She was beautiful when she blushed. He enjoyed putting that red glow on her face. He very much would like to see how far that blush traveled.
He grinned.
“How’s the meal? Do you like it Sarah?”
“Very much. It’s delicious.” She still would not look directly at him. She ate slowly, keeping her eyes on the couples at the other tables.
At least she and Rick hadn’t been tossed out for lewd behavior. It seems the partygoers were all of a like mind. Vivacious, outgoing, exhibitionists. ‘Exhibitionists,’ that’s a word she recently googled. The thought of how she had researched some alternative… umm… sexual interests, brought her face back to flaming red again. Damn it.
She never thought she would have a use for that word. Tonight was an Earth shattering introduction into a world she’d only dreamed of. She beheld her love in a whole new light.
The ice was melting. Sliding down her thighs. Discreetly as possible she slipped a couple of linen napkins benEath the table and between her legs.
Seeing her pleasure herself… Mmm. Rick rubbed his now burgeoning cock. The drug was amazing.
“Dessert?” Rick asked as the waiters moved around the tables with elaborate dishes of pastries, cakes and ice cream masterpieces.
Sarah eyed them with a new interest. Ice…ice cream!?! Hmm… too messy, but ‘Oh what a wicked idea.’
She smiled and Shook her head.
Rick noticed everything about her. He even thought he knew what she was thinking. He was having the same thoughts, he would swear to it. And… remember the ice cream for later.
He slipped his hand beneath the table and slide it between her hot sexy little legs. She opened them immediately for him. Good, she was obeying his silent commands now as well as his verbal.
He moved aside the fine clothes napkins and slide two fingers inside her still hot, very wet pussy. Deeper and even deeper till he heard her moan. He pulled them out and circled themaround her sensitive clip.
Her leg muscles cinched but she held them open. Her hips bucked. A couple more dips into her honeyed hole and he pulled away.
Her whole body seemed to shudder.
Pulling his fingers from beneath the table he held them up for her. Waiting till she opened her eyes, watching as they rounded big in her face, staring intently at his cum soaked digits…
She licked her lips.
It was so easy to give her what she wanted. It’s what he wanted too.
He pressed his fingers against her lips and slide them inside as she opened to him. In stunned silence he watched as her eyes rolled back and closed. She proceeded to lick and suck his fingers completely clean.
This was going better than he had even imagined it might.
He was defiantly not letting this girl get away. One more thing he wanted to find out and he was taking her home to a proposal.
She obviously loved everything he was offering her. She was trainable and willing. She was beautiful and wanton. The perfect wife to make a slut out of. A personal slut. His wife! His slut!
The party was heating up. People moved back onto the dance floor. Fog machines rolled again. Eerie sounds and music filled the room. Lights flashed lightning in the dimly lit red glow.
Skeletal servants appeared carrying small wooden replica treasure chests among the guests. They also set up next to tombstones and tables.
A single occupation mausoleum rolled into the room being pushed by two vampiric looking men. They slide the top laboriously to one side and a pale woman climbed out looking confused.
The vampires grabbed her and held her as the surrounding skills pushed the mausoleum closed again.
Sarah leaned forward trying to see what came next. With this group anything Goes it would seem.
The woman they held was scantily dressed in something that looked like she had been buried in it centuries ago. Her flesh pale, her breasts nearlyexposed. Her black hair wild and curly about her shoulders. She was a beautiful specimen of womanhood.
Sarah gulped slowly as her eyes were captured with the wildly undulating struggle woman. She felt her nipples harden as she noticed the woman’s were large and rigid also. She was practically drooling, oh my god, and her pussy was creaming at the sight.
“Umm… Rick?”
“Yes, Sarah?” he asked as he turned his whole focus on her. How lovely… she was blushing again.
“I…is…is that woman… umm… unwilling?” she stuttered out quietly. She kept her eyes down as she asked.
She didn’t want him to see how erotically this was affecting her. But you’d think she would have learned by now. Damn.
He lifted her chin once again. Looking deeply into her eyes and reading her perfectly. Then he smiled. She was a lovely shade of pink.
“Pet, no one here does anything they don’t want to do. Everyone here is here because this is a safe, sane and consensualsetting. What they are about to do is a play session for everyone to observe. They all adhere to the SSC and YMMV attitudes.”
He studied her expression. It would seem she understand the acronyms. That could be very interesting. If she had been looking into the world of D/s then he was by far the lucky man alive.
“Did you have an interest in putting on a play for them, my pet?” he teased her with a wink.
Sarah quickly shook her head in the negative, but her eyes glazed over in the affordable. Rick chuckled.
The whole event had moved on and now the woman was being held spread eagle on the tomb.
A special black leather chest was brought out and opened by the seeming head of the two vamps. An ebony short cat of nine appeared from the receptions of the chest. The tall male vampire grinned and caresed it against his palm.
The woman was shaking all over. She looked excited rather than frightened.
A lady dressed like a kitten slipped a leather strapbeneath the raven haired woman’s chin and pulled it taunt. This brought her breasts into prominence. The vampire man drew back the whip and snapped it firmly across the woman’s erect nipples. She moaned and a rip appeared in her dress.
