Shared Trophy Wife Ch. 02

Please read chapter 01 before reading this so you know the characters. Like chapter one, this is a domination/submission story not a bondage story. At least not yet.

I didn’t sleep much that night for several reasons. Jimmy’s requirement that I masturbate every two hours would have made getting any rest difficult enough, but knowing that Christine had busted me coming out of his room and thinking About what she would do with that information means I couldn’t really fall asleep between the two hour alarms. The best I could do is lay back with my eyes closed and try to control my breathing allowing me some rest.

As I am sure you guessed, my masturbation sessions were brief. Jimmy’s requirement that I stop as soon as I thought I would orgasm meant I could only touch myself for a couple of minutes. Then I would have to quit or risk failing his task. Then I would think about Christine. Christine had always been friendly towards me, but I didn’t have a good read about what shewas into. Jimmy, by contrast, presented as a typical 18 year old horn dog. Christine was out with friends frequently, but we never really talked a lot.

After my 6am masturbation session, I decided to get up and shower. Jimmy’s drunk, crusty cum had been an irritant all night and I obviously needed to wash my hair. I knew I only had until 7 to make myself presentable and I wanted to do a little breakfast prep before I wook him up. That means I had to rush, but as I looked at myself post shower, post makeup and wearing just a robe as ordered, I have to say I looked fuckable. At least I hoped I was fuckable. I was desperate to cum and would prefer that it happened impaled on Jimmy’s cock. I tried to be quiet heading down to the kitchen so I wouldn’t wake Christine. I didn’t need her snooping outside Jimmy’s door.

I mixed up some pancake battery and broke a few extra eggs in a bowl to scramble later. I also put some bread in the toaster, although I didn’t turn it on. I was almost late getting back upstairs, but I was on-time according to my phone. Jimmy had not specified which clock would determine if I was late, so I figured my phone was accurate enough. Was he faking that he was sleeping? I don’t know. But as I peeled back his blanket, I was intensive to see he was sleeping commando and even soft, his cock was impressive and yummy looking.

I couldn’t knee in front of him and reach it, so I laid down in the bed and began what would become my normal morning routine. As is the case with most young men, it didn’t take long for his cock to stiffen in my mouth. It was a wonderful feeling. Soon after that, I felt his hand possessively on the back of my head. I hoped that means I was a good girl and he would reward me with another fuck.

Jimmy didn’t say anything. He simply held my head and let me blow him. I was so focused on making him cum, I didn’t even think to pause and ask him to fuck me. I also didn’t reach between my legs or play with my nipples, although I considered both. I knew pleasure myself, while not strictly forbidden, would have been against the spirit of how I was supposed to wake him. He lasted about 15 minutes before giving me a mouthful of tasty cum. Then, much like last night, he simply dismissed me to fix breakfast while he showed. While I luxurious to the taste of his cum in my mouth while I finished making breakfast, I must admit I was disappointed that he didn’t touch me or at least allow me to touch myself.

While in the kitchen, I was surprised that Christine was the first downstairs to join me. I had been dreading the conversation she warned me we would have and hoped Jimmy would join us quickly so my talk with her could be delayed. Fortunately that is exactly what happened.

Breakfast was surreal. Christine didn’t find my making breakfast for them weird at all. At least if she did she didn’t mention it. She also didn’t comment that my robe was fairly short and try as I might, showed some cleavage. It was a robe I had bought in anticipation of Charles enjoying it when we traveled together. Christine also never mentioned she knew Jimmy and I had played last night. For his part, Jimmy didn’t say anything inappropriate in front of his sister. He did pin me from behind against the counter when she wasn’t looking. He also whispered in my ear that he would, “Take care of me,” later when he got home from work. That made me gushy.

Jimmy left the kitchen soon after and headed upstairs. Christine stayed behind. I was nervous, but still wet from what Jimmy said. He came back downstairs a few minutes later and waved goodbye to us. As soon as he was out the door, Christine told me she knew I had played with him.

“I know dad lets you fuck around, but do you really think it is a good idea that you screw around with Jimmy?” she asked.

“I didn’t exactly plan it,” I tried to explain. “He sort of seduced me yesterday.” That was my nice way of saying her dad told him my kryptonitem and he used it to get into my pussy.

