I’d started my new position straight out of medical school and got a job at the state hospital for mental patients. Most patients were poor souls that needed help to cope with everyday life but there were just a few that were troublesome.
I’d been warned about Ward 3, and was told never go in any occupied rooms alone, and that I should always have a helper with me. I was in my early twenties, have Shoulder length russet colored hair, green eyes and a rather slim build. Oh, I’m Rebecca, by the way, but everyone calls me Becca.
The hospital where I work utilizes a rotation of medical staff. This means we’d work in different wards from time to time. I was brought around and showed many of the areas in Wards 1 through 6 and introduced to some of the patients.
Ward 3 was strange. It was empty except for one young guy, named John. He seemed calm and was kind of cute. “Unlike some of the other patients, John is well groomed, and has a nice build. He looks like he could bea lawyer,” I said to myself, privately.
I didn’t give him another thought, though, and went about my duties in the hospital. About a week later, I was assigned to Ward 3 on rotation. This didn’t amount to much really, just checking on John from time to time. The unoccupied cells in this area were used for storage.
I made my checks, which was for me to open a small window in the doors of all these padded cells even when they were empty, and then do the same with John’s cell.
After some time, John noticed me and always said, “Hello. Gee you’re pretty.” I was always nice to him and he behaved himself. The only thing I usually had to do was give him a sleeping pill each night, which was small enough for me to pass though the bars on the door window. I knew what was in them and how fast they could take effect.
I was on a night shift about a month later when I checked on John. He said, “My drinking water box spilled. I need water to take my pill for tonight. I have mycup but no water.”
I knew that our waxed boxes of water were too big to fit through the window bars. I’d hate to call someone to help me for such a simple task, and John always behaved himself. So I instructed him, “John, I need you to stand back against the wall.” Smiling, he obeyed. Therefore, I was able to open the door just enough to slip the little box of water in and then closed the door quickly. “Task complete,” I thought. What I didn’t know was John was able to save his sleeping pills and had a plan that involved me.
Several weeks later, when I was again on the night shift, I checked on John. He was resting in the far corner and again asked, “May I please have a box of water for my pill?” I got one from the refrigerator, a without thinking about it, opened the door and entered. He took the box, poured it’s water into his cup and sloshed it around. “Thank you,” he said, and I turned to leave. He was on me in a second, knocking me down!
Pulling me face up, holding my nose to make me open my mouth, he poured in the water from his cup. Much spilled out and ran down the front of my uniform. I was shocked but he let me go as quickly as he’d grabbed me, and just stood there looking at me. I straightened myself up onto my feet, and scolded, “That was very naughty, John, making a mess like that!”
But suddenly I started to feel a bit light headed and weak. It then struck me, “Oh my god… he slipped me his sleeping pills!” Feeling that they were taking effect quickly, I tried to get to the door. But he grabbed me and as my knees buckled, sat me down on the padded floor. I must have swallowed enough to be compliant but not fully sleep. Since I’d left the door open, he was able to leave the room. I tried to stand but fell down on my face. He came back into the cell probably a few minutes later. I was still woozy, but I realized he was taking my clothes off — all my clothes. I tried to struggle, but I couldn’t fight him.
He sat me up andwas putting something on me. It was some sort of hood that covered my head to my neck, plunging me into darkness! It had a hole for my nose and mouth, so breathing was not a problem. He then added a high collar on me that forced my head into a fixed position. This went over the base of the bottom of the hood, further locking it on me. As I heard a click, I realized it was just a spring clip securing the collar, but I Couldn’t do anything about it with my body and arms currently useless. I started to murmur, “No… no… you can’t…”
That made him pause and add a gag. As he forced it into my mouth, John said, “I don’t want you making too much noise.” Next, he rolled me onto my front and pulled my arms behind me. Very soon I heard a faint ‘zzzz’ sound and felt vibrations near my elbows. The words ‘zip ties’ swam into my consciousness. He put another one at my wrists — neither was so tight that it would cut off my circuit. But now my arms were really immobilized! As that was reggtering, John was sliding my legs wide apart on the floor and moving between them as his knees touched the inside of mine. Since I was helpless I couldn’t even protest as I felt his fingers pulling at my pussy lips, moving them apart. And seconds later he taped them against my thighs with some tape… I had to assume it was medical tape from a supplies cabinet. From the feel of the air on my pussy, my played open pussy lips must’ve been a lewd sight!
