Scott is Trained as a Slave

This story continues on from “Scott Becomes A Sex Slave” in which Scott applied to become a submissive whore. Now he has to be trained by Victoria. This chapter works as a stand-alone story.


As soon as Victoria closed the door, she turned to Scott and said, “Strip and put on this collar.” He did as he was told. With some reluctance he took off his knickers and stood naked in front of his new mistress. Here he was stark naked with his legs together and back straight, feeling very vulnerable. His hands Shook as he buckled on his slave collar.

Victoria watched him take off his clothes, making no attempt to lessen his embarrassment. Alice, the manager, liked her boys to be between eighteen and twenty-one, athletic but not overly muscled. Victoria knew no matter how handsome a boy was, and Scott was very pretty indeed, the key to his success was his willingness to please and take punishment.

Victoria waited, the longer she waited the more embarrassed Scott became. Staring at his nudity she said, “Scott, I have promised Kate to look after you for your first two weeks. But you must realize that this place runs on strict discipline and if you refuse any of my orders or if I don’t think you are shaping up, you will be out. You are going to have to get used to taking serious pain and performing every sexual act under the sun for your clients. They will hurt, fuck and humiliate you and it is your job to give them pleasure whatever they ask you to do. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Victoria gave him his ‘uniform’; some tight Lycra shorts and a satin T shirt, embroidered with the Cartwright and Palmer logo and his ‘slave number’. They then got down to work, Victoria explaining some of the rules of the House and starting on some tips on sexual technique. She explained that Cartwright and Palmer’s main selling point was it allowed its clients to humiliate and torture a string of handsome boys. Scott had to accept this. She told him how he had to respond to clients, with some he should remain silent, other cry out in pain and a few beg for mercy.

About half way through the morning session she had Scott strip and lay down on his back claping his thighs so as to spread his legs. Victoria then played with the Wartenberg wheel. The wheel, which had evenly-spaced radiating sharp pins, rotated as she rolled it over Scott’s skin causing him cute disappoint. He could not suppress a squeal of age as she rolled the wheel over his penis and down between his legs. Victoria was enjoying herself, as she watched Scott trying to master his pain and keep his legs well spread. The boy was certainly trying.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Without waiting for a reply a statusque lady entered dressed in some tiny black PVC shorts, a matching top and calm high boots. Her shoulder length hair was parted in the middle and she glistened as if she had just completed some strong physical exercise.

“Vic, I hear we have a new colleague.”

“Yep Claudia, he is Kate’s nephew.”

“Let me have a look.”

“Of course. Scott stand up.”

Scott was surprised that he was apparently public property but knew he must comply. He was embarrassed and put his hands over his cock.

“Come on Scott, remember what I said, hands behind your back.”

“He looks sweet. Is he really as innocent as Alice said?”

“Yes, I am afraid I am having to explain ‘the birds and the bees’.”

Claudia sat on the sofa, she patted the seat beside her and said, “Come over here and let me have a look at you.”

Scott turned to Victoria, who nodded. He still felt very self consciousness being naked in front of the two ladies. He sat down as far away from Claudia as he could, resting on the edge of the sofa, legs together and back bent to try to hide his nudity.

“Come over here Scott. I won’t bite you.”

Scott felt he had little choice and edged towards Claudia, until eventually his naked thighs touched her PVC shorts. She languidly put her arm around his shoulders and then suddenly pulled him towards her. Her lips open she kissed him forcedly. Scott’s immediate reaction was to close his mouth as firmly as he could. As he did he realized this might be a test and gingerly opened them allowing Claudia to aggressively insert her tongue. Almost simulateneously he felt Claudia reach down and start to spread his legs, she then clutched his penis and started to rub, then wank him. Scott quickly became erect. It was like a whirlwind.

“All right Claudia, that is enough. I am not having my charge rapid on his first day here. Off you get.”

Claudia reluctantly obeyed; rolling over on the sofa, releasing a slightly shell shocked Scott. She then turned and pulled Scott’s head to one side, “You are a pretty boy. You will do well here if you listen to Victoria, but you will have to learn to relax.”

“OK, Scott comes here and knee. Claudia, can you pleasetell everyone I want some privacy and don’t want streams of visitors dropping in. I will bring Scott down at supper time and introduce him to you all.”

