Wasp 02: Maria Softens the Heroines

Big Don looked his mother over in her black leather dominatrix outfit. They were in the playroom the morning after Maria started Spark’s training. This morning Maria showed him what she called a stress position to continue with the submissives brainwashing and training.

Spark was lying on her back over a pommel horse. She was back in her head harness with a 2 1/2 -inch red ball gag. The blinding pads were back over her eyes and the buds back in her ears playing the submissive mantras.

The first of the three submission training boxes to be opened contained the blonde-haired Wasp.

The first thing removed was the balloons and anal tube. Then the urethra tube. Quickly followed by the gag with the hose to her stomach and breathing tube. The earbuds and VR goggles were left in. The buds continued to play the mantra but once unplugged the VR goggles went black. When Wasp reached to remove the goggles, Big Don grabbed both wrists and pulled them behind the blonde’s back.

Maria installed the cuffs while Don held the arms in place. Once the wrists were clipped Don installed ankle cuffs to the new slave’s ankles. A short chain was attached to the collar. Maria pulled on the chain to get the slave to follow. Don was holding the shoulders and guiding the slave to a ring in the wall of the shower.

Once the chain was hooked Don pushed the shoulders downward and the slave knelt. Using the toes of her boots began tapping the inner knees of the kneeing girl. Once the knees were supposed width Maria patted her head. A red ball gag was installed in the girl’s mouth and Don removed the VR goggles while Maria quickly covered the eyes with padded blinders installing the head harness.

The process was repeated two more times. With Blue and Flex. The three knelt in the shower. The bound wrists of each were chained to the same ring by moving the ring from their neighbor collar to the wrist cuffs. Big Don then pulled each girl forward and pushed them down toThe floor to clip the collar front into a ring on the floor.

While Don was doing this Maria was filling three, two-gallon enema bags with warm water, soap, and oil. Double balloon nozzles were installed inside all three. Maria then attached the clamped hosts to the three and opened them until the flow indicators showed the amount of flow she desired.

“We will return in an hour and the three bags should have been empty for a bit.” Maria told Don.

Spark had been in position for slightly over an hour. Maria tied a vibrator in place covering the slave’s cliporis and started it on slow stimulation.

“We will check on her as well.” Maria told Don.

They went upstairs and had lunch. After lunch they returned to the playroom. The three in the shower were in a steady moan. Their moans were of a different tenor than that of spark with the stimulation of being stretched across her back and violences on her clip. The fluids drying on Spark’s inner thighs were shiny inthe lights.

The balloons were deflated in Wasp’s and Blue’s rectums. Don quickly removed Wasp’s and warm, soapy, shitty, oily water shot against the wall of the shower. Maria did the same with Blue’s, with the same results. Maria then quickly did the same with Flex’s with a different result. Flex was holding hers.

Maria reached under the girl and rubbed her pussy after rubbing the distended stomach of the slave. Maria rubbed her pussy finding it amongst the thick bush of black hair covering it. Tapping Flex’s ass and pushed up on the belly, letting the slave know it was ok. The force was much less than the other two and more controlled.

“It will take them another hour to get this back out. Let’s go play with Spark. I think she needs a new tie. I have bent her back both ways over the last day. I also put pressure on her shoulders. Let’s work on the legs.” Maria told Don.

They released the current bondage and removed the vibrator. Maria leashed the collar and pulled. The slave followed the tension on the lean to the next position.

The lean was replaced with a chain pulling upward tension on Spark’s neck, with her back and buttocks against a wall. Her left ankle was tightly tied to a ring on the floor. Maria took a rope up through a second wall ring 6″ to the side of the one holding her collar. Maria did not force the tension of the splits into her leg.

She instead pulled the foot forward and put the tension on the hip flexor and gluteus instead of all on the hamstring. She was able to get the foot within two feet of the wall, just in front of the woman’s shoulder before the level of moaning stopped Maria’s pulling.

Don had something to attend to for the afternoon. Maria went to her apartment and ordered 6′ round cushions to be delivered with matching blankets in each girls’ colors. Black and white for Flex. Gold and black for Wasp. Gold and white for Sting and Black and blue for Blue.