Not yet finished doing things to me, John bent each of my legs at the knee, bringing my heels near my butt and, holding me like that, tightened belts around my ankles and upper thighs to make my legs stay as they were. I was getting my wits back now, but found I was really helpless.
He moved close behind me, grabbed my waist and pulled me up to where My head was on the floor and my butt was up in the air. My eyes flew open wide, as I felt the tip of his cock move against my pussy lips several times. Then he stopped teasingme and started to press in. My pussy lips were shoved apart even more as he penetrated me. Since the hood was covering my eyes, no one could see how wide open they were with the surprise of John casually using me like this. I was fully aware of what was happening to me now and making sounds that were muffled by the gag.
I moved around the best I could to try to stop him, but that just got me hard singing slapses on my ass! He pushed in fully, and I admit that I was scared but also that it felt really good. His cock was thick and long, filling me wonderfully. I hate to admit it, but something triggered inside me, and I was enjoying the whole experience. This was opening a brand new form of enjoyment for me. It wasn’t my fault (other than failing to just slip the water box inside the door and shutting it again) so all I could do was taking the ride. He was still moving in me and since I was blinded by the hood, and vulnerable by the restraints he’d applied, it focused all my perception of sensings inward.
He picked up his pace and now my cunt felt like it was on fire. I’d never felt anything like this before! The leather straps creaked as he pulled me onto his penis. Instinctively, I even started to push back, using my head against the padded floor, driving him deeper. He was so deep his balls slapped my pussy, adding to my pleasure. He pounded into me hard and deep. Dimly, the Thought came to me, “It must’ve been a long time since John has had sex.”
My whole body shook with each thrust, so my nipples rubbed against the floor making them hard and sensitive. The hood isolated me from the rest of the world and my whole world became his penis inside me.
I was really enjoying this. It was just sex for fun and I was having fun. His grunts were getting quite loud when I felt him shoot his sperm deep in me, fully aware as he came and came. My pussy clenched and held onto his penis trying to keep it inside longer. I was in heaven and shaking in my little restrained world. He pulled out and I felt his sperm leaking out of me. My pussy felt stretched and empty and yearned to be filled again.
I laid there exhausted and smoking. Several minutes passed as I felt him rope my ankles up to the collar around my neck. This pulled at my neck and I had to raise my head to relieve the strain. I then felt the tape being removed from my pussy lips, and new tape applied over my pussy sealing his sperm in me. Several strips were applied. Somehow, I could tell it was doing its job, forming a barrier to keep his sperm in me.
From the sound of his movements, he left the room momentarily and came back saying, “I’m going to leave you for the next shift to find.” I tried to show my displeasure but he slapped my ass and said, “Good night.” I heard the cell door close and the lock click closed and then my keys jangled as they hit the floor in the hallway.
I was frantic! I fought the zip ties to no avail, but the strain on my neck eased wheren I rolled onto my side. I was helpless and I’d be found and humiliated when someone checked in the morning. Not to mention bearing a pussy full of his sperm. I laid there thinking of all those swimming sperm moving inside me, looking for my egg.
Adding to that mortification, I might get fired and I couldn’t afford to carry this history to another job — someone would find out. I rested there and time crept by. I had no idea of how much time — after all, how much time is an eternity?
Finally I heard people coming into the ward calling my name. Keys jangled again, the door opened and hands were cutting the zip ties and removing the gag, hood, rope and belts, releasing me. Someone pulled the strips of tape off of my sealed pussy. Immediately, John’s semen started plopping out. Everyone could smell that obvious scent. Several nurses helped me to clean up and dress.
I was surprised that no one seemed horrified finding me like that. In fact, one or two nurses cleaned things up and put things away, like it never happened.
The Head Nurse, whose name was Molly, wanted a private meeting with me. As we sat in her office, she asked, “How was it? We found John sitting in the TV room and immediately knew what had happened.”
