Was She Submissive? Ch. 04

There she was in her little short black dress diamond collar necklace, earnings and sparkling shoes, at her brother’s wedding, she felt she had to attend. Her red hair piled in curls atop her head with wispy curls framing her oval face. She hated weddings because the people around her “loved ones and friends” either wanted her to marry or didn’t understand that she was quite happy having a busy career and a happy sexual life, full of freedom, sexual adventure and experimentation… She wanted no part of this whole setting down thing people talk so much about; even though she preferred to be with only one special man at a time, sometimes he would come along and perhaps it was her Master.

The ceremony was in a park overlooking a beautiful Japanese style garden, it was beautiful and serene. Today they were releasing butterflies in the park so as the reception was slowing down she stepped away taking her shoes off and feeling the blades of grass between her toes as the butterfliessoftly landed on her shoulders, her finger tips and even on her nose. As she was enjoying the quiet beauty of the day she felt strong arms wrap around her waist, started at first, she turned her head and who else could it be but her MASTER. He whispered, “What are YOU doing here?”

“My brother just got married today up there,” She said, “I am here for his wedding and the reception, what brings you out here?”

“I was helping tag and release the butterflies that seem to love playing around you,” he replied, “Come with me.” He pulled her hand and quickly she followed him into a tiny gardener’s cottage and he said, “We have time for training.”

She stood up and ran towards the door, “I have to get back my family will look for me,” she explained.

“Oh no,” he said insisting that she stay, as she tried to run away again, he turned her over a work table. He throw her skirt up above her waist and pulled off his belt and spanked her pale white rounded ass with his hand and said, “If you act like a brat, I will treat you like one.” She giggled, as he pulled down his trousers and pushed deep inside her, the giggling stopped and her moaning began She was playingfully pulling away and he spanked her ass again. She would not tell him how much she enjoyed this romp but it was so much fun to her. He pounded her deeper as the terracotta pottery on the table rattled with each thrust of her his and her moaning joining into the sounds like music in a symphony.. Her hand wrapped around his taunt muscles as he held tightly onto the table with each thrust. She felt the power of her Master both in his muscles and with each thrust. His hands let go of the table and turn her around as he sits her on the edge of the table. He unbuttons her buttons and hang her breasts over the top of her black lacy bra holding them there for him to devour as he pulls her ass to his waiting cock time and time again lunging forward she has her arms around his neck and his mouth has licked and tasted her ample bosoms. He lies her back on the tabla and has her tighs on his shoulders and his licks her and kisses the very wetness he created in her. As she is lying back a beautiful monarch butterfly lofts down and sit on the tip of her hardened nipple. He looked up and said, “see even they know where the sweet stuff is, he kissed her nipples and her lips.

Then she heard it, “Brandy, Brandy where are you?” Her family began to call for her.

She quickly jumped up and asked, “Master, may I go to my family?” Pulling herself together quickly she stepped back into her shoes and out of his world back into hers.

Smiling, “Yes,” he answered. He was pleased she had learned to ask him, first before she ran out to meet them.

She ran out the door and called, “I am over here.” And she walked towards them, returning to the reception area. Butterflies parting in the air as she walked past them. She went back to the reception and all the usual events she smiled and enjoyedthe family.

Then as she looked up who should be there but her Master. “Hello, please excuse me but Miss Brandy dropped a glove on the lawn.” She blushed as red as the flowers in the bouquet.

Her mother approached him he was tall light haired and handsome, he had a boyish charm about him,”Oh, how kind of you to return it to her,” she said, “Brandy how do you know this young man?”

“This is Thomas,” she explained, “he works with me and he’s my boss.”

“Oh my,” her mother said, “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“Won’t you join us and have some refreshments, perhaps dance with Brandy?” her mother inquired.

“It would be my pleasure especially since my ride seems to be distracted, I find myself without a way home,” he said.

“I am sure Brandy won’t mind giving you a ride,” her mother volunteered.

“I would love to,” Brandy said with a smile.

