‘Close your eyes, open your mouth and hold out your tongue.’ I whispered into her ear. I gave her a slow, warm kiss on the neck while I placed my hand over the side of her face.
She leaned into it and obeyed, her mouth opening and her warm wet tongue presenting itself. Her eyes were already closed.
‘Good girl.’ I told her as I reached for the bag next to me. ‘This is going to hurt but just remember. I don’t care, this is what you deserve for prancing around like a little whore. Now stay still.’
From the bag I withdraw a handful of spring wound wooden clothes pegs. I’d draw too many so thumbed a couple down onto her lap which drew a flinch from her. Given the instructions I’d given her I couldn’t let the flinch go unpunished. If I started letting things slide This early in the evening she would have no respect for me.
I scratched her cheek with the tips of stiffed fingers before sliding my thumb into her mouth and pulling her back into position by dragging hercheese.
‘Stay still I said.’
She whimpered as the pegs went on. Drooling and slobbering away already was a good sign of asserting dominance but the real delight came from the quivering tongue and her rapid breathing as she came to terms with how her life would be for the forseeable or until she tapped out to earn my aftercare and tender affect. Hopefully that was a long way off and she wouldn’t break so easily.
The basement was bare stone, unadorned, cold and sparsely decorated. Perfect for indulging in my fansies and easy to clean too. Various eyes for hooks were bolted about the room and knee high scaffolding of my own design was bolted in place next to where I kept today’s play thing. She’d be in it soon enough. With a few twists and adjustments it would place her in a stretching stress position and act as the perfect frame to lock her in place while I administratored my cruelest task.
I let her knee in peace for a while. Six minutes had passed by my watches recording since I had clipped the pegs to her tongue and for six minutes she had sat there trying to master her breathing and ignore the pain. It felt like a good time to induce panic and move to the next stage. Slowly I approached her and checked the tip of my Dr Martens. They were spotless, not a mark on them and bone dry.
‘Spread your knees further and separate your labia.’
Confused she shifted on the spot and Thought for a moment which earned her a flick on one of the pegs and a gentle slap across the cheek.
I pointed, my finger almost on the tip of her nose. ‘Spread that cunt or…’ Slowly I drew my arm back and pointed to a benchmark against the back wall, atop which sat a metal bucket she’d watched me pour cold water and dump ice into earlier.
That did the trick and she obeyed now. Her legs shuffled slightly on the dusty floor and she finally reached between her legs and pulled her labia to expose herself. I drew a clean clothes from my pocket, bent down andWiped at my boot. Knowing what I intended to do with it I’d cleaned it beforehand but this process was a nice courtesy and a sign of respect. As I finished up I glanced up to see her staring confused and concerned. Without a word I stepped in so one leg was next to her and held her head in place under my hand.
‘Stay still.’
The boot firmly slide between her legs much to her surprise and Confusion. A moan of unknown consequence emanated from her and I grabbed at a handful of her shoulder length hair and pulled upright to get her to move and to stifle the moan. Slowly I rocked my boot up and down against her cunt before releasing her hair and stepping back. Her ample frame sagged in relief while I checked my boot.
‘Would you look at that. You may be scared, cold and in pain but the soaking wet mark on my boot tells me that you’re ready for more. The response wasn’t a word and barely a noise. Words were night on impossible when your tongue is achingly forced out of your mOut with wooden pegs.
I knelt down besides her and un-clipped the pegs one by one letting them drop to the floor. I forced two fingers into her mouth and spread her cheeks and rubbed at the side of her tongue. She was helpfully submissive and would let me do anything and for that I was grateful. I withdraw my hand and wiped the mess against the side of her face and headed over to my bench. For my next activity I would need duct tape, a large black clothes hood and a belt. I made enough banging about and clattering to draw her attention and to let her see what I was grabbing.
The hood went over her head and I pulled at the draw string. Before I applied the tape to her wrists I guided her knees together all the while telling her how good she was being.
There I left her, kneeing with her wrists behind her back and in the silent dark of the hood. She needed the fear and pressure in her and this would achieve that. A few minutes of calming breathing passed while I stood and watched and the sub was in control. Another minute and small movements of my feet in front of her quickened the pace of her breathing slightly. Leather creaked from the repeated unraveling and wrapping up of the belt for several more minutes after that as I paced around her only to draw out a slight panting. Still not good enough.
I left the belt unravel in front of her, the shaped tip of which bounced off one of her flat rounded breasts and onto her soft quivering stomach. I crouched down now and fed the belt around the center of her stomach before pulling it tight and catching her mid intake. My initial intention had been to beat her with it but she was breathing far too easily to be very afraid of me. Now she struggled to maintain proper breathing practices as the belt restricted how much she could exhale. Not wanting a murder on my hands I loosened a notch and stood up to monitor my work. Enough that she could breath and not loose enough that she could breath calmly.
Suddenly I gripped her throat in both hands and leaned my weight into the choke. My tensed fingers applying more and more pressure by the second. With a firm squeeze I flatted my thumbs against the side of her neck to induce the heady throbbing. The submissive began to struggle and thrash after a few seconds and I released.
‘This is going to get a lot harder before it gets any easier so save your breath.’ I told her sternly as I heard a whimper of protest arise.
I repeated my choking procedure another four or five times, holding on a little longer and applying more of my weight behind the choke each time. During the last few I whispered degrading and humiliating names to her to weaken her resolve.
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