Wasp 04: Moving Day

Big Don had gotten his plan in motion. An Amazon virgin was waiting on a 6′ round pillow bed in his bedroom. He entered the bedroom to see her waiting in a position for him. Her nose was buried in the pleats of the pillow. The 34E breasts were pressed into the pillow on top of the bed. Her knees were outboard of the torso and a toned round ass was down on her ankles. His mother had put the blonde hair in a ponytail that went down her back with the leash emerging from under it.

He lifted the leash and told her to undress him. He saw her reaction when his soft 9″ cock came to her view as she removed his underwear. Don led her into the bathroom so she could wash him. He was still upset from the videos of Dynamo. She hadn’t deserved that kind of treatment.

Princess had used her hands while washing him to pay attention to his 13″ hard cock. It was clean from her soaping and rinsing. Don placed her on her back on the bed. He moved her to where her shoulders were, on the edge of the bed. He placed the mushroom head of his glans at the entrance of her lips.

The Princess’s head bent back, and her mouth opened over the glans. Don pushed and was amazed at how his large cock slid into her throat and stretched the tight opening but was unimpeded. He slid forward until his balls slapped her in the eyes.

His hands could palm her areola, feeling the nipples poke into the soft flesh of his palms. The firmness of the title flesh of the Amazons continued to amaze him. He was frustrated with the video of Dynamo and how she was outed. He did not realize it, but Princess’s throat was paying the price for that frustration.

He could smell her arousal. He could see her Labia Minora swollen and open as he buried his cock in her throat. His testicles were no longer slapping her in the face, they were pulled up next to his Shaft. The Princess felt gobs of hot seminal fluid in her lower throat as the glans had expanded even more upon him burying in her.

He fInally let go of his frustration at leaving Dynamo in that situation for over three weeks. He had something more important to attend to on that night. Breeding his virgin Amazon.

Big Don lay on his back and told the slave to make him hard. She used her mouth and hands to revive the large cock. He traded places. Putting her on her back, pushing her knees up to the outside of her shoulders.

The Princess’s large firm breasts were framed between her very strong thighs. He was holding her knees down outside her shoulders. This opened the flower of conception and rolled her hips up. His cock aligned with the open Labia Minora. He pushed forward with his hips.

The slave moved her hips the little bit available to her. Lined the glans up with her opening. She felt her lubricant sliding over the pumper of her asshole. She felt the stretch of the glans in her opening.

Don felt the tightness of the opening then the stop of the maidenhead. As his glans pushed against it thesphincter of the opening was pulsing against his glans as he pushed against it. He felt it gave as he rocked his hips forward.

The Princess felt the tension of his cock against her virginity. A sharp pain tore through her vagina, just behind the opening as it tore. Then the muscles of her vagina canal were getting used to the invasion of its first cock.

As Don stroked, each pushed gained a couple of inches and lubricant foamed on his shake as he pulled out then pushed forward. The level of arousal for him was very high. He was 9″ in when he felt her have her first ever vaginal orgasm. He stopped struggling as he watched her eyes roll back in pleasure.

Once the Princess calmed, Don returned to struggling the inside of the girl. She was quickly back at the top of the mountain. Don was bottoming inside of the vagina. Not quite getting his last inch in. She was starting to shake in her next orgasm and Don bottomed hard. Feeling his glans against her cervix as the seminal fluidand sperm splashed against her cervix.

When Don pulled it from her, he inserted the plug and covered it with the chatity belt. The Princess rolled forward and cleaned the blood and fluid covered cock with her tongue and mouth. Being careful around the sensitive glans. Big Don petted her ponytail as she cleaned him. They slept with her cuddling her owner.

Don woke to his youngest slave throwing his cock. He held her head down with the slave’s chin on his scrotum as his morning wood deposited into her throat.

He allowed her to clean him in the shower. Big Don arrived down to breakfast. His mother was already there with her coffee in hand. The Princess was served her breakfast in a bowl on the floor, with a bowl of water. Don thanked his mother for the virgin and her training.