When Maria returned to the basement, she took two vibrating eggs and slide one on a fast buzz and pulse setting into Spark’s cunt, the other popped into the anus. The second was on a slow long pulse.

Maria patted the slave’s stretched pussy hoping the slave understands there would be punishment if her eggs did not stay inside.

Starting with Wasp Maria unclipped the girl’s collar from the floor. Stood her back up and attached the collar to the ring her wrists were attached to. Doing the same with Blue and Flex. She removed the ear buds and put them in a charger for each slave. Knowing the three could hear her now, she explained.

“You three are now slaves. Who owns you does not matter. You have been through depravity immersion for submission. I will be continuing your submission training for now. You can call me Ma’am. You will not speak unless asked a direct question. If you do speak out of turn, you will be punished. Once you are shown something you will be punished for not doing it correctly the next time.

“I am going to give you your sight back and you are going to shower. I expect none of you to have any hair from the neck down. I will return in an hour. For every hair I find on one of you. You will each get ten lashes. I expect you to help each other remove and inspect the others. This will be your first task and test. When I return, I expect you to be on the floor here. Nose, chest, belly, pussy, on the floor. Knees past should width with your large toes touching each other under your ass.” Maria explained.

She unclipped their hands, took off the VR goggles and removed the chain from their collars.

It took their eyes a moment to adjust as Maria returned with a brand-new safety razor, a can of foam, soap, shampoo, and conditioner. As Maria was out of their line of sight the first person to see Spark was her daughter.

The woman had her eyes covered a red ball in her mouth with a leather harness covering parts of her face. Drool ran down over her breasts and between them. The drool mixed with the pussy lubricant before dripping onto the floor. The painful leg tie made Wasp’s hip flexors hurt just seeing it.

The other two noticed the same thing. Flex did not think it a painful Stance at all. The three could not talk as the red balls in their mouths had not been removed. Maria returned with the bathing supplies.

“Yes, that is your friend Spark. She was captured and enslaved also. She is in her training right now. You three will soon join her in the training for submission.” Maria stated. “Remember, 1 hair equals 10 lashes. 1 hour and in position.”

Maria left the gags where they were and left. The three were impressed with the size of the woman commanding them. Tall sturdy and intimidating. None of the three even contemplated escape. They did as They were told and began to shower under fresh warm water.

Soaping up and shaving themselves then each other. Inspecting closely for straight hairs. Wasp would glance occasiononly at her mother, wondering what she was thinking. Ironically, she was listening to the same mantras that Wasp had a couple of hours ago.

The one repeating currently was S.O.A.P.

Serve the dominant.

Obey the orders.

Always fulfill the desires of the dominant.

Pleasure is derived from serving.

These would repeat 1000 times for each mantra etching it into the submissives head. It was currently repeating 113 different similar mantra.

Maria returned to find the three as requested. Flex’s knees were almost straight out. Maria tapped the outside edges to bring them in a couple of inches and it looked better. Then she noticed that the girl’s only part not flat to the floor on her front side was a small area that could not because the firm breasts only compressed so far.

This girl would be explored first. But she needed to change Spark’s position before dealing with the three.

“Maintain that position and I will get to you in a minute.”She reinstalled the ear buds on the three.

Leaving the eggs in place, Maria lowered Sparks right leg. Moved the collar chain to the ring that the leg was tied to and returned the left leg to the same position the right leg just left. Maria patted the moaning slave’s pussy again and kissed her on the cheek.

Maria took a lean and clipped it to Wasp’s collar. Moved her to knee where her pad would be in the future. Maria attached the blinding pads and upper harness to her ball gag.

Blue was next. Flex she added the blinding pads after standing the slave up. Maria decided to try the tie she had Spark on the previous day that caused movement to punish nipples and Labia Minora.

Flex was led to the foam pad. The three-foot spreader bar was attached to two cuffs added below her knees to the upper calf. Her wrists were clipped together behind her back. Cuffs were attached to the girls upper arm, above the elbow. Guiding the wrists over the top of the spreader bar, MariaPulled the bar to the girl’s elbows. No grunts, no resistance.

