She watched the store from across the street. Not very many customers; most looked seedy, even creepy. She waited until she was sure the store was empty, then, after a good look around to be sure no one else was watching, quickly crossed the street and went inside.
The smell hit her first; a mixture of disinfectant, sweat, and … well, who knows. She wrinkled her nose in disgust. Never mind that; she started to look around. More or less what she expected from an adult bookstore, actually.
Lots of movies and magazines, a few paperbacks. Nothing that really interested her, though. Oh, maybe a couple of the magazines; she glanced at them, then quickly put them back. Not today, thank you.
She moved to the back, where the boots and, ah, marital aids were kept. The boots; no thank you. The movies looked boring, and who knows who had been sitting there before her. She could just imagine that; yuck.
The toys, though; that was interesting. Lots of whips, paddles, and clamps; she wasn’t into pain. The other toys; restraints, vibrators, dildos. She marveled at them; shapes of cacti, spiny echinoderms, corkscrews. One was fully three inches in diameter and twelve inches long; what Amazon could take that?
Her eyes settled on a pair of handcuffs, steel, lined with pink fur. A male voice beside her. “Something I can help you with?”
The clerk; male Caucasian, mid thirties, cropped hair, medium build, jeans, short sleeped shirt open at the collar, loafers. Brown hair and eyes; pleasant face. “Not at the moment, thank you.”
“Okay. If you need anything, just call me.” He went back behind the counter. She looked for a moment longer, then picked up the handscuffs and went over to the counter. He looked up at her. “All set?”
“I’d like to try them, please.” She handed them to him. He looked at her, then reached out to put them on her wrists; she put them together behind her back. “Like this, please.”
Clicks as he put them on. Shetested them. “Tighter.” He tightened them a little. “More.” He compiled. She tested them again. “Good. I’ll take them.”
He came around the counter with the keys. “Not yet.” She went back over to the toys; he followed her, a bemused look on his face. “That collar; the furry one, with the lean. Put it on me, please.” He shrugged, then buckled it into place. “Lead me around a bit.” He took the leash; she immediately pulled away.
He easily brought her up short; he was strong, stronger than most of the men she knew. She let him lead her where he pleased, ending in front of the toys.
“That pink satin blindfold.” He slipped it into place, cutting off her sight; she gasped, then tried to pull away, to no avail; he held her in place. He shortened his grip, pulling her closer; she whimpered.
“The … the pink vibrator, the smooth one.. Put it in me, please.” He hesitated. “Please?”
He took it off the shelf. “Come with me.” He led her away.
The storeroom, in back. He unlocked the door; a chair. He undid her slacks and pulled them down to her knees, then slide her panties down as well, exposing her vulva. She was wet already; he turned the vibrator on, then slide it into place as she arched her back and gasped. He pulled her panties and slacks back into place and fastened them.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to complete the ensemble.”
She witnessed with pleasure. “Please do.”
He returned in a couple of minutes; she was still standing there, slowly gyrating her hips. He gently pushed her down on the chair, then locked a cuff around her right ankle, passed the connecting chain through the cuffs on her hands, then locked the other cuff around her left ankle, pulling her feet up under the chair. A soft rubber ball filled her mouth; a wide rubber strap covered it. He buckled it behind her neck, then leaned down and whispered in her ear. “I have to go watch the shop now. Have fun.” He walked out, locking the door behind him.
She squirmed and moaned; the vibrator hummed away. She began to sweat, to pant; her juices stained her panties. She could not get free of the chair; even if she did the door was locked and he had the only key. She tried shouting; a muffled moan resulted. She could not be heard outside the room; all she could do was wait for him to return. More struggle; more moans …
Closing time. He locked the shop door, then went back to the storeroom. After releasing her he collected her items and rang them up while she made herself presentable. “Will there be anything else?”
“Yes; your phone number.”
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