Maria told him to be careful about the reaction to the Dynamo video. Don let her know that the response was already in motion. Maria explained that The Princess would be in his room for use until she was confirmed with child. Don let her know that he was excited to make that kind of sacrifice for his succession plan.

“You understand that The Princess is the daughter of Red who is currently pregnant from you!” Maria told her son.

Big Don raised his eyes. “When did that come to light?” He asked his mother and looked at the naked blonde eating her breakfast.

Red had given the nugget to Julie during a training session while Red was submitting to PS during Jujitsu combat.

Maria told her son that she knew, and it was true. She asked the Princess and once her mouth was empty of eggs, Princess confirmed that Red was her birth mother.

Don chuckled knowing he was going to have children that were aunts and uncles to his other. Very redneck for the Amazons.

Maria took control of the girl after breakfast. She would be involved with the other girls in Julie’s daily routine.

Three days later Big Don’s plan came to fruition. His 100 henchmen attacked the lair of Central City Don. He had split his men into three team with three different jobs. One team had the purpose of capturing the two supers. Half of that 20 men carried bazooka nets that were electrified. The second team was only 10 and their job was to get Dynamo out and back to Big Don’s mansion as quickly as possible. There were 2 of the 10 designed to retrieve the outfit, boots and find the power pin. The other 70 had orders to only leave 2 of the henchmen alive for Central City Don.

The Tornado had incapacitated 6 of the henchmen assigned to capture her when a bazooka net and taser darts hit her at the same time. Her world exploded in a flash of pain from electricity. The darts lodged in her right breast and lower abdomen, the net covered her head and upper body as she crumped at the feet of the four remaining henchmen.

Katana had three on the ground unconscious when darts penetrated her ass and upper back putting her on the ground. Each of the women refused consciousness in the dark bouncing roughly. Neither knew it but they were packed in wooden boxes. Each could feel her hands behind her back and secured above her ass. Their ankles were pulled up and secured beside their hips. Something was wedged between their legs. Their chest was held up from the bottom of the box with another padded wedge that ended tapering down to their lower abdomen. A clamp around The large ring in each of the women’s mouths kept the drool flowing into the bottom of each’s crate. The two supers did not know the outcome of the battle royal. Central City lost in a big way. Of the 54 men Central City had in the hideout 2 were left alive. The remainder returned to Central City in bags inside a box truck driven by the two-remaining living. The two living were missing parts that they thought were essential.

Big Don’s nurses had been dispatched to the hideout and rendered the men unconscious after their capture. They surprisingly removed the men’s tests and put them in a small jar of formaldehyde. The men woke in the cab of the truck with notes pinned to their chests explaining what had taken place. The notes also contained instructions on what to tell their boss.

Vinny the shive was behind the wheel when he woke. The pain in his groin was dull and throbbing. He saw a jar of clear liquid on the dash in front of him with two oval shaped, opaque skinned orbs inside. They had many veins below the translucent covering. Each had a long vein tendril out one end that floated higher in the liquid.

Upon reading the note he now understands that those were his. His left hand automatically went to his groin. The dull throb continued but he felt a nub of his cock and nothing else. He had been castrated by his enemy. The screams of Both men subsided when their vocal cords gave out. The four-hour drive back to Central City was filled with fits of sobbing. Neither thought they had itbetter than their dead counterparts in the back of the truck.

The Dynamo retrieval 10 men had strict orders not to use the woman. It was difficult but they finally got her wrapped in a bathrobe. They had to tie her hands because she kept trying to remove it. They had to gag her to keep the woman quiet. She lay in the back of the van with the eight henchmen along with the driver and passenger. Once they got to Big Don’s mansion and unloaded Jean into the basement.

The two nurses checked her out and found no permanent injuries. They released her to Big Don. He told his mother to get her doouched and cleaned, then take her to the guest room to sleep. Maria took it upon herself to bind Jean to the bed so she could not create mischief during her stay. Once collared the woman calmed down and submitted.

Maria explained to her son what happened and told him that Dynamo was no more. Jean had been broken and because of the ease with which the supers were brainwashed and submissive that she would forever be a submission slave. Don told her to train Jean with the others and if she had not been impregnated by her weeks of submission, he may use her as well.

