Shadow Bae

Copyright © 2024 – This is an original work by Dark Fem Noir and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at and any submission to any other site must be authorized by the Copyright Holder/Authorized Writer.

He doesn’t know I exist. I watch him leave out most nights from my ring camera. Always wearing black.

Wearing a hoody or a ball cap as his veil of mystery. We’re the only two apartments on this floor, and I’ve reached the point of observation how I watch him quickly passing my door to and from his bachelor’s apartment.

He leaves late at night and returns early in the morning. He never has company, and his routine is unwavering. This started innocently enough three months ago when I noticed I had a new neighbor in the long vacant apartment 2A.

I saw a doormat and heard him leave one night. It was me being bored and nosey, wanting to check out the new neighbors.

I did an activity check on my cam app and found myself stopping the footage to try to get a better look. I live a boring life. So much so that my new hobby is recalling hallway footage of eight seconds of my dark knight coming and going.

I am a closet extrovert. In my mind, I love parties and bars, shamelessly flirting with guys and living my best life.

In reality, I work from home, have very few friends, and inwardly crash and burn in most social settings. I am standardly attractive, that I don’t hurt for attention when I go out.

I think that some men see me as a challenge because I don’t want to be bothered with their pick up lines and half hearted attempts to appear witty, charming or funny. My stoic, dark mindset prevents me from being gender role appropriate as a woman interacting with the males in public.

In my private Thoughts I think about being soft and fragile taken to the edge. This is who I really am and I can’t help to wonder how I will ever free myself from the confines of wanting to actuallybe taken to my point of no return.

I watch my Shadow Bae and wonder what kind of man is he that the seconds captured in a frame in a hallway would reveal.

It was late Thursday night. One more day till the start of my weekend. My usual weekend activities typically consist of ordering in, maybe flirting with a delivery guy, an edible or two, and a tasty IPA. I’m horny as fuck and I decided to do a thing.

As crazy as it was, the things people do behind closed doors. Close to the time he normally leaves for the night. I dressed in thigh high leather boots and a collar.

Long story how a shy recluse like me has a collection of leathers, tethers and other instruments of power and pain.

Ten minutes before his nightly departure, I grab my vibe and sit my back to the front door, legs played. My ass and pussy lips, naked on the dirty part of the house. I don’t care because I’m a dirty who tonight, and I belong with the film left from the outside world.

I vibe my slickened pussy, fluttering the pleasure tool on my sensitive nub. I imagine him having free access to enter my apartment in the middle of the night. I know what he’s here for and I know I have simple instructions to lay at the door for him to have me. The instructions are clear if he has to find me, I am to be punished and tortured for disobedience. His dark figure makes me do all kinds of things to serve him.

I set my phone to my cam app, if only to see his figure as he glides by. Same determined, veiled face. Milliseconds captured on video. I would slow and add to an obsessive montage of my hidden obsession. He’s all I want in the most unrealistic way, yet he’s my next door neighbor. He’s just a cup of sugar away. I think, wetting my pussy to the rhythm of my meditation of him.

My timing is Perfect for the concert of the live footage of him leaving his apartment, my tingly, wet pussy and oncoming orgasm, moaning in pleasure as he surely hear me in passing. Bumping my head to the door.

The days have come and gone, just like him. I started to think about taking my new observation to the next level. As crazy as it is, I have to have him, but I’m too awkward to approach him in a hi neighbor kind of way.

But not too awkward in my semi drunken state to crash and burn in my private thoughts with all of the crazy scenarios I’ve concocted in my head to get to Someday fuck him. It took me hours to write him a letter. A letter that a sane person would never even consider. A letter that he will never see.

The letter wrote:

Hello Stranger,

This may sound crazy because you don’t know me. I live in 2B.

I have a crush on you. I just want to fuck you once. As I write this letter I imagine you reading it in shock and disbelief, but curious enough to want to know more.

Early Saturday morning my door is unlocked for you to use me in anyway you see fit. I fantasize that you are rough with me to train me to earn your gentlee side.


Lonely who

This is crazy. Who in the hell invites a total stranger, a neighbor in fact, into their home to volunteer to be ravaged?

