Scott is Blackmailed into Porn

This story continues on from “Scott is trained as a slave” . This chapter works as a stand-alone story.


Scott became a regular customer at ‘Elégance Lingerie’. As he took on more clients he found it paid to have a greater variety of underwear. Kate had always advised wearing skimpy knickers was a very easy way of pleasure a client. Sandro was always welcome and although Scott found it embarrassing the way he was made to stand naked in the middle of the shop, the discounts were generous. This time Scott was trying on some brief light blue satin knickers, edged in black lace. They felt wonderful and Scott thought they showed off his body to great advantage.

He was just admiring his bottom when Sandro asked him to come through to his office. This was a slight surprise, but Scott assumed he was going to get his wrist slapped for late payment. So it was with some confidence he walked through.

The office was small, lined with books and furnished with some black and white prints of both boys and girls in various erotic poses.

Scott thought he should probably have grabbed a T shirt before coming through, as he felt a little exposed just dressed in knickers, but he was sure the lesson would be relatively quick. When he sat down he noticed a pile of photographs on the desk, and as Sandro hadn’t said anything he idly started flicking through them. He might have started in a casual manner, but as he looked at the prints he rapidly became a lot less relaxed. They were all of him, and more to the point he was stark naked in most of them. They varied from the frankly pornographic shots, (such as him sucking a dildo) to the artistic (moody shots of him naked but a hand or leg strategically placed so he retained his modesty). There were also numerous shots of him in a variety of sets of knickers and thongs. They must have been taken with a hidden camera.

“Sandro, how the hell did you get these? You have absolutely no right to be tAking these photographs. I trusted you, you bastard.”

“Scott, don’t get excited. What is done is done and being abusive will not help you.”

Scott was dumbstruck; he was thinking rapidly, “What did this bastard want?”

Sandro seemed to read his mind, “Scott, I have been doing a little research. I have found that you are formally in your aunt’s care whilst Your mother is in prison. In fact the court nominated her “a responsible adult”. I then discovered you both work at the same whorehouse. To a broad-minded chap like myself, this is understandable, but to your average judge this may appear that your dear guardian has pulled you off the ‘straight and narrow’ into the life of sex and debauchery. As you may know I am an upstanding citizen, if I were to decide it was my civic duty to pass all this information on to the court, you would be in some trouble. But not nearly the trouble your aunt would be in. We still have wonderful laws from the colonial times about this sort of offence. It was something our founding fathers felt strongly about, so my guess is Kate would go down for two to three years. Your aunt does not strike me as the sort of person who would take to prison life, no Versace or Tiffany, only people wanting to be her special friend. What do you think?”

Scott knew blackmail when he heard it. He was pretty sure he could take anything the courts may throw at him, but knew his aunt was not cut out for prison. He swallowed hard, desperately trying to regain his cool. All he really wanted to do was punch this ugly little shit, but he knew this would not help his negotiating position.

“OK Sandro, I hear what you say. For the record my aunt tried to discourage me from whoring and I am more than prepared to tell any judge this. I am eighteen and it was my choice to work for the agency. This said, I concede your blackmail stands a small chance of successing and may cause my aunt some embarrassment in the very short term. So what do you want? Do you want me to sleep with you?”

“Oh Scott you have such a one-track mind. No I just need a favour and merely hoped you might be prepared help. A friend of mine is doing a film and I thought you might like to be in it.”

“What does this involve?”

“Now Scott don’t be naive, I think you can guess the type of film it is. Anyway you Need to take a week off work and be here on the seventeenth. I will send a script though when I get it.”

Scott was very subdued when he finally left the shop. Over the next few weeks he tortured himself with possible solutions as to how he could get out of his prediction. He couldn’t let Kate go to prison after all she had done for him. Could he ask for help from one of her ‘friends’ or explain the situation to Miss Mendoza and see if ‘Security’ would give Sandro a visit? However much he thought every ploy seemed too risky. So in the end he booked some holiday and turned up at Sandro’s shop as bidden.

The first thing Scott noticked when he entered Sandro’s office was that there were now two new pictures on the wall, Kate and him both naked. God he hated that fat bastard.

“Scott, great to see you. So pleased you decided to honour our deal. I hope you are looking forward to your career in the movie business. But before we set off, I had better have a look at you, please take off your clothes. I hope you haven’t had yourself beaten too seriously in the last few days.”