Maria removed the ropes from the wrist cuffs and used the rings on the sides of the collar. Pulled the bar to the back of the girl’s neck. The bar was pressing the girl’s neck and still no grunts or moans. This pissed Maria off. She decided to go a little sadistic to get a reaction out of this one.

She got two ten-foot lengths of 1/4″ rope. Tied a loop in one end of each. Stood Flex up and wrapped each breast tightly with the ropes. They started to purple quickly after she was finished. The loops did not reach the top of the shoulder. She lay the slave on her stomach and using the cuff just below the knee started to pull the legs past the head, using the ropes around her tits. The knees were on her shoulders.

Maria then took the wrists and put the slave in a revers prayer with her fingerprints on the back of her head and the collar attached to the wrists. She brought the ankles down to the floor and tied them to the front ring of the collar. Her dark purple breasts were smoked against the floor. Her back was assigned beyond what any could normally handle and not a groan.

“I am going to leave this bitch like this for the night and see.” Maria thought.

The other two moaned at the same points as Spark and were tied the same. With clamps going from ankles to nipples and from wrists to Labia Minora. Maria left the four to stew.

She went up to the main floor to see if her delivery was there. It was. She had the maid bring the pads down and the butler bring down the rest of the delivery. It was two large boxes but he somehow managed to get it there.

The butler and the maid gawked at the constructed slaves as they passed them.

“If you would like to end up with them, just gawk and dawdle some more.” Maria stated.

Both put their heads down and anxiously finished what she asked.

The rings on the wall were 8′ apart. Under each were now the beds matching the slave’s colors. In front of the beds was a pair of matching colored stainless-steel bowls. Each of the bowls was etched with the slave’s name. The bright color would be food and the dark electronelytes.

Maria released Spark first. Tapped her vagina, once she was standing in front of Maria completely unbound but leashed. The egg fell into Maria’s hand. Shutting off the vibrations Maria put it in a bowl. She left the one in the slave’s ass for the night.

Taking Spark to her bed, she put the slave girl on her knees with her face on the bed in the position. Without clipping the wrists, they were already behind the back, hands on elbows. Wasp was next.

Maria unclipped the clover clamps first. This got her a good moan. The pink returned to the nipples and Labia Minora slowly. A sight passed the ball gag as the tension was released from the woman’s lower back. Cuffs removed from the upper arms and upper calves, Wasp was led to her bed and put in the same position as hermother on the adjacent bed. Still blinded and hearing only the mantra, Maria had to help her place her hands on the opposite elbow properly. Once accomplished it got Wasp a spank on the left cheek.

Blue was next. Maria had thought it an optical illusion the couple of times she had observed it. Blue was using her ankles to bounce and lift the clover clamps on her nipples. Her vagina was swollen and very aroused. Her wrists held tension on the Labia Minora, distending it open. Softly moaning behind her gag and lost in her mantra.

Maria took two fingers and forcedly plunged them into Blue’s vagina opening while rocking her body. This caused both wrists and ankles to release tension. When Maria let go the tension snapped to maximum, while her fingers were fucking the slave.

The orgasm that rocked Blue could Only means one thing. Blue was a pain slut. The sadistic MILF was going to have a good time, giving, and denying blue orgasms. A true pain slut with the stamina andrecovery of an Amazonian was a sadists dream come true.

The last was Flex. The other three were on their beds, in position and Maria was still confused about how to put flex under tension. She released the extreme ties she had done on the slave and guided her to the bed, after removing the ropes from Flex’s breasts. Maria did not want permanent damage to occur. The removal of the ropes seemed to be the only part that had any effect on Flex. It goes a sharp intake of breath around the ball, as the ropes released the blood and allowed the balloon shaped breasts back to normal.

Maria puts her like the others so the four can eat their dinner. They are all on their beds, in position blind and listening to submission mantras. Maria goes to her apartment and changes for dinner into more comfortable clothing. After her and Big Don finish dinner, Maria escorts the kitchen server down to the playroom and explains about how many ounces of electronlytes each of the slaves gets and whichbowl is which.

This will be the server’s responsibility before breakfast in the morning and after dinner at night. The slaves won’t have lunch.

