Watched for Years Ch. 02

After our initial encounter I know waiting for our next time together would be tough. I had admired this woman for years and now that I had a taste of her, I couldn’t get enough. I knew that she needed to ease in to things, so I resolved to take it slow. And despite the fact that she repeatedly told me that she couldn’t get enough, I was concerned about going too far, too fast.

The morning After our first hour together she texted me when she was alone. I let her know how pleased I was with her- her body, her smell, her taste. I gave her her first task- she was not to look at anyone outside of her household in the eye for the day if she could safely avoid it and would report back to me in the evening how many people she had broken this rule with.

I also told her what to wear. I knew that my cock was larger than she had expected and that her delightful pussy was swollen from our session the day before, so I commanded her to wear crotchless panties under tight jeans. II wanted her to be reminded of her new owner every time she took a step or shifted in her seat. She became me to allow her to wear shorts, as it was the nicest day in months. I knew there was a chance I would see her in the afternoon and could think of nothing better than catching a glimpse of her sculpted legs, so I acquired. I also knew that shorts would allow her easier access to her clip when she was overwhelmed by the need to touch herself, although she knew she was forbidden to orgasm without my permission. After a few more texts and a brief chat, I told her to check in with me before the end of the day to report. I gave her my schedule and let her know how pleased I would be to see her if she could figure out how to manipulate her day to grab a few minutes with me. I then headed out to go on with my day.

Several hours later, shortly before breaking for a late lunch, I got a text from her that she was nearby. I stepped out and saw her waiting in a vine-covered alley behindmy workplace. Her downcast eyes believed the flush in her cheeks. I knew she was excited at the risk she had taken in stopping by. I knew that she was reminded of my presence with every step she took in those panties. I immediately recognized her shorts as something she had defeat at an out-of-town conference we had both attended two years before, and realized that my mentioning that I remembered that would let her know that I had indeed been watching her for all those years. When I did, she looked at me in silent astonishment for a few moments, then spoke:

“You remember that? I thought that no one was noticing me for all that time…”

I assured her that I had noticed her- that without effort, I could name what she had been wearing almost any time we had been together, including the pink sweater and dark jeans she wore when we first met. I had never had to make any special effort to recall her clothes, as every time I saw her I felt an electric thrill at her presence and all of my memories were heightened. We quickly ducked in to her car and drive over to a side street to talk. I knew we needed to learn each other’s boundaries and set some rules.

We started with names. I told her that in public we would stick with our regular, vanilla names. In private, I would call her whatever I felt she deserved at the time- anything from pet to slut to fucktoy. Whenever she had to speak to me About herself, she would refer to herself in the third person as “this girl.” I’ve never liked titles like “Master” or “Lord,” but I feel it proper that she would address me as “sir” when speaking to me. I changed her contact info in my phone to be only her first initial- from now on, she would only be the elemental being “j,” not the fully-formed woman with all of the daily struggles and issues that came with her name.

I laid out the rules for our public interactions. She would not be allowed to make eye contact with me until I had acknowledged her. She would serve mein any creative way she could so as to keep the true nature of our relationship hidden from those around us. This might mean getting me a drink or helping me carry something, but always on the safe side. I would expect her to learn my likes and dislikes for food, music, and any other sensitive experience that could be shared in public.

I briefly gave her the rules for our private time, but told her that she would learn more as we were able to get more time together. She would knee on the floor before me unless I gave her permission to sit or stand. She would always make her body available to me, but if she felt feisty I would expect her to resist me and make me overpower her.

I asked her what I needed to know about her. She looked at me hesitantly for a few moments, then spoke:

“If there is anything you want me to buy- toys, clothing, whatever- tell me what and I will get it. For you.” She blushed and abused her gaze. I realized that the thrill of publicly purchasinganything erotic was something she could only enjoy under orders.

“Good,” I said. “What else?”

“I can’t stand to be massaged. I hate the kind of soft touching that comes with a manicure or pedicure. I need to be held. I need to be held. I need to be grabbed. I need to feel you on me.” She glanced away, then looked back at me steadily.

I put my hand on her throat. And held it. Hard. “Like this?”

She whimpered. Looked at me. Tried to nod her head. “Yes,” she whispered, as a tear trickled down her cheek. She looked blissful.

