Scott looked across the Court room and blew a kiss to his mother. This was the third time he had attended Court, each time his mother had been tried for possession of cocaine. In the past she had got off with a fine or community service, in part because she claimed that as a single mother there was no one else who could take care of her son. Two final warnings later, the authorities were getting bored. Her brief had advised her that prison time was inevitable and it was now just a matter of how long she would be away for.
Scott was now eighteen, but the Court had insisted that he stay with a ‘responsible adult’ for the duration of his mother’s sentence. He was sitting next to his new guardian, his aunt Kate. He was not much looking forward to it, but it must be better than an institution. His aunt, his mother’s much younger sister, was only a few years older than he was. She was impossiblely elegant. In the past she had been an infrequent visitor, gliding in with a generousbirthday present and then being very quick to leave. Her elegance looked out of place in their cheap rented rooms and his mother always felt Kate looked down on her. All he knew about his aunt was she was a successful architect and lived in Haworth, one of the most salubious suburbs of New York. Scott had overheard some of the telephone conversation when his mother asked Kate to take care of him. He couldn’t hear exactly what his aunt said but it was clear she was not enthusiastic, eventually agreeing on the basis that Scott would obey all her instructions. His mother had emphasized that one slip up and Kate promised he was out for good.
The Court went silent as the judge started to pronounce sentence. He began with a few words about the dangers of drugs, castigated his mother for risking Scott’s welfare for her own selfish ends and said a custodial sentence was now inevitable. Scott’s heart sank as her heard the Judge says a year. He had been hoping for 180 days. Scott let outan involuntary cry and to his surprise he felt his aunt clap his knee, she whispered, “Don’t worry, with good behavior she will be out in a few months.”
Scott looked around, surprised at the sincerity in his aunt’s voice. It was if she cared. Kate guided him out of the Court and into a waiting taxi. Scott swallowed hard, life with his mother had never been easy, but he was familiar with it. He had got used to going hungry at the end of the month and having to put her to bed when she had hit the bottle. What would the next year be like? More comfortable he was sure, but would it be like walking on egg shells? This could get tiring, he knew he had a good heart but was socially awkward and minding his Ps and Qs for an entire year would be torture.
In the taxi, Scott was tongue tied and started to make the most banal conversation about the weather, it was hot in June, and baseball. Out of the corner of his eye his saw Kate look up as if to say, “Is this moron really my fleshand blood?” After that Scott was silent as he remembered the advice, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” After what seemed like an eternity the taxi pulled up outside a large nineteen thirties two learned villa. Scott realized his mother had been right, Kate was clearly successful at what she did. Kate welcomed Scott to her house and showed him up to a lovely airy room on the first floor. She said that to celebrate his arrival she thought they would go out to the local Italian. She had booked the table for eight and asked Scott to be down by 7.30. The dress code was informal but most people wore jackets, but no tie.
Scott’s heart sank, his mother’s budget didn’t run to much more than the local pizza place so he didn’t have a formal jacket. Scott unpacked showered and wondered what to do. Eventually he dressed in a shirt, found a tie and hoped his aunt would not object to his jeans. She did. “Scott, I think you need to be a little smarter, would you mind awfully putting on some Chinos and the trainers are nice but I think some leather shoes might be in order.”
Scott looked at her; he saw disappointment, not cruelty. Kate was not trying to be unpleasant, but this was the best he had. With the tension of the trial, his concern for his mother and now the fear of disappointing his aunt, he felt his self-control going.
To his Surprise, Kate came over and put her arm around his shoulders, “I understand, don’t worry. Let’s cancel the Italian and have a nice evening in with a takeaway Chinese. Sorry, I am a selfish old thing. Tomorrow we will go out and go clothes shopping. It something I am pretty good at and I need you to look good if my favourite nephew is going to escort me around town.”
Scott could have died with relief. His stony faced aunt really did have a heart. The film was awful, but the evening was better than he could have hoped. The fact they were watching the movie meant there was no obligation to make polite conversation. Scott was elated when Kate laughed at a couple of his one-liners.
