Sasha The Babysitter Ch. 02

It was three weeks later when Laura telephoned Sasha to tell her that while she had been booked to babysit Jack for a week, it turned out that he now had to go away on business. He got the message thirty minutes ago and had already left. Her own business trip had been cancelled as well. Unfortunately, it means that her services would not be needed.

Sasha had been giving a lot of thought Not just to spanking Jack, but to being spanked by Laura. It would quite overtake her feelings at times, and she had fingered herself to some huge orgasms picturing herself being spanked by Laura.

This all led Sasha to want to be spanked by Laura.

Laura then said to Sasha, “I am really frustrated by the fact that Jack has gone away on business. It’s causing me so much stress.”

Sasha saw that as an opportunity to say to Laura, “I understand, Laura. I know that you spank Jack to relieve your stress as much as it is meant to punish him. Your stress is released as you spank him. Isn’t that right, Laura?”

Laura laughed as she replied, “Too right, Sasha. I am stressed right now and just wish I just had someone to put across my lap and give a really hard thrashing to.”

Sasha swallowed hard as she forced herself to say, “I tell you what, Laura. I know I normally babysit Jack, but another service I could give is to help you relieve your stress by you giving me a thrashing. I could come over now if you’d like that?”

Laura smiled to herself as that was exactly what she was leading to. Over the past few conversations, she had had with Sasha, she was getting the feeling that the teenager wanted to know what it was like to be given a serious spanking. She knew that she wasn’t actually feeling stressed herself but thought she would use that to see whether Sasha rose to the bait. Well, she did. Therefore, she replied, “I would be ever so grateful, Sasha. It will probably be a really hard thrashing I give you, but I’ll still give you a week’s payment for babysitting.”

Sasha quickly responded, “I won’t need that, Laura. Honestly.” After all, she wanted to experience being thrashed, so she could hardly charge for it.

Laura decided it was best to let that go and said, “Okay, Sasha, I appreciate that. If you’re okay, then, why don’t you come over now.”

Sasha took another deep breath and licked her lips and replied, “I’m on my way, Miss Laura.” She had imagined herself addressing Laura more respectfully and had to admit to enjoying saying it. Laura was thirty-six so double her age and could just about be her mum, which made the thought of being spanked by her even more exciting.

Laura smiled to herself knowing that she enjoyed thrashing Jack and was certain that she would enjoy thrashing Sasha. She just hoped that Sasha was up for it, maybe even as much as Jack was.

Laura knew that Jack was an alpha male at the office but enjoyed being submissive at home. He hadn’t been too keen on Sasha spanking him originally,but once it happened, he had admitted that it was right to happen and was a very good substitute for Laura thrashing him when she was on a business trip.

Laura also knew that there were plenty of people out there who were both alpha and submissive at different times, just as Jack was, and she really did wonder whether Sasha was going to be the same. She knew that when it came to dealing with Jack, Sasha had always been authoritative, maybe just like being the alpha female at work. Today, though, she will be the submissive female, at home, and Laura was looking forward to seeing the difference.

Sasha arrived at the house about fifteen minutes later, dressed in a tight low-cut vest top, and a very short skirt so with bare arms and bare legs, fit for summer, but also could be quickly removed by her.

Laura was still in a sleepless mini-dress and bare legs, and Sasha wondered if that was deliberately so as Laura was worried that she might leak her cum on her thighs. ThatDid make her smile.

Laura pointed to the dining area and said, “Go through, Sasha. I am even more stressed than when we spoke on the phone, so I do need to give you a really hard thrashing.” She said it deliberately just to gauge Sasha’s reaction and was pleased with it.

Sasha had been feeling aroused as she got closer to the house, and when told she was going to get a really hard thrashing, she felt even more turned on. That certainly surprised her, but she quickly walked through to the dining area wanting the punishment to get started. As she got to the dining area, she looked at the table and gasped as she saw the hairbrush that she had used on Jack. She didn’t object, though, just as Jack didn’t object to anything that she had said was going to happen to him, and that told her that she was certainly in submissive mode right then.