Tornado and Katana were installed in two of the submission boxes next to the healing men. The nurses had reported to Don and Maria that the men would be healed enough to have prosthetics and begin their new lives in a week to ten days.

Maria had received the new suits for the men and was ready to begin their new lives.

Over the next two weeks negotiations took place between the warning Dons. It finally was negotiated that Central City Don would pay a monthly tax for upkeep of his two men in Megalopolis’s Don’s household. Central City would not encroach on Big Don’s territory or business.

Jean folded right in with her other submissives in her training. Julie was using Jujitsu training in the afternoon. The girls would do weights and cardio in the morning. Swim for an hour at noon. Then submission fights using dirty jujitsu in the afternoon.

The winner was given an oral orgasm by the loser of the fights. The overall winner got to give Mistress Julie her afternoon orgasm. Jean won her first match against Princess after the seventh day. She finally got to orgasm after a week of denial.

The day came when Maria was allowed to take her boys out of the boxes. The nurses had opened them Daily for cleaning, antibiotic injections, and repositioning in their harnesses. The two men had spent the last month in submissive hypnotic suggestion and training.

Max barely remembered before his world became what the last month was. Now the world went dark, and his body was being tousled around. The training told him to remain calm and the dominants would take care of his needs. He just needed to submit to their will.

The nurses put him on a table. Maria brought his brindle-colored leather suit to the nurses. Max was placed face down. He was making sucking sounds and smacking his mouth as he adjusted to not having two tubes in his throat.

Starting with his right arm stump, it slid into a molded sheath of carbon fiber that was padded on the bottom of the inside. The end of it on the outside was a paw. Then his left arm stumped, followed by the legs. Unlike the women’s suits his zipped closed from just below his navel to the chin. Maria pulled the pit bull looking cover over his head as she removed the VR goggles and Max saw the light for the first time in a month.

Max was very confused as something came over his head and a 40 something beautiful woman shoved a hard rubber tube into his mouth. He exhausted and a soft woof sound emitted from the rubber in his mouth. Max felt something in his anus. A tube had been removed a few moments ago and whatever was going in was much bigger. His ass was on fire then, relieve. Now he just felt like he needed to shit bad.

Maria really liked the outcome for her new puppy. She put his thick studded collar on him with a three-inch bone tag that said “Max” in bright red letters.

Next was Spike. The nurses helped her get him ready and she then leashed her puppies. Spike’s suit was colored like a dalmatian.

It had been over a month since the boys had relief for their prostates. Her kitties had only had each other’s tongues for longer than that. The boys could see but not hear with the buds Still in their ears. The girls could not see but could hear and had use of their mouths.

The two men only knew their lives were now consumed by the sexual being that led them. Maria parked the boys in front of her sliding door. They could see the kitties out in the yard. Lying on their sides in the sun. White kitties’ raven black hair and black kitties’ strawberry blonde hair. The much larger white kitty with Very large breasts and larger round ass.

Maria covered her hand in coconut oil and rubbed both her pups’ cocks hard. She overrode the mantra repeating in their ears with her cell phone by writing out a text that was repeated by the machine voice in their ears.

“If you can catch them, you can breed them. Get those pussies boys.”

Neither of them was used to walking in their new world yet. But they rushed out the now open door as best they could. Spike fell on his face and scraped the head of his cock on the concrete. The kitties could not see but both heard the woofing of Spike and Max’s mouth tubes.

Maria was impressed with the speed and reaction of her Cats. Flea was up on her paws quickly and started moving away from the communication. Black Kitty was not so quick. She had just found her feet and Max was upon her. He knocked her back to the ground with a shoulder to her left hip.

Max forced her left leg up with his right stump and rolled her to her back. He could not hear the woman begging but he could smell her arousal. He started stallbing at her groin with his very erect and oozing cock. She felt his vain attempts at getting into her vagina.

Max was able to strike paydirt once he slowed down and she quit squirming quite so much. He pushed and the labia minora guided the phallus home into her now sopping vagina. Max slide home as he basically fell against the woman. Feeling her breasts flatten on the outer fabric of his brindle suit. The utter joy of feeling the hot wet cock sleep his hips thrusted as his ground ground against her cliporis.