The next morning Kate took charge. The first stop was Brooks Brothers. Scott saw the look of disdain on the shop assistants’ faces as he entered the store, but when they realized the elegant lady was paying they became rather more friendly. Kate was in her element and quickly found a blazer she liked, then the Chinos, half brogues and finally half a dozen of their white button downs and a few ties.
When they went to Gap, Kate allowed Scott to choose a few pairs of jeans and sweatshirts. The only slightly embarrassing thing was she kept coming into his changing room, normally at the worst possible moment.
Kate then ordered the taxi to the next shop, ‘Elégance Lingerie’. On entering it was clear the owner knew his aunt well. “Miss Kate, what a pleasure. We have just got the corset you ordered. Have you come to try it on?”
“No Sandro, I trust you, I am sure it willbe perfect. I have just brought my nephew to pick up a few things.”
The owner looked at Scott as if was far from convinced over the stated blood relationship. “Of course Miss Kate. What does he need?”
“Oh everything. His mother doesn’t know how to shop; underwear, shorts, T shirts and trunks. It is summer and you know how teenagers like hanging around the pool.”
“Your nephew had good legs. I have just the things for him.” Sandro went behind the counter and came out with a pair of white shorts.
“Miss Kate, I will lock the door so your nephew can try these on in peace.” The man gave Scott the shorts and waited. Clearly they expected him to try them on and by implication there were no changing rooms.
“Come on Scott, Mr Bertinelli has seen hundreds of boys naked. Don’t be modest.” Scott turned around and took his clothes off and put the shorts on. They were tight but he had to admit looked very erotic. Kate clearly loved them and ordered a couple of pairs.
“What about trunks. Cosmo says satin is this year’s material. What do you have Sandro?”
“Miss Kate, I am pleased you asked. We have just got a new Italian line in, that I am sure would suit your nephew.” Mr Bertinelli asked for the shorts back to wrap, so Scott was left stark naked in the middle of the shop. The owner came back with several pairs of trunks and he and Kate watched as Scott struggled into the first pair.
“Miss Kate, they are the finest satin, high cut to show off your nephew’s long legs. But I think he needs the next size up. Even so, your nephew may wish to have a little trim. I can recommend a place if he would like it done professionally.”
“Thank you Sandro, but I am sure we will manage.”
Kate got Scott to Try on half a dozen pairs of trunks. She liked the bright colours and how the satin clung to Scott’s smooth bottom. Scott looked to the front of the shop, he was aghast when he saw that even if Mr Bertinelli had officially closed up and locked the door, it hadn’t stopped curious shoppers staring through the window at his impromptu striping. He just prayed things wouldn’t go on much longer, but Kate kept asking him to try one pair of trunks on after another and then fiddled with the back to see how his bottom looked. Eventually she chose a couple of pairs.
“What about underwear Sandro? Do you still have those gorgeous black briefs?”
“Of course, Miss Kate. Your nephew will look very, what do you say? ‘sexy’?” Again Mr Bertinelli ensured Scott was left naked as he found him the underwear. This was almost as brief as the trunks, but Kate insisted on a dozen pairs.
“Miss Kate you must get your nephew a bikini. They are very fashionable this year.” Mr Bertinelli brought out some tie-side bikini bottoms. The first pair was dark blue decorated with a selection of ethnic beads.
“Kate, I am not sure this is quite my style.”
“Scott, if Sandro says it is the next big thing, we have to believe him. Atleast try it on.”
Scott took the bikini, but the embarrassment of standing naked in the middle of the shop had had its effect and he was now almost erect. There was no way he could get the bikini on now. Kate saw his difficulty, “Don’t worry Scott. We’ll wait a few minutes, I am sure you will relax.” He did, but it took an age. Mr Bertinelli pretended to pack Kate’s purchases but Scott could feel his eyes on his naked body.
Eventually he got the bikini on, and despite his protests, Kate bought it.
After buying a few T shirts Kate allowed Scott to get dressed. Scott liked the stuff but wondered if his aunt could at least of pretended to look away to give him a little privacy. He felt he was becoming her little toy.
As they drove home Kate turned to her nephew and said, “Don’t worry about Sandro. He is harmless. He always says he doesn’t have a male changing room, it is just he likes seeing boys naked and as you indulged him I will be in line for some nice discountunts. But you know he was right that your pubes could do with a little trim.”
