Science & Training Part I
She looked at the time. Her boyfriend was late again. She paced in front of the University Science Hall.
“Hey, you still here Penny?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend is never on time.”
“It’s not good to be waiting on campus in the dark.”
“I know.”
“Where do you live? Maybe I could give you a lift.”
“I’m all the way in Freehold.”
“Well, you’re in luck! I live in Manalapan!”
“He’s probably on his way though. You know?”
“Well, do you want to call him to find out?”
She popped her cell phone on and called.
“He hasn’t even left Freehold yet. I told him I was getting a ride.”
“Good. My car is in the faculty lot. Just follow me. Ugh, I forgot something in my lab. Nuts! Would you mind? It’ll just take me a few seconds to retrieve.”
“Okay. Guess I can wait a few minutes longer,” she chuckled.
“But, you’d better come with me. It’s really not that safe out here.”
“Here it is!” He materialized from under his chief lab desk with a bottle.
“What is it?”
“Just a fragment I’ve been working on.”
“As in perfume? “Yes.”
“Well, it has some other properties too.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, let’s just say my wife wants to enhance our experience.”
“Oh. Can I try it?”
“Well, it really is pretty strong. I don’t…”
“Sure,” she laughed.
“You don’t believe me?”
“No. No aphrodisiac really works.”
“Yeah, well, you’d be sorry you said that, if you ever tried it.”
She laughed again. “I don’t think so”, aromas never really affect me. Come on, let me try it. Maybe my boyfriend will be surprised tonight.”
“No. I shouldn’t. I could really get into trouble.”
“Come on. Pretty please. I told you, my olfactory sense sucks anyway.”
“Well, okay. But, don’t say I never warned you.”
Matt twisted the top of the bottle off and held it outto Penny, who leaned in for a whiff of the fragment.
“There, you see, I don’t smell anything really, just a weak musky odor. Aaaaaaand, nothing is happening to me. So, there!”
“Not yet, you mean.”
“Not ever,” she laughed, “You are so silly.”
But then, Penny felt it, a peculiar warmth slowly cascading down her spine, like heated oil. She arched, “Ooooooooh, what is…”
Then, she felt the heat as if was honey pouring onto her nipples, creeping under her t shirt and bra slowly. “Ooooooooh, whaa…Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” she purring with a quizzical look on her face and blushing with fever as she felt the same heat like hot oil dripping tantalizingly down her thighs. “I…I…Ooooooooooooooo gooooooooooood….I…I…”
“Are you okay Penny?”
“I…” Then, she felt a drizzling heat seeing under her pants and along her panty line and “OOOOOOOOOOOOOH, I need to go…OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO god.” The drizzling heat seen under her panties to rest on her labia lips, making her knees buckle. “Uh, uh…” she was panting, “I have to use the…..” Then the pleasure reached her clit and she fell to her knees. “I..I…I’m sorry I….OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO god! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh god.” She felt as if she was going to orgasm right there and bit her lip. “Mmmmmph, I ….OoooooOOOOOOOOO.” She crawled and then fell to her hands as well, bracing herself on the floor. “I…I..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh my god! I am OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooo.” She reached to her abdomen, feeling an intense orgasm grip her and moaned uncontrollably as it took her without her willingness. She gasped after the intense flood of juices. But, she still felt her clit engorged and ready to take her again, without her wanting to. “Ugh, I feel like… ugh… I am…” She was gasping.
“Can I help you? Here, lie down.” With his hands on her slender hips, which were vibrating, as she braced on all fours, he gently rolled her onto her back. “Are you okay.”
“No, no I’mmmmmm…OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo god.” A searing orgasm ripped through her vagina. She was powerless to stop it and still clit hard and her nipples were screaming with heat and in pain from their jeweled hardness.
“Here, inhale” he said putting another open vile under her nose.
“What is…..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,” another orgasm ravaged her deeper still.
“Just inhale, it will help you stop.”
She sniffed in and felt her glowing body stop from reaching the next orgasm, but remains aroused. And, suddenly, she realized that she no could no longer move her limbs. She was alert and aroused, but unable to move.
“Relax Penny.”
“I’m sooooooo embarrassed. I am sooo sorry.”
“No, don’t be. I hate to say that I told you so, but…Anyway, how do you feel now?
“Well, very…. Mmmmmmmm… very…you know.”
“Yes. Sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“And I can’t seem to move my arms and legs.”
“Okay, well, then the second chemical is working well then.”
“Really? I mean, I’m paralyzed.”
“IKnow. That is exactly the response your body should have. It’s okay.”
Then, she heard a woman’s voice. “Matt, how is everything working?” Penny was even more embarrassed to find a very attractive blond standing behind Matt as he knelt by her side.