Scott got dressed and Victoria spent the rest of the day giving him a relaxed lesson on his future duties. It was an enjoyable time and Scott felt they had a real rapper. Clearly Victoria noticed this as well because she suddenly seemed to realize this was not the impression she wished to give. “That’s enough of the theoretical. Take your clothes off and knee down.”

Scott felt shocked by the change of tune, but slipped out of his shorts. Victoria went to one of her cabinets and returned with a large pot and a black dildo which she attached to a solid base, “Now Scott we’ve talked about anal. Let’s see you give yourself a good fucking.”

Scott pulled his legs further apart and gradually inserted as much lube as he could. As he went to lube the dildo he heard Victoria says, “No, use your mouth.”

Scott then got down on all fours and started to suck and lick the dildo. He knew this was a test and tried to make his ‘blow job’ look as erotic as possible. Victoria was pleased as she watched her protégé naked on the floor. When the dildo was truly covered in his saliva, he squatted over the dildo and tried to push down, but no matter what pressure he exerted he could not insert it. Scott increased the pressure but with no success, just pain. He started to sweat, he couldn’t fail his first task, Victoria would think he wasn’t trying. He heard Victoria’s voice saying “Relax Scott, just relax your muscles and it will slide in easily.”

Scott felt totally humiliated squatting naked on the dildo. He knew he was still very tense, he tried to think of nothing but relaxing his anal muscles and sure enough he succeeded in easing the dildo in. Once it started going, Scott kept pressure on the dildo and he felt it gradually easing inside him. It hurt but he was determined to succeed. He had now taken it full length, he was terribly relieved. Now he could properly start to fuck himself, he eased himself up, careful not to allow the dildo to come out completely and then squeezed down again. Gradually he became more confident and started to speed up. He wanted Victoria to know he was keen and trying to obey. His Mistress smiled, the boy had done better than she had anticipated, he was now ramming away regardless of his pain and humiliation. He would make a good whore.

That evening Victoria took Scott to the bar and introduced him to his new colleagues.


Each night Scott met up with the other new entrants, the idea of ​​the gathering was to ensure they all lost all their inhibitions about being naked or having sex in front of an audience. Some of Cartwright and Palmer’s well heeled customers would order a number of whores for the evening and they had to be natural in each other’s company regardless of what they were asked to do.

Each evening they played ‘the game’. OnScott’s first evening the first deal of the cards resulted in a girl being required to have oral sex in front of the rest of the new enrants. Scott felt for her as she very reluctantly took off first her T shirt, then skirt and finally panties and lay in the middle of the floor with legs spread wide waiting for the luck of the cards to determine who would be licking her pussy. Although her initial reluctance she seemed to enjoy the experience, eventually screaming with ecstasy, oblivious to her audience.

It was on the second evening that Scott’s card came up: mud wrestling. The rules were simple, the wrestlers fought for two five minute rounds, everything being permitted except going for the eyes or balls.

Scott was due to fight Timothy, he felt he had a slight advantage as he was a couple of inches taller and pounds heavier. They were taken to a shallow padded pool about ten feet square. The ‘mud’ was in fact clear synthetic gel and was only a few inches deep. The room had glass walls and was situationd next to the reception area. This means all those entering or leaving the building could watch the fight.

Scott wearing some brief red trunks knelt in the pool, consciousness that an audience was gradually assembled. The gel was warm and Scott started to rub it into his skin hoping that this would make it more difficult for Timothy to get a good hold. His opponent did the same.

When the buzzer went for the beginning of round one, Scott lunged forward hoping to surprise Timothy. This as not a success, Timothy smartly moved out of the way and worse Scott over-balanced. Timothy was on him in a second, holding his head and ducking him repeatedly in the gel. Scott was ‘one conception’ down after only thirty seconds. Scott decided to be more circuit in the future and he and Timothy moved Around the pool waiting for the other to make the first mistake. Scott saw his chance as it seemed Timothy momentarily fell off balance, again he lunged forward andThis time caught Timothy, but not firmly enough. The boy squirmed out of Scott’s hold and somehow got one of his legs each side of Scott’s torso securing Scott’s right arm. Keeping hold of Scott’s right arm, Timothy eased himself onto Scott’s back, he then took Scott’s left arm, so Scott was totally helpless. Timothy got hold of Scott’s trunks and despite Scott’s frantic efforts pulled them off leaving him stark naked. This was not the end of Scott’s humiliation as Timothy proceeded spank him with some relish. Now that they were both covered in the gel, it was a lot more difficult to find a grip or even stay upright. As they slide around the pool it almost looked as if they were making love, the naked limbs and their intense physical effort.

