The afternoon class was in a different room to the morning one. My classmate (who I had learned was Asha and she was from Mauritius on the way to class) and I were the last to arrive. All the others were kneeling in total silence in position 1, so we both got down into the same position and waited for our teacher to arrive.
Our teacher arrived after we had been kneeling there for what I thought to be about 15 minutes. A couple of the girls had begun to slouch slightly to relieve the pressure of the position and had to hurriedly straighten when the door burst open and the young domme who had started my foot tickling at lunch time strutted in.
She had changed since lunch time and now wore a blue halter top and a white mini skirt. In her right hand she held a riding crop and in her left she held a lean attached to a collar around the neck of a naked Emma who crawled in behind her.
Emma had her hair in two pigtails, one each side like a puppy’s ears and a small butt plug tail protruded from her behind.
Teacher went to the board at the front of the room and wrote on it like Ms Miko had in the morning session:
‘Elective Sampler’
‘Misstress Tania’
‘Good afternoon sluts, I am Mistress Tania and you will address me as such at all times or you will be punished.’ She paused here to look around the room. ‘This afternoon you will sample some of the electives that will be offered next week.
‘You will put every effort into trying all of them, even if you know you don’t like something as final decision on who does what will rest with me.
‘First up, pet play. You will notice that Emma here is my puppy, she is not allowed to use words at any time, only barks and whiles. When she is in puppy mode, she responds to the name Princess, Isn’t that right Princess?’
Emma/Princess responded with a very convincing ‘woof’ and a wag of her tail.
‘Princess will now demonstrate the basics of puppy play to you and then you will try it for yourselves.’
For the next 15 minutes or so, Emma/Princess showed us how she could ‘beg’, ‘roll over’, ‘fetch’, ‘shake’, ‘sit’ and ‘play dead.’
Then Mistress Tania put two bowls on the floor, one containing water and the other with what looked like dog food. When commanded to, Emma/Princess ate the dog food like it was the best meal she’d ever had and lapped up the water afterwards.
‘Alright then sluts, now it’s your turn. Sit!’
As one, we moved into position, Emma/Princess included, with our arms straight, palms flat on the ground and our legs bent behind us so that our arses touched the ground and our feet were flat.
Each of us raised our right forearm at the elbow with our palm and fingers pointing down.
Both forearms into the shake position.
‘Play dead!’
Flat on our backs with all four legs raised in the air.
‘Roll over!’
Roll onto our bellies.
And one by one we had to ‘fetch’ a small rubber ball in our mouths on our hands and knees.
Bowls of water were then produced from behind the desk and put before each of us and we had to drink using just our tongues in a lapping motion.
I was lapping at my bowl of water when I became aware that Emma/Princess was pawing at the door and whining. Her pawing and whining were becoming more and more desperate by the second and Mistress Tania was just staring at her, a sadistic grin on her face and one eyebrow arched questioningly. ‘Does Princess need to do her business?’ she asked in mocking baby tones.
‘Well, ok then’ and, motioning us all to follow, we crawled out the back to the lawn.
Once there, Emma/Princess went to a bush in the garden that surrounded the lawn, lifted her left leg and let loose a spray of piss all over it. We all just sat there, gobsmacked by what we were seeing, were we going to be expected to do the same?
Our answer came quickly enough, ‘if anyone else needs todo their business, do so now! I won’t be allowing any more toilet breaks in my class.’
I decided to hold on, but, two of the others, Natalie and a tall brunette whose name I did not know, both removed their skirts and crawled over to the bushes.
Mistress Tania clapped in delight at this and promised them each a reward when we got back to the classroom.
Then it was time to go back. But, we didn’t return to the same room, we went to a different room, a big one that had been outfitted to look like a stable complete with stalls and straw on the floor. Apparently, we were now to experience pony play.
Once there, Princess became Emma again as she was to help outfit us all with our tack. I felt a pang of disappointment at this as Princess wasdefinitelydoing it for me.
We were ordered to strip and to stand at attention in the middle of the floor when we were ready. Mistress Tania and Emma then each took one of the students by the hand and lead them into nearby stalls.
The rest of us had to stand there waiting, as, one by one, we were lead off to presumably be changed into our pony gear.
Asha and I were the last two to be standing there. I could sense her next to me, starting to fidget and shift on her feet a bit, but, I didn’t wish to risk another punishment by asking her what was wrong.
Eventually, Mistress Tania and Emma emerged to take us. Once again, I was transfixed by the sight of Emma’s sexy body coming towards me. I was so engrossed in the sight of her that I almost missed Asha’s voice coming from beside me.
‘Mistress Tania, I may I please go to the bathroom, I need to pee.’
‘I told you to go before, so no! Also, I did not give permission for you to speak. You will be punished for that later and if you piss yourself before the end of class, your punishment will be even worse!’
With that, Mistress Tania lead Asha off to one of the two free stalls and Emma lead me to the other.
Once there,Emma commanded me to stand with my legs should width apart and to rest my arms at the small of my back with my hands touching the opposite elbow.
She then proceeded to place a leather body harness on me. She placed the cups over my breasts and then moved around me, tightening everything as far as it would go. With each strap being tightened, my pussy juiced a little more and long before she was done, I was moaning with pleasure at her efforts.
She also affixed a leather sleep around my forearms, rendering my arms useless and making me ever hotter.
Emma smiled knownly at me and then went and got a pair of pony boots.
‘The size of these boots are based on the information you provided us when you applied’, she answered my quizzical look, correctly guessing that I was wondering how they knew what size I was.
She then had me step into them one at a time before lacing them up tightly.
‘Just a couple more things.’
She then grabbed a head harnesswith a bit gag and, placing the bit in my mouth, she positioned the head harness on my face and tightened everything up.
She then produced a medium sized butt plug with an attached tail.
‘Now, I could use a tube of lube to et this ready for your arse, or…’ she licked her lips and glanced suggestedly at my dripping pussy ‘I could use your dripping cunt juice. I think my little slut-pony might enjoy that more.’
She knelt in front of me and started to work the plug around the edge of my pussy, slowly building the speed up.
I moaned and thrust my hips forward, wanting her to just shove it in and start to fuck me with it.
She ignored my building desire and continued what she was doing.
I started to get frustrated and grunted indignantly.
‘Aww, does slut-pony want something?’
I nodded.
‘It will cost her, she will have to be punished later, is that what slut-pony wants?’
I nodded again, I was so desperate I would do anything to come.
‘Ok then.’
And with that, she thrust the plug into my dripping pussy and started to thrust it in and out.
I moved my hips in sync with her and started to moan really loudly.
Emma, her hands now covered in my juices, moved her left hand around behind me and started to finger my arsehole.
The increased stimulation nearly pushed me over the edge straight away.
I closed my eyes and started to float towards my climax when Emma’s voice warned:
‘Don’t cum until I give permission slut-pony.’
I while and tried to focus on holding back the rising tide of pleasure.
Emma continued to thrust in and out and finger me.
I while and pleased through my bit gag, ‘ee i-eth, ay ai um?’
‘When your tail goes in you can.’
She moved the plug around behind me and pushed her face into my hot pussy.
She started to lick my clip and then, suddenly, shoved the plug home.
I immediately tumbled over the edge into the orgasm thathad been building in me all day.
I must have fallen as I came as Emma was holding me up, supporting my weight as I slowly regained my senses.
When I straightened up and was standing on my own again, she went and got a set of nipple clamps linked by a chain with a leash on them.
‘Are you ready for your punishment, slut-pony?’
She then attached the clamps to my nipples and lead me out into the main stable area…
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