Shared Trophy Wife Ch. 01

Author’s Note: As usual, a long slow backstory begins this opus. If that’s not your thing, just stop reading now. I put this story in the BDSM category, but there is definitely more submission and less bondage than most of my stories.

My name is Alexis and I am a trophy wife. No, that wasn’t my life’s ambition and honestly, I didn’t want to admit it at first, but in truth, My marriage was more of a business arrangement than love. You see, I am 34 years old and my husband is 56 and wealthy. People would say I married for money whether I admit it or not, but when you hear my story, maybe you will understand.

First off, I am a nymphomaniac. I first admitted that in college. From the moment I lost my virginity, I knew I loved sex. Not only the physical act and the endorphin rush from orgasm, but also the attention men gave me, especially since I learned from the first time I gave a blowjob that having a hard cock in my mouth was a huge turn-on. Not that I didn’t like it whena guy went down on me, but just having him in my mouth for a couple of minutes made my pussy get wet enough to fuck. When I left home for college, it is safe to say I was more excited about being out from under my parent’s watchful eyes than about the education aspects. That’s not to say I was a bad student. It’s just fucking was my real major and I juggled multiple boyfriends while I pursued my physical education degree.

Being a Southern California girl (San Diego) growing up meant I spent a lot of time at the beach and in the gym, so doing physical fitness as a career seemed like a good choice. I’m about 5′ 5″ tall and very lean. I am toned, muscle (although not like a bodybuilder) and cardiovascularly strong. I could easily outlast any of my partners in bed. The only thing I lacked was large boobs. Growing up I didn’t have the reserve fat levels to really have them develop. But my nipples were exceptionally sensitive and I gladly would exchange the pleasure of nipple play for some guy mauling larger breasts. But I digress.

In college it was easy to find men to fuck 4 or 5 nights a week. After graduation… It was still pretty easy. But I needed this thing called money and I quickly learned my degree was not exactly a big cash cow. I worked at a gym and did personal training on the side. The pay was bad as lowly gym staff, but at least the side gig doing personal training made up for it and I didn’t have to worry about being homeless. The gym closed at midnight, although we locked the door at 11pm. By then, people were just finishing up their worksouts and hitting the shows. The manager was always gone and I or one of the guys that worked there had the late shift to lock up. That also means I had time to workout at night. The manager didn’t mind if I worked out after about 10 as long as the customers were taken care of and I clocked out on time.

I was still maintaining a stable of friends with benefits to take care of my other physical needs.I always made it clear that I had no desire to be in an exclusive relationship. I was perfectly happy to be their side piece provided he demonstrated skills in the bedroom. But some nights, especially when I worked the late shift, none of my guys were available. I guess that is the downside to being non-exclusive. If I was at the gym, after it had cleared out, I would finish my shift by riding one of the exercise bicycles. Specifically I would choose one of the upright style bikes with a small seat that I could tip the front upright. Thirty minutes riding the bike rubbing my pussy on the front of the seat always left me as a dripping mess. I would then head to the employee locker room where I kept a dildo and bullet vibe in my bag for just such an occasion. If I was especially horny, I mean, I was always horny, but if I didn’t get laid the day before, I sometimes started my bike routine before the other patrons had left. Leaning over the handlebar and grinding myself on the seat, I knew the guys would be watching, but I found that exciting. I never fucked a guy at the gym. I think management would grow on that. But it was exciting to think about it. I imagined some strong guy watching me masturbate on the bike and then after the gym cleared out, lifting me down to the floor and fucking me.

For a decade, that was my life. Work, sex, food, sex, sleep, sex and occasionally cleaning my apartment and doing laundry. I knew marriage wasn’t my thing as I had yet to find someone willing to accept my need for sex means one guy likely couldn’t satisfy me. Maybe I just had not found the right guy yet. While my friends with benefits were happy to stay casual, none of them were marriage material. Then I met Charles. No it wasn’t love at first sight. In fact, he was just another personal training client. Most of them started with me just to be able to look at me when I helped them work out. Charles was 22 years older than me. Although he was in pretty good shape for his age, I really didn’t do the whole “daddy” thing and immediately dismissed him as a potential partner. But it turns out, he really was just hiring me to help him get in shape.

