This is a continuation of The Scot’s Reaper. Individual stories of sex between himself and numerous women. He is a highly sexy man who’s sex explores border on addition.
I couldn’t decide which section to place these stories, but I have settled on Erotic Couplings, though there is a lot of kinky sex involved. Rory loves women with huge breasts, dressed in sexy outfits made from shiny vinyl or latex.
If you enjoy reading hot sex stories with a bit of kink, then please continue to read on. These are not romantic love stories.
If you do enjoy them, I am always grateful for a good vote!
My following story is purely a work of sexual fantasy and is complete fiction. The names of my characters are all fictitious and do not represent anyone living or deceased.
It was now a couple of weeks since my encounter with Amber. Myra had been really angry with me. Not because I’d had sex with the girl.No, because I had allowed her to sleep with me the whole night.
“But we only slept together for about three hours. Pure exhaustion from all the fucking. It was hardly a romantic night together.” I pleaded.
“Well she clearly thought it was more than that. She wanted to be your girlfriend didn’t she. And why did you remove your ring?”
“It just doesn’t seem right. I mean wearing it when I’m fucking other women!”
She finally accepted what I was saying and we eventually watched the video of me and Amber. She was hornier than ever before. She subsequently purchased a catsuit to wear when I fucked her. It was so hot. And at last the Amber affairs was well behind us.
Or so I thought!
I had travelled up to Manchester that week, winning my fights as usual, then celebrating with a very hot milf called Mandy. We had met in the hotel bar. She was so clearly up for it, and within the hour she accompanied me to my room. She was an eager little thing. Literally gagging to be fucked! Unfastening my pants. Releasing my cock then immediately beending down to take me in her mouth. Sucking me off, totally and gorgeously! Fuck it was hot!
She spent most of the night in my room with me where I fucked her three times in total before finally sending her home. She couldn’t stay. I didn’t want to upset Myra again.
But it was now 8am and I was alone in my room, packing my case ready to leave. Suddenly my phone buzzed. It was Myra. Probably checking up on me, I thought.
“Morning babe. I’m just packing up ready to come home.”
“Have you seen The Daily News?” She asked.
“No I haven’t had time to look at the smut press this morning.” I told her.
“Well you’d better take a look. The article about you is not good. Aye, that little bitch, Amber Smith, has sold her story of your night together, and it isn’t pretty!”
“Oh fuck! What has she said?”
“Read it yourself. But take it from me, it’s pretty graphic and you’re certainly not painted in a good light.”
I put the phone down and immediately grabbed hold of my i-pad. There it was. A headliner!
’30 year old Rory McGregor, The Scots Reaper, Literally ‘Reaps’ 18 year old young woman!’
And then a photo of Amber wearing her vinyl hot pants outfit, and holding up her torn panty hose. Another close up photo showing the Numerous blue bite marks I had left all over her large creamy breasts, her nipples discreetly blanked out.
Myra was right, it didn’t look good. Not good for me.
I started to read the article. It definitely didn’t paint me in a good light.
She implied I had coerced her to go back to the house with me where I got her drunk and took her to my sex room, forcing her to indulge and perform Many disgusting and perverted sex acts on me and with me. She said I had literally ripped her clothes from her, whipped her and fucked her. She had apparently gone along with my games, fearing if she didn’t, I might force her to anyway!
Totally untrue! What a little bitch, I thought. She had been completely up for it!
And not once had I mentioned my wife of less than six months to her, she complained. I was painted as disgusting to her and to my poor wife. How on earth would she feel now she knew what I had done to this young woman? The reporter questioned.
Why? Why had she done this? Had she really was that angle about me being married?
She had contacted me a couple of times repeatedly, but I had ignored her. Perhaps that hadn’t been a wise move. But I didn’t want to give her any encouragement.
I imagined she’d also got paid a lot of money for her story from the paper.
People were now looking at me on the journey home. Judging me. Guilty without a fair trial! I didn’t like it. I hadn’t done anything wrong. She had fully consented to everything we did together and my wife knew full well I often screwed other women.
I needed to speak to Max Million, my agent. This story could be very damaging. And worse still, would the police soon be at my door?
At last I was home and once again, Myra was furious with me. Actually, this time she was completely living!
“I told you she was trouble. You should never have allowed her to spend the whole night with you. This probably wouldn’t have happened if you’d sent her home at a normal hour.”
