The Man’s shoes squeaked against murder, waxy floorboards as he stepped into the church hall. A low hum of communication greeted him, excited calls and dull chatter melting together as chairs and tables scraped at the floor. Sighing inwardly, the Man slipped down into the room.
He passed as quietly as he could between endless rows of tables, each one surrounded by unfamiliar elderly faces. He tried to avoid their collective gaze, his head bowed as he rushed towards a seat at the end of a row.
He didn’t make it.
A hand snaked out from one of the chairs, barring his path. A set of dry, kindly eyes were beckoning him to a seat in the middle of the crowd. The old lady seemed independent. She smiled – he couldn’t resist,… and that’s what he hated most.
The room was full to capacity and buzzing with excitement. The whole congregation had descended on the hall, each one of them bullbling along carrying platters of cold meats, quiche and salads. They muttered and mumbled cheerful greetings, sharing petty jealousies and bigtry with the same breath that gave praise every Sunday. But the Man knew they were good people – lives of service and loss had made them so.
The smile he returned was false. Taking his seat, his shoulders dropped as Ten sets of eyes all turned immediately upon him.
“So, I hope you’ve got a good appetite!” “I hear Sandra has made a pie!” “Such a goal that your Wife couldn’t make it”.
The pleasuresants hit him like a hail of bullets, each new greeting as mundane and unwelcome as the last. He smiled a reply to each, nodding when needed and chuckling in empty laughter. Hollow replies to hollow questions asked by kinder people than he.
The Man didn’t belong here: he knew it to his core. But here he sat, sitting in for his sick wife who couldn’t bear the thought of missing out on village gossip. He showed again, his mind loosing focus on the room around him as part of his soul cringed and whimpered at the aching pleasantry of it all.
There was a buzzing against his hip and a sharp chime in his ear. His phone was lighting up in his pocket, a message instantly beaming to the tiny Bluetooth earpiece he always wore.
Glad of the sudden distraction, he retrieved the phone from his pocket, flipping the screen on to read the text that greeted him.
“Don’t talk.”
Two words shining back at him, just two. The man checked the caller ID: It was Her.
“Not N,…”
The phone buzzed before he could finish texting his reply.
“Just Listen, Master.”
The Man’s eyes opened wide as his mind registered disobedience. He shot a look around the room, checking that he wasn’t attractive attention. His heartbeat raced, his mouth suddenly dry, in spine of himself. In the corner of the room, the vicar was standing and making her way to the stage. No one seemed to pay the Man any further attention.
He returned his gaze to his phone, trying to shield the screen beneath the overhanging tablecloth.
Again a vibration rippled from the phone, a constant melody now playing from his earpiece as the call came in. With a trembling hand the Man reached up to his ear and tapped the headset on.
Her voice, low and sensitive and dripping with sex, instantly fogged his mind.
“Don’t speak. Just hear me.”
He swallowed hard.
“You left me Wanting, Master. You left me needing. And though you may whip me,…”
The Man grew: that was a certainty.
“,.. I must have my release.”
A spectacled old lady was trying to get his attention from across the table as trays of potatoes were passed between plates. He nodded numbly, utterly unaware of her request and dismissing it carefully.
“Mmmmm, Master,…” The voice pursued again, the man’s eyes fluttering closed briefly as she spoke. How did she do that?
“My hand is on my cheek – can you feel it? Fingertips so light against my skin,… against my throat,… against the leather of the collar that you strapped around it.”
Her gasp of pleasure made the Man jump a little in his seat, his eyes flicking open. Across the room, the lady Vicar had stopped to make a little small talk. For some reason, the Man couldn’t keep his eyes off her as the voice on the phone purred and surprised. His gaze grew dark, a familiar menace rising in his blood.
“Trailing over my skin, making me shiver,… making me wet. Would you like to taste me, my Master? I know you would. I know you so well,…”
Beads of sweat itched on the Man’s browser.
The slick sound he heard from his earpiece was met by her moan: a long, aching, breathless cry, called into the air.
“Oh God Master! Oh, fuck!”
The spectacled lady opposite was gesturing to the man, asking for him to pass a plate across. He smiled to her, passing the plate while listening intently, his thumb caresing the phone as he slipped it back into his pocket, listening intently.
“You,… the touch of my fingers on my flesh, just as you touch me. My fingers inside me,… Master, I need you.”
Her speech was falling in gasps. The Man watched as potatoes were spooned onto his plate by the lady opposite – a first drift of food before the rush to the buffet table to collect the rest.
“Yessssssss Master,… My fingers toying with my nipple, spreading myself for you, opening my legs for you… Oh fuck, YES!”
The lady Vicar was stepping up onto the stage, the buffet tables lined up at her feet. The vicar stood pleasantly, smiling at everyone in the room, her gaze closing very briefly on his.
“I need this Master,… tell me,… tell me to cum”
The Man’s eyes locked with the Vicars.
Taking the phone from his pocket, he flicked the messaging app back onto the screen, smiling.
“Hello everyone. My, don’t you all look hungry?” The Vicar asked, addressing her flock.
“Please!! Fucking hell,… Master PLEASE!”
His thumb working on the screen, typing out a message. Every inch of him was burning, his gaze was black.
“But before we got started on all of this food,…” The Vicar drew a Bible from her purse, holding it against her chest. The man grew inwardly as he hit the send button on his phone.
“Let’s all say grace”
Glancing down, he saw the message flash as sent. Every head in the room bowed in prayer as he considered the two words he’d typed:
“Let Go”
The Man bowed his head, closed his eyes,… and waited.
Time seemed to hang in the air.
“Holy Father,… let us,…”
The woman in the Man’s ear screamed.
Her howl of utter pleasure cried only to the Man, who let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding. The man closed his eyes tighter, drinking in the sound as it mixed with the dry, pleasant petity of the Vicar’s prayer. It was utterly delicious to him and he savoured it.
The woman was panting: great gasps of air as her second climax built, mewling. The wet sound of her fingers buried in her sex filled the Man’s ear as she began moaning again.
“Yes,… yes, yes, yes, yess, yess,… fuck,… Oh,… FUUUUCK,…”
The scream was shattering in its intensity, the man winning at the seating pitch, his hand rising instinctively to his ear. His eyes shot open, looking straight at the Vicar, her head still bent in earnest prayer. A grin organized his face.
The woman’s gasps trembled in his ear as she crashed to the last of her pleasure, babbling a stream of obscenities as she clawed her way back to sanity.
“Thank you all,” the Vicar said pleasantly, raising her gaze to the congregation. “Don’t forget your donations, make sure you’ve washed your hands and tuck in!”
The hall erupted in noise again as Fifty parishioners all rose from their seats at once to form an orderly queue at the buffet table. The Man was the only person whoStayed sat, listening to the last gasps of pleasure from the earpiece.
“Are you all right, young man?” asked the lady with the glasses, peering down with geneuine concern. “You look like you’re coming down with something.”
The Man coughed and smiled carefully, picking up his plate and heading into the queue. There was silence from his phone but he knew that the line was still there. As his hand reached out to fork a slice of cold beef to his plate, he heard her again.
“Thank You, Master” she breathed, her voice low and hoarse but still swimming with lust.
“I will deal with you later,” he grew, his first words spoken to Her since he left her house that morning. “As soon as I have taken care of my wife,…”
“Anything the matter? You really are looking quite flushed.” The spectacled woman slide beside him in the queue.
“I’m fine,” the Man replied. “Just enjoying myself.”
He pressed the button on his earpiece to close the call.
“Oh, and look,” he purred, his gaze falling on the Vicar with a predatory smile. “Sandra has made a pie,…”
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