Warriors of Xel Ch. 07

Mari was reeling from the conversation she had just had with the Queen…Her Father had come barging into the palace demanding she be punished for the disgrace and worry she had caused him. He hadn’t cared how she was to fulfill her duty to the “gracious” Prince for her dishonouring of him, but he would leave it the capable hands of the Crown.

Mari stared at her paleness in the mirror. She had not returned for this. To be humiliated, and trusted over a wooden bar to be humbled morning and night. It would not happen!

Mari rushed to her wooden chest, and rifled until she found the razor sharp jewelled blade she had been given by her Mother before she had died. She walked with shaking hands back towards the mirror and took a deep breath and a large clasp of hair. She slowly brought the knife up and ran the knife easily through her soft hair. The strands fell as she set to work. When she was done, she peered at her reflection. Her eyes were huge and she looked very different.

She thought of how Reina was being used at that precise moment and she hurried back to her chest for the only suitable clothing she knew she had. She disrobed and quickly as she could, tearing mercilessly at the silk mauve bodice, and tore it with savage glee. It lay in tatters at her feet. She stamped on it for effect. She sat on the bed, as she pulled long black soft leather trousers, and a matching black silken top. Over that she pulled a warm burgundy under cloak, and atop of that, a midnight blue riding cloak. She looked at herself in the mirror and knew there would be no going back from this. Once the Royals knew of her escape, she would not be able to return.

She climbed through the large window above her small balcony and checked to see if any guards were bellow. Her escape route was clear, and without thinking, she quickly moved back inside to finish by pulling on her boots.

She landed with an agonising jolt through her body. She croouched low, and listened for the call of alarm. The dust painted the sky bloody red, and made the air chilly. Her hands came down to feel the dry grass and she marvelled for a moment how her senses had suddenly heightened. She pushed to her feet, and moved quickly, keeping to the wall. She was still a Lady but none would recognize her. She ran along the wall, hidden by the weaving maze of hedges, and made it to the tall old tree she had climbed as a child When escaping this garden. The tree was the same, and her escape was as practiced as if she were still a girl of 10.

She had coin, jewels and gold. She knew she would have to buy a horse as soon as she could. They would know once they found her badly hidden hair that she did not intend to return. She looked back once and gave a disrespectful flip of her hand at The Royal Palace and those who dwelt There, and turned her back on them for good.


Reina was in age. She had been tied over a frame that tilted her forward, and played her legs apart. Between them a woman was gently tickling her now bare slit. She was aching, and whimpering. The man in front of her had his cock in his hands, and occasionally rubbed it across her cheek. She yearned to take it into her mouth, but they kept asking her questions she couldn’t answer. Silly things about stories she had never heard of.

Each time she got the answer wrong, the bitch who had been tasked with diddling her would work her towards climax, and then she’d struggle for the answer they told her she’d already been told. How could anyone concentrate on something like that, when they ached for climax.

Reina hadn’t realized she would enjoy an audience. It heated her in a way she had never known.

Reerdon was laughing and drinking out of her line of sight, but she could hear him and cursed him under her breath.

The woman behind her, reached under her and caressed her bare stomach. Her flesh fluttered, and she wriggled. She leaned forward and murmured into her ear. “The next question they are going to ask you will be about the Prince Orilios. He likes taking women from behind…” Reina didn’t know what to make of the words that had just been whispered to her, but she shuddered when once more the other woman’s fingers went back to gently circle her ripened pussy.

Orilios walked forward and he took the girls place behind her. The comment she had just been given Suddenly didn’t feel like help, but a taunt. The woman grinned wickedly at her, and mouthed enjoy at her.

Orilios proved more skilled than the girl, and circled her defenceless cliporis with merciless grace.

“Please…” She sobbed as she nearly another long denied climax.

This time to her delight, the thick shake that had been bobbing in front of her slid into her welcome mouth. She sucked hard, and took as much as she was able. She bobbed her head back and forth upon it, and yielded control easily when the man firmly claimed her head with a firm grapp of her hair.

“A good slut deserves a treatment…” The man above her said, and before she knew another thing Orilios slid his shake into her swollen, weeping hole. She had been teased, and ticked and suckled and nibbled by different women for hours. Long denied any climax and now she was being fucked by a Prince and a man she didn’t know.

