The Pittsburgh Steelers, his favorite football team, lost the big game to the Philadelphia Eagles. Scott, being a Pittsburgh boy, always rooted for his Steelers, no matter how bleak the odds were. Deidre, on the other hand, grow up in Philly, so she had to cheer for HER hometown team.
The husband and wife feuded for weeks leading up to the big game. Sunday morning came fast and Scott decided to make the day livelier.
“Hey hon”, Scott called up the stairs. “C’mon here, I want to talk to you.”
Deidre came down the stairs. They were married for almost six years, but Scott still was very much in love with his wife. She was not “porn star” gorgeous, but she managed to turn heads wherever she went.
Deidre was short, with cute little feet and toes that Scott worshipped when they were in bed. And, she loved to role play any sex game that his perverted little mind could think up. Sometimes he had her dress up like a schoolgirl and would spank her over his knee, even as she cried and pleased for him to stop. He loved to cause her pain and disappoint at his pleasure. Scott would often tie her up and gag her too. Seeing her get nearer to her orgasm while he ate her would almost make him blow his load, so he would stop eating her and leave the room for several minutes. This would get Deidre all worked up, because she was so close to cumming. Then Scott would resume between her legs and she would cum so hard she’d almost pee!
“I’ve been thinking about the game today, babe,” Scott said. “I think it’s nice you want to root for your hometown team, but I’m not so sure I can live with a sore loser…I mean, you are going to be nothing but MISERABLE forever when they lose today!” He laughed as she throw the dish towel at him.
“Well then YOU are going to Misserable because after my team loses, you’ll be forced to be my little sex slave for the night!” She laughed.
“OOoohhh, I think I smell a bet coming on then,” Scott said. “Okay, loser has tobe the sex slave for the night.”
“No holds barred?” Deidre asked. He knew she meant there would be no rules in this game.
“I concur. No rules. Anything goes,” Scott said. They shook hands and he snapped the dish towel at her sexy ass.
Damn, he thought, this could get pretty hot.
“NNooooooooo!!!” Scott cried, as the buzzer went off. “27-10?! They got killed!” The Steelers lost the game big time, and now Scott was going to lose big time.
“So, what do you want me to do?” Scott whispered in her ear, his cheeses turning red with shame. He could not believe he lost the bet. Oh well, at least he’d get some hot action out of it.
“Do you want me to eat your pussy till you cum crazy? You want me to suck your toes? You want me to spank your cute little ass over my knee?” Scott asked, raising an eyebrow, his hands wrapping around her waist.
“This is a big deal for me, so I’m going to have to think about it”, she answered. Deidre was trying not to laugh rightin his face. She definitely had some ideas in her head, but decided to let him fester for a bit, until she knew what she wanted.
It wasn’t until three days later that Deidre left Scott a note with his lunch. He read it at the lunch table at his work. It was a good thing he wasn’t drinking his soda at the time.
“She wants me to wear a WHAT?!” He cried. Several other workers turned to look, a few raising their eyesbrows and snickering. Perhaps they could see how red Scott’s face had gotten, while he read his wife’s note.
Dear Scott, Tonight when you get home, come in the back door. There will be a blindfold on the porch. Put it on. You are not to take it off unless told. Also, you are not to speak unless spoken to. Do everything you are told, no questions asked. See you tonight.
Love, Deidre
Scott could not believe what he was reading! Was his wife as perverted and dirty minded as he was? He was very interested in what she had in store for him.
He had ahard time keeping his mind on his work the rest of the day, but when 7:00pm came, he punched out and ran to the car as quick as he could. Scott keep wondering what delicious tortures Deidre would do to him. He could feel his cock getting hard, as he thought about eating her wet pussy and fingering her tight ass. He imagined her legs wrapping over his shoulders as her fucked her good and hard. Even though he lost the bet, he would be the winner tonight.
The tires screamed as he pulled into the driveway. His half-hard cock was starting to press against his work pants. His breath quickly as he put the blindfold on. It completely covered all eye sight. He opened the door and walked in.
“Drop your pants”. It was Deidre’s voice. She sounded like she meant business, so he did not want to stall. He unzipped his pants and let them drop.
“Ahhh, I can see you have been pretty excited”, she laughed. It was true, his cock was almost standing on end now. He smiled a little bit as she inspected him with her soft hand, her fingernails grazing his balls. A chill went through his lower half.
“Okay”, Deidre said, moving away from him. “Sit on the chair behind you and take off the rest of your stinky work clothes.” Scott felt around and found the chair. He could feel Deidre’s eyes on him as he sat and began taking off his clothes.
“Now get down on all fours and crawl over here like a dog!” she commanded. Scott obeyed immediately. His cock was now completely erect and dripped pre-cum. As he crawled closer to where she sat, he could smell her wetness. Obviously, she was enjoying this little game too!
He sat on his knees between her legs and pushed his nose into her public area. Scott took a big whiff and leaned in to lick her.
“Mmmm, honey, I liked your pussy with a little bit of hair, but completely bald like this is nicer!” he laughed. She tasted so good, her juices running down his face as he shoved his tongue deep into her hole. His tonguemoved up to her delicious clip.
“Wait a minute,” he paused. “Since when do you have your clip pierced?” He backed up, starting to take off the blindfold.
“Don’t you DARE take off that blindfold, you fucking dog!” Deidre yelled. She smoked his hands down.
“But what’s going on?” He stuttered. “I don’t understand!”
“Nobody said we were going to explain the rules to you, maggot!” This was a new voice. He didn’t recognize it.
“This is my friend, Denise”, Deidre explained. “She is here to have a little fun, at your expense, of course!” The girls laughed.
“Scott,” Denise cooed, “If you move over here to the left, you can have a taste of my cunt again.” Scott moved over on his knees and leaned in for a taste. This time the pussy was pretty hairy!
“Jesus!” he exclaimed. “How many women are in this room?!” He began to get up off his knees.
Scott felt a sharp WHACK to his ass and he dropped back on the ground. His backside was on fire as three moreWHACKS landed. Someone was hitting him with his belt.
“You stay on the floor like a dog until we say so!” This was a THIRD voice now. Scott began to wonder how many pussies he would be forced to eat. Not that that would be a bad thing, but he was a bit embarrassed as he did not know these other women.
“The hairy snatch that you tasted belongs to another friend of mine, Susanna.” Deidre said. She went on to explain that at no point during the evening would he be permitted to remove the blindfold, so that the identities of the other two ladies would be protected. Basically, he’d never know them, even if they came to a barbeque at his house. They would know him though.
“We are going to have a very fun night with you, Scott” Deidre told him, as she squeezed his cock. Pre-cum began to ooze from its head. All three girls laughed. Scott tried to make it look like he wasn’t enjoying himself, but his extremely hard cock made a liar out of him.
“First things first, Scott,” Deidre said. “You are going to crawl on all fours and lick our feet and suck our toes.”
“And you’d better do it good OR ELSE!” Denise shot in.
“Make sure he doesn’t use his hands either,” Susanna quipped. “A good dog doesn’t NEED to use his hands!”
Scott made his way over to where the ladies sat. He could smell their wet pussies. He wondered if They had played with each other before he got here, eating and fingering each other. Scott picked up one of the ladies feet (maybe Deidre’s?) and began to lick…
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