“Oh my god! I’m soooo…mmmmmmmmmm” the pleasure still arching currents through her now paralyzed body kept her from being able to continue.
“Everything seems to be working as well as expected.” the professor replied.
“She looks excisite. You were right Matt. She is a fine specimen of a girl. How do you feel my dark haired beauty?”
“What is this? What is…mmmmmmmmmmmm.” Again the current kept her from being able to speak further.
“Let’s just say that I am here to help,” the blond haired woman said in a very sensitive voice.
“Do you have what we need Matt?”
“And the guard?”
“I told him I’d be working late. He won’t be back.”
“Good. Now,” turning her attention to Penny, “Mmmmmmmmm, how lovely you look my dear luscious Penny girl. Oh, but your clothes seem to be soiled with something. Hmmmm, wonder what that could be.” She knelt down and leaned her face down to the dark spot on Penny’s jeans, which had streaks running down the legs of her jeans. “Myyyyyyyyyy, Penny, do you realize that you have sooooooo much honey here. Cum is soaking your lovely jeans.”
Penny turned her head away in embarrassment. “Oh god, what are you two…..mmmmmmmmmm…” she fought for control and had to blur past the pleasure, “doing?”
“Just helping you baby girl. Just helping you. Doesn’t it feel good?”
“But your jeans are constricting you. I know. Matt, what shall we ever do?” She mocked. “Oh, I know. Let’s free you of such difficulty. Nasty wet jeans. Hmmmm?”
“No! No, please don’t! Please! I mmmmmmmmmmmmmm,” the sexual current again restrained speech behind its urge.
“Oh, don’t be silly Penny. I know what girls look like. See? I am a girltoo.” And she was right, she was another student there. Penny recognized her form a class.
“No! No! Pleeeeeeeeeease…mmmmmmmmmm.”
“Hmmm, you’re in no position to think Penny. So, allow me to make the decisions for you.” With that, the blonde began to undo her belt.
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeease,” she sobbed. “Pleeeeeeeeeeeee no OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo.” A flash hotter current began to surge through her as the woman pulled her belt out and unbuttoned the button atop her zipper and stopped.
“Now, now, sweet Penny, you will feel much better, I assure you.”
She began to slowed unzip her jeans. Penny could do nothing to stop her. All she could do is watch, as her jeans were being slid slowly down her legs. The blonde was enjoying this. And, worse still, Penny’s body was responding even more powerfully to the feeling of someone striping off her jeans and the feeling of cool air which followed.
Lifting up the tail of her oxford shirt, the blonde exclaimed, “Welllllllllll, Penny, look at yooooooo. You’ve soaked your lovely, and very tiny panties through. Why look, there positively dripping with your love nectar, not to mention the tail of this fine garment,”she concluded, referring to the shirt. Penny’s heaving belly was now feeling the air and she spasmed with another electric surge of password beneath her quivering navel.
Penny arched, humiliated to be so powerless to control the mounting sexual fire in her body. It was almost unbearable. But, she couldn’t orgasm. She was painfully on a fire edge of constant molten arousal, excruciating. She was embarrassed to realize that all she wanted to do was make herself cum. She wanted to be able to move her fingers into herself until she screamed in ecstasy.
“You…mmmmmmm…you…mmmmmmmmmm.” The blonde put a finger to her lips.
“Shhhhhhhh, little hungry girl. No need to Expend the energy on talking. Just feel the pleasure in your hot little body drive you. I will just make you more comfortable.”
With that, the blonde began to slip Penny’s short jacket off her arms and onto the floor beneath her. Then, she began, one by excruciatingly suspenseful one, to unbutton her shirt, blowing her breath at each appearance of Penny’s blushing and pulsing flesh.
“No! Nooooooooooooooo. Ugh OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo”
Penny couldn’t hold back the building current. The breath on her skin was expanding her arousal to unknown heights. She closed her eyes to concentrate and had to bite her lip form shear pleasure through her thighs.
“Yesssssssssssssssss,” the blonde whispered softly, “Oh yesssssssssssssss,” she hissed seductively. And continued until all of her buttons were undone and the shirt left thin stripe of flesh exposed to view. “Mmmmmmmmm, like opening a gift. I like to savor the moment.” She purred. Then, she blew on the skin to watch Penny’s body react wildly underneath.
“Oh gooooooooooooooooo, I am sooooooooooooooo, I feel sooooooooooooooo. I need mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.”
“Please, may I cum Penny? Is that what you’re saying?”
“No! I mmmmmmmmmm, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease, don’t mmmmmmmm AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaahah”, she lost control as the blonde lifted one side of the shirt off of her, gently laying it aside on her left arm and exposing the left cup of her bra and her bare skin. Her abdomen was wild with the rhythm of molten arousal.