Laura followed Sasha into the dining area and could see that she was gazing at the table. She had put the leather strap on the table onpurpose because she always enjoyed using it on Jack and knew she would enjoy thrashing Sasha with it.

Sasha sensed Laura standing behind her and immediately turned around, and found herself placing her hands on her head, just as Jack had done. She really was feeling submissive but felt the quivers in her vulva which showed how excited she was even at the prospect of a hard thrashing.

Laura kept a straight face as she saw Sasha put her hands on her head but knew that either she was submissive or was trying to be. She decided to assume the former and immediately ordered, “Right, young lady, get undressed.”

Sasha was eager to obey and replied, “Yes, Miss Laura, “and immediately pulled her vest top over her head and put it on a chair. She then put her hands behind her back and unclipped her bra, slipped the straws down her arms, caught it, and put that with her vest top. After that, she undid her miniskirt, pushed it down towards the floor catching her knickers on the way, stopped down and picked them up, and put them with her other clothes. She then immediately turned around and looked at Laura, once again placing her hands on her head.

Laura had already turned one of the dining chairs into the room and so sat down, deliberately making sure that her dress was yanked right up so that Sasha would be going across her bare thighs. She remembered telling Sasha to do that with Jack and wanted to make Sasha feel as though she was going to be treated in the same way, which of course she was.

Now seated with the naked Sasha standing in front of her, Laura pointed to her lap and ordered, “Right, young lady, get across my lap. I am going to show you what happens to naughty girls.”

Sasha knew that was role-play as the reality was that Laura was stressed, but replied respectfully, “Yes Miss Laura.” She then swallowed hard as she stepped to Laura’s side and, just as Jack had done, lowered her hands from her head and eased herself down across Laura’s lap. She had often imagined what it might look like with her face so close to the floor and found the actual sight of Laura’s upside down legs so close to her face, and her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair, not just exciting but a real turn-on.

Sasha knew she was being exceptionally submissive, but loved the feeling, and even wondered if it was more like her true self than she had Thought. She was already comparing whether she was more excited with Jack across her lap or with her across Laura’s lap, right then couldn’t decide which one she preferred.

Once Sasha was across her lap, Laura happily placed her hand on her bare bottom and rubbed in circles. Sasha’s bottom was clearly very different to Jack’s, being rather smaller, but told herself that just mean she would make Her bottom much redder more quickly. She kept rubbing a few times because she knew that it helped the transfer of control to her, and she wanted to make sure that Sasha was up for that, which she clearly was.

Sasha was still looking at Laura’s upside down legs and even her painted toenails as she felt her bottom being rubbed. She told herself the spanking was going to hurt, and she just hoped that she would be able to take it. She fully intended to do everything that she could to stay in position no matter how much her bottom stung and she cried, but she was doing this for Laura as well as herself Because she wanted to help Laura relieve the stress that she was feeling.

Sasha gasped when the first spank landed and gasped again most times when another spank landed. She realized that each spank was landing on alternate bottom cheats, and expected that to be the case, but didn’t expect each spank to hurt quite so much as it did. Was Laura spanking her harder than she had spanked Jack, and was this the singing pain that Jack felt when she spanked him?

Laura proceeded to spank Sasha’s bare bottom just as she would have spanked Jack. She knew she wasn’tstressed at all, but that means she could focus on giving Sasha a sound thrashing because she was now so certain that that was what Sasha really wanted. So, she kept on spanking Sasha’s bare bottom cheeses seeing how each one was turned darker and darker shades of red, and she even enjoyed listening to Sasha’s sobs and then her crying even before she started to spank her on the same bottom cheese several times in a row and Then the other bottom cheese several times in a row. She was quite used to giving a spanking whilst Jack was crying and had no trouble doing the same with Sasha.