As it was ending she watched him as he helped stack chairs and put things away. She couldn’t help but smileas she did. She loved what they had done and how it felt to be with him. She had not expected he would be so good with her family. It was a bit odd to see him with them and yet it felt quite comfortable as well.

As he walked her to the car, he leaned her back against the driver side and he said, “Give me your keys, I’M DRIVING!” She had never been in a car with him before. She felt his hardness pressing against her. She wondered where he would take her, they had never been anywhere together except her home and the elevator at work, until today.

He walked her to the other side of the car and let her into the passenger seat. He got into the driver’s seat and reached over across her and kissed her as he buckled her into her seat. “Now that you are mine I want to keep you safe for ME!” he said.

He started the car and put it into gear and began to drive her. The road was long and down the coast as they drove the wind blew through her hair as he put the top down and she looked beautiful,, her copper hair glistening in the breeze. She felt his hand on her tigh as they drove moving closer and closer to her wetness as they drove forward…

“Whe are we going?” she asked. He merely smiled and kept driving,unbuttoning three of her buttons as he did. Her hands on her hips this time, “Whe are we going?” He reached over and unbuttoned three more of her dress buttons and still she did not stop, “Please, where are we going?”

He unbuttoned three more buttons and said “Are you going to be nude before we get there, that’s the real question?” So she became quiet knowing he would stop the car and undress her completely.

She looked up and in front of them she saw a lovely white building, a condominium and it was very strong like him. Very beautiful in it’s stark lines and the shading of the walls playing with the light which made the structure even more interesting. He opened her car door she began to button her shirt and he said, “Did I say to button that?”

“No, I am sorry, Master. Thomas” she said quietly. It was the first time she had called him both names… It felt good to be there with him… She knew almost at once this was his place…

She became a bit nervous as she realized this was a new phase in their relationship, she would be in his home. She would be HIS in HIS HOME. She was very excited and as the door opened she didn’t know what to expect. She walked in behind him and he turned and kissed her deeply and said, “I have wanted nothing but you all day long.” She smiled.

She said, “Thank you for being so sweet to my family.” she looked around the room and saw so many objects from so many cultures and she wondered had he been traveling to find such beautiful things or does he collect beautiful things? Would she be just something he collected? He kissed her again and this time began to disrobe her. All she cared about was that SHE WANTED TO BE HIS TONIGHT!

He showed her around his place and theninto his room where he opened a bottle of wine and demanded she join him on the bed… She had no idea what toys and what wonderful adventures lie ahead for her in this room but she knew she wanted them to start right now.

He held a jewelry box and opened it and within it was the most beautiful diamond collar necklace she had ever seen in her life. She was not a material girl but it was as beautiful as the butterflies were Earlier. It’s colors sparkled and glistened as he showed it to her and then laid it on her neck to show her the beauty of it against her smooth silky skin. “THIS is MASTER’S COLLAR.,” he said firmly, “IF you EARN this collar, you will wear it every day of your life and it will never leave your neck.” “It will symbolize that YOU are MINE and that I will take care of you, reward you, punishment you as needed and YES even LOVE YOU,” he continued. “Most of all it will tell the world THAT YOU BELONG TO ME!!!” He took the necklace back off her soft pale skin and put it back in the box and put it in a floor safe in his closet.

He took out another box with a collar from the safe, a plain gold one all one piece, curved to fit smoothly around the neck, but the back had a closure like a padlock, heart shaped tiny and gold, discreet but a slave’s collar just the same. It looked like a necklace anyone might wear to work or in life. This collar was to be her training collar and as he placed it on her he said, “As you wear this you are my girl and you represent me, “he informed her, “Understand me, that this pussy is mine, as YOU ARE MINE and if you accept this gift, you will be spanked and punished and tempted and denied sometimes but pleasured beyond your wildest dreams often,” he said, “DO YOU ACCEPT MY GENEROUS OFFER?”

Without much thought or hesitation, “YES” she said and she jumped up and hugged him so tightly and kissed him with great password.


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