“There, there, lovely girl,” and she put a finger, again, to Penny’s lips, “Shhhhhh, feel it inside you. Mmmmmmmmm, delicious. And, you look sooooooooo hot now. Look at you! You’re panting Penny, practically salivating for more! Mmmmmmmmmmm, luscious. Matt, are you getting this?”
“Oh yes,” Matt replied as Penny noticed he was holding a camera. “Every heated inch of her is being captured here for later.”
“Oooooooooh, god OOOOOOOOoommmmmmmmmm,” Penny was unable to do anything, as her body was expanding further with password. She was further pressed to the orgamic cliff knowing that she was being filmed.And the humiliation fed the flames already consuming her.
“Now the other side,” the blonde said, as she flashed back the other side of the shirt. “Myyyyy Penny! Is that your nipples I see. Yes, yes, oooooooooh yes, it is. I think they are saying something to me. Can you hear it?”
“No, pleeeeeeeeeease, nooooooooooooooooo, Mmmmmmmmmmmmmph,” she bit her lip as tears rolled down her face.
“Oh, but they’re begging me for release.” The blonde pouted, saying, “They are so hard. So erect. They are screaming for me to let them continue their erection. This nasty bra is just too constricting for them. They need the freedom of the air to expand to much greater fullness, much harder erection.” She licked her lips as she said, “Oh, how convenient! All I have to do is unhook you from the front. Awe and look at the class straining with tension from these darling little monsters it is trying to hold back.” She released the class and left the bra atop her heaving and, now smoking breasts. “There. Can you feel that? Can you feel the cups riding loosely upon your burgeoning breasts?”
Penny’s nipples were becoming intensely stimulated by the loose cups riding on them as her panting increased. It was now a vicious cycle, the stimulation caused her panting to increase and the increased panting increase the intensity of stimulation. Her eyes were now rolling back in extreme arousal and she was now breathing to heavily to speak, gasping, at times at the stalling erection of her nipples and clip. And she could do nothing to decrease her climb or bring herself to orgasm to end it.
“Ahhhh, the aroma of your nectar is so exclusive my brown haired dream. Shall we free your nipples of this torturous stimulation? Mmmmmmm, yesssssssssssss, I want to see those perfect little jewels,”, she said as she removed the left cup and then the right, very slowly and deliberately dragging them off.
Penny gasped. “Uh, huh, uh, huh, pleeeeeeeease nooooooooo, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaah.” Her breasts were now exposed and her nipples seemed to bite harder as they were still more intensely aroused by the air on them.
“Oh Penny, I think they are becoming even harder for me. They like the air. Let me see if they like me.” She blew on one of Penny’s nipples and she gasped.
“Don’t do OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooh mmmmmmm,” she had to bite her lip again for the pleasure was raping her nipple.
“And the other one,” the blonde said as she blew on it. “Mmmmmmmmm, scrumptious little rock candies these have grown to be. I wonder what they taste like.”
“No, please, please, I can’t I…OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.” The singing pleasure took her against her will, as the phantom tongue traced only the areola on the left nipple, leaving it wet and glistening with her saliva.
“Mmmmmmmmmmm, tasty treatment that one is. Now let my try the other.” The blonde licked around the right areola. “Mmmmmmmmm, tasty to. The salty sweat and your lovely aroma. Mmmmmmmmmmm, but I have neglected thedelectable centers, my sweet little maiden.” She leaned back smiling like a cat ready for the defenseless mouse. “Shall I have a taste of those?”
“Oh Mattheeeeeeeeeeeeeeew. I think our lovely captive needs something to fill her words, other than useless pleading. I only want to hear the moaning. Can you get something to Take care of her tongue?”
“Well, I have a ball gag. But, I want to keep filming here. Why don’t you improve Lisa?”
“Improvise. Hmmmm, now what shall I use then? Oh, but your little nipples are screaming for attention my sweet delectable Penny.”
Lisa leaned down and touched the tip of her tongue to the very center of the painfully erect left nipple, just holding it there to Feel the arousal in Penny rigid beneath. She sat up again. “Mmmmmmmmm, your nipples are sooooooo hard for me you precious little slut. Mmmmmmmmmmm. I think they require further attention, more ‘in depth’, shall we say?” She leaned down and sucked Penny’s left nipple into her hungry mouth and assaulted the precise jewel with her tongue, while Penny protested and moaned, “Ugh, Oohh, please…don’t…please…I’ll…”
“I’ll what precious?” The blonde whispered while still touching her nipple with her bottom lip. The whisper made Lisa’s thighs convulse.
