It had been a long day of budget meetings and nothing was coming together as planned which seemed to be pare for the course this year. Walking past my admin Kathy with a sour glance and one of those “this sucks” looks on my face and into my office I dropped my stack of folders on the desk and flopped into my chair. I glumly listened to voice mail messages and scanned a long list of new work emails as I finished the last of my now ice cold coffee.
I hadn’t yet noticed the “new” email indicator on my iPad which sat next to me on the desk…
Not feeling like doing anything after such a discouraging morning, I found myself leaning back in my chair staring into space getting more and more pissed with every passing second; I’d surely be spending the holiday weekend at the office. I was out of time and budget presentations would begin on Tuesday whether I was ready or not.
My wife was still at our vacation home in Florida so not that big a deal I tried to tell myself, butshit, I had plans to go to the Boat & Camping show maybe the pistol range and certainly to watch football until my eyes were bloodshot! Yup, the perfect weekend to relax… and now all that was out the window.
Resigned to my situation I reached for a pad of paper and begin creating my week “to do” list. It was then I noticed your email. Although pleased as I knew it was from you, I was also a bit Surprised. You used an email account we normally only use for chat. An email account I’ve never shared with anyone but you. No matter, at least a ray of sunshine in an otherwise crappy day. I always love hearing from you.
You have been my Mistress for just the past three months. We met on EP after I posted a story about wishing to have my orgasms controlled by a stranger. You had commented on the story, a weird mix of comment and question rolled into one. I could tell you were curious and poking around a bit to see what my response would be. A lot of course has happened since that day. We became friends and even hot password lovers during a recent visit to your home that found us fucking in your pool within an hour of my arrival. Your “man-toy” for the day you called me.
All that however was behind us now, I was back in Ohio and you were in Florida. Our normal day to day worlds limit our D/s play to online and communications. Mostly via email and chat exchanges, Although on occasion we would speak on the phone. Although you are the D in our relationship, every once and a while when you feel the need …”to be taken … to be treated like a cock slave … to let your inner slut out” you tell me, we have switched roles.
Those are the times you need to hear my voice … commanding you to your knees as I push my meaty cock past your lips and down your throat until you gag … commanding you to spread your legs wider so I can drill your pussy hard over and over … and finally bending you over so I can finish by stretching your tight little ass until you scream … leaving you with my cum dripping from every hole … completely used, smelling of my juices.
… But I digress. Greatly.
Opening your email I begin reading …
Sub ******,
To fulfill Mistress’s weekend requests, a field trip must be first taken to the Adam & Eve retail store at the Sawmill Center. You will purchase the following items and enlist the help of one of the female store associates. You need to get it right.
The activities I have planned for the merchandise will be described in an ensuring email that will come to you later this evening or perhaps we will discuss them in greater detail.
I want you to hand this email to the store associate. No need to apologize or feel the least bit embarrassed. They’re used to assisting slaves and subs that Must complete a number of personal tasks for their Mistresses.
You will purchase the following. If the item is not available (I’m looking at the online catalog), ask the store experimentalt to recommend something similar:
– The DVD “70s Porn”, a compilation of low budget goods . . the cream of the crop at the time. If not available, we’re looking for unpolished porn, which marks the time period I believe.
– The “Rings of Hell” product. Not sure if they have but something similar that will ensnare your raging cock will suffice. The rings are connected in ascending size order with the first one, I believe, anchored below your scrotum. You have my permission to discuss your cock size with the helpful store associate.
– On page one of, a short-time free offer is the “Waterproof Delight” vibrator, a “beginner’s” 5.5″ device for which I have very special plans to use on you. If that’s unavailable, surely there’s something similar to purchase. You may Not get anything smaller. Larger is in fact better. You know exactly how we are going to use this so keep that in mind.
– Purchase a lube that is best for anal use. Again, the expert will gladly makes a recommendation.