Charles owned a very large and very successful commercial building company. He explained that when he worked more in the field as he built his company, he got a solid workout as a by-product. But now, as an executive, finding time to get to the gym was tough, especially since he frequently traveled around the country for meetings and to monitor build sites. I asked him if he used the gyms in his hotels and he admitted that he tried, but didn’t necessarily know what he was doing and needed help understanding what he should be doing when he was on the road.

“You should be fucking more, It builds muscle tone.” I quipped before I realized I said that.

That was entirely inappropriate to say, especially since we had just met. But he didn’t seem upset and even replied, “Is that how you stay so toned?”

I laughed that off as a joke instead of him hitting on me. “Yes, but also working in a gym helps.” I replied.

“You’re a lot like my wife,” was his next reply. I let the conversation drop and got focused back on our session.

I can always tell when someone is serious about their fitness and Charles definitely was generally trying to get in better shape. His travel schedule means our sessions together didn’t have a consistent schedule, but I always looked forward to his call arranging our next appointment. We talked about all sorts of things during our workouts. He had traveled the world, was a father to twins (fraternal twins, a boy and a girl) and definitely could hold a conversation better than my boy toys. I still didn’t want to fuck him, but I felt like we became friends. I even confessed my horizontal workout routine to him. He snickered at that and reminded me that I had recommended he have more sex when we first met. He also reiterated that his wife, Sheila, was a lot like me. I wondered if he was hitting on me trying to get me into bed with them, but that subject never came up.

Over the next couple of months, our flirtations got more flirtatious, but still he never made an explicit offer to fuck me or get me in bed with his wife. I enjoyed the attention, although in a way, it was like he was teasing me. I know I had said he was too old for me, but that position was softening a bit. After one session, he showed me a picture of Sheila and she was stunning, although I thought her augmented breasts were a mistake because they took attention away from her beautiful face. But whatever. He claimed showing me the picture was because he was trying to get her to go to the gym more often and suggested that I work with her. From the look at her picture I could tell she did a lot of cardio and she didn’t look like she needed help figuring out a workout routine. But I was always one to earn more money so I told him I would be happy to meet with her.

Alas, that never happened. She was killed by a drink driver who was coming home from a Christmas party. Fortunately nobody else was in her car. I was heartbroken when Charles told me the news. He had come into the gym in street clothes instead of changing to tell me he would be canceling our sessions for a while. I understand and immediately hugged him. I couldn’t imagine the pain his family was going through. I told him if there was anything I could do to help, to please let me know. I didn’t mean sexually. I was thinking more like food shopping or giving him or the kids someone to talk to, but upon further reflection, if he took it as a sexual offer, I might have consider accepting.

I did go to the wake. That was when I met his kids, Jimmy and Christine. They seemed to be handling their grief very well. So was Charles, at least publicly. Charles introduced me as his personal trainer. Jimmy looked me up and down. That made me feel uncomfortable, but I said nothing. We didn’tReally talk as the wake was well attended and the three of them had to greet everyone.

I thought that might be the last time I saw Charles. Indeed it was for a couple of months. After New Years is always a busy time at the gym as people always show up trying to make good on their promise to get into shape. As a result, I’m work lots of overtime and sign up a lot of personal trainer clients until they give up. While the money is good, my need for sex goes largely unfulfilled except for my fingers and toys. I always volunteer to close the gym because I need time for my workout and my “special” bike rides. It was during one of those rides that Charles made his return.

It was a Wednesday night and I had not been laid since Sunday. That was not good. My boy toys were all busy and I was seriously thinking about just going to a bar after work to let myself get picked up. It was hump day after all. That wasn’t my preferred method of sexual release (I preferred my FWBs) but I was getting desperate. The gym had emptied out by 9:30 with the exception of Billy, one of the other trainers. You would think I would just offer myself to him, but I had a strict rule about not fucking other employees (I liked my job and didn’t want to risk getting fired) and Billy had a girlfriend and he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who would cheat. It’s too bad though, because he was very handsome. He left at 10 telling me he would lock the door behind him. That means I was free to hump the bike seat for a while until I decided where in the gym I wanted to get off.

