The paintball group I belong too really take the game seriously. Every weekend fourteen guys and myself get our fatigues on and hike up into the mountains to “play army”, as my girlfriend would say. It is a lot of fun and all of the guys seem to really enjoy the time away from their girlfriends and wives, just some time to themselves. There is nothing like shooting someone (although in jest) to work out all of the unhealthy aggression that builds up in the week.
My girlfriend however did not share my enthusiasm for the game, and I came to understand that the other wives and girls feel the same.
Every weekend when I would get ready to go, Sarah, (that’s my girlfriend’s name) would whine and cry and tell me that if I really loved her I would stay home this weekend with her.
The weekly battle was really was beginning to be a drag and from my conversations with the other guys they were experiencing the same nagging from their mates as I was from mine. All of theguys however made a pact to hang tight and ride it out. If any guy missed a single weekend, he was taunted mercilessly and called “pussy whip boy” and all of you guys out there reading this story will be able to sympathize with me when I say there is very little in this world worse than being shown up in front of your male friends by your wife or girlfriend.
This being the case all of the guys, including I, became very stubborn about our weekends and stuck together as a solid front. This would have continued indefinitely until the women began to withhold sex! That was extremely dirty pool and two weeks later the guys agreed that a compromise had to be made.
Sam, the unofficial leader of our club suggested that we have a co-ed weekend, with the girls against the guys. His logic was that if they joined in, the experience should satisfy their curiosity about what goes on up in the mountains as well as probably make them never want to come with us again. It also would have the side benefit of answering the age-old question “Why don’t you take me anywhere anymore?” All of the guys seemed to be in agreement, and surprisingly enough when everyone asked their mates, they surprisedly all seemed to be excited by the prospect.
The caravan started out for the mountains on Friday afternoon about 5:30 and It took about an hour and a half to reach the base of the mountain where we played. After Everyone got out of the cars, Sam announced the rules.
1. The teams would be guys versus the gals. Both teams would go off and set up camp tonight and the game would start for real in the morning. 2. If the one team captured another teams flag, the capturing team would be declared the winner. 3. If you are shot by a paintball, you have to take yourself out of the action for one hour. 4. No shooting at the face or crotch, anyone who has played paintball knows that despite it being a harmless game, getting shot still hurts.
Just as everyone was preparing to go off and set up camp, Frank, one of my hornier and jokester teammates made a suggestion for a new rule. “Since this is a co-ed game, do you think we should make a special co-ed rule?” he asked.
Not knowing where he was headed everyone just shrugged their shoulders and looked quizzically at each other. “My suggestion is that the losing team provides a victory orgy for the winning team!”
All of the guys began to hot and yell their agreement. Cassandra, who was acting as the leader of the girls’ team, spoke up, “Oh, so I suppose if you guys win, you want us to give you a victory orgy. What if we win?”
“We will give you a victory orgy!” I answered.
All of the guys were laughing now but as I looked over at Sarah, I could see here seeing with rage. She knew that I had always had sort of a thing for Cassandra and that the thought of a orgy with her would definitely be ok with me.
Cassandra was beautiful. She stood about 5’10” and had the most perfect set of 38dd bReasts I had ever seen. She had long black hair the hung down 3/4ths the way of her back and a perfectly round ass you could eat a plate of baked beans off of. Just thinking about burying my face between her tights was getting me aroused and only the heat from the hateful star from my girlfriend snapped me back to reality.
“I think that is a raw deal if you ask Me.” answered Cassandra. “Why should we be rewarded with something that we could receive anytime we wished. I am sure if we said we want to have an orgy right now all of you guys would agree on the spot! No, if we are going to play for those kind of stakes you guys will have to agree to do something we want and that you wouldn’t want to do naturally.” she continued.
“I have an idea!” Kathy interrupted. Kathy is a babe as well, somewhat shorter than Cassandra but with a hot, hot ass that everaled Cassandra’s and beautiful shoulder length red hair whose fiery red color matched the heat off of her delicious buns.
“If we win” she continued, “They have to agree to spend the next four weekends at home cleaning the house!”
“Yeah!” all of the girls yelled. “And to make it interesting, they’ll have to do it COMPLETELY NAKED!!” The girls went crazy at that suggestion.
