Lisa stood in front of the council of Amazons. She was the daughter of Spark, a superheroine that had run afoul of Dynamo. Lisa’s mother was under the control of the dark friends, and she wanted nothing more than to rescue Jennifer.
Lisa was an Olympic gymnast and world class athlete. She had no reason the council would not give her license to be a heroine.
The council required her to subdue a villain in front of the gathering. He was let loose as she stood listening to the drone of one of the bureaucrats.
Lisa quickly did a flying mare, leg kick. Directly to the villain’s neck. While he lay on the ground a yellow spark left her index finger and entered his chest.
The senior most amazon on the council spoke. “You are Wasp. You will be allowed to try to help your mother Spark escape the evil Dynamo. We also have a recruit. Her name is Flex. You both need to be careful as you learn your powers.”
The Blue Avenger was put in charge of the case to rescue Spark. What the head of the council failed to note was that the Blue Avenger and Spark had a conflict of interest in a man. Blue Avenger wanted Lisa’s dad in her slave stable in the worst way. Spark was the only thing that stood in her way.
Blue Avenger just had to make sure that her new side kick Wasp was taken by the Dark Friends without implicating herself. Flex should not be a problem. The blonde seemed to be of low IQ even if she did have good abilities. Her large breasts might get in the way at times. That was for Blue Avenger to evaluate.
The three headed out in their heroine outfits. Blue Avenger had her bustier, blue eye covers, brunette hair in a ponytail and her blue shorty shorts. The thigh high lace up siletto heals completed the outfit. Her superpower inducing BA neck collar was the topper of her outfit. It was the gems that gave her the superpowers.
Most criminals thought her power came from a belt around her waist. Those were gadgets, her power came fromher gem encrusted picker around her neck that had the brass medallion B A on it.
Wasp was given a power Pin. Like a stinger for a regular wasp. It gave her the superpower of flight, healing, mind control and super strength. If she lost the pin it took her superpowers away.
Flex had the same, but her super icon was a Yin and Yang symbol. She had to wear this on her collar to have her abilities including her ability to achieve any Tai Chi pose known.
Blue Avenger sent Wasp into a gang battle that should have taken two heroines to contain. It was nip and tuck but the twenty-year-old had the gangs subdued quickly. Blue Avenger was irritated that the gangs were so inept. When she started the gangs were a lot stronger.
Blue Avenger called the police to come and round up the subdued gangs. When the paddy wagons arrived Blue introduced Wasp and Flex to the Sargent of department. Like most men looking at young women in spandex and bustier the Sargent was impressed withtheir bodies. He felt a stir between his legs.
The Sargent had no new information on who Dynamo teamed up with or where Spark was located. The three flew off in search of more crime.
The Big Don had an informant in the police department. Who heard Blue Avenger and two new heroines talking to the Sargent. He called the Big Don and told him they were looking for Spark.
The Big Don was seated on his throne petting a naked Sparks hair as the man was informing on the Blue Avenger. The Big Don immediately dialed his head henchman. Told him to take ten of his guys and everyone has a taster. With knives as the backup weapons.
The Big Don had Spark in a belt, holding a vibrator in her now bald pussy and he controlled the remote. He stopped petting the bright red hair and told her, “Service your master.”
She turned from a seated position to on her knees looked her owner in the face and asked, “May this slave unzip your pants Master?”
“Use your teeth to unzip and unsnap my pants. Then use them to lower my pants and underwear. Then only your mouth on my cock.” The Big Don ordered.
Once the woman had his zipper down and snap unhooked. The Bid Don stood with his pants falling. Slave Spark used her teeth on the front leg of the boxer briefs to lower them so The Big Don could kick them to the side.
His cock was easily 9″ flaccid. In the week of Her captivity Spark had learned how to take it down her throat and rest her chin on his scrotum.
Her and her sisters knew that once they took up the super heroine mantle that possibility of capture was highly likely. They also knew that every time you wore your power amulet it made you more susceptible to brainwashing. She had been wearing hers for 18 years now.
The nightly repeating hypnotic sessions as she slept had her fully submissive to the Big Don now.