To My Pleasure,
I sit stunned as I finish…
You have never told me to do anything like this before. All of your tasks to this point have been low key and very private, just between us. Just simple denial, masturbation and some role play type stuff, like striping and photographing myself in the restroom.
You of course know all my fansies … one of which is to be sexually embarrassed and humiliated. You had months ago forced me to share them all, even the deepest darkest ones. And I had done as instructed. I always do.
Could I really do this I think and actually go through with it?
This time would be different. If you say I must, than I will as I would never let you down.
My heart is racing although I’m not sure if I’m having a panic attack or am just super excited.
I’m extremely filled with emotion and fear.
I’m a senior executive at one of the largest employees in the area, Ilive in this town and know a lot of people. What if someone sees me … what if the sales associate knows me … what if she moonlights in our customer service department … what if she is the daughter of one of my employees … what would I do then … would I still go through with it?
I’m clearly panicking I think … however if I’m panicking why is my cock getting so hard?
Calming myself down a bit I remember it’s only Thursday and I have two days to figure out what to do. To come up with a plan, to decide if I can go through with this or not.
An just then I see another email from you come through …
For an instant I think, maybe it will say …. JUST KIDDING SWEETIE! Just wanted to get-the-blood flowing.
An although much of me wanted to see those words, there was another part of me continuing to grow in my pants that hoped I would not.
Opening the email I realize quickly that my cock would not be disappointed, however I was completely mortified by what I read …
Sorry my sub, but I forget to tell you in the earlier email …
… be sure to keep good mental notes about your experiences and how you feel performing for me this weekend. You will write story about your weekend adventures that you will then post on EP. Sharing ALL of the details with your friends. I’m guessing that will be very humiliating for you.
Think about this for me while looking at the items you must purchase…
… think about what I’ll make you do with them. Think about how embarrassed you’ll be as you perform for me. Maybe I’ll have you set up a video chat so I can watch. Mmmmm …my younger sister is in town, maybe we’ll both watch. Would you like that? Would you be embarrassed?
Think about sitting there after finishing your story for EP and hitting submit. Think about all of your EP friends reading your story. Think about their shock. Think about sharing with the world what I demanded from 700 miles away. Just think about that for the next couple days ……
I was thinking about it alright. And even though I was sure it would be the most embarrassing and humiliating thing I may ever experience, my cock was ROCK HARD!
Not a surprise I guess given it is my fantasy after all, I shared it with you, and you are now simply forcing me to turn my fantasy into reality ….
This is after all what I crave …
Shutting down my computer and grabbing my coat I head to the restaurant for dinner with some business partners … tomorrow will be another day … and more importantly a day closer to completing my task.
Friday morning …
I’m at work very early as I have a “weekends worth” of work to get finished. My weekend plans have changed a bunch since getting your email. All for the good of course and I’m still very excited.
And although I’m making good headway I also find myself struggling to remain focused.
I began reflecting a bit on my situation …
… sitting in my office, turning to the left and looking through the floor to ceiling glass wall that forms one side of the office I see my staff. Turning to my right and out the window I enjoy a lake view that is coveted by the select few that have offices in the executive wing. I sit behind a large mahogany desk in my high-back leather executive chair and am equipped with the finest of all office electronics and any other implementation I could ever need. I have a full time assistant that caters to my every whim, even down to ensuring my newspaper is always on my desk and open to the proper page before I arrive.
I have significant power and authority within the organization. I am the go to person, the person that always gets the last word, the person that no one in their right mind would ever challenge. The person that is never told what or how to do anything, and if you ever tried a bloodbath would certainly ensure, and I would without question be the last man standing. When I say jump, theonly question is … how high sir?
I reflect on this for one obvious reason …
…tomorrow a young lady in her mid 20’s will tell me to do things that I can’t even make myself do. And I know that I will not only do what she tells me, when she tells me, and how she tells me, I also know I would beg her to allow me to do so.
How can one person be both these people, the power hungry executive and at the same time an eager little submissive to a woman my daughters age?