“Hmmm I’m not sure about that. She’s obviously crazy. She clearly wanted more from me than I could give.
But you might like to know, she’s screwing her stepfather and his older friends too.”
“Shit! Well maybe that info could be to our advantage. You need to phone Max back. He called about an hour ago. See what he suggests.”
I did as Myra said and it was decided we should instruct lawsers and inform them of the video we had in our possession. Clearly showing she was a very willing participant, Slightly drunk but definitely not incapacitated. Also to inform them of her actins with her stepfather etc.
She was far from the innocent 18 year old they were all trying to paint.
And as for Myra knowing, that needed to be clarified. A slot on a morning tv show was soon arranged which we both appeared on.
Myra was great and so unbelievably supported.
“Yes of course I know my husband has sex with other women. We have an open marriage which we both agreed to long before we even got married.
Rory is a highly sexy man and has always enjoyed the sexual company of other women. I went into our marriage with my eyes wide open. Accepting his lifestyle. His need for sex. And believe me, that’s all it is to him.
He loves me and only me. And what we have together is very special.”
“Wow that’s really generous of you to accept his Infidelity as calmly as that. But doesn’t it hurt you that he had sex with this gorgeous, voluptuous 18 year old. Hard core sex. And possibly forced her to let him do things to her that most women would never want done to them.”
“But a lot of women do enjoy kinky sex. Sometimes I do too. No it doesn’t both me. She was just a hot fuck.” The tv wasped, blanking out her words. “And she is hardly an innocent little teenager herself. Just look at the way she was dressed.
Besides, there’s a lot more to her story than you are actually aware of.”
“Oh yes? Do tell.”
I had been very quiet as Myra spoke, but now I piped up. “We can’t say anything. It’s now in the hands of our lawsers. But I would just like to say that her accusations are completely untrue – we have hard evidence of that. She was not coerced in any way. She was definitely not forced. She was a willing participant and enjoyed all the sex we had together at all times. Let me tell you, she enjoyed everything I did to her and everything we did together. In fact she literally begged me for more!”
Thankfully the interview went down well. My groups still loved me. Their group discussions showing they fullysupported me and Myra. The girl was such a bitch to tell such lies to the newspaper they all said.
Thankfully the whole issue was finally put to bed by our lawsers. It was difficult to threaten her with the video we had as it was done without her permission. But she was told we had evidence of her willingness for sex and was threatened with her story of her stepfather and his friends. And as a gesture, she was given a payment of £20,000 which she accepted to finally go away.
It was now a couple of months since the Amber debacle. I was definitely ‘off’ other women. Keeping myself to myself, and just me and Myra. I’d had a new tattoo emblazoned on my back. ‘Myra my only love’. She was the only one as far as I was concerned. She had stood up for me and supported me in public. I loved her deeply. Other women were presently not on the agenda.
That was until I met Bambi London.
Unfortunately an observation for her soon ensured.
Myra andI had been invited to the end of year awards from the Wrestling Federation in London. It was held in a top hotel. All the best and most well known wrestlers attended with their partners. Always a glittering event, and I knew I was certain to receive a number of awards.
It was there that I first saw Bambi. It was like a lightning strike! I was immediately attracted to her.
She sat on the table opposite us. Her boyfriend, Tim Davies aka ‘Tiny Tim’ accompanied her. He is anything but tiny!!
Bambi was a stunning blonde with huge glittering doe like blue eyes. And her seventits were quite simply to die for! Shamefully, that was what I first noticed! I couldn’t take my eyes off her in her sexy, shiny, red, soft latex dress that clung tantalisingly to her delicious enormous curves.
Her huge breasts were barely covered. Just two strips of latex ran over them to her waist. Not a dress for the shy retirement type of woman! Most of her creamy rippling flesh fully displayed for everyone to see. The two latex strips attempted to cover her nipples discreetly, but they poked hard through the clinging shiny fabric. Her massive creamy tits eager to work their way out! She must have used tit tape to keep the skimpy dress in place as amazingly it didn’t budget from her huge bouncing melons. It looked glued on! I watched intrigued as she moved. Her breasts swayed and bounced entirely. Begging me to part those two shiny strips to release those huge nipples and suck them deep inside my mouth! I snapped out of my reverie. My name was called!