Once she had him erect it was her job to keep her mouth open and teeth clear. He grabbed a handful of red hair on eachside of her head and skull fucked her with his 13″ fat cock. When he buried it, she felt the ropes of cum sliding into her stomach.
She kept her eyes up on him as he held her there after finishing. He watched as her eyes rolled back and she lost consciousness from lack of air. He pushed her off and she fell back on the carpet. He loved how those big tits wiggled and wobbled but still defied gravity.
You could not tell she was over 40 years old. The Amazonian women aged differently than Earth women. They did not hit middle age until 100 earth years and would live another 80 to 100 years. Humans did not know it, but the planet Amazonia was created by the gods, so they had non deity sex toys to play with.
This is why even without the power amulets the women had such high constitution. Most Amazonian women were over 6 feet tall without their spike heeled boots. A D cup breast was small in the group and a majority were E and F cups. Sparks were H cup. Her areola was 3″ across. The pink nipples standing in the center of the areola were 2″ long and fatter than a ball point pen.
The Big Don waited for her to recover while he pulled his boxers and pants back on. He then picked up the end of the chain attached to her collar.
“Crawl bitch. I have work to do. You have some exercise to do.” The Big Don told her.
Spark was on his heels crawling behind her owner with the vibrator getting her back to the edge of orgasm.
Dynamo was dressed as a damsel in distress surrounded by the ten thugs in an intersection. She was screaming for help over and over when Wasp spotted the supposed crime. Doing as was required of a side kick Wasp summoned Blue Avenger and Flex to help her.
Blue Avenger made the call and pointed to three for Wasp and three for Flex. Blue would take the leader and the three remainder.
The heroines hit the ground on each side of the lady and Blue said, “Drop your weapons and surrender.”
The three recognizedit at the same time. The henchmen were not brandishing firearms, they had stun guns. The three were hit by two each. Luckily the third for each of them, only one dart connected the other lay on the pavement.
The three heroines lay on the pavement twitching for almost 10 seconds. They were unconscious when the twitching stopped.
Dynamo told the leader. “Get them in the vans and strip them. I will take their clothes and figure out what each of their amulets is. Hog tied them up and got them to Big Don. No sex or Big Don will be pissed. The two young ones may be virgins and worth a heap of money.”
That did not mean that all six tits did not get squeezed and played with on the trip back to the mansion. Once the ankles were secured to the wrists ball gags went in the slack jaws and leather padded blind folds attached to the straps holding the ball gags on either side of the chin.
The lead henchman injected each in their now slack left ass cheek with a drug to keep them out for the next hour. Big Don had loading docks at the bottom of the mansion for loading and unloading of things he did not need observed by the authorities or flying superheroes.
The doors opened and the van drove into the underground docks. The three junior guys each picked up one of the girls and throw her on his shoulder. All three had them head to the back and ass forward. Inside, each was laid on a gurney with two nurses in rubber outfits on each gurney to take the girls from here.
Dynamo had preceded the van by 15 minutes and informed Big Don that he now owned 4 of the pesky superheroes. She held up the string of amulets she was collecting on a chain. Dynamo pointed out the gemstones for Blue Avenger, the lightning bolt for spark, the pin for the blonde and the gemstones for the black-haired girl. Dynamo did not know their handles and it was not obvious from the amulets.
“They will tell me soon enough.” Big Don explained. “Each will have it tramp stamp tattooed above their ass on their lower back.”
Big Don had ascended quickly into the underworld. He started his empire with a collection route when he was 13 years old. Working for Paulie the puncher. By the time he was 15 he was one of Paulies enforcers. Then the war came. Most of the men got drafted or left the country to join the other side. The families were on both sides of the war.
This left a big void in the rails. Big Don started taking other collection routes and adding guys to collect for him. One of the generals felt Big Don was getting too big too fast. That man is wearing concrete shoes in the ocean. By 22 years old he had prostitution, drugs, some burglary, and most of the north of the city under his protection.
For his 30th birthday he was going to have 4 Amazonian women to mother his children. The boys would be bigger, stronger, and faster than their counterparts and they could take the whole country. The lead henchman came in just as he was thinking about it.