“I’m going to cum!!!!!! Please… don’t!!!!!!”
“Oh, my my Penny. You couldn’t cum, even if you wanted to. The chemical would allow you to. I can keep you on the very edge until I decided you should cum. Really.”
“Now, I think I have an idea for stopping those worried little pleasures of yours. But, first, I think I smell something very scrumptious cooking inside you. And, I hear other lips speaking. Do you hear them? Mmmmmmmmm, I bet you feel them. Don’t you? They are saying, I am sooooooooooo ripe. Aren’t they? Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss,” She pursued as she crawled from Penny’s breasts, breathing her way down to her quivering navel. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, let me sip the sweat out of you scrumptious navel.” She slurped up the little pool into her hot mouth and then traveled below. The heat of her breath on Penny’s belly as she traveled to waistline of her panties was like a fuse lit, anticipation migrating its burning to the explosive beneath her panties. “Mmmmmmm, you are giving off such sweet chaos.” Lisa’s tongue traced the waistline of Penny’s panties. “My tongue can feel you breeeeeeeeeeathing for me Penny. I know you want me inside you.”
“Nooooooooooooo! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I am not… I don’t do….OOOOOOOOOOOOooo.” Penny felt yet another spasm of need surging deep within her belly.
“Your lips say no. But your body says yesssssssssssssss,” Lisa hissed in anticipation. “Hmmmmmm, let me show you more concretely sweet girl.
With that, Lisa put a finger in the front of Lisa’s panties, “Peekabooooooo, how are you little lips? Ooooooooooooo, Penny, look at what your other lips are saying. Matt, please lift her head, so she can seeherself down here.”
Matt lifted her head as he kept the camera rolling. “You see, little Penny, little juicy Penny?”
Penny had squeezed her eyes closed. “Nooooooooo. I won’t look. Nooooooooo.”
“Let her head back down Matt. I have a better idea. Perhaps we can kill two birds with just one stone,” she said and hooked a finger in each side of Penny’s panties. “Shall we my sweet nectarine?”
Penny realized she was now able to move her head and shook it violently back and forth, “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Please don’t do this. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
“Matthew, this girl is reviving from the last drug. She can move her head now.”
“Don’t worry, we have a bit more time before any other functioning returns.”
“Okaaaaaaaaaay my ripe little girl, here we go then,” Lisa said, as she began to slowly drag Penny’s panties over her honeyed frame and slowly down her legs, which were still unable to move, but full of feeling within.Down over her hips, past her mound, over her thighs, to her ankles. Every precise inch was adding to the flames consuming Penny and her aggressors. Penny was weeping in humiliation. “Oh dear, dear girl. You need not cry. No, you look ravishing without these wet things on. Still closing your eyes? No need to feel embarrassed sweetie. But, I do want you to know just how hot you feel, as if you don’t already know. So, smell yourself,” Lisa said as she put the cum laden nylon under Penny’s nose. Penny struggled to avoid the panties by shaking her head. But, Matt, who had put the camera on a tripod, caught her head between his hands and she was powerless to do anything but smell her cum. And she dumped within, in spine of herself.
“You see how ripe you are? Now, Matthew, I think I have the solution to more outbursts. Penny, have you ever tasted yourself? I doubt you have.”
Penny cemented her lips together. Matt continued to hold her head still. “Open your precious mouth, my ripe damsel. No? Well, perhaps I can persuade you.” Lisa pinched off the air from her nostrils by squeezing Penny’s tiny nose. Penny gasped and Lisa plunged the panties into her open mouth. She held it in with one hand and reached for a Velcro strip and strapped the strip around Penny’s head and sealed in the panties. Tears were streaming down from Penny’s eyes.
Lisa leaned down and licked her tears, “Mmmmmmmmmmm, the taste of your tears. Mmmmmmmmm, also a delight.”
Well, you are completely naked now, my dear Penny. What shall we do? Perhaps a little reward. How would you like that. Something to make you feel even better. Especially now that the second drug is wearing off.”
Lisa produced a strange looking harness which seemed to have a lavender butterfly in the center of it. As she turned it on display for Penny, she said, “This little butterfly is a male butterfly. And, do you know what he can do? Hmmmmmmmm?”
Penny closed her eyes.
“Well, now, I bet that, being a good little girl. You have nooooooooo idea. Wellllllllll then, you have a treatment in store for you. But, wait, I notice I have something left to do.” She spread Penny’s legs and looked at her pussy. “Yesssssssss, you need a sad sweetness. I like my slaves completely denuded. Smooth for my tongue.”
Penny began to feel her arms and legs. She tried to push up with her hands… “Waaaaaaaait little squeeze. Matt!”
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