I reached for her waist with my other hand. I grasped her hip. She tried to swivel towards me in her seat, but I pushed her back. I held her hip so hard that another ten or fifteen seconds of pressure could cause a contact bruise. I put my mouth up to her ear and whispered, “What else?”

“I am a clumsy person. I bruise easily. If you leave a mark on me, no one will be casual.”

I breathed deeply, taking in her scent. I was rock hard and secondsaway from taking her right there, in her car. I paused to gather myself.

“Good,” I said. I released her and leaned back. “I won’t mark you yet. I haven’t decided what’s best- but it will be from my hands, not from a whip or cane. I need to feel you under my touch. When the time is right I will mark you as my property- after you’ve earned it.”

She looked back at me. She was flushed and breathing hard. She was obviously having trouble focusing. I leaned in towards her.

“Are you wet?”

She lowered her eyes and nodded her head.

“Tell me what you want.”

She looked at me. I could see the conflict play on her face. She shook her head.

“Tell me,” I commanded. “Don’t make me force you to tell me.”

She gulped in a deep breath of air. Tears fell from the corners of her eyes. She looked away, then whispered “I want you to tie me up. I need you to bind me. I…”

“That’s enough,” I said. “Good girl. A step at a time.” I reached over with both handsand grabbed her face, turned it towards me. I looked directly into her eyes. “Not as scary as you thought, right?”

She was scarcely able to speak. She just nodded her head once, in assent.

“Feels good, knowing someone else knows your secret?”

Again, the single nod.

“Relax. You know mine. We’re even.” I let her go. “But never forget who owns you.” I leaned over her, forcing her back in to her seat, and reached between her legs with my right hand. Her heat was scorching. I could feel her through her shorts. I remembered that I had ordered her to wear crotchless panties and reached through the leg of her shorts to lightly touch her. She was soaking wet. She throw her head back and deep sight escaped her throat.

“Oh, God, yes…” she breathed.

Just as abruptly I let go and pulled back. “No, not yet,” I said. “Not now.” I would have to head back to my work in just a few minutes and didn’t have the time to take her properly now. Also, we were parked on a public street and I had noticed someone smoking on the sidewalk a dozen yards away taking a casual interest in us. I pointed him out to j. “See that guy over there?”


“Think he was watching us?”


“Do you like being watched?”

Again, the abused eyes. Then the steady look back. She started to move her mouth in answer, but could only nod her head. Yes. She liked being watched.

“You dirty little slut! You’re a tease, aren’t you?”

She immediately protected. “No! It’s not like that…it’s just that no one ever pays attention to me. If I can get some one to look at me…”

I had trouble wrapping my head around this. She was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. About 5′ 4″, 120 pounds. Almond-shaped chestnut-colored eyes. Perfectly proportioned hips and ass, runner’s legs. Ideally toned arms, apple-sized breasts perfect for her small frame. Shoulder-length hair the color of her eyes with the most feminine wave running through it. She reallyhad no idea of ​​the effect she had when she walked in to a room- how every man would do a double-take. If anything, she probably felt so isolated because most guys would very deliberately try not to ogle her. I had that problem for years, and had even joked with her while flirting that I always had to remind myself to look in her eyes while talking to her because I was so self-conscious about how I just wanted to devour her body with my eyes.

“Look at me,” I said. She did. “You are beautiful. All the way around. I like that you like being watched. We may have to use that in the future. But I’ve got to get back to work.” She nodded. “But first I’ll take what’s mine.”

Again I leaned over her. I grabbed the back of her neck with my left hand and her swollen pussy with my right and kissed her, hard. The taste of her mouth was exhaust. I could smell her desire and it made my head swim. I knew I could lose myself so I pulled back quickly.

“Before you go to bed, text me the number.” She looked at me, at little bewildered. “Remember your task! Text me the number of people you looked in the eye today.”

She nodded, looked back at me. “Yes,” she said. “I will do that. Thank you…sir.”

Just as quickly, I turned and got out of her car. Without a glance back, I headed back towards my office, grateful for the few blocks I had to walk. My heart was racing and I needed to calm down before I got back inside. I somehow got through the rest of the day and made it back home. After showing, I heard my phone vibrate and picked it up. A brief message from j:

“I lost count at 17. I am so sorry. Please let me try again. I want to do better for you!”

I smiled to myself. So…17. Now I know how many spankings she needed.

To be continued…


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