Sandro then crossed his arms and waited. Reluctantly Scott stripped naked. Sandro approached and stroked Scott’s penis. “Still shaving regularly I see, that’s good. Ahh, your bottom, not bad at all … spread your legs … bend over … beautiful.”

Sandro picked up a camera and took a few photos, “I assume you do anal and oral sex.”

Scott answered through gritted teeth, “Yes.”

“Perhaps I should have taken up your offer of a night of password, but I am afraid we don’t have time this morning.”

Scott did not reply.

“Anyway, you look ready to become a film star. Now we need to create the right first impression, so I have left some clothes out for you.”

Scott saw a small pile; the black knickers were tiny, the shorts Sandro had selected were very short, metallic blue and Scott had to squeeze into them, the T shirt was also predictably tight and did not cover his midriff.

Scott had to put up with a constant stream of Sandro’s moronic chatter as they drove out of the city. Eventually they arrived at a grand country house. It was a wonderful place, but Scott’s heart sank. He had been dreading this for weeks, but he still tried to appear confident as he got out of the car.


As they walked into the entrance hall, they saw a whole load of technical people setting up their kit. Eventually someone told Sandro where the Director was and they were shown down to one of the dungeons in the basement.

The woman who was obviously in charge saw them as they came in, “Sandro, over here. You have brought me my star.”

“Ellen, good to see you. Here’s Scott, just shining to go.”

“Scott, your photographs don’t do you justice. I am pleased you agreed to help me with the film. I take it Sandro passed on the script.”

“Yes, no problem.”

“Scott, I have become a little formal in my old age. You will call me ma’am when on set. You should also be respectful to the senior technicians.”

“Sorry ma’am.”

“The working title for the film is ‘Cane me, fuck me #4’. The story is still pretty much the same as the original script in that you will play Ted who has been caught dealing drugs in some unspecified European country. You have been taken to a Correction Facility, where you will act out various scenes that all seem to involve you losing your clothes and being tortured by various latex wearing women. As you know, you will not be wearing a mask and will be expected to take several beatings and partake in anal and oral sex. I must warn you I like my movies to be realistic so you will have to endure a fair amount of pain, but Sandro said this was not a problem. Is that OK?”

Scott’s heart sank, but somehow he mumbled, “Yes, ma’am.”

“We will shoot over the next ten days and hope to have a release date some time before Christmas. Now let me have a look at you.”

Scott noticed people had started to mill around as he took off his T shirt then struggled out of his shorts. He was embarrassed that his knickers were so brief.

“Come on Scott, you won’t get far in the porn industry if you are afraid to get undressed.” Scott took off his knickers and stood naked, hands behind his back, in front of a now considerable audience.

Ellen wanted to see what she had just bought. She always enjoyed breaking in a new submissive, particularly a pretty one like Scott. She liked to dominate and preferably humiliate them from the off. So for the first test she leaned forward and caressed Scott’s penis sliding her hand betweenen his legs. Scott did not resist and inevitably he became erect. He looked so sweet as he blushed at his arousal. The audience whispered and giggled at his embarrassment. Ellen then made Scott turn around and stroked his bottom, and finally knee on the bed and spread his buttocks. Ellen rubbed a large dildo between his thighs, she did not try to penetrate his unprepared arse but wanted him to know what would come later. Scott tried to ignore the ribald comments and even the flashes as the crew took photographs, but what really annoyed him was the fact that Sandro was so obviously revelling in his very public humiliation.

“Scott knee.” Scott got off the bed and still naked knelt in the centre of the room.

Ellen then buckled a collar around his neck, “You will wear the slave collar in all scenes except for the first, when you are arrested.” The collaring set off scores of flashes as the crew recorded the event. Scott was too surprised by the turn of events to reply.

Ellen then took a step back and had a long look at Scott, “Nice, very nice. I don’t want to see any marks from knicker elastic, so you should get used to either being naked or wearing a robe when we are not shooting. Jenna will you please get Scott a robe, the poor boy looks embarrassed.”

Jenna took an age to find a robe and Ellen ended up introducing Scott to the almost exclusively female crew naked. She was determined to keep Scott naked for as long as possible. Sandro had shown her various video clips of Scott both nude and in skimpy underwear, but he would be no use to her unless he was prepared to be naked and do some pretty humiliating things in front of the camera. She had to know if she could rely on him, as soon as possible.