Little did Kate know that Sandro had set up dozens of sophisticated hidden cameras in his shop and he was at that moment looking at some wonderfully natural nudes he had acquired. In years to come he knew Scott would be very popular on the internet. Sandro was sure some good discounts would keep Kate and her ‘nephew’ coming back. He really wanted Scott in some of his PVC clothes or even playing with a sex toy. The boy had obeyed his ‘aunt’s’ instructions to stay naked even when he knew people were looking at him through the windows, so perhaps he could simply ask him to model some of his fetish gear; blackmail could be another option. One way or another he was confident Scott would be a porn star before he knew it!
Scott had quickly got a job with one of Kate’s clients. It was only really photocopying and making coffee but Scott recognized that with no qualifications he had to start at the bottom and he knew if he stuck at it for twenty years he might almost make mediocrity. This said, as his aunt didn’t charge rent and always paid for everything they did together, he felt he was rolling in money. As Kate was less than seven years older than Scott, they gradually built up a brother/sister relationship.
One day he was doing errands around the area and finishing early went home at four. He stopped off on the way at the local deli as he was determined to make his aunt a slap-up dinner. As he put his key in the lock, the door was opened by a statusesque blond, she looked surprised to see Scott but didn’t both to introduce herself and left.
“Kate, I am back.”
Scott was surprised when he received no response. He put his head around the kitchen door, nothing. Then knocked on his aunt’s study door, silence. Next he checked her bedroom, nothing. Gradually Scott was becoming worried, what was that woman doing if his aunt was not at home? She was certainly no cleanner. Scott started searching in earnest, first all the bedrooms then the ground floor … nothing. Scott didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t call the Police but he was now very uneasy. As he passed the kitchen he saw the door to the cellar, normally this was kept locked but now he noticed some light was coming from the open door.
Scott edged his way in, as he walked down the stairs he was amazed to see his aunt had done her basement out as a dungeon. He was no expert but he knew the chains and the PVC covered furniture could be for little else. As he got to the bottom of the stairs, he saw a bed, or more particularly he saw Kate dressed only in some stockings and suspenders, gagged, spread eagle on the bed. Her arms and legs were stretched tight and she was smoking profusely. Her body was covered in vivid red whip marks.
Scott worried, rushed to the bed and took his aunt’s head in his arms. At least she was still alive. He pulled the masking tape off his aunt’s mouth and the pulled what turned out to be a very wet pair of knickers from her mouth.
“Kate, are you OK?”
After being gagged for so long she was clearly finding it hard to talk, so Scott did not wait for an answer and quickly undid the wrist and ankle cuffs. Now free his aunt sat in the edge of the bed, gathering her strength. She eventually stood, spread her legs and proceeded to pull a huge dildo out of Her pussy, she throw the still throbbing object on the bed. Kate then spread her legs even wider and bent over and she took an even larger black dildo from her behind. Exhausted she sat down again.
Scott was speechless, as he gazed at the evidence of the severe beating that his aunt had endured, the intense red lines all over her bottom, tits and tighs, “Aunt, who did this to you? Was it that lady I saw as I came in? Do you want me to call they Police?”
Kate had only just about recovered her voice, so it was a quiet croak when she said, “No, just help me to my room. Iwill be fine in an hour or so. I will explain everything over dinner.”
Kate grabbed a pile of bank notes from the table and still very weak let Scott almost carry her up the stairs. When they got to the top, his aunt pulled the basement door closed and Scott heard it lock.
Scott was no retirement violence and knew about kinky sex, it is just he didn’t expect this of his elegant respectable aunt. He was confused so throw himself into his cooking. His thoughts took him in some very uncomfortable directions, better to lose himself in physical effort.