Maria takes each by the collar and lifts their noses off the bed and pulls them forward to the electrone bowl and dips their nose, removing the ball from their head harness. Spark is the first and picks up right away then moves over to the smell of food. She stops before eating any. Maria dips her finger into the blended meal and puts it in Sparks mouth, tapping the back of her head.

The ok is accepted and Spark begins to lick the blended meal into her mouth hungrily. The process is repeated three more times. Maria turned before leaving and watched the four eat and drink for a moment.

Maria told the maid that after Big Don went into his Den for the evening to move Spark up to his bedroom and put her next to the door, inside.

Before leaving to get what, she needed, Maria put the belt and plug on Big Don’s bed. Trying for a grandson.

Maria took her Mercedes roadster out of the garage and headed to town. She returned to the mansion about 3 hours later. She went directly to the playroom.

Spark was gone. The other three were in position and seemed relaxed. Maria placed their blankets over Wasp and Blue.

She put Flex up on her hands and knees. She began to take measurements. It took about 40 minutes to get all that she needed.

She emailed them to the address she was given. She then put Flex back in her earlier extreme position except instead of wrapping the breasts she used the side rings on the collar to pull the knees to the shoulders and put the feet on her bed, in front of her face. The reverse prayer completed, Maria put the blanket over the configured slave and left.

She got a return email just before the maid crawled between her legs to service her new mistress. Maria read that the outfit would be ready for pickup in the morning using the measurements desired.

Guiding the 20-year-olds mouth, Maria quickly got to the summit. The girl was tiny and built like a gymnast. Maria told the girl to wake her the same way in the morning.

Maria wrapped her legs around the small woman, trapping her to her abdomen falling asleep.

Big Don had delivered seed into his slave’s vaginal cavity again. He did not know as he plugged her for the third night in a row. He did Not know that not only one sperm had won an egg but two had. Spark was now inseminated with two separate sperm in her fertile eggs.

Big Don still plugged and belted her as he had no idea his swimmers had done their job. Spark still woke him with her mouth in the morning and washed him in the shower. Spark crawled behind her master to breakfast. The server took her down to her new bed in the playroom for her breakfast. She noticed the bondage tie of Flex and was glad that had not been her for the night.

Ma’am entered the room to remove Flex from her bondage. Wasp, Blueand Spark had waited for the electronetes, and food in their bowls to be released by Ma’am.

Maria tapped each head on her way by giving the slaves permission to eat breakfast. Maria removed Flex from her tight bondage. The slave showed no tension or irritation from the very tight bondage. Maria was now very happy with her decision for this slave.

She left the four to eat their breakfast and prepare for the morning enema, with douche for Spark.

Maria passed the maid, cleaning the entry way. The maid went to ground and assumed her position quickly as her mistress walked in. Maria informed her newest conquest that she did not need to supplicate unless it was requested doing daily duties. After work hours the maid would need to always supplicate.

Maria sat at the dining table as Big Don entered for breakfast.

“I will be taking Flex as my own pet. I will be having the grounds crew putting up some fencing outside of my patio for her to exist in.” Maria informedher son.

“That is fine. I will continue to use Spark until her pregnancy is confirmed. I will leave the remainder of the training to you. Spark has responded very well. I want to have Wasp ready for a public function by the end of the week. Is that feasible?” Big Don asked his mother.

“Very feasible. Is she going to be required to dance or just be arm candy?” Maria asked.

“You know I am not going to dance mother. I need the arm candy for a gala at the art museum. We must show our dominant presence for the aristocracy.” Big Don responded.

“I think I’ll take Flex or as I will be calling her Flea. My pet kitty.” Maria said. “I will get formal wear for the two. Do you have a color preference?”

“Yes, I want her in white with black accents. I will have the stylist come at noon on Saturday to do hair, makeup, and nails.” Don stated. “The nurses now have a laser for hair removal. I would like the entire bodies of the slaves covered every day for the next month.”

“I agree, they all look cleaner without body hair.” Maria said.

Maria finished breakfast and headed to her apartment to dress for her girls. She went down and followed the normal morning routine. Enema and douche for each. Shower, shake, teeth brushed then hair brushed out. She left them to this once released from the wall and their beds.


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