It was hugely difficult to get handsome actors to do the sort of hard-core porn Ellen wanted. Scott could be ideal, he was beautiful and according to Sandro had ‘no limits’. She doubted the latter, but Sandro said if Scott refused to do any ofthe scenes he would have a word and Scott would quickly be back to his obliging self. Ellen wondered how Sandro kept on coming up with such gorgeous actors and actors. He had hinted Scott was his lover. She had an awful vision of Scott lying naked, legs spread, on a large double bed waiting to make love to almost obese Sandro; could this really be true? Could he be Scott’s ‘Sugar daddy’? The Thought was repelllent, but many boys sold their bodies for less.

“Alright listen up. Now Scott has arrived let’s do ‘scene eight’. Jenna could you tell Fi, Claire and Alexis to get into their catsuits. We will be shooting in thirty minutes. Scott you will remember this is the scene where you are taken from your cell and beaten. Gwen can do your makeup. Julie can you get his orange shorts?”

Scott, now in the promised robe, followed Gwen to the makeup room. There were half a dozen chairs in front of mirrors surrounded by the inevitable bare lights. Scott made his way to the nearest chair, rather looking forward to some pampering.

“Scott where are you going? Sorry to disabuse you but the camera will not be concentrated on your face.”


“Scott you will call me ma’am. Now get rid of the robe and let me see what I have to work with.”

Scott stood naked in the middle of the room and Gwen examined him. She was not going to say anything but Scott had a great body, fit and healthy but not unduly muscle-bound. She started by checking his shaving. She looked carefully between his legs, boys always seemed to miss some hair in this area, never mind how often they were told. Scott was no exception and she had him spread his legs as she tidied things up.

“Come back after the scene and I will give you a full bikini wax.”

Scott knew how painful this would be but couldn’t disobey at this stage, so agreed. This surprised Gwen as most boys at least protected and many flatly refused.

“Are you doing anal in this scene?”

“Sorry ma’am. I can’t remember. Do you have a script so I can check?”

“No time Scott. Spread your legs wider whilst I lube you.” Scott thought he saw Gwen smile as she inserted her fingers. He felt very embarrassed at her doing this in public, but at least she was through as time spent now could avoid a lot of pain later.

This done Gwen gave him a light covering in powder. She then gave his nipples a little more colour. Finally she allowed him to put his robe back on and sit in the barbers chair and did his makeup. Scott had always believed that makeup was not for red-blooded chases like him, but he was surprised at the difference Gwen made.

A girl came in carrying some impossible small orange shorts, “Is Scott here? Here is your ‘costume’.” Scott took the shorts, they were evidently the film’s stripped down version of the Guantanamo Bay uniforms.

“Scott, anxious up. I need to see you in them.”

The room was now full with the three girls in their catsuits and a myriad ofmake-up girls and hangers on. Scott pulled the shorts up. “OK Scott bend over. We don’t want any embarrassing tears on set.” Scott did so and eventually Julie announced she was happy.

Now Scot was ready he looked at the girls. You could always tell the quality of any porn movie by the looks of the leading girls and these were pretty. They were all blonds and had their hair pulled back in pony-tails. As Scott looked over at them, they were getting into their skin-tight black latex catsuits and lacing-up their calf high boots. The one called Fi seemed particularly attractive, a classical almost ethereal beauty and not much older than him. Perhaps they would have a few minutes to chat later in the week, sometimes when she was not whipping the hell out of him.

One of the girls approached him, “Hi, I’m Alexis. Are you a regular at this sort of thing?”

“No, I am afraid this is my first film.”

“Wow, you are a brave one. Reading the script I was wondering who they wouldget to play Ted. Not many actors agree to this level of pain and humiliation. Ellen has a reputation, she likes things to be realistic. I am sorry but I am going to have to whip you pretty hard in this scene. Nothing personal.”

Before Scott’s morale could fall any further, Ellen appeared at the door, “OK, boys and girls, ready? I know Scott is looking forward to his first scene, so let’s get going. Alexis and Fi grab Scott and haul him into the dungeon.”

Scott was carried into the dungeon and fell on his knees in front of Claire.

“Ted, you are here to be punished. Stand up.”