“He fucked my college roommate,” she told me. “I know he has a big dick.”

That comment surprised me. I didn’t expect his sister to be commenting on his anatomy. I was trying to formulate a response when my phone chirped. Looking at the text message, my face must have given away my surprise. Christine immediately asked what was up. I didn’t want to tell her, but she badgered me until I finally admitted it was from Jimmy.

“Ooo, let me see it,” she exclaimed. I guess her roommate had not shared his rather neanderthal techniques. I also didn’t want to admit I was getting excited again.

“Come on,” she continued. “Your nipples just hardened when you read the message. Let me see.”

I had not realized my hard point showed Through my robe and I was desperate to get out of this conversation.

“I don’t think showing you is a good idea,” I replied.

“If you show me, I’ll share a secret about my mother,” she countered.Then my phone chirped again.

As you know, I don’t think rationally when I’m aroused and after a few more back and forths in the conversation, I found myself sitting next to her on the couch and handing her my phone. Jimmy’s instruction seemed dirtier having her read them out loud instead of my just reading them.

“Slut, you were good this morning and if you’re good the rest of the day, I’ll fuck the dayslights out of you after dinner,” she read without commentary. Why did it turn me on more to have her read his message out loud?

“I want you to edge again every hour on the hour. I want you so horny that you’ll cum as soon as I stick my cock in you.” I desperately wanted to still my fingers in my cunt and make myself cum even if I was sitting in front of Christine.

“After Christine leaves, I want you to drop your robe and spend the day naked. Each time you edge, I want you to do it in a different room in the house. Do it on the kitchen table, the dining room table,on Christine’s bed, on the wash machine, etc. Don’t both with the living room couch. You already before that.”

Christine looked at me after reading that text. She had a sly grin on her face and then looked at the couch working out in her mind how her brother and I fucked on it.

“If you understand these instructions, reply, Yes Sir.”

I watched as Christine replied to the message. She then, looking at my phone said, “You have 45 minutes until you have to edge. Let’s talk.”

We sat together, talked and learned about each other. If it wasn’t for the subject matter, you would think it was just a step-mom learning about her step-daughter. Mostly I did the talking as she was very interested in my promiscuous life. She said she had a couple of boyfriends and had sex with her female roommate a few times (typical college experiment she claimed), but beyond that, didn’t give me much detail. I thought perhaps after fucking her brother, her roommate didn’t want Christine any more, but I didn’t ask. Of course we talked about why her brother was texting me instructions and I told her details of what we had done. It was a weird conversation. She wasn’t judgemental at all. She seemed generally interested in my exploits. Then she announced it was the top of the hour. I half expected her to pull open my robe and masturbate me, but she announced she was going up to her room to give me privacy.

I still felt weird about completing my task for Jimmy while Christine was in the house, so I went downstairs. The basement was nicely finished on one side in early American man-cave style. Big TV, poker table, bar, foosball, pool and darts. The unfinished side had the laundry room, mechanicals, a tool benchmark and lots of chrome storage shelves on casters. They had always been neatly arranged Along the walls. Charles was nothing if not fastidious about keeping everything neat and tidy. I thought about sitting at the bar and masturbating pretending I was at someclub waiting for a date, but since I was in a robe and had been playing step-mom to the kids, I decided to sit on top of the wash machine and be a naughty housewife.

I dropped my robe and moved a step stool in front of the washer after confirming the top would support my weight. After I sat and spread my legs, it didn’t take me long to feel the pangs of arousal and to worry about being able to stop. I wanted to prolong what pleasure (or was it ago) I received so I slowed down long enough to let my arousal wane, at least a bit, and then sped up to get close again. This was madness, of course, but I started to enjoy how Jimmy was ordering me to make myself incredibly horny. In the past, if I didn’t have a partner, I might tease myself a bit, but I always made myself cum fairly quickly. Stopping and starting now, Knowing I would fail the challenge if I came made my masturbation even more exciting. Thinking about Jimmy fucking me that night was a good motivator, although if he changed his mind I would be taking care of myself in short order. I probably lasted maybe 15 minutes teasing myself through three cycles before I had to stop or risk losing control.