I had already received two awards and I now sat at our table just staring at her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, glancing at her every few minutes between conversation. At last she noticed me. Our eyes now firmly fixed on each other. I could tell she fancied me too.
I watched as she got up from the table. I decided to follow her. Myra looked up at me, knowingly. Clearly realising what I was up to.
I watched as Bambi’s tightly clad gorgeous ass sexually swwayed along to the restrooms, the shiny fabric rippling over her large prominent buttocks as she moved. I found myself wondering if she’d had some work done on them. Her ass was so perfect. Perfect for fucking!
I now waited patiently outside for her to reappear.
At last she came out. Her pouting lips red and glistening from a re application of her lipstick. I couldn’t help but imagine a red ring circled around my cock when she hopefully went down on me!
Her huge perfect creamy tits rippled, swayed and bounced as she walked towards me. Fuck she was so damned hot! My cock was swelling uncomfortable inside my pants. She smiled and headed towards me, her gorgeous golden blonde hair swinging behind her.
“Hello Reaper. Congratulations on your awards.” She said in her smouldering voice.
“You have the advantage over me. I’m afraid I don’t know your name.” I told her.
“Bambi. Bambi London.”
“Well Bambi it’s certainly a pleasure to meet you.” I took hold of her hand and kissed it. “You know you should be the one getting an award for the most stunningly sexy woman in the room. Tim’s a very lucky guy.”
“Thank you Rory.” She paused. “You know you’re pretty gorgeous yourself. Your wife is very lucky too.”
She definitely had the hots for me!
“I want to see you Bambi. After tonight. Just you and me. You clearly feel the same way I do. I want to spend some time alone with you.”
“Hmmm I’m not sure Tim would like that.”
“Then don’t tell him. We can meet discreetly.”
She smiled at me. Her eyes drilled into mine. My cock hardened further. I watched as her now very erect nipples poked out prominently through the shiny red latex. I so ached to take them between my lips and suck on them. Her tits looked to be incredible. Her breathing was hard. I watched as her breasts heaved up and down. I felt certain I would eventually get to see them in all their delicious naked glory! For sure she wanted me too!
She licked her lips provocatively. “You can find me on Sex Goddesses. Google me. Maybe we can hook up.” She said before walking back to her table.
Fuuuck she was so hot. I felt desperate! I literally wanted to pin her down and fuck her there and then! My cock was twitching, my heart was racing. Shit I wanted this woman. My head was pounding as I headed back to the table, staring and smiling at her as I sat down. Unable to take my eyes from her. Unable to think of anything else.
“Well, what happened? Have you arranged to fuck her?” Asked Myra, breaking me away from my thoughts.
“I’m hoping she’ll let me.” I tried to sound fairly cool.
“Well if you do get to fuck her, you need to be more careful from now on. You need to check out these women thoroughly before you have sex with them. We don’t want another ‘Amber’ incident.”
I know I was desperate and didn’t really care how I got her, but I knew she was right. I would need some kind of contract for these women to sign. To make it clear that sex with them was not under duress. Perhaps agreeing to all the kinds of sex I would want to perform on them. It would need some thought.
As soon as I was able, I googled Bambi. It seemed she was actually some kind of reality star and influencer, and now seeking to make a career for herself from her two incredible assets! The photos of her were absolutely stunning, but sadly no nudes for me to scroll through. I was desperate to see her naked.
I finally gave in and signed up for Sex Goddesses. Similar to Only Fans, I guess. And finding her page I trawled through her photos. Still nothing naked of her. It seemed I would need to pay in order to see more. To see something more revealing.
At last I accessed more interesting content. A set of photos showing her gradually unfasting her top, then removing her bra. At last, they were there in front of my eyes. Stunningly naked. Two huge creamy tits, that dropped almost to her belly, yet so perfectly rounded and shaped. Gorgeous pale pink areolas and hard prominent nipples. Fuck she was so unbelievably delicious! Her fingers squeezed her flesh and pulled on her very large nipples, stretching them out further.
Oh shit baby! They were gonna feel so good between my teeth and rolling around on my tongue! I intended to have them for real! For Certain!
I scrolled through all the photos, finally coming across a completely naked set. She lay on the bed. Her tits lollopened to her sides, her legs open. A small triangle of dark hair, revealing she was not a natural blonde after all. She had opened up her cleanly waxed pussy beneath, for everyone to view. Oh my God she was so fucking hot! Smouldering!