As Sasha started to cry, she claped hold of the two legs of the dining chair reckoning that that would help her stay in place. She so wanted to be obedient and submissive, and it wasn’t long before she realized that being spanked did give her many different feelings compared to her feelings when she was the one who gave Jack a spanking. She had to admit to enjoying being obedient to the authoritative Miss Laura and found her bottom being rubbed particularly erotic. Each spank stung which initially did not excite her, but now she was crying, and her bottom was stinging so much and still she stayed in position, she realized that this was something that she could get used to very easily, and in fact wanted to.

Sasha couldn’t stop herself from starting to cry, and then right through to crying because of the increasing singing pain right across her bottom and then across the backs of her legs. She really hadn’t understand how come Jack was crying when she spanked him, but now understand why, and wasn’t feeling embarrassed, because, after all, Laura was pretty much old enough to be her mum. So, she knew she wanted to remain obedient and accept the whole of the punishment that Laura was going to give her, and she knew that wasn’t over yet by a long way.

Laura was still enjoying spanking Sasha, giving her what she thought she wanted, and saw no reason to go any lighter than thespanking that she so often gave Jack. So, she continued to spank the teenager’s bare bottom cheeses and then the backs of her legs, happily listening to her crying and watching her squirm around on her lap but, as every obedient person being spanked should do, stayed in position across her lap.

Once Laura was happy with the very deep red colour she had turned both bottom cheeses and the backs of Sasha’s legs, she stopped spanking her with her hand, turned and picked up the hairbrush, turned back, and then proceeded to literally thrash her really hard with the wooden-backed hairbrush. The increased level of crying and squirming by Sasha was totally understood, but, again, Laura continued to give Sasha the intense thrashing that she clearly wanted to experience.

Sasha had never experienced this before, what with such a huge amount of pain, and having to be so obedient, but she somehow found the need to be obedient kept her in position, and she even understand how being thrashedso hard when you want to be made you want to be thrashed again. She was now sure that that would be what she would want, and whilst it may be that was what she would enjoy, she knew that she would still have to discipline Jack because she was his babysitter. It now showed her that spanking Jack would be part of her job, but being thrashed was her real desire.

As all of these different thoughts flashed Through Sasha’s mind as she continued to cry uncontrollable but knew that she would certainly want to be thrashed like this again by Laura.

Laura was still smiling to herself as she continued to thrash Sasha with the hairbrush. She did wonder whether the teenager would want to be thrashed again like this, but that didn’t stop her from making sure that the last three dozen spanks with the hairbrush were Increasedly hard spanks. Because Sasha just lay there, as of course she fully expected her to, it made the task so easy for her, although she was already aware that her own knickkers were really damp, and she was excited by the prospect of perhaps thrashing Sasha again and hoped that the teenager would want to be.

Once Laura stopped spanking Sasha, she still enjoyed having the teenager across her lap as she continued to cry, and to help calm her down, she continued to rub her bottom in circles and even the backs of her legs. She noticed that Laura parted her legs when she did that, and, pretty sure she knew what that means, eased her fingers down between her tighs and ran her finger along Sasha’s soaking wet pussy lips and very taut clip, edged her fingers inside Sasha’s vagina, saw her gyrate as though fingering herself, and within seconds exploited in a huge orgasm. Well, that told her just how much Sasha enjoyed being thrashed, for sure.

It was also clear to Laura that, just like Jack, Sasha recovered ever so quickly, and her crying turned just to sobs and sniffing back tears. Of course, she was pretty sure that Sasha’s bottom would still be stinging, and as this was the first real spanking she had ever received, that again showed that whilst for lots of people this would be the most unbearable and unrepeatable punishment, maybe Sasha wasn’t going to think like that at all.

Sasha was surprised at how quickly she calmed down and quickly felt embarrassed by the way that Laura had fingered her to an orgasm so quickly. She couldn’t even understand how Come she reached an orgasm like that, because even now her bottom was singing madly, and she reckoned that just a few more spanks would quickly reduce her to uncontrolled crying again. As that was the case, how could she possibly find being spanked like this such a turn-on, yet she knew that it was, for her.