“Ok, that’s the deal” Cassandra said, “If you win you get your orgy, if we win it’s a month of weekend naked servitude. Do you agree?”
“Well guys, what do you think?” Sam asked. After a few minutes of discussing it over amongst ourselves, we all realized that despite not wanting to do nude house cleaning for a month, the orgy prospect was too compelling. Besides, our reasoning went, we have been playing this game for years, surely we could beat a bunch of girls, right? We agreed. After a few last minute hugs and kisses from the girls, both teams went their separate ways to set up camp.
About five o’clock the next morning I was roused from my sleeping bag by Sam. He instructed everyone to meet in the center of campand from there, he would direct our strategy for the day’s battle.
The main problem, as is always the problem with this game, is finding the enemy’s camp. Once the camp is found, the game is usually pretty much over. We divided into 7 teams, 2 guys would make up each team with 6 teams going out “hunting” and one team staying back and guarding the camp. Our campsite was pretty well hidden and unless you were right up on it, it blended in perfectly with the background. I teamed up the Carl and we headed northwest in search of the girl’s camp.
After about an hour into our search my moron partner Carl, realized he left all of his ammo back at the camp. He told me to wait here for him while he went back for it. “This was just great!” I sarcastically thought. “I get to sit out in the woods and not be able to continue my search because Carl is such an idiot as to forget the most important piece of equipment.”
Not having much choice in this situation, I decided to just sit down and watch the river for a while I waited for him to get back. About fifteen minutes later I heard some rustling along the main path and ducked into the bushes to hide.
“Ooooh what luck!” I thought when I saw Cassandra and Kathy walking down the path and as I raised my paint-gun up to my eyes to take an easy shot, I hesitated.
“Cassandra, I am tired, dirty and hot! This whole weekend is beyond stupid and that bet is idiotic. I just want to get this filter off of my body right now!” Kathy said. “Come on Cas, no one’s around, let’s take a quick bath, ok? Who will now?”
As I listened intently to their conversation, I lowered my gun. Thinking to myself “This could prove quite interesting”.
“Ok” Cassandra replied. “I don’t think the guys are around and I agree, I am pretty ripe myself. The dip will do us both good.”
Slowly they put down their weapons and began to strip off and the sight of those girls in their lace panties and sweat-covered now bare breasts gave me a woody that you could drive nails with. After nervously looking around, stretched their sexy toes into the water and I was transfixed!
Now both almost naked they jumped into the river and I almost shot my wad at the sight.
Those breasts bouncing up and down as they splashed in the water were as hypnotic the outline of those neighborly trimmed pussies showing through the clinging wet panties. I was in heaven and completely focused like a laser on the erotic vision in the river. As I crawled a little closer through the bushes when I heard the snap of a twig behind me.
“Enjoying the show asshole!” the voice said.
As I rapidly spun around and spied three of the other girls all with their paint-guns trained on me I temporarily froze. I tried to lunge for my weapon but one of the girls kicked it out of the way in time. “You two can come out of the water now! We got him!” the first girl yelled. “Get on your feet soldier boy!” she taunted me and given my situation Ihad no choice but obey. Without my weapon, I was helpless and they knew it. Adding to the seriousness of the situation, I certainly did not want to get shot at this close of range, even though its only paintball, those balls really do hurt. I especially was encouraged to obey when I realized they were all pointing their guns right at my crotch despite the rule against it!
After Cassandra got dressed, she strode up to me defiantly and just shook her head. “You men are so predictable! A little T&A and you let your guard down entirely. I thought this was going to be more challenging.”
They instructed me to put my hands behind my back, which they then tied with rope and after they blindfolded me they started pushing me down the pathway. After fifteen minutes or so they unblindfolded me and I discovered I was standing in the middle of their camp. Looking at their setup I was impressed! To be newcomers to paintball they had this place well laid out, properly camouflaged, fresh water neary; all of the things you look for in a camp.
“Sarah!” Cassandra yelled “You have a visitor!”.
Sarah came out of her tent and when we locked eyes she just glowered at me. Boy was she mad and I knew there would be extreme hell to pay now. “I-I-I” I stuttered.
