurant. When she opened the door, however, she got a big Surprise! Standing there, looking like a whore from hell, was Slut! Her red hair had been back- combined to within an inch of itslife and it was sticking out wildly from her head. Her face was pale and her lips had been slicked with black lipstick, making her look even paler. She was dressed (if dressed is the word!) in 5” spiked heels, crossless black PVC panties and matching peephole bra, oh and of course her dog collar.

‘Hi, Molly! Wow, look at you all dressed up!’ Slut said.

‘Jesus Christ, Slut!’ Molly spat, ‘Get in here before anyone sees you!’ Molly grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room, closing the door behind them.

‘Don’t be such a prissy pants, Molly! I have a message for you from Mistress.’

Molly’s heart skipped a beat. She had been waiting weeks for this. She tried to keep calm.

‘Oh and what is the message?’ Molly flicked her hair.

‘Well this is the first part…’

Slut stepped forward and grabbed the back of Molly’s head, brought their lips together and gave her a rough, wet, open mouthed kiss. It took Molly’s breath away and all she could do was standThere and feel Slut’s tongue probe and play with her. Slut eventually broke her embrace and licked her lips.

’Mmmm, you taste nice, Molly! Oh sorry, I got lippy all over you!’ Slut carefully wiped off the black lipstick that had transferred itself to Molly’s lips. ‘Right, Mistress wants to see you. Now.’

’Now? I can’t see her now. I’m going out on a date!’

‘Molly, you don’t understand! Mistress wants to see you now – you won’t get a second chance with this.’

Shit! Molly thought. Of all the nights!

‘Ok, Slut, but give me a moment. Ok?’

‘Sure but don’t be too long or it will be my ass that will get it!’ Slut pouted then smiled, ‘But you know how much I like that!’

Molly laughed then called Joe. She was thinking of what excuse she could use, she really hated lying. He answered almost immediately.

’Hi, Joe. Molly here. Look I am really, really sorry but I am going to have to cancel tonight. I feel awful that it is such short notice but I havehave been asked to um…help a neighbor in distress.’ There was a bit of a silence.

‘Oh, ok, Molly. That’s ok. Will I phone you tomorrow?’

Molly could hear the disappointment in his voice and felt terrible.

‘Yes, Joe. Give me a call tomorrow. I am really sorry about this.’

‘No worries, Molly. Hope you can make your neighbor feel better.’

‘I hope so too, Joe. Speak to you tomorrow. Bye.’ Molly hung up. She told and looked at Slut who shrugged her shoulders in a “Yeah? So?” kind of way.

’You are a pretty convincing liar for a prissy pants!’

’Shut up, Slut!’ but Molly couldn’t help smoking. She had been summoned to see Mistress and that was all she cared about right now!

Slut and Molly made their way up to Mistress’ apartment on the 10th floor. Molly was petrified that someone would see them. Slut would be arrested for indecency! The door was open and the two women walked in. Mistress was not in the living room but a voice called from the bedroom.

‘Slut! Position!’

Slut immediately got down on all fours, resting her arms on the floor, legs wide apart, her ass in the air and pointing in the direction of the bedroom. Molly tried not to look at Slut’s exposed pussy and ass but couldn’t help it. She at once noticed the glint of something silver. So Slut had got that clip ring after all, she thought. Molly didn’t see Mistress come into the room she was too engrossed in Slut’s attentions.

‘Ah, Molly! So glad you could make it! And don’t you look just delightful!’

Molly gave a start at Mistress’ voice.

‘Thank you Mistress. I…’but Molly’s voice trailed off as she took in the vision that was Mistress. She was dressed in a red, soft leather cat suit, unzipped to the navel, black high heels and Her dark hair had been glossed back into smooth, severe bun. She was smoking, elegantly, from a long black cigarette holder. The open suit revealed that she wore no bra and the smooth curves of her gloriously fullbreasts were clearly visible. In her other hand she was holding what looked like a riding crop. Molly was completely enranced.

‘No need to thank me, Molly my dear, I know you are happy to be here. Slut! Move closer to the balcony doors!’

Slut obeyed and crawled over to the open doors and positioned herself as before but side on to Molly and Mistress and whoever else was watching out There!

‘Now, Molly, would you like to take the experience of your first night here a little further? Think carefully, you are free to go if you want!’

Mistress moved closer to Molly and moved the crop gently down one side of her face until it rested under her chin. Molly swallowed loudly.

‘Yes, Mistress. I want to go further.’

Mistress smiled and the whole room seemed to light up.

‘You are a good girl Molly and you are going to love it!’

Mistress moved over beside Slut and rested her heeled foot on Slut’s back.

’Slut has been most trying today, Molly.She has been forgotten and disobedient. Haven’t you Slut.’ Mistress said between drags on her cigarette.

‘Yes, Mistress. I am so sorry!’ Slut whimpered.

‘Come here, Molly dear, and take this.’ Mistress held out the crop.

Molly moved over to the two women and took the crop from Mistress’ hand. Mistress walked over to an armchair and sat down, crossing her long, shaped legs.

‘I want you to give Slut four hard strokes of the crop, Molly. Two on each chef. Do you think you can do that? You will need to take her panties off first’

Molly nodded.

‘Good girl. On you go!’

Molly eased Sluts cropless panties over her ass and down her legs and over her feet, she could smell Slut’s scent as she did and her already swollen and wet pussy throbbed in her own panties. Molly then positioned herself to the side of Slut and read herself. She had never hurt anyone before and she was a bit afraid of it. She brought the crop down on Slut’s left buttock and winched but felt a little thrill of excitement run through her body. Mistress laughed.