I thought of Billy while I ground my pussy on the bike seat and imagined him bending me over the reception desk. Or maybe he would take me to the desk in the office. I was quickly getting aroused. Usually I get off the bike and finish with my fingers on a weight benchmark or sitting on a chair, but I could tell my orgasm was building and I knew I would soon climax on the bike. I even let go of one handlebar to rub my nipples through the thin tank top I was wearing. I was moaning loudly as there was nobody there to hear me. I’m sure I made quite a sight as I humped the seat, faster and faster. Then I heard the cought of someone clearing his throat. My body instantly froze, except for my head, as I turned to look at who could me in this incriminating position. As I said before, Charles was the person who caught me. At First, I couldn’t process how he got in through the locked door. Strangely that was my concern more than the fact that he was watching me. My nipples and pussy also didn’t seem to understand that getting caught should have killed my arousal.

“Don’t stop on my account,” Charles said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked breathlessly, trying not to accept his invitation to continue masturbating in front of him.

“I wanted to talk to you about starting up our training sessions again,” he replied. “I arrived as Billy was leaving and he was nice enough to let me in since we know each other. But as I see you humping that bike, I might have a business proposition for you as well.”

Business proposition? That sounded weird and I definitely didn’t want either option at that moment. I needed to get him out of the building so I could get myself off.

“I’ll have to check my calendar and see what time slots I have open,” I said as I climbed off the bike. My legs felt like rubber, both from the workout and the um, workout. But I managed to stand and pretend I wasn’t doing what he caught me doing. I tried not to draw attention to the wet spot in the front of my shorts or the glossy shine on the front of the bicycle seat.

“The gym is closed,” I continued. “You’ll have to leave. Insurance reasons. Call me tomorrow and we’ll figure out when you can start your sessions again.”

I walked past him and continued to the front door. When I got there, I had to reach up to flip the security latch on the top of the door so I could open it. That means both my hands were above my head because I had to stretch to do it. That’s when Charles put his arms around me and took my breasts in his hands trapping my still hard nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Before you jump to the conclusion this was non-consensual, ok technically it was, but in my aroused state, his attention to my nipples sent a shock wave through my body and I quickly pulled my raised hands down over his head and around his neck. This let me lean back into his chest and certainly acted as my consent to his touch. He started teasing my nipples and I moaned. My orgasm, delayed by his presence a couple of minutes ago, began building once again. And building quickly.

“You are so sexy,” he whispered in my ear. My pussy creamed and the sound of his voice so intimately near me. “You are happy. Have you been getting enough sex?”

He then slide his right hand down my stomach and began rubbing my pussy through my workout shorts. I moaned again and pressed my butt back against him. I felt his hard cock and another wave of pleasure coursed through my body. He responded by snaking his fingers under the waistband of my shorts then under my panties. My mind was totally lost in the moment and after just a couple flicks of his finger across my clip, I started spasming in orgasm. It was a good thing he was holding me, because my arms and legs became limp, although I did manage to keep humping my ass against his groin. I think that was my way of saying he should just bend me over and have his way with me.

But he didn’t. He just held me and kept rubbing my clip and left nipple until my orgasm subsided and I got my legs back. When he finally released me from his strong arms, I spun around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I then gave him the most password kiss I ever remember giving. “My God, that was amazing!” I proclaimed after I broke the kiss. “I really needed that.”

He just smiled as if to say, “I know.”

I followed up with,”Take me to the office and fuck me.”

He snickered with a smile and said, “You mean you don’t want to fuck in the window?”

Spinning back around I realized he had made me cum standing in front of the glass door of the gym. I had forgotten where we were when he grabbed me. It was dark outside so I couldn’t see if anybody was in the parking lot that might have watched, but the thought that we might have had an audience was a new thrill. But that didn’t mean I wanted him to fuck me there.

Turning back around, I replied, “No, let’s go in back somewhere.”

“I don’t want you to fuck me just because you’re horny,” he replied. I’d never had a guy reject me, especially since he had just gotten me off.