Panting, I hoped off the washer and put my robe back on tying the sash belt around my waist. I anticipated this would be the end of the story, at least for 45 minutes until I had to do this again, but I noticed one of the chrome racks seemed to be slightly out of place. Curiosity led me to explore the reason. It seemed to have been pulled out and when it was moved back into place, one of the casters got stuck against the shelf next to it. Jimmy or Christine must have moved the shelf to grab something and didn’t pay attention when pushing it back, I reasoned. I took one of the upright bars in my hand to move it back where it belonged, When I noticed a door behind it. Now I was really curious. I pulled the shelf all the way out. The door was labeled, “business storage” and had a deadbolt. I tried to open it, but as I expected, it was locked. It made sense that Charles would store things at home, I guess, but why the deadbolt? Oh well. I will ask him about it when he gets home from this trip. I moved the shelf back into position and went upstairs.

My plan was to go into my bedroom and wash up, but when I pasted Christine’s door, I heard a soft moan. That stopped me dead in my tracks. I tiptoed closer to the door. It was then I heard the sound of the video she was watching. The sound was muffled, but I thought I heard the words, “Fuck me, Mistress” and I was pretty sure the moaning wasn’t from the video. Then it hit me. Christine was watching porn and getting herself off. I wasn’t surprised that she was masturbating. Well, a little surprised, but she must have figured I wouldn’t be upstairs for a while longer. I was a bit surprised that the video sounded like she was watching lesbian porn. Not that I had anything against lesbians, but being with another woman was probably the one cliched thing I didn’t do in school. Still, I found what she was doing pretty hot.

Maybe it was my own need to climax, but listening to Christine finger herself caused my pussy to get wet again. Technically it was still wet from my time on the washing machine, but listening to her made me want to finger myself again before the next hour dictated. Luckily the robe made that easy. Not cumming when Christine did, was difficult. I almost lost it. I also almost opened her door to offer myself to her. I’d never really considered having sex with a woman before. It was probably the frequently edging messing with my brain. It was bad enough I was fucking Jimmy. Charles might forgive that. But did he know his daughter was into women? She might not be a lesbian, but she certainly came hard watching two women and had told me she fucked her roommate.

As much as I hated to, I stopped and snuck into my bedroom. I shut the door, but I didn’t lock it. Maybe Christine was as horny as me. I was jeAlous that she got to cum, but maybe she would come into my room and take me much like Jimmy had done yesterday in the foyer. I thought about the video she had been watching. “Fuck me, Mistress,” repeated in my head. I lifted the back of my robe and bent over my dresser. Looking at myself in the mirror, I looked like a wanton slut (duh) and the thought of being fucked from behind would have been too much to resist If I had allowed my fingers between my legs. Believe me, it was a struggle not to fuck myself to that wonderful vision of Jimmy taking me from behind. Then I had a vision of Christine being fucked by an anonymous Mistress. Maybe it was one of her professors. My fingers crept towards my pussy and I could feel the wetness leaking out of me. I was in so much need of an orgasm, but I stopped before I touched myself. This day was going to be so much more difficult than I realized.

I didn’t see Christine before my next edging task. I was thankful for that. I still had my robeon and it felt weird walking around the house just wearing that at 11am. I decided to masturbate sitting on the kitchen counter. I had all kinds of naughty visions in my head of Jimmy fucking me in the kitchen after I made breakfast. Again my edging didn’t take long. Within minutes I could feel my orgasm building and approaching the point of no return. Like before, I could sense my body would release the moment his cock was in me. That was both good and bad, but that was how Jimmy wanted me so that was what he was going to get. About 20 minutes later Christine came back downstairs. She was now wearing a tiny crop top and running shorts. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. I wondered if she dressed like that to tease me or if it was just for herself. She sat down on the couch and asked me to sit next to her.

“How has your edging gone?” she asked.

“Not as good as yours,” I replied. As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted confessing that I heard her masturbate.

“Not as good as yours,” I replied. As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted confessing that I heard her masturbate.

“Oh, you heard me?” she replied. “I thought you were downstairs.”

“I was, but I had to quit after only a couple minutes,” I told her. “You’re brother is kind of a bastard for telling me not to cum. By the way, what’s that door marked Office Storage all about?”