And now the videos. An unknown man’s hands undressed her bit by bit. Perhaps the lucky Tim? She now wore just her stockings and heels. The man’s hands took hold of her luscious tits, massaging them with oil and squeezing them lasciviously. She groaned as he pulled on her nipples, before she lay spread eagled on her bed. Holding on to her tits, pushing them together as he presed her pussy lips wide open. The camera zoomed in on her gorgeous glistening wet cunt. I imagined my tongue licking her wet opening, spooning out her juices. I bet she tasted good! Oh my God I wanted this woman so much!
She was now marveling Around with a vibrator, fucking herself with it until she actually came in front of the camera. Shit I needed to get my cock inside her. And soon!
I imagined it was my price inside her as I sat stroking and pulling on my large rock hard member. It wasn’t long until my big boy exploded into my hand. I grunted and groaned loudly as I pumped and pumped my gloopy cum. I so wanted to fuck this woman. I felt desperate for her.
“Rory, you ok in there?”
Myra was knocking on the door to the study. Luckily I’d locked it.
“Err yeah. I won’t be long. Just exercising.” I lied. I was panting and breathing hard.
I cleaned myself up then looked at my account. I’d already spent nearly £300 viewing her.
But I knew I was going to have to spend a lot more yet to get what I really wanted!
Over the next few days, I literally became obsessed with Bambi. Every available moment I was on my computer or phone looking at her. Ogling her beautiful body.
This was getting ridiculous. It was time I messaged her.
“Hi Rory, of course I remember you. You’re too gorgeous to forget.”
There was! I knew she fancied me.
“I want a one to one video with you. I want to watch you.” I told her.
“Of course.”
“£1,000 then.”
“Ok that’s fine.” I didn’t care what it cost. I just wanted her and now I was prepared to pay her for sex if necessary. I just needed to fuck this sexy bitch!
I paid my fee and sat back to watch her. My cock in my hand.
“Unfasten your bra and slowly remove it.” I instructed.
She did as I asked, her gorgeous tits spinning out.
“Oh fuck Bambi, I really want those tits in my mouth. They are so gorgeous. I want to suck long and hard on your pretty pink areolas and huge nipples. I wish you could feel my lips on them now. I would give you so much pleasure.” I told her.
“I’m sure you would baby. I’ve heard you’re a very Attentive love.”
She gathered up all her overflowing flesh, lifting her nipples to her mouth, licking and nibbling them. Her hands pushing her rippling tits together, massaging them as she licked her nipples. I groaned loudly and hornily.
“Mmmm that feels good. I’m imagining your lips on my nipples, suckling my tits Rory.” I groaned. She was sucking her own nipples now.
“Fuuuck you horny bitch. Remove your panties now. I want to eat your pussy.”
She lay on her bed and delicately removed her tiny string and opened her legs for me. She sucked on her finger before finding her clip and gently rubbing.
“This is your tongue Rory. Gently licking my clip. You feel so soft and sensitive.” She groaned.
I stroked my cock hard. “Get a large vibrator and fuck yourself with it. I want to see you come now.”
She reached for a large bright pink one, then applying lube, she pushed it easily inside her. All ten inches of it disappeared inside her.
“Yeah, that’s almost the same size as me, Now enjoy my prick fucking you. Fuck yourself hard. Just as I want to. Imagine that’s me inside you.”
I watched as she puzzled herself with the huge pink vibrating member. Her eyes closed, groaning and emrithing on her bed. Her enormous rippling tits lolloping as she moved.
Yeah I was fucking her. I watched her as I stroked my cock harder and harder, my piercings rubbing and jingling against my hand with each movement.
But now I hear her groaning loudly. Droplets of sweat formed on her beautiful naked body, she glistened. And at last she shuddered and groaned as she climaxed.
“Oh yeah Rory. Make me come baby. Fuck me hard with your cock.” She moaned as her juices squirted from her pussy. Over and over.
Her cum all wasted. It should have been in my mouth, on my tongue, down my throat. “Oh baby I want your cum. I want to eat your cunt and drink it all down, you hot randy bitch.” I grew.
She was just so fucking hot, I Couldn’t hold back. The heat was building. My cum was rising.
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