The pubic hair scuffed her tender clip giving her an orgasm as the 8″ thick cock was pounding her young pussy.

Spike cornered the large woman in the white cat suit. He could see her mouth moving but not hear what she said. He bumped her with his shoulder. Using his right stump, he put it between her legs and rubbed against the vagina.

He saw her back arch to give him more access. He then bumped her out into the open and away from the fence. He mounted her from behind and she collapsed her front legs, putting her face and tits into the grass. This opened her for entry from his 9″ thick Italian cock.

Unlike the violence of the coupling between Max and Black Kitty his was smooth and slow. He was trying to give as much pleasure as he was getting. Flea heard woof, woof, woof, as she felt the cock sliding in and tests slapping her tender clip. The sliding and filling were coming to a crescendo as both orgasmed together. Flea felt the hot jism splash into her vaginal walls as she was full of cock.

Black Kitty had orgasmed a second time when Max filled her with his seed. His hard breathing was bombarding her ears with woofing sounds. She felt the heavy man roll off her. She could not see that his face and head were completely covered.

She rolled to her paws and went to sniff and taste the man that just raped her. She smelled the sex on his groin. She licked at the softening organ and his testicles. Her licking and cleaning were getting hard again. She then straddled his now hardening cock and began to slide heroozing pussy on the cock. Her organ lifted him back into her tunnel again.

Maria watched as Flea lay on her back and swallowed the cock that used her pussy moments before. Glad to see her pets getting along, she knew she was going to groom her puppies this evening and start their laser removal programs. The puppies would be put in chatity, and she would allow this again when she felt like they were sufficiently horny.

She left the pets to finish the day getting to know each other. She headed back to the playroom to start the transition of Tee and Kay. They had been in the submission boxes now for two weeks and she knew from the previous four that it would not take any longer.

Removing Tee from her box first. The woman’s skin was as dark as the new maids. Washing her for the first time made her skin shine like anthracite. Maria measured her newest and largest slave. 6’7″ tall. 36L-26-40, took her shoe size and inseam. The large saucer size areola was topped by two-inch long 1/2″ thick nipples. She gave the largest Amazon a razor and cream to begin her own grooming.

Maria then removed Kay from her submission box going through the same process with the olive-skinned black-haired woman. 6’1″ 34G-25-36 with small darker areola and hard 1″x1/4″ nipples on rock hard breasts. She ordered Tee to remove the hair on her head as well as her crotch. She put both on their knees and attached them to new custom collars.

Inserting the bulbs and starting their enemies. Maria went up to let Julie know she has two more to start working with. Maria walked into the gym and Julie had the four on treadmills. Julie walked over to Maria upon seeing her enter. Julie explained that Jean was catching up to the other three quickly from a stamina and strength standpoint.

Maria noticed a slight baby bump in the lower abdomen of Red. Jill assured her that the pregnant woman would be fine with the physical training through the 7th month of pregnancy. The nurses were monitoring Red and the babies closely. This was the first time Maria had heard there were twins.

Maria explained to Jill that the other two would join the four she had in a couple of hours. Julie told Maria to take them to the pool for lunch swim. They would start in the afternoon with jujitsu and competitive combat.

Maria went to check on her pets. The boys’ cocks were safely locked behind metal. They still were not leaving the cats alone. Not that the cats minded the attention. Lying on their backs with their pussies wide open for the boys to nuzzle and rub. The dog masks gave the girls no relief, but she did not want them to have any. Maria decided that if her pets were good, she would let them breed weekly.

Out in the yard she went to each pet and reminded them that there were many more hours before dinner. Watching the boys’ cocks press on the steel binding them.

Maria returned to the playroom and let the two new ones release their enemies. NowThey were smooth and clean. She began by showing them the waiting position. Placing the two on their noses, tits on the floor, knees out and ass on heels.

Doing flexibility training with a few bondages ties she found Kay to be one of the most flexible girls besides her Flea. Tee was not flexible but very strong. Coming up at noon she leashed the two and led them up to the pool area.


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