“It was easy boss. From now on all my men carry tasers with darts on jobs. We shot them and just like Dynamo said, they went down and twitched unconscious. The three are down with the nurses now. Do you need anything else?” the lead asked.
“I am sure your guys are worked up after handling those Amazonian tits. Take them down to Madelaine’s and get them all laid on me.” Big Don said. “None of them fucked my girls, did they?”
“No Boss, they all know that would have gotten them a bullet in the skull.” Lead answered.
“Don’t lie to me and say those tits weren’t mauled well though.” Big Don joked.
“You can bet they copied their feelings at every opportunity.” Lead said. Turned and closed the door as he left.
Don rode the elevator to the lowest floor in the mansion. It was a series of rooms, cells, an innovation and one half of the acre sized floor was a BDSM playroom.
He knew the girls started in the innovation getting chcked out by his personal doctor. The three were now being fitted into their isolation boxes. The next 72 hours they would be in personal isolation.
Each one of the boxes looked like a coffin leaned against the wall at a 70-degree angle. Each woman was already in her box. A catter tube ran out of each of their urethras and down through the bottom of the box. As did a rectal tube that Big Don knew was held in with an internal and external balloon system but allowed any semi solids to exit.
Each wore a head harness with a VR headset over their eyes and plugs secured inside of the ear canals. Their mouths were currently being stuffed with a combination gag and feeding tube. It had two tubes off the back. One went down the trachea the other down the esophagus.
The one in the trachea exited out the box and up to a set of filter and air purifiers. Gasses could also be introduced to increase the occupation’s experience. The one down to the stomach had an attachment to put foodbags that would drain into the stomach for noblenessment.
Big Don first fondled Flex’s freshly shorn vagina. Her jet-black hair was in the standard heroine ponytail. Then Wasp’s pussy now with the blonde cover removed. Finally, was Blue Avenger.
“I finally see you without your mask. You’re going to make me strong babies aren’t you. I can’t wait to begin “The Big Don Amazonian Breeding Program.” First, we brainwash you then you serve as my baby momma’s.” Big Don bragged.
Big Don watched the girls locked away in their boxes. Their vital signs displayed on the front of each box. His nurses would log the vitals every hour for his future children’s incubators.
Spark was spending her afternoon doing yoga, weight training and cardio. Each of her three trainers was clothed while she was naked, collared, and cuffed. She was sweaty hot and stretched for the afternoon.
Dinner was at 6pm. Spark was shown and oiled by a woman that gave her a massage before dinner. She was led, oiled and shiny from head to toe to the dining room to knee by Big Don’s chair. Her collar chain was attached to an eye in the bottom of the table next to his place setting.
Her knees were spread 6″ past her shoulders on each side. Arms behind her back with each hand holding the opposite elbow. Her nose was on the Italian ceramic tile. Her nipples pressed against a tile each. She waited for Big Don to feed her scraps from his table as he dinner.
Spark did not look up, but she heard other people moving in the room. She began to smell food being placed on the table and people chatting around the table. Spark had become very submissive and waited for her owner to give her another direction than being in the waiting position she had been shown two days ago.
Big Don arrived and put her up in a kneeing position. He secured Her arms behind her back with a pair of hinged cuffs. She noticed politicians and their significant others for the city at the table. The police commissioner sat at the far end of the table and Spark recognized one of the nurses on her knees between his legs as the commissioner ate and fed the nurse his cock.
Spark no longer had to think about the implications of such things. She had one job in the world. Obey her Master and keep him happy. Right now, he was happy showing her naked body to the diners at his table as she was on full display.
A couple of the women at the table made snide remarks about her fake tits and other obvious cosmetic work. Big Don allowed them to check the natural breasts and inspect for any cosmetic enhancements.
Spark became very aroused with the grouping and fondling of her body. One woman even shoved a finger up her asshole. She did not break position but moaned slightly more. She was used to being ogled as a spandex wearing super heroine so being naked was not a giant leap.
“Who was she?” The mayor’s wife asked.
“Someone I coveted and convinced her to succumb to my need.” Big Don had answered.
Big Don hand fed his pet scraps while he ate and talked business with the group.
He left her in the dining room as he showed the group out to their chauffeured cars post meal. Big Don’s mom was on the steps with him, watching the last car drive away.