In the second round Scott, now naked, improved and even caught Timothy in good hold, but by the end of the ten minutes he was well and truly beaten, tired and thoroughly humiliated. They both got a good round of applause, it was only then that it dawned on Scott that he had been wrestling naked in front of quite of an audience.

When they got to the shower room, Timothy took off his trunks and started washing them in a basin. When he joined Scott in the shower, he gave him a large hug, “Well done Scott you put up a great fight. Nothing personal about the whipping I gave you.”

“No problem, I would have done the same to you. Next time I promise to get your trunks off you before we get into the shower.”

“Only in your dreams.”

Scott watched Timothy washing himself and pondered on how he had fought like a wildcat to keep his trunks on during the fight, but now was happy to strip off and share a shower.

After the cleaning themselves up, Scott and Timothy wandered off to the hot tub and joined the rest of the new Entrants. Meeting in the hot tub was relaxing after a hard day and management knew the more time the new boys and girls spent naked together the quicker they would lose their inhibitions.


When Victoria had first met Scott, she knew he was submissive, but two weeks training had made a great difference; he now instinctively did what he was told and had no inhibitions about taking punishment and performing even the most unusual sexual acts. She now thought Scott was ready for his first paying customer.

That night, when Victoria entered his room, Scott stood naked in Front of her with his hands claped behind his back. Victoria gazed at him, he was so beautiful, clearly anxious but she knew he was keen to be on his first date. The important thing was he was now fully trained and she was confident that he would do whatever a client wanted, no matter how painful or humiliating.

Scott felt embarrassed as Victoria examined him, forcing him to spread his legs and bend over, she smiled at his did as he was told. Now she had to decide how to dress her charge. Her first choice was some skin tight PVC shorts, especially tailored by Sandro. She then found a darkgreen silk g-string (Victoria did not want to see a VPL) and eventually a white satin shirt. When Scott had dressed, Victoria buckled on his slave collar and took him to the bar.

Scott was terribly nervous, he felt he would rank as handsome in most company but looking around the bar he was amazed at the looks of some of the other whores. Would he ever get a date? Scott perched on a bar stool, nervously sipping his Diet Coke and trying to catch the eye of a potential customer. After half an hour without an approach he undid one of the buttons on his shirt and prepared to drop something. His PVC shorts were so tight this was difficult to bend over, but he hoped it would show off his cute bottom. But still nothing.

Now that term had finished, Monika was on the prowl. She loved Cartwright & Palmer more than she could say, not only were the boys gorgeous but they would do whatever one wanted, no questions asked. No matter what she asked them to do there was never any possibleity of them refusing. There was also no time pressure she could take them for as long as he wanted, it was bliss. As she stared at the boys in the bar her eye landed on Scott. She made eye contact and motioned him over. She smiled reassuringly as the poor boy was clearly very nervous. She knew this would be fun as she always liked the innocent and inexperienced ones.

Monika put one finger inside Scott’s shorts and led him to one of the corner tables, “Now, what is your name?”

“Scott, ma’am.”

“My name is Monika, but you will call me ‘Mistress’. I haven’t seen you before. Are you new?”

“Yes, this is my first night, Mistress.”

Monika patted Scott’s naked thigh, “Don’t worry everything will be fine. Now let me have a look at you. Take off your clothes.”

Scott stood up, conscious that all the other people in the bar were now looking at him. He had prepared himself to serve a client in private but he had never thought that he would have to strip in public.But Scott knew he had no choice, so slowly took off his shirt and then somehow squeezed out of his shorts. He was now standing in the front of Monika in his brief g-string. Mustering all his self control he put his hands behind his back as Victoria had taught him. Would Monika demand he strip naked? Scott felt nervous and humiliated, but also had the thrill of anticipation that he was about to hook his first customer.