“If dad didn’t tell you, he probably doesn’t want you to know just yet,” was her cryptic response. “But yes, I got myself off. Jimmy’s plan for you is so hot. I got wet just reading the text messages.”

“Have you and Jimmy ever, um, played?” I asked her. Again I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth. Christine just shook her head and laughed.

“No we haven’t and that isn’t going to happen,” was her formal reply. “He fucked my roommate and that is how I learned about his, er, talent, but no, I will not find out first hand.” Then she added, “Is he really as good as she told me?”

“I feel really weird telling you this, but yet,” I answered.

A strange dynamic was happening as we continued to talk about sex for the second time this morning. We were kind of bonding in a sisterly way, but I was getting aroused and if the nipples poking through her shirt was any indication, so was she. Then there was the aroma starting to permeate the room. I knew my smell and was not surprised by that due to the state my body was in, but I also smelled a different, but obviously womanly arousal scent. It had to be Christine. I wondered if she was curious about having sex with me. As I said earlier, I had never really considered having sex with a woman, but given the state of my body and inability to process right from wrong at that moment, I admit, the thought had crossed my mind. Just then, her phone started chirping as an alarm went off.

“Oops. Time for you to edge,” she announced. “We’ll have to continue our conversation later.”

“You actually set an alarm indicating when I should masturbate?” I asked her incredulously.

“I promised Jimmy I would look after you today,” she said. “I don’t want you to fail his tasks and miss out on him fucking you tonight. From what Carol, my roommate told me, you would never forgive me.”

Christine was talking, but I was staring at her nipples. There was a period of silence after she stopped talking but I was too distracted to respond. Finally I felt her fingers under my chin lifting up my head. She was smiling, but I was embarrassed to have been busted looking at her with lust.

“My eyes are up here, Alexis,” she said.

“I’m sorry,” I replied. “I’m just so horny.”

“I know,” she said. “Jimmy has that effect on women.”

I didn’t want to tell her she was having that effect on me right then. Whether Jimmy was the original source of my condition, having this sexy 18 year old in front of me right then was driving my current level of arousal.

“Oh, by the way,” she began again. “Didn’t Jimmy tell you to lose the robe and be naked?”

Shit. He had told me that and after my first two edge sessions, three if you count the bonus session when I listened to Christine play with herself, I had put the robe back on.

“Yes he did,” I said as if I had first remembered. I stood up and untied the sash, but I didn’t take it off. “Any suggestion of where I should go?” I asked her playfully, trying to sound like I didn’t want her to dive between my legs and make me cum. “I already knocked out the kitchen counter and washing machine.”

Christine paused with a finger on her lips as if she was thinking. Then she stood up and took my right hand in hers. “I know just what you should do,” she said happily. She then led me to her dad’s home office. When we got there, she helped pull off my robe. I was now standing naked before her. I admit, it was thrilling wondering how she planned to help me complete her brother’s task. She pointed to the desk indicating I should sit on it. She sat in his chair so we were facing each other. She then grabbed my ankles and positioned them on the armsof the chair. This spread my legs open for her observation.

“Damn, my dad made a good investment in those tits,” Christine told me. That was a bit of a surprise. “My roommate has small tits, but big nipples and she went crazy when I sucked them. Are yours sensitive?”

“I already told you that,” I replied wondering why she didn’t remember. Maybe she was just in awe of them. “I go crazy when a guy plays with my nipples. I can almost cum just from that,” I reminded her. I noticed a gleam in her eye. I probably should have been worried, but the wetness in my pussy was my primary concern.

Looking at her watch, Christine told me “30 seconds to go” and then “15” and finally “start playing with your pussy.”

I must admit doing it in front of her was a huge turn on. She was looking intently at my fingers as they danced on my clip. Soon I had to stop for fear of cumming. I could tell from the look on her face she didn’t really believe me so I started rubbing my nipples instead.

“Are you really such a slut that you can only touch your pussy for 3 minutes without climaxing?”

Being called a slut caused me to moan. “Not unless I’ve been teased repeatedly. But right now, yes.” I had not figured out her game yet, but I decided to try and make her an offer she couldn’t refund. “If you touched my clip right now, I would explode.” She leaned forward and I thought I was going to get some relief, but instead she took a deep sniff. I knew what she would smell. When she leaned back with a huge grin on her face, I was humiliated.


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