I was dicking around on the internet one night. I was bored and was flipping through some of the adults sites that I frequently on occasion. When I saw an advertisement for a new website for locals, I decided to click on it to see what it was about. Like many of the other sites out there, this site offered people looking for kinky sex to hook up.
I looked around the site and was pleased to see that it seemed most of the people on the site seemed legitimate. A very nice change. Since I’m always looking for a way to meet people within the lifestyle, I quickly created a profile and began to search the site for people in my area. The first profile that came up almost caused me to fall out of my chair.
The first profile was of a married couple. According to their profile, she liked to be bound, tortured, humiliated, whipped and fucked hard while her husband watched. The husband liked to be strictly bound as he watched his wife be roughly bound, used and abused in front of him.
They were looking for a Dom who was willing to fuck the wife while the husband watched. They also wanted the Dom to take control of their sex life and give them daily instructions on when to fuck and where.
Interested, I decided to click onto their profile and see what the couple looked like. The first pictures were of a woman’s naked body with her head cut off in the picture. The woman had a great body. She had nice big, firm tits that were at least a D cup. She had quarter sized areolas with long thick brown/pink nipples. She had nice pale skin that looked unblemished. She had a very nice hourglass figure with a thin waist and wide hips. She sported a rather unruly bush of dark hair. A set of trim, well toned tights were seen at the bottom of the photograph.
I liked what I saw in the first picture and clicked to see the next picture they posted. This was the picture that nearly caused me to fall out of my chair. The photo was of a couple dressed in formal eveningWear. He wore a suit and tie, her a beautiful evening gown. I fucking know them! In fact, the picture was taken at our companies Christmas party! I even saw myself in the background of the picture.
The husband, Craig, was one of the supervisor’s at the company I worked at. I had chatted with him a few times and found him to be a pompous ass. He was an arragon idiot who everyone wondered how he got to his current position.
Lexi, his wife, came to the office often. She was sexy as hell and was always dressed to show off her big tits and her amazing ass. Guys talked in the bathroom of how they wanted to fuck the shit out of Lexi. We all said it jokingly, thinking we would never have a chance. Now it looked like there might be a chance for me at least.
I quickly clicked on other pictures they had posted and they were all of the couple out for an evening on the town. Satisfied that it was truly Craig and Lexi on the sight, I decided to send them a message through the site. After composing a note telling them I was interested in tying Lexi up while Craig watched. I made sure to include that I’ve had some experience with bondage and domination.
After sending the message, I continued to browser the site when a web site instant messenger popped up. It was from Lexi and Craig.
LC : We received your message. This is L, you sound interesting.
Me: Wow, that was a fast response.
LC : Yes, we are both VERY eager. We took a vow of celibacy until we found a Dom
Me: How long ago was that?
LC: 6 long months!
Me: 6 months! Have you guys at least played during that time?
LC: Nothing! The only sexual thing we’ve done is kiss (without tongues). C has been cumming in his sleep almost every night for the last month or so. He is so horny. And I can’t stop thinking about being bound and fucked! I hope you’re serious!
Me: I am.
I spent the next hour chatting with Lexi. It was obvious from our chat that she was extremeely eager to find a strong Dom to take control of her and Craig. She told me that she had loved to be bound since she could remember, but Craig also enjoyed being bound. They took turns switching until Craig let it slip he would love to watch someone tie up Lexi and fuck her. That’s when they began their search and the celibacy vow.
While we were still IMing, Craig came home and we chatted as well. I quickly got sick of typing and asked for their number so I could call them and we could chat. I was positive that neither one of them would recognize my voice.
Lexi answered. “Hello, Sir. Thank you so much for calling.” Her voice is filled with excitement.
“Not a problem. Tell your husband to go into another room and pick up the phone so you can both hear.” I heard Lexi repeat What I said to Craig. A moment later I heard the other line being picked up.
“Hello,” Craig said.
“Hello Sir,” I order. I’m not big on controlling a male, but if I am, I want complete control. “That is how you will both refer to me. If not, goodbye.” I heard them both cry out no.
“Sorry Sir,” Craig said.
“Don’t let it happen again,” I warn sternly. “Tell me C, what are looking for from a Dom?” I ask.
“First I looking for someone to bind, beat and fuck L while I watch. Just the thought of watching her get fucked by someone else make me hard. Secondly, the idea of someone controlling our sex life excites me tremendously. The thought of lying next to my wife and not being allowed to fuck her, or only allowed to fuck her in the way a Dom desires make me crazy.”
I was glad to hear they were both on the same page and told them so. “I would love to provide you both with the experiences you have described. If you’re interested in me, When would you like to get together?”
“Tonight!” they said in unison.
“That won’t work for me. How about tomorrow night?”
“Please!” They agreed.
“Ok, you 2 are to sleep in different rooms tonight,” I ordered. “Tomorrow morning, C you are to leave the house by 9 AM and remain away from the house until 5 PM. I don’t care what you do, but be away from the house.
“L, I want you to schedule an appointment at beauty parlor in the late morning or early afternoon. You are to get a facial, get your hair done and tell them to go heavy on your makeup. I like a lot of eye makeup. Make sure to have your legs shacked or waxed during the day. You are to be home an hour before C. I will leave a package for both you and C with instructions of what you are to do until I arrive. Understand?”
“Yes Sir,” the couple replied. There was no hiding the excitement in their voice. After getting their address, we hung up. As soon as the phone was in its cradle, I headed out. I had Some shopping to do.
I spent the entire evening buying items that I would use on Craig and Lexi. I was extremely excited to play with Lexi. She and Craig had made it well known to everyone that she had participated in the Miss America beauty contest as Miss Arkansas. I would be fun to turn her into the whore she truly was.