“Shut up!” screamed Sarah. “It figures you would be the one that fell for the old T&A scam!”
“It’s your call Sarah?” Cassandra asked. “He is your man so you decide what we should do with him.”
The other girls in the camp were beginning to giggle and I was starting to get very nervous. Sarah has always had a short temperature and very jealous nature so I knew I was in real trouble.
“Well,” Sarah began “Since this is war I think we ought to see what kind of information we can prod out of him. If I had my way, we would use bamboo shoots under the nails but I have an idea that my achieve the same results without all of the violence.” I began to break out in a sweat as I looked at that mischievousgrin on her face.
Sarah knew that I was extremely ticklish and I always hate it when she sneaks up on me and grabs me from behind and assaults my ribs, usually causing me to drop to the floor completely helpless to her fingers.
One time I agreed to go to her mother’s for the weekend after she and I were had a “bondage” night and she ticked me non-stop for three hours. To get her to stop I would have agreed to just about anything.
“Yes” she said looking straight at me “I think we will be able to get all of the information we could ever want out of him.”
Sarah walked over to Cassandra and whispered something in her ear and before I knew what was happening four girls had me down on the ground and were grabbing at my belt and shoes.
Although I was getting incredibly aroused by wrestling with four attractive girls trying to strip me, I struggled hard to prevent them from striping me. I know that if they got me naked and staked out I was a goner. Although my desperate kicking and thrashing they easily managed to pull off my boots and socks, thus exposing my bare soles to their tickling assaults. Essentially the struggle ended there.
Two girls held my feet and ticked furiously while four other girls proceeded to remove my pants and shirt. It was very hard to fight off six women when I was laughing so hard and after a few minutes later I found myself staked spread-eagle to the ground clad only in my briefs.
All of this contact and wrestling with the gorgeous women caused me to sprout a huge erection that was impossible to hide and the tent in my shorts telegraphed my obvious arousal to my laughing torques. I was so embarrassed that I could not look at any of them in the face and when I started to twitch under the thin fabric of my briefs it only got worse.
“D you want to do the honors Sarah?” Cassandra asked.
“Certainly!” she answered and bent down right next to me.
“Please don’t” I pleaded, but she said notHing. Sarah then produced a pair of scissors and “snip, snip” I was now completely naked, bound and throbbing.
“Hmmmm Sarah, quite a piece of equipment your squeeze has there.” One of the girls remarked. It was strange, but instead of Sarah being jealous or angry she seemed to be proud of showing me off to the other girls, like I was some sort of object or pet. As they all stood around and discussed my manhood my face burned with shame.
“Now bring me a feather.” Sarah instructed the girls. I continued to plead with her a few more whiles that were fruitless, and finally the shreds of my underwear were shoved in my mouth and taped shut.
“That ought to keep you quiet!” she said angrily. One of the girls brought out a long eagle feather they kept as a good lucky charm and my eyes widened at the sight of it!
Sarah then began to stroke my underarms lightly, scanning my body for any reaction. I began to jerk away reflexively, but I was staked out good and could not movean inch. The torture was horrific.
I tried to maintain my composition as best I could at first, but two minutes into this session and I was screaming into my gag, jerking, and twisting wildly in a desperate struggle to escape my feather tease.
Sarah ticked me nonstop for about 30 minutes under my arms, on the soles of my feet, and on my stomach. Finally she stopped and removed the gag from my mouth.
“Ready to talk?” she asked. Amazingly, I shook my head no. I couldn’t let the guys down, plus being naked and cleaning the house for a month’s full of weekends was too horrible a punishment to bear.
“I am not making headway here” she announced “Who wants to take over for me?”
When Cassandra raised her hand my cock stiffened even harder. “I too like to ticke Frank so let me show you the one sure fire place to attack that will cause him to crack in no time.”
After she made that announcement she brought the very edge of the feather to the underside of the head of my penis and slowly twirl it around my glans.
The sensings surging through my body were beyond description and it was as if an electric bolt was sent through balls! Never had I laughed so hard before in my life nor been harder either. As she slowly flicked the tip of the feather back and forth, the tiny tendrils caused me to very nearly faint with hysterics and I broke.