“Son, tell me who the slave in the dining room is?” Maria asked.
“She was the superheroine Spark; I have not given her a new name yet.” Big Don answered. “I am going to use her and three others to give you grandchildren. They will have that Amazonian blood in them so they should he faster from injury and should live longer.”
“You are too busy to properly look after 4 women. I will take over the day-to-day care of these women. I will not hear anything different from you. When you have need for one of them just let me know and she will be there to fill your needs but the rest of the time I will oversee these women.” Maria asked.
“In two days the other three will come out of thebrainwashing boxes in the playroom. Why don’t you take the floor above that as your living area in the mansion. We will put someone in your apartment in the city.” Big Don said, succumbing to his mother’s demand. “I want her in my bed tonight, you can have her in the morning.”
“I will take control of the slave at breakfast.” Maria informed Big Don. “Where are their outfits, those will become their slave colors.”
“I will have Dynamo deliver them to you.” Big Don answered.
Don took Spark to his room for the night. He placed her on her hands and knees. Stripped himself and laid on the floor.
“Get me ready, we are going to start getting you bred first.” Big Don demanded.
Spark crawled forward and lifted his flaccid cock to her mouth and began to use her tongue and throat to get her master hard. As her hardened her hands went to his scrotum to fondle the large testicles within.
Her submission was getting her pussy swollen and wet. Big Don pushed her headup and off his now hard 13″ cock.
“Nose on the floor until I move you.” Big Don required.
Don got behind her and shoved two fingers into her open flower. Spark moaned with the intrusion. Don put his cock at the woman’s entranced and began to fuck the slave. He was not making love. He buried his cock to the end, first thrust.
He had laid a 4″ plug that he normally shoved in a woman’s ass hole next to where he was banging into the slave’s bubble butt with hard blising thrusts. He felt the first of Sparks orgasm squeezed and pull on his cock.
He was not ready yet and just kept pulling her hips. Watching the ass ripple as his hips slammed from a foot away. Her next orgasm had her shaking and twitching on the large meat slamming her guts. Big Don buried and held the wet warmth against his scrotum.
Spark was too far out of her mind to feel the ropes of seed Big Don was depositing in her vagina canal. Once he softened, he pulled from the slave’svagina. The unclosed hole was quickly filled with the plug. The flesh hole pulled the 4″ plug into itself, sealing the seed inside.
Big Don then wrapped her crotch with a leather chatity belt to keep the plug where he put it. Having her stand, he put his padlock on her belt so only he could remove it. Big Don pulled her up and into his bed and fell asleep with her left nipple in his mouth.
Spark woke to Big Don’s morning wood poking her thigh. She slip down to give her owner a great start to the day. She felt the hand on the back of her head, knowing he was now awake. He let her finish without throat fucking her hard, like the previous times.
Spark washed her owner in the shower. He dressed, leashed her, and let her crawl to the dining room for breakfast. His mother was at the table already. Big Don led the slave to the side of her mother.
“Here is the key to her belt. Her vagina still holds my seed from last night.” Big Don explained to Maria.
After breakfast Maria led the slave down to the playroom. Maria was in good shape for her 45 years. She had gotten pregnant with Big Don early in life and was glad to have his success and wanted him to have children so she could spoil them.
She placed the girl’s lean on a hook near the entrance. “Wait here, I will be back to start your training.” Maria told Spark.
Spark could not put her nose on the floor because the leash was too short. She knelt with her face down, arms behind her back holding opposite elbows. Maria went over and checked the vitals on the panels of the boxes. All looked good.
Maria left the way she brought Spark down. It felt to Spark as if the wait was hours. Maria walked back wearing knee-high black leather lace-up boots. A black leather one piece suit. With a zipper Around the crotch from front to back. From one inch above the zipper in the front a built-in corset supported the E cup breasts of the older woman. Her breasts were contained in a black leatherr bra.
Maria ordered the slave to crawl behind her. She loaded the woman into the shower. Removed the belt and ordered Spark to remove the plug and clean it with her mouth. Put the plug on the floor of the shower and had the woman’s as high as it could go with her knees still on the floor. With her mouth over the plug.
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