‘Oh Molly! You can do much better than that! Other cheese and harder!’

Molly brought the crop down on Slut’s right buttock after swinging her arm back further this time. It hit with a ‘thwack’ and she saw Slut tense. The thrill that shot through her own body was Intensive.

‘Much better, sweetheart! Finish it.’

Molly gave Slut the last two prescribed lashes with the same force and saw the skin on her ass cheeks redden. Molly was breathing heavily and she felt her pussy ooze wetness onto her panties.

‘Wonderful. Now Molly, I need to check something. On your hands and knees like Slut.’

The young woman nervously did as she was told and got on all fours. Mistress came up behind her and lifted her dress over her ass. She picked up the dropped crop and Molly closed her eyes and gritted her teeth – waiting for the pain. What she felt was the crop move inside the crop of her panties, pulling them aside and the tip of the leather crop sliding down her slit. Molly moaned as she was so aroused and the gentle touch of the hard crop was wonderful.

‘My goodness, Molly! You are puffed up and leaking like a whore! Has your little caning session turned you on this much? Or has it to do with that newly shaken pussy! It wasn’t like that the last time!’

‘I don’t know, Mistress.’ Molly managed to say. Her heart was pounding.

‘Ouch!’ Molly yelled as the unexpected thwack of the crop stung her ass.

‘Answer me truthfully!’ Mistress hissed.

‘I’m sorry Mistress! I am turned on by caning Slut but…’


’…I held my pussy earlier this evening and I have been very aroused since.’

‘Ok, little one, and Why did you shake your pussy? Hmmmm?’ Mistress asked, using the crop to pull Molly’s panties again for an even better examination.

‘I had a date tonight…I was planning on seducing him…oh!’

Molly gasped as she felt the tip of the crop against her clip then slide down her slit and enter her very wet hole, ever so slightly. She heard Slut giggle.

‘Oh, really! Well aren’t you getting adventure! Stand up, Molly, and Slut, be quite!’

Molly stood up as gracefully as she could. Her panties hadn’t gone back properly and the material caught in her slit, rubbing on her clip. She was so aroused that her knees were trembling. Mistress was silent as she went to a drawer, opened it and took out a black blind fold and the ties that had once held Molly’s ankles to a chair. Mistress placed the blindfold on Molly and the world became dark. She felt Mistress unzip the back of her dress, pull the straws over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She felt the faster of her bra being undone and the bra slipped from her body. Then Mistress’ hands were on her hips pulling at the lace thong and she felt it ease away from her pussy, down her legs to her feet also. She stood there naked apart from her stockings. Molly felt Mistress’ hands move over her ass, up her back and round to her breasts and stomach. Her whole body was trembling now.

‘Step out of your clothes and let me lead you.’ Mistress whispered in her ear and that soft breath in her ear made her tingle.

Mistress led her out onto the balcony. Molly could feel the gentle breeze play around her nakedness, brushing over her nipples, tickling at her bare, swollen pussy lips. Mistress took Molly’s hands and placed them on the rail of the balcony and Molly gripped it tightly. She felt the ties go around her wrists and secure her to the rail. Mistress then gently flicked the crop against Molly’s legs until she had them opened to the desired position.

Molly’s mind was racing. She was excited but nervous; just what on earth was going to happen? She tensed as she felt the crop at the nape of her neck and then make its way down her back and ticket her ass crack. She felt the thin crop slide along her pussy until the endbrushed her stomach. Mistress slide the crop slowly backwards and forwards, making sure that the hard, thin rod separated Molly’s labia completely and she felt the pressure of it on the whole of her hot, swollen pussy. Molly began to moan and move herself against the crop, feeling her entire slit wrap around the little rod, feeling the pressure on her clip. She began to ride the crop, moving her hips back and forth. She feel someone brush past her tights; Slut on her knees made her way under Molly’s arms and began sucking on Molly’s nipples.

‘Mmmmm,’ Molly groaned as the ministers of the two women were bringing her closer and closer to orgasm and she began wriggling faster on the crop. Suddenly the crop was gone and Molly howled in frustration.

‘Whuh!!’ Molly’s breath was forced out of her as Mistress brought the crop down forcefully on her buttocks. The unexpected sing bring tears to Molly’s eyes but it also pushed her one step closer to orgasm. Her pussy throbbed infrustration and her clip sang out to be touched. As if her desires had been heard she felt Slut move between her legs and then…oh the excite touch of Slut’s tongue and mouth on her now smooth pussy! Slut pushed her mouth hard against Molly and roughly plunged her tongue in and out of her as fast as she could. Molly was on the edge – she began to grind herself into Slut’s face, getting her tongue inside as far as she could, rubbing her clip on her nose.

‘I’m gonna cum!’ Molly yelled.

‘Oh I do hope so!’ Mistress purred.

Just then Slut moved slightly and Molly felt two fingers push inside her and Slut began biting softly on her clip. This was too much for Molly and she felt her orgasm rip through her; deep spasms of pleasure radiated from her cunt and clip and washed over Her leaving her completely breathless and weak. Slut continued to finger fuck her, and lick her clip, slowing down as Molly did, until Molly went still and limp. Molly rested her head against the bAlcony rail and tried to catch her breath. Slut withdraw her fingers and moved from between her legs and Molly heard the doors close as the two women left her alone on the balcony, blindfolded and tied to the rail, sweating, breathless and limp; and of course exposed to any prying eyes out there that might be watching.


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