I was shocked, and blurted out, “You mean, he’s done this before?”
She smiled tolerantly. “Yes, let’s just say it’s a perk of the night shift. But I must admit that the sleeping pills were a new twist. He likes to plan and scheme.” She led me back to the hallway where his cell was located. One nurse was leading a very docile John back into his cell and locked the door. The Head Nurse spoke to John through the door’s window, telling him, “You’ll get a special treatment later for being so helpful, John.”
It turned out this was something that happened often and to many of the nurses. Midnight shift in Ward 3 was very popular when John had a need. Even with me.
After several more months, Head Nurse Molly told me, “Becca, I’m assigning you to the night shift of Ward 9.” I was a little surprised, since I’d never seen it before on any of my rotations. When the other nurses learned about my new assignment, they asked me how I managed to get that. I was confused and could only shrug, since who could understand the motivations of the Head Nurse. I wondered why they were so surprised, but soon found out that it was absolutely the best shift to be on, and nurses ‘in the knowledge’ were just envious.
Ward 9 was another mental ward for nonviolent patients, who were housed in a newly renovated, modernized section. In time, I learned the day shift did all the work of cleaning, feeding and giving medicine and the night shift was easy. The patients were all very docile, which was a little surprise, since in most mental wards patients act up all the time.
One day Molly felt I was ready to see the part of Ward 9 that was still left over from the early days. That section had not been renovated when the grant for rebuilding had run out. She took me through a dark hallway to a locked door and we entered a very old wing of the hospital.
She said. “Never come here by yourself, Becca. No one comes here anymore.” It was strange that she said that because I noticed things were dust free and neatly kept. I was amazed, because during our brief tour everything looked like the prior personnel and inhabitants had just left everything in place. Apparently, they just walked out leaving things as they were.
Over time, I started to pick up on rumors about the Head Nurse. I was a little intrigued about her because she was a very tall and attractive blue-eyed blond, with a lovely figure and toned body. Rumors said that she and another nurse would disappear for long periods of time. They would just look at each other, smile and walk away.
After some time had passed, I started to notice Molly was paying more attention to me, which was flattering. In return, my interest in her increased.
One night all seemed very quiet. I bumped into Molly, so, being curious, I asked her, “That old section of the building that is locked off from Ward 9… if it’s unused and securely locked, why does it look so clean, and why are all those items still located all over the place?”
Molly replied, “In the past, the techniques they used on patients were really more to control them than to cure them.”
I thought about that and stated, “I think I understand what you’re saying, and it sounds quite interesting. Do you have time to show me that locked area again?”
Molly’s eyes lifted in surprise. She reiterated, “The methods used were cruel and not really helpful, Becca.”
I responded, “Oh, there were ‘bound’ to be some that were helpful, don’t you think?” I’d deliberately emphasized the word ‘bound’ as a hint, remembering how I’d felt when John had taken advantage of me. I still fantasized about that interaction.
There seemed to be a twinkle in Molly’s eyesNow as she said, “I guess I could show you, and you can make up your own mind.” She picked up her hand radio and headed down the hall towards the locked door. I followed and we reached the locked door in that dimly lit hallway.
She entered and this time she took her time showing me the padded cells and the treatment rooms. The treatment rooms looked as if they were just used yesterday — everything was still clean and sparkling.
She opened various storage cabinets in one of the treatment room to show me some of the things that were used on patients in those days gone by. She pulled out a very rare item that time seemed to have forgotten — a canvas straight jacket with a detachable full hood. It was sealed in a plastic bag, so she tore it open, and shook it out, with all the straws and buckles making faith tinkling sounds.
I reached out and touched it, feeling the stiff canvas and the chrome buckles. To me it looked attractive and compelling. Molly said, “If you wantthe full effect, you should remove your uniform.” I peeled off my uniform and everything else, including my shoes. Then she held it open for me. Almost as if I was in a daze, I raised my arms and slipped them into the sleeves. I felt the rough canvas against my skin.