Shuddering at the insanity of it all while secretly getting turned on by my rap training fantasy with him. Tomorrow morning I’m going to get his attention. I started to plan.

He usually comes home between 6:30 and 7 in the morning. I waited by the mailboxes and lingered so it would appear like I just happened to be checking the mail wearing short shorts and a tight tank top.

I considered slipping the letter into his box. I toggled with the idea, then thought against it. I brought it with me to see if I could be bold enough to actually do it.

I could see him through the glass security door as I casually turned the key to my mailbox, so nervous, I didn’t realize with all the excitement of seeing him in person, I dropped the letter. We locked eyes. He’s intrigued. I’m caught up in the moment thatThis face to face is really happening.

“Good Morning.” I say cheerfully. I can’t take my eyes off him, finally seeing him in person.

“Good Morning.” He replies. He hasn’t stopped looking at me either as he decided now would be a good time to check his mail too.

I’m way out of character, but I can’t stop myself when I make small talk to try to get to know him.

“You just moved in 2A. My name is Toya. I’m your neighbor.”

“Hello Toy.” Is all he said, shutting his mailbox, bending down to pick up a letter and moving on to get upstairs.

“Its Toya.” I say, correcting him.

“Ok.” He says, shrugging, heading to the staircase.

“What did you say your name is?” I asked.

“I didn’t.” He says, turning with a half smile and mischief in his eyes.

He keeps walking and I follow as we are both heading in the same direction.

It’s awkward because his back is to me and he’s moving quickly to get up the stairs and down the hall. He passes my door. With keys in hand, he is precise when he unlocks his door.

“It’s nice to meet you. My name is Gavin.” He turns to say before quickly entering his apartment, barely giving me time to reply to a closing door.

This was the first time I really got a good look at him. I loved his height, his chiseled features, deep-set eyes, trimmed bear, and perfectly kissable lips.

Tall, dark, and handsome, hidden under the brim of his ball cap. ‘Gavin.’ I said his name out loud thinking about what I could have done differently at the mailbox.

I started to set up for work when I began to look for that silly letter I had written. Panic washed over me as I replayed the whole scene and realized that I must have dropped it. Racing back to the mailbox to see if it was still There. It was gone. Gavin must have picked it up.

How could I be so stupid? I obsessed. My whole day was wrong with worry and fear that I inadvertently revealed my secret to my crush. My pussy throbbed wit needs, thinking that the cat was out the bag and he probably would steer clear of me and remain a mystery and not act on my crazy private thoughts.

Knowing that he knows the truth about me made me want him even more. After an ageing day at work in Zoom meetings, I shut down my laptop and went straight to my room, laying out my collar, nipple clamps, and a monster black dick dildo.

I showed and held, doing my hair and makeup for my possible date with destiny. Taking my time, I punished myself for being so incredibly stupid, dropping that letter. I put my collar on to the tightest setting where I could still breathe, clamped my nipple to a painful bite, and set my alarm to watch Gavin leave for work.

I guzzled down a beer, wanting to cry so bad, but my horniness was the overriding emotion. In the dark, I lay in my bed and licked on this oversized silicane dick for hours. Every lick, a penance for being so dumb, yet wishing in my own perverse way that I could lick on him and get fucked like a street tramp by my handsome neighbor.

The time was getting close and I moved the set up to the door with my cam app open to watch him leave for the night in real time. With my back to the door, and a naughty pussy at the threshold, I added the vibe to the party, timing a much needed release, stuffing the head of the dildo as far as it would go down my throat as I watched him do something different from his usual routine.

Coming down from a powerful cum, after he was long gone, I watched the footage of him passing my door, wearing a note or a card in my door. On my knees in the dark, I cracked open the door to see the note drop.

It read:

‘Text me a picture of that pussy to see if it’s even worth my time. G.’

My heart thumbed out of control because this was really happening. I I picked the best one and sent it to the number on the note with the word ‘please.’

My nervouss raged on the edge, wondering if my pussy would be good enough for him. Then I wondered if I should be waiting at the door for him or should I make him find me in the room. My heart beat furiously in anticipation hours ahead of my fantasy sex possibly happening for real.