“I’LL TALK!! I’LL TALK!!” I screamed as I knew I could take no more. I thought of lying, but when Cassandra announced that until they had the flag I would be ticked every 15 minutes I realized that plan would not work. Staying naked, bound and now ticked constantly gave me every incentive to tell them everything I knew even though I knew exactly what the consequences would be. With my face burning in shade, I instructed them exactly where the guy’s camp was and how to get there.
For the next few hours, just as she promised, I was ticked almost to passing out by that infernal feather. Apartfrom the torment of the tickling, the aching in my balls from so much stimulation had me throbbing. Finally the girls showed up with the flag, and my friends Ron and David, also naked and bound, being pulled behind them by ropes around their necks. They were just as stupid as I was and fell for the same T&A ploy.
“WE WIN!” the girls all yelled and Sarah squatted down and quickly untied me in triumph.
Her eyes narrowed and sparkled in malicious glee when she whispered in my ear how much she was looking forward to seeing my naked ass scrubbing the kitchen floor for the next month.
As we all prepared to pack up and go home the guys were obviously angry with me. “You are such a dumb shit!” Sam told me. “Its your fault that we not only missed out on the orgy but now have to submit to this humiliation!”
I was so ashamed and even though I tried to explain the situation some of the guys would not even talk to me.
All through the next week I hoped Sarah would have forgotten about the bet. Thursday I told her that I thought we should go see her mother this weekend since it had been such a long time since we had been since our last visit.
“Talk about desperate!” She laughed as she saw right through my little scheme and added that having a weekend naked slave show definitely trumped any visit to her Mom’s house.
When I arrived home on Friday night she greeted me at the door. “STRIP RIGHT NOW!” she ordered. Reluctantly I removed my clothes and sheepishly handed them to her.
“You will be able to get dressed Monday morning when you go to work, but for duration you will remain nude as the day you were born.” Pointing at the kitchen, she grinned. “Now get in there and fix me dinner!”
Frying steaks in the nude is a dangerous proposition I had never considered until I had to actually do it. Those little splatters of hot grease keep hitting me in my more sensitive areas, causing me to jump back constantly and almost ruining her dinner.
After I finished cooking, she instructed to rub her feet while she watched TV and ate her dinner. Hungry, I asked when I could eat, and she just smiled. It was obvious she was really enjoying my torque.
As I worked on her soles, I grew quite hard as she would ‘accidentally’ brush her nylon covered toes against my balls every once and a while and snickered as she drug them up my desperate shof.
This was surprisingly erotic for me and I was harder than I had ever been in my life. Growing harder by the second, I thought perhaps I could turn this weekend into something more pleasant than nude housework and began to kiss the back of her knee.
This usually gets her motor started but tonight was very different than other nights.
“Oh no you don’t!” she excerpted. “You have got far too much work to do! Now get out into the garage and start cleaning up that perpetual mess around that damn car of yours. If you do a good job, maybe, and I mean just maybe, I willlet you enjoy yourself a little this week, but not now.”
With the tone in her voice and the look on her face I realized now that she was enjoying her dominant role and complete power over me, and I was surprised to discover how much it was arousing me.
Occasionally she would wander out there into the garage and stroke my balls from behind as I was bending over. If I made any move to take her, she would just walk Away, so we were definitely on her schedule not mine.
As the hours ticked by I was really horny now but also exhausted. As I walked into our bedroom, she giggled as she pointed to the floor and informed me that I was to sleep down there “as a good slave should”.
Saturday morning dawned and she worked me like a dog. This was not just housecleaning but a real work-over. I scrubbed the floors, cleaned out the attic, washed the walls and finally fixed the loose railing on the stairs she had been bitching about for years. When she told me to go upstairs and get into the shower, and added that she would be upstairs shortly to wash me my hopes, like my dick, rose.
“All right!” I thought. “Finally some sexual relief.” I had been horned up constantly since Friday night and the thought of a little shower play excited me even further. I waited in the shower for her to come up, enjoying the warm sudsy water as it caresed my aching muscles. Five or ten minutes later she finally arrived and gave me a strip show as I watched and panted through the glass doors of the shower.
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