Reina shut her eyes against the leers of wanton lust from both the men and women around her. She was in a large chamber, surrounded by maybe 200 nobles and warriors. The man slowly thrusting back and forth in her mouth, forced his cock deeper into her mouth, grazing the back of her throat. Orilios’s hand came down sharply on her rear, making several women yelp with laughter. Reina knew a depth of shame she had not thought possible. The smacks made her milk the Prince’s cock in helpless time to his thrusts. Reerdon must have told him how her body responded to sensitive punishment. She felt heat in her stomach pooling in her slit, and she knew it would be dripping out of her.

The cock expanded inside of her mouth, and she swallowed his salty cum without a grumble, and found herself released, but Orilios continued to spank and thrust into her. Her head hung, and she hid behind her hair.

Reina was so close to climax she clenched down on the Princes thick cock as hard as she could. He thrust much harder and roughly dug his fingers into her pert, jiggling backside.

“The Prince likes it when the woman he’s fucking really wants what he’s giving her…” It was the taunting witch’s words that made her realise what she would yet have to give up, for her completion.

“Please fuck me. Please, please let me cum. I need your hot cum inside me. I need it, I need it. Please give it to me!” Reina couldn’t sensor her words. Once they were out, silence descended until several applause came from Reerdon. He throw his head back with laughter.

“Bastard…” She swore at him, but only Orilios heard her and it made him chuckle. He believed she had endured enough, and he quickly his pace and reached around to manipulate her hardened pleasure nubbin.

Reina sobbed as her climax rolled over her in wave after sweet wave. Orilios continued to fuck her throughout and when he reached his own release his balls were smacking against her ravaged pussy lips.

Orilios pulled out his shake and stood back for the pleasure girl Erin to suck his clean. She knelt down at his feet and looked up at him with big brown eyes. She smiled at Reina’s trembling form. A thought struck him. The girl had tormented Reina with delight. He thought she could repay some of the misery she’d caused her.

He pushed Erin back and pointed towards Reina’s behind. “Clean her, all of her.” He spoke quietly and caught the look of irritation There.

Reina whimpered when she looked beneath her to see the red haired witch nestling between her legs once more. Erin caught the look of anguish and decided, her task not so bad after all./p>

Her tongue flicked Reina’s cliporis and she flinched with a sharp hiss of pleasure. Erin used both of her hands, and massed the reddened globes of her ass. Reina couldn’t hide the moans of pleasure the other woman wrung from her. Reina felt fingers gently probing the sensitive skin around her ass and she brought her head up sharply.

“That’s very good Erin. Keep going…” Orilios’s deep voice brought Reina’s head up sharply and she peered around at him. Both of Reina’s holes were slowly filled with a finger, and her weeping slit was singing with pleasure. Reina couldn’t deny it and wept with carnal moans under the other woman’s expertise.

Erin made Reina beg for each climax she gave her. She worked the sluts pleasures points as only another woman would know how to do, and revealed in the wanton act of it all. Erin loved an audience even more than she loved kneeling down to receive each Prince’s cock.

Reerdon approached Reina heated beyond endurance by the criesthe talented red head was ringing her. She would be featuring in Reina’s punishment on a regular basis. He undid his trousers and gently cupped Reina’s face in his palm. He was gentle with her as he fed her his cock. When Erin tired another woman took her place and Reina who had momentarily sagged with relief mewled around Reerdons cock once more. Please she tried, but Reerdon ordered the girl to make Reina climax 10 times before he did. Then he said just to tease and gently probe her ass, whilst keeping her tongue on her nub.

Erin sat astride Orilios’s cock and bounced up and down happily. With her eyes glued to Reina’s writing tortured form. Erin couldn’t remember the last time she was so turned on. Then to her delight Orilios repositioned her so that she was no longer supported on his cock. and he took her arms behind her back and turned her so she had a better view. It was not comfortable but delicious, to be held so and fucked so harshly. Orilios knew just how she liked tobe abused.

“You’re going to be on that wrap once Reina has had her turn.”

Erin couldn’t protest, because the thought pushed her over the edge. “Please…” She managed.

She couldn’t say anymore, as her change in position left her open mouth ripe for invitation to a huge hard cock. The man grabbed her hair, and used her mouth roughly until he came. Erin was lifted and placed over the frame when Reina was untied and lifted by her own captor.

Erin tried to struggle but a hard whack and a stern word from Orilios had her still instantly.


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