Monika casually raised her hand and drew her finger along the edge of the g-string between Scott’s legs. She then stroked his eenticing bulge. Scott felt himself gradually becoming erect. This amused Monika. She then told him to turn around and she felt the back of the g-string pulling it tight. Scott winced as Monika felt the welts left after Victoria’s whipping.

“Scott, you have have been beaten.”

“Yes, Mistress. I was told I had to learn some discipline.”

“Good, boys need to be punished.”

Monika then rose, took a pair of shiny handcuffs from herhandbag and bound Scott’s hands behind his back. Scott felt the coldness of the steel, then the click as she tightened the handscuffs and finally their weight as she released his hands. These were not cheap imitations, they were serious police-issue cuffs. Monika then attached a chain to his collar and gently pulled him forward. She looked at Scott, he looked so sweet, the g-string was tiny and his arse was perfect. He was delicious; she was going to have so much fun. She was almost incoherent with desire.

Scott suddenly felt very naked. It was one thing wearing some brief underwear in the privacy of a bedroom, it was quite another to be walking down the corridor seeing everyone staring at him and particularly his naked bottom. He tried to look confident but he had never felt so nervous in his life. What was Monika going to do with him? What had he got himself into?

Eventually they got to the back door. Scott felt very uneasy, was she going to parade him around the City inHis knickers? When he left the house he felt the cool breeze on his naked skin. As Monika led him down the steps of the house, Scott closed his eyes, as he could not face the impending humiliation. To his immense relief, after a few yards they approached a limousine. A living chauffeur opened the door and Scott followed Monika into the car, kneeing at her feet for the entire journey.

When they arrived at Their destination, Monika again led him down the street oblivious to the stars Scott was getting. Scott had never been so embarrassed in his life. When they finally entered, what Scott assumed (incorrectly) was Monika’s home; she released him from his handscuffs and told him to fix her a drink. As Monika relaxed Scott knelt at her feet.

After a few minutes the front door bell rang. “Scott answer it, will you.”

“But Mistress, I can’t answer the door like this.”

“Scott are you refusing my orders?”

Scott lowered his eyes, “No, Mistress.”

“Good. If it’s Joanne show her through.”

Scott pulled up his g-string as he went to through the lobby. He gingerly opened the door and saw an elegant lady of medium height with long brown hair pulled back in a pony tail. She was dressed in a crisp white shirt, tight jeans and riding boots. She pushed hard at the door, “Let me in, slut. I am expected.”

The woman passed as Scott held the door, staring at his minute g-string. Scott followed her into the living room. She kissed Monika, “So you are finally going to share one of your delightful slaves with me.”

“Only the best for you, my dearest. Scott came over here, Joanne wants to look at you.”

Scott pulled up his g-string for the umpteenth time; it never seemed to get any larger. As he stood before Joanne, he smiled shyly. He turned around showing her his bottom. Suddenly he felt the woman get the sides of his g-string and pull it down. Scott’s immediate reflex was to grap his underwear, and prize her fingers off. It was allover in a second, but as he pulled his g-string back up, Scott realized he had made a mistake, a big mistake.

“Scott what the hell are you doing?”

“Sorry Mistress,” said Scott as he stood up and released his grip on his g-string.

Now Joanne eased down his underwear without resistance, so Scott felt the silk rest on his feet. He was naked. Monika picked up Scott’s discarded g-string and held it before him, “Scott, Alice said you had been properly trained. If she was wrong I think you should leave. This is a liberal neighborhood so I am sure people won’t mind your nudity. Is that what you want?”

“No Mistress. I am sorry, I promise not to disobey your orders again.”

“Come on Monika, why put up with him? Send him back, the walk will give him time to think about his disobedience. We can always get another boy later.”

“No Mistress, please.”

Monika led him to the front door, as she opened it, Scott felt the cool breeze on his naked skin. He knew heShould not have resisted but surely Monika could not throw him out for his first mistake? Didn’t everyone makes gaffes at the beginning? It was just a natural reaction. Was she really going to force him to walk for miles through New York naked? What would happen if he was arrested? Or rapid? He was ready to beg her at least to give him his g-string. Monika could feel his reluctance, poor Scott was worried. She somehow suppressed a smile, and said as harshly as she could, “OK Scott, but you are on a final warning. One more refusal and out you go.”


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