He texted me back, instructing me to send him what I wanted him to do to me. He warned me if I left out any detail, the whole thing was off, so make it good. I got to work texting him back that his lonely who will do just about anything for a rough fucking and intense humiliation treatment to get him to be soft with me.

His text back read: ‘Bitch I’m bout to razz your ass. Dick hard AF. Just be ready. G.’

Unlocking the apartment door, I slept fitfully on the hard floor, loosened the collar, awaiting his arrival. I removed the painful nipple clamps hours ago with the fat nips, still throbbing from the punishing teeth. Laying here thinking that sore nipples will be the least of my worries in a short while.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, the apartment door opened. Hardly sleep, I feel his presence. I lay with my back to the door. His shoes lightly nudges my naked ass as I shift to acknowledge him.

He closes and locks the door. Without warning, he snatches the back of my collar, abruptly lifting me high on my knees with the back of my head resting on his hardened groin. He roughly gropes my sensitive tits, locking me in an immovable hold.

“My little neighbor who likes it rough?”

“Yes.” I barely squeak out.

“Yes, who bitch?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“That’s right bitch, don’t forget your manners.” He says while tapping my cheek in rapid succession. Quickly shifting down, fingering My drenched pussy, then slapping his whole hand, hard on my sex.

“Your pussy’s good and wet. I can smell you from here.” He says, wiping his wet fingers clean on my nose and mouth with the free hand.

“Give me somehead so we can talk. Stay on your knees bitch.” He says, releasing my collar and leaving me at the door while he navigates a few steps in the darkness to the couch.

I crawl behind him, my stomach in knots, but my pussy is a gorge of wet juice between my legs. Living my fantasy in real time.

Fully clothed, he unzips his jeans, loosening his dick from his boxer’s hole for me to suck.

“So let’s get some shit straight. You want more bitch?”

“Yes.” I replied without hesitation, staring at his big stick. Almost afraid he’ll change his mind.

“If you say ‘stop’, the shit’s over. You cease to exist if I hear that word. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes Sir.” Thinking to myself, I would never.

His eyes glimmer with approval with the realization that we are both a rare breed of individuals who appreciate partaking in extreme sexual sports.

“Your my little toy. I need my dick sucked right now.” He says, stroking his dick out his boxers.

He’s my magnet. I don’t say a word, as I only want to be used by him. In the seconds he pulled out his dick, my mouth was on him.

I go deep in a love starved plumge to have him at the back of my throat. He’s on it when he thrusts hard, asserting his control, latching firmly onto the back of the collar to ram me on and off his hard rod.

Thrust for thrust, he slams my wanting mouth deep and hard where saliva, tears, and snot coat my face in the oblivion of my tormentous face fuck. I know my makeup is smelled and I don’t even care.

“My little toy likes this shit. You like it this rough baby?” He asks, continuing his slam.

I respond by getting more into it, moaning to show him that I love it.

He abruptly pulls me off him to question me.

“Answer me bitch. You like it this rough? He repeats while giving me a firm wake up slap, jolting me out of sub space.

“Yes, hhh. Yes Sir.” I reply out of breath, staring into the abyss of his dark eyes, knowing that he’s the anomaly I’ve longed for my entire adult life.

“Good, because I have more for my little toy.”

Just then, he sits me on the floor with my head crooked back on the couch cushion to throat fuck me some more. He’s still fully clothed, his white sneakers seem to glow in the dark. He jacks up one knee next to my cheek and the other on the floor, using the couch back for leverage pinning me in place, filling me to my breaking point.

His zipper wins my face when his pace quickens, ruthlessly slut pumping my mouth when pulls out to shoot juts of hot cum on my face and open mouth. Tasting traces of his cum on my tongue is doing things to me.

“Bathroom now!” He barks.

I immediately stand up, still a little dizzy in the dark room while cum slides down my face. Leading the way to the bathroom, he’s quickly on my heels, slapping the meaty part of my naked ass along. I turn the light on and dare not look in the mirror for the mess I’m sure to see.

“Get in the tub onYour hands and knees. I need to piss. I want to see something. Lemme see if my toy is a real freak. Head up or head down toy? You’re getting this piss either way.”

I get into the tub and hang my head as the cool of the cum on my face is starting to dry. I can’t help myself when I raise my head as I lock eyes with him, my mouth slack and depraved as I stick out my tongue to the first splashes of his raw piss to my face.