“What about the proposal you wanted to discuss?” I asked.

“It would be inappropriate to discuss that now,” he answered. “How’s Friday night for a training session?” he asked. I had to try to clear the arousal from my head long enough to process what he just asked.Normally I don’t schedule anything on Friday nights, so I know my calendar was free. Actually I had this Friday off and was looking forward to spending time with one of my FWB. So of course, I replied, “7 o’clock?”

“Fine,” he replied. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “You’re amazing,” he said. “Until Friday.” And with that, he walked out of the door leaving me briefly satisfied, but also still horny and needing to cum again.

This time I made sure the door was locked and I was alone in the gym. I then stripped my clothes off and got back on the bike naked. It didn’t take long for me to orgasm for the second time. And then the third.

I rode the bike for about half an hour until I was completely spent. I didn’t both showing. I just put my shorts and Shirt back on and went home to my empty apartment. By the time I got there, my head had cleared and my body finally had calmed down. I went to sleep wondering exactly what proposal he had for me. I was still a bit upset he didn’t fuck me. But thankfully I was tired enough and temporarily satisfied enough not to worry about it so much that it prevented me from falling asleep.

Thursday found me back in the gym, but I admit I wasn’t focused and my thoughts were on Charles and what would happen the next night. By Friday afternoon I was becoming frazzled from sitting alone at home thinking About it. I wished I had been on the schedule so I could be working and focus on that. Yes, I could have gone to the gym and just worked out. But somehow that didn’t seem like the right choice either. I settled on going for a run. That kept me focused on exercise for about 45 minutes. Then another 30 minutes in the shower and getting dressed to go in for our training session. Absent-mindedly, I started putting on make-up as if I was preparing for a date instead of work.

Driving to the gym, I realized I put on better looking clothes than I normally would for work. I was still casual and I wouldn’t look out of place, but I definitely was trying to look sexier for him than my regular workout clothes would allow. It bothered me that I had not made a consciousness decision to do that. I just did it subconsciously. I had convinced myself that I no longer wanted him to fuck me. I wanted to believe Wednesday night was an abrrage because I was weak and needy. But I had to admit to myself, maybe that wasn’t true. I sat in my car outside of the gym going back and forth on whether I should just leave or wait for him to arrive. I made the decision to leave, but I didn’t. I watched the clock tick off the minutes until I saw a limo pull up right at 7. I knew he would be inside. He was always punctual. I got out of my car and started walking towards the door. He saw me and waved. He stood next to the limo and greeted me when I approached.

“Let’s skip the workout and get dinner,” he said, holding the door of the limo open. I didn’t even think about it. I gave him a kiss on the cheese and slid across the leather seat leaving him room to sit next to me. What was I doing?

It turns out Charles was a perfect gentleman at dinner, although I definitely felt underdressed wearing a tank top and shorts. It wasn’t that the restaurant was too fancy, but he was dressed far better than me. Conversation was light and low key, although he did make it known that he always understand what kind of woman I was and when he got the opportunity to fingerprint me the other night he did not hesitate to take me. That was pretty bold. I admit, I had naughty thoughts wondering what he was capable of and whether he expected sex tonight. We didn’t fuck and he didn’t expect me to blow him. He did fingerprint me to orgasm in the back of the limo. When we sat down he put his arm around me and I found myself snuggling against him. As we began moving, he put his free hand over my left breast and squeezed. He then used a finger to draw circles over my instantly hardening nipple. Then he repeated the move on my right breast. Then he simply pushed his fingers down under the waistband of my shorts. He rubbed his fingers over my panties for a few seconds. I did not react, beyond scooching my butt forward a bit to give him a better angle. I assumed he was looking for my consent to continue. I suppose sliding forward gave him that because his fingers slipped below my panties. I know I said I thought he was too old for me, but dang, he was masterful at using his fingers to tease me as we drove to the gym and then to make me climax as we were arrive. Much like the last time he got me off, he left me wanting more after our “date.” In truth, I wanted to fuck him, but he didn’t offer and as we said our goodnights, I was already thinking about which of my friends with benefits to call. I needed cock.


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