The answer of course is simple …
… you are allowing me to be who I am … and I am both of these people. I receive thrill and satisfaction from both. The difference being that the powerful executive is admitted by others, put on a pedestal for others to worship.
How can I possibly step off that pedestal and into this world you are about to ask me to enter … … how can I possibly share the completely humiliating acts you will most certain require me to perform with my EP friends. Toshare not only the acts but also how they made me feel.
I guess I’ll find out soon enough. I have few options really. If I refuse you will no longer be my Mistress. That’s been the rule since day one, and I have come to need you more than I ever thought I would.
You are an important part of my life and I have come to care deeply for you. I’m sure we would still be great friends if I failed, but I need more than that from my Mistress. I need you to control me.
Putting the finishing touches on my budgets I pass them to Kathy to clean-up for next week’s meetings. Grabbing my coat and wishing everyone a great weekend I head for the car and the closest bar, I need a drink in a bad way.
I’m now less than 18 hours from starting my assignment …
… I expect it could be a long night.
Saturday 10:49am …
I pull into the parking lot at Millsaw Center shopping plaza and drive slowly past the front of the Adam & Eve store trying to see who might be working. At the same time I’m checking cars in the parking lot to see if I recognize any of them. The shopping center has several stores in addition to Adam & Eve including a Mexican food mart, a furniture rental place and a health food store.
The Adam & Eve store has large windows so it is easy to see inside, however the counter where the sale associate would most likely be standing is hidden from view. I drive through several More times before pulling into a space out front.
My hands are starting to sweat as I read your email for the 100th time. The paper shaking so much I can barely make out the words.
I need to calm down. I can’t hand this to the sales girl and be shaking like a fucking leaf.
Just as I’m about to get out of the car a middle age couple walks into the store. She’s a shorter lady, sort of heavy set and he’s big burly guy wearing a Carhart jacket, looks like a small mountain actually.
Shit, how can I walk in now, what if the sales associate laughs, what if she shows them the email?
FUCK, FUCK, FUCK … what the hell do I do!!!
I’m clearly panicking now … I can so totally tell … there’s no movement in the pants … if anything the big guy is retreating up into my balls.
Ok, 10 deep breaths, calm down ****, you’ll be ok I tell myself…and again.
Regaining my composer I pull up your picture on my phone, the one I took of you sitting outside the Key**** Bistro. You’re amazingly beautiful and so confident, you give me strength. I will not fail you!
Fuck whoever is in there, I don’t give a dam!!! I walk through the door with a renewed commitment and confidence.
I scan the store quickly and notice only the couple I saw earlier and the sales associate. She’s in her early 20’s with a slight Asian look, maybe 5′ 2′ with long black hair, super nice smile and very thin. She is quite attractive and I would most certainly fuck her given the chance.
She welcomed me and asked if she could helpme find anything. That would be wonderful I said and told her I had a list of things I needed to pick up. Unfolding the email and setting it on the counter in front of her, she immediately picks it up and starting scanning for the items. I could tell she was not reading from the beginning just scanning for the “list”.
She starts reading the items and descriptions you had provided out loud. Finishing, her eyes bounced back to the top and I could tell she reads the subject line. My guess is she got to the bottom and noticed your Mistress signature and that peaked her curiosity.
“Feel free to look around a bit as I look these items up on the computer”, she said.
I’m thinking shit! She’s keeping the email and will most certainly read every word. I could feel my cock stirring in my pants. It was a rush for sure!
The store was divided into sections with lots sexy play clothes. Not really what I would call lingerie, it was more like “fun and games” clothes. Like a stripper might wear or the horny house wife doing a pole dance for her hubby in the bedroom. There were also several displays of full nylon body suits, like pantyhose except that covered the entire body minus the head. Someone with a pantyhose fetish would go nuts over this stuff!
Most of the clothes were for women however there was some guy stuff, mostly funny boxes, and man struggles.