Claire then advanced and vigorously pulled down Scott’s shorts. She then slapped Scott’s penis, “You will suffer, you slut. Take him over to the horse and bind him.”

Fi and Alexis removed his shorts and bound him tightly. Claire approached Scott and rubbed her pelvis against his bottom, “I am going to take so much pleasure in making you scream.”

Scott found the girls were not acting, when Fi whacked him terribly hard with a tawse. He cried out with pain. Alexis and Claire soon followed with a cane and a riding crop. Scott had never felt such pain. He cried, he begged but they did not stop. They moved up and down his legs, aiming for his inner thighs. The pain was indescribable. Scott sobbed. He simply could not endure this.

“It seems as if the slut is sorry Now, begging us not to hurt him. Diddums. He should have thought of that earlier. Go on Sergeant fuck him.”

Scott felt an instant relief when the girls stopped whipping him, only for more pain to start as Fi rammed her strap-on into him. The shock took his breath away. He had never been fucked like this. Scott started to shout with pain, begging for mercy. Fi seemed to go on forever, Scott was Almost hoarse by the time she stopped.

Eventually Ellen called, “Cut.”

“Scott, that was good. Your acting is great, you really looked as if you were in some pain. I just need to check with Jill that the sound was OK, your screams sounded a little loud at times. Julie release him. A five minute break, be ready to redo the scene if necessary.” Scott almost collapsed after his bonds were released. He no longer cared about being star naked. Someone had stolen his robe and he couldn’t face wearing those tight orange shorts when his arse felt like it was on fire.

Ellen knew the sound was fine, but just wanted to watch Scott. It would have been a heavy scene for anyone and she needed to know if he would break. Especially if he thought he was about to get another whipping. If Scott was going to walk out, it was better he did so earlier rather than later. Many found the thought of being a submissive erotic, but could not face the reality.

Ellen saw Scott lying, face down, on the sofa at the back of the room and wandered over and perched on one of its arms. Scott immediately rose to his feet, determined not to let her see how much pain he was in, and asked, “Were you satisfied with my scene, ma’am? I am rather new to this, have you any advice?”

Ellen could barely suppress a smile, “No Scott, you were fine. Just try to act naturally.” She was going to be OK with Scott. ‘Cane me, fuck me #4’ was going to be a winner she could just feel it. She stared at his glowing arse as he gingerly put the orange shorts back on. She wondered if she could get him into the sack.

Ellen wondered which scene to do next, she had many more plans for his bottom and did not want to spoil it by giving it too much attention in the first couple of days, perhaps she should let them girls loose on Scott’s penis.


In the end, Ellen decided that the next scene would be Ted begging for mercy from Claire (who played the commander of the guard). Scott was dressed in a brief black to show off his aching bottom (somewhat enhanced with the help of Gwen’s makeup skills).

Fi opened the door and pushed Scott roughly into the “Guards’ common room”. Scott fell to his knees, “Mistress, I am deeply sorry for what I have done. Please forgive me. I will do anything for you, just please no more torture.”

Claire looked sternly at Scott and said, “Come here, little one. Kiss my boots.”

Scott crawled over to the seated Claire and began licking her boots, starting at the tip, and progressing up her calculations. Scott was scared to look up and licked the black PVC with all the enthusiasm he could muster. The taste was terrible but Scott felt Claire’s lovely warmth through the material. Claire looked down with contempt, and wiggled her foot as she forced it further and further into Scott’s mouth.

Fi was becoming impatient, “Can’t he do me as well? We are meant to share the slaves.”

Eventually Claire relented, “OK, your turn.”

Scott moved to kiss Fi’s boots, but Fi had risen from the sofa and was undoing the long zip down the centre of her catsuit revealing her delightful body, “No Ted, my pussy needs some attention.” She then grabbed his hair and forced it between her legs and grew, “Lick, you slut, suck me until I come.” She had Scott by the hair as he desperately tried to satisfy her. This was in the script but Fi was truly turned on, so she forget about the cameras and just thought of her own personal pleasure. She had always found submissive boys attractive and Scott was divine. She was not going to let Ellen finished the scene until she was well and truly satisfied. Spreading her legs she squeezed Scott’s face into her pussy, grinding it against her clipit as she became ever more excited. Eventually she came with almost explosive force, splashing cum all over Scott’s face.


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