He finishes and leans in for me to suck off the last of the drops.

“Get cleaned up and get some sleep my pretty little toy.” Bringing his pussy fingers from earlier to my lips to my instant kiss for one of the best times of my life.

He zips up and checks the mirror, jostling keys to get ready to go to his apartment.

“Gavin? Thank you.” I say to him with a Sincere smile, still on hands and knees in the tub.

He simply nods with a half smile and leaves.

I shower and get clean, tracing my sore jaw and replaying all the delectable details, especially when he called me his little toy. Thinking that I will happily be his plaything.

The day went by quickly, yet my observation would not let my thoughts settlement, wondering when I would see or hear from Gavin next.

I slept through to Sunday morning, checking my phone thinking I would have heard from Gavin by now…Nothing.

It’s only been one day Toya, let the man breathe. I chatissed myself. Still, I found myself overthinking every nuance of our encounter, even checking my cam app to see if I missed him passing to leave.

Sunday turned to Monday morning, as I was setting up for work when I got a text from Gavin inviting me to create an account saying he wants to keep an eye on my pussy while I’m at work. He must’ve figured out I work from home.

I grabbed my tablet, created the account, set up my under the desk tripod, then sent him the link to view. It was so hard to stay focused in my meetings today with my pussy gaped open most of the day.

I don’t know why I asked his permission to log off, but I did with thoughts of wanting him to control my body. He texted me back, telling me he wanted me to start letting hair growing on top, only shaving the bottom clean.

Over the next few weeks Gavin and I would talk, but he’s very private, bordering on secretive. When I ask him things like where he works or where does he go when he leaves his apartment? I don’t get straight answers.

I’ve discovered things about him as we are a little more than just neighbors now. He’s a recluse just like me. A man with particular sexual taste that most women would find extreme. And here I come along like a four leaf clover just dropped in his lap.

What he doesn’t know about me is that mysteries don’t sit well with me. I may fantasize about rough, abusive sex with a controlling man, but my mind is razor sharp, compelled to solve puzzles.

Whe does he go when he leaves the apartment like clockwork? I don’t like leaving myplace, but I need some answers. The few times that I’ve pushed the issue when we’ve talked, he promised to punish me if I keep poking the bear.

I’m weird like that. Part of me takes that as a challenge, and if a bear has to be poked, then I just need to be paid. I just have to know.

On Friday, I decided to follow him. I waited until he left his apartment and quietly closed My door by the time he was by the front door of the building. I hurried down the stairs and went out to the street, trying to see which way he went, he was already gone. Mission failed…Tonight.

Since we’ve been seeing each other, he decides when we spend time. The submissive bitch in me craves the control, even though I miss him when we’re not together. Not knowing that much about him is compelling to find out on my own.

Saturday, I decided to wait in my car an hour before he normally leaves. Right at 10:45 he leaves the building and starts walking. I can see him from the car and I wait. He doesn’t see me. My heart is beating because this shit is really happening, you little crime detective. I think to myself.

I’m able to follow him when I discover that he doesn’t go very far from the apartment, ducking into an alley not even six blocks from our place. I park the car and decide to check out the rest on foot.

He’s gone. There’s a brick building. In the back, there aren’t Any windows, just a plain received security door with an overhead light. I know I should just head home, but my curiosity brought me this far. I feel like I needed to at least try to see something. I walk up to the plain door, wondering where did he go?

Just when I was getting ready to turn and leave, a force grabbed me by the arm, dragging me into the darkened retrieved doorway, pinning my body to the brick wall. I’m disoriented and panicking.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He breathes quiet anger into my ear. By now, I know it’s Gavin, and this is usually our thing, but he is so mad. I’m afraid I’ve crossed the line with him, now regretting my reconnaissance move.

“Why the fuck are you here?” He presses my face to the wall in a harsh grip by the neck of my hoody, scraping my cheek in his security hold on me.

“Gavin baby, I’m so sorry.” Wishing I was home right now and not in trouble.

Things moved quickly when he entered a code with his free hand, dragging me into the dark entrance of the building. We’re in a foyer area in a dark space between the outdoor door and an interior door.


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