Glancing back at the sales associate, she was busy reading the email and then jumping back to the computer. A few minutes later getting up and heading my way.
******* she said, referring to me by name. SHIT!!! …. I forgot to delete my name!! At least it was just my first name! My heart starts racing …
Let’s start with the videos she said, I’m not sure we have anything that’s true 70’s but it sounds like she’s looking for something more naturally vs. staged. Do you think that’s right? she asked.
Yes, that sounds right I say. Something less poisoned. I totally get it she says, some of this stuff (pointing to the wall of videos) is so predictable, you know exactly what’s gonna happen. I like some mystery myself or it gets so boring.
I’m thinking, I cannot fucking believe I’m talking to this young women about our porn preferences. It was so fucking HOT! We could have just as easily been talking about our favorite meals. It was so natural, like nothing big. Totally crazy!
Picking the movie she checks the list again and we move to the cock ring section. It was like I had a sex shop personal shopper. Her name tag read Romance Consultant. How cool is that.
She explains all the different styles as she referers back to the list. Your friend (referring to you) is asking for the Rings of Fire, and although we don’t have that, we do have these which are similar. Going on to explaining how they fit on the cock and what their designed to do. Again, I am in fucking shocked at how natural this conversation was with her. She told me that she understands … that when I do finally cum (yes she said cum) it will be super strong!!!
FUCK!! I cannot believe she just said that … I’m starting to feel like we’re have verbal sex
Moving onto the “waterproof delight” vibrator …
…this is where things get completely out of control. She takes me to the butt plug section and starts reading the sizes off the package. I know you need something that is at least 5.5 inches she says. I ask if these vibrate. No she says, going back to the list and rereading.
Having a confused look on her face, she takes me to another section. I can see immediately we are in the wrong section again. Mmmm how do I tell her, mind racing again…
I find us looking at g-spot vibrators. I didn’t even know they made such a thing! It’s like a small egg vibrator on the end of a stick that a woman would stick up their pussy providing more complete stimulation of the clip I guess. Not sure actually and could not bring myself to ask.
It’s clear I need to help her at this point … as she confused.
What about regular pussy vibrators I say … yes, I did go there and call them a pussy vibrator.
Oh, we have lots of those she says…I thought you wanted something anal. I realize I’m going to need to share more as she’s not connecting the dots yet. I do want something that can be used anally, but it also needs to vibrate I say. Got it she says, and starts showing me these cock shaped vibrators.
She goes on to say, I don’t have much experience with anal toys personally, but I’m told this one is great. Do you think she’d like this one? Mind racing again… do I take the easy way out, or come clean.
I’m thinking about Mistress and my task, come clean, it’s the only option.
Well I say, it’s Actually for me, you wish to take me anally I tell her …
… finally the light bulb goes off in her head, she finally gets it!! Ah she says, sorry I assumed it was for your Mistress (yes she said Mistress) now I totallly know she had read the email in detail.
Totally HOT, I’m thinking …
Ok she says, so we need something flexible that’s at least 5.5 inches in length right? Yes I say.
After showing me several options and what she likes about each, I pick one that seems to fit the need best. It’s a bit larger at 6.5 inches but I’m guessing Mistress will be ok with that!
She however has a somewhat concerned look on her face. She asks me how big I have taken in the past. I told her that actually this would be my first time … that I was a virgin.
She told me that the one I picked might be a big large for a beginner. I’m concerned of course, but nothing else seemed to be better. I tell her that it will be fine.
Ok, no problem she says, just go slow and use plenty of lube. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK … I am so embarrassed we are talking about this I think …
All my toys selected we had back to the counter, I pay and thank her so much for all her help and then had forthe car.
It was a totally crazy experience actually. Not nearly as bad as I thought it might be, so natural in many ways …
Getting back into the car, firing up the iPad and send you an email describing what I have purchased for your pleasure …
I’m hoping you will be proud of me …
I head home and wait for my further instructions…what will you make me do with my new toys, who will I tell…..
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