School Days

Here is one of my most erotic s/m fansies that some day I hope to act out in real life. I hope you like it 🙂

This is a story straight from my imagination. Any correlation between the players in this story and actual people is purely coincidencidence. This story may not be duplicated or re-posted on another website or in any medium without the written consent of the author.

Enjoy J


I am an 18-year-old High School girl, attending a private school. My uniform should be a pristine white bloom, blue tie, blue plaid skirt, white knee socks, black paten leather shoes, and the proper undergarments…i.e…White bra and matching panties.

One day, I get sent to the Head Masters office for talking in class again.

*Knock, Knock*

“Come in”

“Yes Miss Gallagher, what brings you to My office today?” says the Head Master.

“I have been sent here for talking again Head Master” I bow my head submissively and withrespect.

“Again??? Did you not learn the last time Miss Gallagher?”

“But Head Master, Mary wanted to hear about my date last night and I did not hear the bell Head Master”

“That is No excuse young lady, now assume the position over the spanking horse”

I move to bend over the “spanking horse”. A horse that looks like something a gymnast would use. Made of black leather with a stick laying length wise, attached to the center, for holding down the most unruly student. And small restraints to tie the legs and hands to, if needed.

The Head Master goes to the closet to get his paddle and comes back to me raising my skirt to find that I am not wearing any panties. He gasps.

“Stand up young lady! Where are your panties?!?”

“I was running late today Head Master and umm forget to put them on Head Master”

“You forget??? I don’t think so! I think you are one of my little slut students! Aren’t you?”

I bow my head “no Head Master”

“Yes youare! Else you would have remembered to put on your panties! I’ll just bet you are not wearing a bra either, isn’t that so?”

“No Head Master, I am not wearing a bra either Head Master”

“Well you know what this means, don’t you?”

“Yes Head Master, the tools for sluts and whores are to be used for my punishment Head Master”

“List what those tools are, little slut!”

“First you will strip me naked. Then you will place the discipline collar on me. You will put tight clamps on my nipples and tie me face down to the punishment horse and hook a chain from the clamps on my nipples to the wall Head Master”

“Go on!”

“The rest you will decide after I have been strapped to the horse with my feet tied far apart so you have full access to all my private parts Head Master”

“That’s right young lady!” He reaches up and removes my tie, blouse and skirt. He sees that I have shaken my pussy and smiles a little, feeling his cock stiffen in his pants. He tellsme to take off my shoes and socks and to assume the position for the collar.

I knee at his feet with my head down as the wide discilinary collar is attached to my neck. I bend over the spanking horse and he ties my hands to the horse on one side with tight leather cuffs. Then does the same with my ankles, so that I am in a spread and bending position.

Head Master then goes to his closet and gets the rest of his “Tools”

He first paddles my bare ass ten times. Then runs his hand over it to feel the heat. His fingers graze my shaken pussy and finds them damp. He slides a finger into my wet pussy and says “You are a slut aren’t you? You are already wet from that spanking.”

“Now I am going to do what all sluts like for me to do” Head Master takes up a medium size butt plug and places it in front of my face saying “Do you know where this goes young lady?”

“Yes Head Master” I whimper pathetically. He inserts a small tube in my ass telling me that it is to lubricate me and make the plug slide in better. Next he takes the plug and presses it to my anus telling me to relax and take my punishment like a good girl.

He reaches around me with his other hand and starts to play with my wet clip. By this time I am so excited I am wiggling my behind against his hand. Once the plug is deep in my ass he takes a special stick made to hold the plug in and still allow access to my pussy. He spanks me ten more times.

I am now in tears begging forgiveness, only to be informed “There is only one way for you to be forgiven, little slut. Do you know what that is?”

“No Head Master, but what ever it is I shall do it willingly Head Master!”

“First you satisfied my cock with your mouth, then your pussy, and if my cock has not been satisfied by then…your tight ass… WHACK!”

“Yes Head Master” tears running down my face as I say this. He moves to stand in front of me, taking the chain that is on my nipples and holding it tightly tuggingit as he slides his cock into my warm wet mouth. His cock in my mouth, he begins to work it in and out slowly at first.

I swirl my tongue all over the head and shake, tasting his smooth salty skin. Head Master reaches over me to spank my ass more while he fucks my mouth with his thick cock. Head Master stops fucking my mouth and moves to stand behind me.

He picks up leather riding crop and starts to lightly smack my pussy with it. My hips bounce as I flinch at each hit. He reaches out to touch my very wet pussy and picks up a vibrator and rubs it against my lips, pressing hard so I feel it against my clip.

Head Master pushes the vibrator deep into my pussy and turn it on high. He picks up the crop again and spanks my already red ass while he slides the vibrator in and out of my pussy, fucking me hard and fast.

Head Master lays the crop down and grabs hold of the strap holding the plug in my ass and tugs it hard so that I feel I am being fucked at both ends. Head Master takes the vibrator out of my pussy and very quickly and in one smooth thrust, pushes in his thick cock and starts fucking me.

Head Master releases the strap holding me down and spanks my ass with his hands, hitting both cheats at once. I feel his hard cock slamming into me and his balls slapping against my red and sore clip. I clnch my pussy muscles and let him ride me, crying out each time his hands land on my very red and hot ass.

As I feel his cock sliding in and out of me I began the spiral into ecstasy as my orgasm starts. I feel Head Masters cock begin to stiffen and I fell his own release starting. He pumps into me hard and fast, fucking me faster and harder, driving his cock deep in me.

One final thrust and Head Master screams his own release. Head Master releases my hands and feet, stands me up tells me to dress. Before I place my skirt on I look at the Head Master,

“Are you going to take the plug out of my butt and this stick off Head Master?”

“Put your skirt and these panties on young lady. You will return here after your last class of the day. I will think about removing them at That time. Now move!”

He tosses me the panties and I finish dressing “Yes Head Master” I say with tears streaming down my cheeses, and go back to class.

The End


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