This is another in the chronicles of sclamh (Irish for slave). Sclabh is a 24 year old female police officer leading an off duty life as a submissive to Ms Brigit O’Toole.
I had just finished up my last shift of my tour and had to be at Ms Brigit O’Toole’s house for 6:00 PM. Ms Brigit is my Domme, a redhead, eight years my senior at age 32 and truly is a Goddess. Being a submissive female in the male world of police work is no easy task. Add my preference for women, although I have and do enjoy a nice cock, and I realized that I lead two separate lives.
Finishing up my shift at four o’clock gave me plenty of time for my gym work and the 20-minute drive to Ms Brigit’s house. Workout and shower completed I throw on my civvies and Drave to a weekend of submission and lust, turning into my alter ego, scclabh, an Irish word for slave. Ms. Brigit O’Toole was a very Irish redhead with a barely delectable accent from “back over”. Five minutes from Ms Brigit’s house I got caught in the back-up from a multi-car crash that caused me to arrive at 15 minutes late.
I entered the breezeway, followed my protocol of striping off my clothes, knocking on the main door, kneeing and waiting permission to enter.
As the door opened, Ms Brigit said in a very soft but menuing voice, “Why my little sclabh, are you late?”
“There was a traffic crash Ms Brigit.”
“You were in traffic from four o’clock until now? Two hours and fifteen minutes of traffic and you couldn’t call me?”
“No Ms Brigit, I went to the gym and got caught up in…”
Grabbing a fistful of my hair and cutting me off mid sentence Ms Brigit almost whispered, “Get in here”.
“Yes Ma’am”, I yelped.
As I got to the middle of the room, Ms. Brigit’s handhold on my hair began to force me to the floor; then Her foot drop me into the carpet, knocking my breath away. I had a boot on my neck and I didn’t dare move an inch.
“You have become too comfortable in thisrelationship. I am your superior and you will never, ever keep me waiting. I know life sometimes gets in the way of all relationships, but your utter disrespect for me by being late and not even giving me the courtesy of a phone call is not acceptable from someone I was, and I repeat, was thinking about making my personal slave.”
“I have no excuse Ma’am.”
“That’s right you don’t. I am going to punish you in such a way that you will never forget your place; is that clear?”
“Yes Ma’am.”
Ms Brigit grabbed another handful of hair and pulled me to my hands and knees.
“Crawl”, was all Ms Brigit said as She walked out of the Great Room and down the main hall.
I kept up best I could but I seemed to loose some ground as Ms Brigit strode down the hardwood flooring of the hall that pounded my knees. She paused, grabbed more hair near the scuff of my neck and dragged me through the cellar door. I tumbled, gropeed and was dragged down the carpeted stairs into thegame room. Ms Brigit opened another door and my heart went cold.
I had been submitting to Ms Brigit about six weeks and had never seen this room. It was filled with restraint devices; impact tools and so much more I just couldn’t comprehend. Nor did I have time to; Ms Brigit pushed me back onto the floor and put Her boot in the small of my back.
“I am going to punish you and I am going to hurt you. But if you are to stay with me and become my slave, you must end punishments and whatever other trials I deem necessary; understand?”
“Yes Ma’am, thank-you Ma’am.”
“Good, crawl to that box”, Ms Brigit said pointing to an oddly configured device I would come to know as the whipping box.
I crawled to it, unsure of what exactly it was, This however was cleared up in seconds. The box itself was made of a simple 2×6 wood frame, and once inside the frame Ms Brigit secured my hands and feet into the openings much like a colonial stock or pillory. She also placed asmall padded bench under me, securing me in a crawling position with my ass readily available to be whipped or spanked.
I could see Ms. Brigit get a short flogger, maybe a foot long, but with dozens of tails, She walked over placed the whip on my back and began to lecture me.
“My dear scclabh, punishments are not fun for me; it means I failed as a Dominant, I have not trained you well enough, that stops now, I promise to train you well.
“Yes Ms Brigit, I’m sorry.”
“Silence! We must work harder to make us better as Dominant and submissive.
Ms Brigit picked up the flogger and stood to my side and I waited for the first lash to hit my ass. It never came. Ms Brigit brought the whip down on my neck, striking it like a hundred bee stings. My mouth opened and nothing escaped; no words, no sounds, no air. Again and again the whip lashed my vulnerable neck sending white heat to my cunt and stars onto my closed eyes.
It was over as quickly as it started, I would have collapsed but I was immobile in that damn box. Ms. Brigit moved to the backs of my knees and the stings continued one knee then the other and back to the first. I was gasping for breath and tears rolled down by face as the beating seemingly would not end. Ms. Brigit was just getting warmed up.
Ms Brigit softly said, “Let me take your mind off your pain my little sclabh”. She walked and put the whip away and strolled back with two large binder clips, the type you by at the big stationary stores. She knelt inches from my tears stained face as She stroked my hair lightly. I could look right up Her skirt to the most beautiful pussy on earth. She knew exactly where I was staring as She moved to touch to my exposed tits, hanging in front of the padded bench wedged under me. Her touch, the faith aroma of Her sex and I was drifting into subspace. The first clip bit into my left nipple followed by the other clip on my right nipple. I gasped as more pain shot from my nipples to mycunt. Was pain pleasure and pleasure pain? I didn’t know or care.
Ms Brigit moved out of my sight and I just concentrated on breathing, my nipples throbbed, my cunt ached and my mind was in neutral. I felt the soft touch of Ms Brigit’s hand on my ass cheeks, lightly caresing them; She also lightly brushed my exposed cunt lips. I had to remind myself that submissives were cunts and had cunts. Before Ms Brigit, I was horrified by that word; but no longer, that was all I was.
My eyes saw the explorations of one hundred stars as something impacted my ass cheeks. I screamed, the blows continued to strike my ass. Unable to avoid the impacts, I just screamed and cried. The crop seemed to rain down again and again. Suddenly it was over.
Breath came in gasps, I realized I was sweating; Ms. Brigit knelt in front of me. She slowly reached for the binder clips and released my tortured nipples. I screamed a silent scream; I was done, I had nothing left.
Ms. Brigit placed mytraining collar around my neck and released me from the box. She led me to a large dog bed in the corner of the room and secure the collar to an eyebolt with a leash.
“Rest, we’ll talk later.”
Ms Brigit turned out the light and closed the door; I cried myself to sleep promising never to disappoint Ms Brigit again.
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