After a fitful night of sleep, due to the excitement of the next night, I woke early and began to type out the instructions for Lexi and Craig. I made certain that my instructions were extremely detailed.
Once I had my instructions completed, I grabbed the items I purchased the previous night and headed over to Craig’s and Lexi’s house. I wanted to make sure they were following the instructions I had given them over the phone.
The road they lived on was lined with cars parked along the curb, so I would be unnoticed by the couple as they headed out. I parked my car by 20 til 9. I sat and waited for Craig to leave the house. I yawned repeatedly as I waited for Craig to show. I hadn’t slept Well because of how excited I was for tonight. I imagined that neither Craig nor Lexi slept well either. 6 months without sex was about to come to an end. Neither one of them slept a wink last night I was willing to bet.
As soon as the clock in my car hit 9 AM, the front door opened and Craig, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt stepped out of the house. He got into his black pickup truck and headed down the street away from me.
2 hours later, I was still sitting in my car watching the house when the front door opened and Lexi stepped out. She was dressed in a tight fitting blouse and a pair of those extremely tight black yoga pants and a pair of high heels. She wore ugly oversized sunglasses and her straight light brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail.
Once she was in her car and gone, I got out of my vehicle and carried the large brown box to the front door and placed it where it wouldn’t be missed by Lexi when she returned. An envelope with a large letter L on the onside was taped to the top of the box. Satisfied, I headed home to grab a nap. I would need my rest for tonight.
I awoke late. Much later than I had planned. When I laid down to get some rest, I hadn’t set my alarm. I wanted to wake around 5 and be over to Lexi and Craig’s by 6:30. It was now 7:30 and I still needed to shower. Oh well. Making them wait would only heighten their anticipation.
After showing and shaving I dressed in a button up shirt and a pair of black slacks. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. Everything I needed was already in my car, or at Craig and Lexi’s house.
It was a quarter to 9 by the time I parked my car on Craig’s and Lexi’s street. Their house was dark. The hint of candle light could be seen through a few of the first floor windows, but the rest of the house seemed dark. Lexi at least got one part of my orders correct. Grabbing a gym bag of bondage gear, I headed for the front door.
When I reached the Front door, I didn’t hesitate. I grabbed the knob and opened the door and stepped in as if I owned the house. My sudden arrival caused Lexi to jump in surprise of my sudden arrival. I smile at heras I slowly pushed the front door closed.
With the door closed, I turned and admired Lexi. She was kneeling on the hardwood of their entryway. As I had instructed, her arms were locked behind her back with a pair of stainless steel handcuffs. Her brown hair was pulled back in pigtails and her lovely face was covered with heavy makeup. She looked beautiful.
She wore a black leather corset that hugged her trim frame perfectly. The corset left her gorgeous big tits exposed. Her shaped legs were covered in black stockings with seams running up the back. Her feet were adorned with a pair of 5 inch heels that were strapped around each of her ankles. A stiff leather collar was locked around her trim neck with a small padlock which I had provided in the box I dropped off earlier. Only I had the key.
She looked up at me with large brown eyes that were wide with excitement and a bit of fear. A red bandana had been tightly wrapped around her head and used as a cleave gag. Fromwhat I could see, it had been pulled as tight as possible. I had instructed her to ask Craig to gag her with the bandana.
“Hello L,” I said softly to her. I didn’t want Craig to know I had arrived. I softly place the bag I brought with me on the floor and croouched down so I was eye to eye with the bound beauty.
“You look beautiful tonight. Also a little scared. Are you sure you want to continue with tonight?” I ask her softly. Lexi’s eyes widen even more as she vigorously tried to nod her head despite the stiff posture collar.
“Good,” I soothed. “Let’s see if you’re as excited as you say.” I ran my hands across her large tits. Her nipples were erect and as hard as little pebbles. A moan of excitement and pleasure escaped through her gagged lips when I pinched her nipples.
While I teased her nipples with my right hand, I let my left hand drop down to her pussy. Lexi sportsed a hair bush that was literally dripping wet with her pussy juices. Her tight pussy clamped down on my finger as it slide easily into her wet hole. A moan lacered with desire, and excitement slipped past her gagged lips.
“Do you want me to fuck your tight pussy?” I whisper softly into her ear. Lexi again attempted to nod her head. She was fucking my finger as best as she can as I continue to twist and pinch her nipples.
“I know you do. But before I fuck the shit out of you, we’re going to go check on your hubby.” I pulled my hand away from her pussy and found that almost my entire hand was covered with her pussy juices. “If you did not follow my instructions exactly to a T, I’m going to lock a chatity belt on both of you. You guys won’t fuck for another 6 months. Understand me?”
Lexi nodded her head vigorously again. She while and made a motion with her pelvis begging me to finger her pussy again. As her body moved in an attempt to nod, I reached up and grabbed a fist full of her hair and violently yanked her head back as far as possible. She had to arch her back so she could stare directly into my eyes.
Lexi’s big brown eyes were wide with fear, surprise and excitement. “I’m serious. If you didn’t follow my instructions, you’ll think this is the most comfortable position of your life. If I have to tighten any of the ropes you used, then I’m going to flog these beautiful tits of yours until they glow in the dark. Blink once if you understand.”
Lexi slowly, but confidently closed her eyes then opened them. She looked at me with complete excitement. With my hand still full of her hair, I yanked her to her feet. When she was on her feet, I produced a leather leash and clipped it to her collar.
“Come on Sweetheart. Let’s see if Hubby is as horny as his whore wife.” I gave her leash a yank and headed for the living room where Craig awaited us.
To be continued…
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