At eight Kate came down looking her normal stylish self. Scott had no idea of the effort she was putting in to keep control. They sat down and ate, this was not quite the evening Scott had hoped for. In fact Kate noticed the efforts Scott had gone to and was touched. It didn’t make what she had to say any easier, but Kate knew she could not delay things indefinitely. After Scott had cleared the dishes away, Kate summoned all herCourage and started her confession, “Scott, I had better be straight with you. I am not what I seem to be. For a start I am not an architect, I flunched my finals and never qualified. I simply did not have the courage to tell your grandparents. They both took such pride in me getting to Cornell and I knew they would be so disappointed if they knew I had failed. Well life can be pretty hard when you have huge student loans and no degree. I turned to being a call-girl. Initially I told myself it was just until I could pay off my debts and get a foot onto the job ladder. Well to be honest I found I liked the job. I loved the fact I could work for a couple of hours a day and make enough cash to give me this sort of lifestyle. The long and short of it is I have been on the game since Uni. I am submissive and my clients pay to dominate, hurt, humiliate and fuck me. I understand this may be a shock and I would quite understand if you want to move out. I have enjoyed having you here but wouldhappy fund you in an apartment of your own until your mother is released. I suppose the only thing I ask, no beg of you, is that you keep what you have seen to yourself.” Kate felt a huge relief that she had got her confession off her chest, she looked at her wine. She just could not bear to look at her nephew. She prayed he would understand and if he wanted to leave that the parting would be civilised.
“Aunt, I can’t deny I am surprised, but it is not for me to judge. You have been so kind. I have never been happier in my life so if you can stand having me around I would love to stay. All you have to do is say when you need your privacy.”
Kate got up, speechless with relief and simply hugged her nephew and went to bed. She cried, but they were happy tears. Regardless of what Scott said, she would never bring a client back again, certainly not that bitch Natalie.
Kate ensured she was not around much for the next few days, she wanted to give Scott enough time to think and ensure he was happy staying on.
Eventually Kate could not put off having dinner with him any longer and they both arranged to be in that Friday. As ever Scott cooked, this time a Thai meal. They chatted amicably but Kate knew there was something on Scott’s mind. Perhaps he had decided to move out after all. After her normal espresso, Kate brought a bottle of cognac and two glasses to the table and waited; she was sure Scott would pluck up the courage eventually, she just had to give him time.
“Kate, I was thinking about what you were saying. Well, I feel I am naturally submissive and was wondering if your agency would take me on. I am not naive that I will earn anything like what you do, but if I only earned at tenth it would be a lot more than the minimum wage I am on at the moment.”
Kate was flatberggasted, this was not what she had been expecting, “Scott you are an adult and are old enough to make your own choices but I really would not be comfortable with youJoining the agency. You really can get badly hurt, you saw me last week and I feel responsible for you. What would your mother say?”
“Let’s keep my mother out of it. I am grown up and it is my life. I thought you may refuse but look at it this way, surely it is better that I am at an agency you trust under your eye rather than trying Craigslist or signing up to some dodgy mafia backed place.”
Kate thought he had a point, there was much wrong with Cartwright and Palmer but she trusted them and they would ensure that Scott did not get into any serious trouble, going freedom was dangerous, particularly in New York.
“Scott, I will think about it. In the interim you must give me your word you won’t do anything rash. I can’t give you Moral lessons but I can give you well informed warnings.”
“OK, Kate. You decide. I am in your hands at least for the next few weeks.”
Eventually Kate agreed to introduce Scott to her agency but only provided that Scott endured one “practice session”, so he realized that being a pro-submissive involved real pain and humiliation not just play acting. She invited a friend of hers, called Conti, from Cartwright and Palmer’s sister agency for dinner.
Conti was a slight lady, no more than five feet two. She had dark brown hair with a central parting and dressed in an elegant dark green dress. Scott knew what was in store but could not believe such a delicious creativity could possibly dominate him. Anyway he cooked and served dinner.
The dinner was pleasant, Kate making great efforts to keep the conversation on neutral topics. Scott felt breathless with desire and anticipation so couldn’t relax or properly contribute to the discussion. When Scott had cleared up, Conti took control. She started firing questions at Scott, “Age? … eighteen; sexual experience? … not much; anal? … no; oral? … no; rimming? … no; wax? … no; OTK? … no.”
“God, Scott you must be the most innocent eighteen year old on the bloody planet. You really want to go from virtual vitamin to prostitution in one go? It is one hell of a big step, particularly with the punishment you will get at Cartwright and Palmer.”
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