She moved behind me and pulled the hood over my head it was then I realized there was a large gag that filled my mouth. She buckled the neck strap and all the straps down my body tightening the belts behind my back as she went. She tugged the straps tight. My arms were pulled across my chest and slide thru loops on the side of the jacket and buckled behind me, there was an additional strap on the front of the jacket that passed over my crossed arms and that was pulled tight. That cross strap was further pulled tight across my back with her knee braced there to get better leverage.
The crotch straps were passed through my legs from front to back and she pulled them tight, which sent a thrill through me that I still remember to this day. The two straps pulled my pussy lips open, and I felt exposed, but my excitement was building as I became so helpless and vulnerable.
The straps on the back of the hood were next and she pulled them until it clung tightly against my head. I was gagged but I could still see. However, she showed me that the hood had a detachable blindfold, but it was hanging from one side of the hood. “We’ll just leave that for now,” she stated. “You never know when we might need it. Now don’t move — I need to get something.”
Moments later. I feel her hands on my ankles, wrapping something wide around each. Then something was connected between them that restricted me to taking only short steps. I realized she was making me even more helpless and that thought excited me to the point that I was getting wet and my pussy was drooling.
Apparently satisfied with her work, Molly grabbed my arm and pulled me hobbling along the hallway and pushed me into a padded cell,whereupon she closed the door with a bang.
I tested my restraints by twisting and bending. I even rolled around but it was no use — nothing loosened or yielded. I heard a chuckle and looked around and saw her looking through the little slide window on the door.
“I could watch that all day,” she laughed.
She closed the window and as I heard her footsteps reception, I knew she’d left me like that.
I rolled onto my side on the floor and wondered what was going to happen. I guess I did off and women with a start when I heard a noise. I opened my eyes but the room was now in blackness. Either the lights were off or someone had attached the blindfold on the hood — I could not tell which. Someone, from what happened I guessed at least 2 people, rushed close to me and grabbed me. Something was tucked under the front of the neck strap on the hood and passed between my breasts and between my legs. Someone else was forcing me to my knees and tucking them under my hips. Therope or stick that was passed beneath me was attached to the short stick that restricted my ankle movements. I found myself with my canvas covered breasts pressed against the floor and my exposed butt very prominently displayed and vulnerable.
I could determine that there were movements in the room but I still had no idea who it was. Soon I realized it was definitely more than two people. I blushed inside the hood, Feeling the heat of my cheeks from their reddening, very mortified that several people might be viewing my pussy with its played apart lips. But in the next moments I became aware that even more was on display. I felt a paste of some kind being smeared on my pussy and also around and even shoved into my asshole by eager fingers! The paste was cold and next I felt something at my pussy smearing it all around. Then a tip pushed just a bit into me, at which point I could tell it was a dildo.
It was one of those latex ones that moved and bent. It was big and it felt really good. I made a mental note that I needed to get one of these for my personal use. It plowed my opening and felt almost like something sensitively alive inside me. It had bumps and ridges and even a set of balls that soon slapped my naked skin as it’s shake fully fit inside my pussy. Now the person grabbed the crotch straps of the jacket and pounded that dildo into me with powerful thrusts!
During this time, it dawned on me that the hand of the person that rubbed me had long finger nails, so I suspected it was the Head Nurse Molly. I must admit it was really good — it filled my need for sex and my submissive needs at the same time. I was enjoying myself completely when suddenly I felt something shot into me and it felt like sperm. The surprise made me panic and squirm. A voice that I recognized said, “Calm down. It’s not sperm — just some warm water. It’s a special dildo that can shoot to improve the experience.” The dildo was then pulled out of my pussy, but pressed into my butt hole, aided by that earlier paste. I groaned into the gag as the dildo filled my rectum.
But my groan turned into a wonderful moan as she fastened her mouth on my pussy, shoving her tongue deep inside it. Her tongue moved, curled, and flicked here and there, exploring me and tasting me. Her fingertip teased the area around my clip. I began wheezing and grunting as the stimulation built and built. Her teasing finger seemed to be demanding that I cum. I had to obey. With a shuddering body, I climaxed against her mouth and fed her my cum. Playing a little with the dildo in my butt, she made sure she’d gotten what she could out of my rippling pussy. With that, she moved away, leaving the dildo in my ass.
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