She did also wonder whether Jack was turned on this way, because after all he had an erection before going across her lap, and that erection quickly returned afterwards. As crazy as that might sound, maybe he would want a hand job after a spanking, but she wasn’tgoing to do that because, quite frankly, she was into girls and not the boys. Of course, that led her to think that maybe she should offer tongue sex to Laura but didn’t suppose that she was turned on by giving her a spanking.

Moments later, Sasha heard Laura instruct, “Okay, Sasha, you can get up now.”

Sasha pushed herself off Laura’s lap and as soon as she stood up her hands rushed to her bottom which she rubbed and clutched feverishly as she stepped from foot to foot. This was embarrassing for her, but less so when she saw that Laura was actually smiling. That led her immediately to ask, “Shall I say thank you, Miss Laura?”

Laura knew what that means and smiled even more broadly and replied, “Of course,” she quickly eased thumbs into her knickers and pushed them down to the floor, scooped them up, and put them with Sasha’s clothes. She then sat back and parted her legs and watched as Sasha quickly knelt down between her legs and started to kiss her inner thighs, working her way up to her stretched pussy lips which she knew were wet and which she reckoned Sasha would see because of the glistening sex juice clearly soaking her fully shawned pussy lips.

Sasha loved the taste of Laura’s sex juice and just felt so excited even though her own bottom continued to sting so intensely. Did that make her even more aroused? Sasha now reckoned it did without question.

Seeing Laura’s shaken pussy lips also told Sasha that she should do the same and would ask Laura how to make sure she remained shavled. That was a mum’s role, and Sasha felt even more like the naughty daughter with those thoughts.

Laura found herself gasping louder and louder as Sasha licked and sucked her, and it didn’t take long at all for her to explore in a huge orgasm. She hadn’t before experienced lesbian sex but found it so exciting, but the feeling was being very different to when Jack gave her an orgasm. Well, just as she hoped that she would get the opportunity to thrash Sasha again, she also now hoped she would experience this kind of thank you from her as well.

Sasha found being naked and obeying Laura a turn-on still and got wet and loved the feeling of submission. It wasn’t fear as she was helping Laura get over her stress but could see how fear and submitting to Laura on her command might excite her as well.

After she had calmed down, Laura saw that Sasha was now standing and rubbing her bottom which means she was still trying to cope with her sing bottom. Smiling, she then said, “You know, Sasha, I’m likely to get stressed again pretty soon, as in three days I have a stressful meeting at work and may need to call you to come over to be thrashed again.”

Sasha gasped with excitement, and replied eagerly, “Yes, of course, Laura. I am here to serve you, and if this Helps relieve your stress, then I will be up for that whenever you need it.” With that Sasha wondered if she was able to switch between being spanked and giving aspanking, there was something odd about her. Time would tell, she told herself.

With that Laura stood up, went over and gave Sasha first a hug, then a kiss on the cheese, and then a kiss on her lips, and as soon as Sasha’s mouth opened, she knew that mean her tongue was welcome in Sasha’s mouth, and their tongues were soon entwined. After a long and loving kiss with tongues entwined, Laura pulled away ever so slightly, smiled at Sasha with their faces just an inch apart, and she said, “I think we should both say thank you to each other upstairs in my bedroom.”

Laura held her breath waiting for Sasha’s reaction, hoping for the best, and was relieved to see Sasha smile.

Sasha did reply with an excited, “I would love that, Laura. Of course, it will be the first time I have had proper lesbian sex, but then today I have just been spanked for the first time.”

Laura kept smiling as she said, “I can teach you lots of things, actually, so long as you obey me every time.”

Sasha gasped as the flutters flow around her vagina which told her she was going to be so submissive to Miss Laura. She replied, smiling, “You have my total obedience, and punishing me will be your sole decision.”

With that Laura took Sasha by the hand and happily led her upstairs into her bedroom She was eager to give Sasha her first experience of lesbian sex and knew she was going to make it every bit as exciting as Sasha’s first thrashing. Of course, she knew that she would lie again and again and invite her over for another thrashing and, hopefully, lovemaking, but they would both be in charge of Jack. How cool was that?


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