A hard nipple peeked out.
The whole room took in a collective breath.
The whip fell again. The woman groaned and squirmed deliciously on the tomb. More of her dress fall away.
The entire room grooned with her.
Other vampires drew near the scene. With the next strike she screamed. Hands and fingers tore at her clothes, ripping it from her body.
Her breasts were red and tipped with rock hard nips. Her inner thighs were wet and covered in her own hot juices.
The room cheered them on.
Sarah was gripping the table edge hard. Her nipples aching. Her cunt burning. Her tummy churning. Rick bit back the urge to toss Sarah on the curved seat of their booth and fuck her to death and back again.
“Imaging that being done to you, baby girl?” he whispered instead.
Sarah nodded her head yes and gulped again. She didn’t even seem to know she was answering him. He laughed quietly again.
Vamps on both sides began licking and suckling the raven haired beauty’s obviously abused tits. Then the toys came out of the box.
The head Vampire moved in at the foot of the crypt and raised his arm Again. The only sound in the room was the suckling and moaning from the three involved. The woman was totally unaware of her next peril.
The whip sizzled through the air and “Wack” right on the woman’s open pussy. When she opened her mouth to scream someone obligingly filled the opening with a large dildo.
Gagging she accepted the new invasion. The welder obliged her by pumping it slowly in and out.
The whip fell again. “Wack!”
She groaned and squirmed. A new toy was added. Someone holding a slim vibrating fingerprinted it in her pussy then slid it fully inside her ass.
She immediately began bucking into the finger as it entered. Then it was turned on.
The cunt juices were flooding out of her now. So the next tool went in easily. A huge black life like penis dildo buried itself deep inside her pussy. With the help of still others it fucked her aggressively.
The piece to please any slut, a clip rocking personal massager. It struck her clip and her body clipped, bucked, rocked, arched and exploded.
Wave after wave of tremors were obvious from anywhere in the room. The men standing nearest to her jerked off their cocks, coating her already slick sweating body with a medley of cream coats.
It was… magnificent!
Sarah sat back in her seat panting. She was cross-eyed with desire. Beyond reason she wanted to be fucked right away. Right here. Right Now! By Rick.
The spotlight off the scene now seemed to waver about the room.
There was a rousing amount of chefs and wolf whistles from the guests.
Then the room took on a deeper shade of red and an announcer spoke.
“Now my friends and guests, we have the distinct pleasure of a scene from one of the Masters of Dominance.” The spotlight slowly panned over and stopped on top of Rick and Sarah.
Sarah found it hard to breath. Surely not! She shot a glazed look at Rick. He was standing, smiling and holding out his hand to her. In a daze she took it and rose beside him.
He leaned over her and whispered in her ear to ‘just breathe deeply’. In and out, in and out, in and… oh my god. That thought didn’t help. She followed him in blind trust as he led her through the crowded dance floor.
She kept telling herself in a dreamlike trance, ‘this is not happening’.
The announcement bowed to Rick and swept out his arm in introduction.
“Count Dracula!”
Rick took over. A throne chair had been situated near the coffin Sarah had seen earlier. He led her to it and took a seat. She had no idea what to do so she stood waiting and submissive.
He indicated a spot beside his legs.
“On your knees, pet” he gave the order. She obeyed without question. Her raging lust demanded her compliance. She needed a good Fuck! Anything for a good fuck. Anything to please Rick.
He pulled her forward over his knees and pinned her with his right arm.
‘Do you consent, my pet?’ he whispered in her ear.
‘Yes…’ she breathed back.
“Then for messing you dress you will be spanked,” he said out loud for the people in the room to hear. “Spread your knees, little one,” he ordered. “Show everyone what a bad girl you’ve been.”
She did exactly what she was told.
She lay across his hard cock and moaned. Her hair fall forward.
She felt his fingers slide up between her legs. He hooked his finger in the crotch of her thong and pulled. It slide free and fall down around her knees.
The room held its breath.
He rubbed her pussy for a moment.
Then… ‘WACK!’
Owww… oh owww… oh yes… again.
He didn’t disappoint. ‘Wack… wack…”
She squirmed hard on him as the heat took over. The moans, the groans, the screams. Rick’s stiff cock was thumbing hard into her belly with each hit.
Her ass reddened deeply for all to see. His fingerprints firmly marking what was his. Her inner thighs were slick with cream. He slide her back on her knees.
She was wild and dazed. She wiggled her ass to find a comfortable position on her heels.
Rick raised his right arm and snapped his fingers. She stared up longingly at him, her eyes becoming for the relief only he could give her.
A skellie rushed forward with a black leather and red velvet chest. Rick slipped a large gold key from beneath his shirt where it hung around his neck. The skellie kneeeled and held the chest up to be opened.
Rick lifted the lid almost constantly. Inside he brought out his gift to Sarah. Black leather, silver studied wrist cuffs.
Her name had been burned deeply into the leather on one. ‘My pet’ had been burned into the other. He turned to Sarah with his heart in his eyes.
“Will you accept my gift?”
Sarah answered him the only way she knew how. She lifted her wrists to him and bowed her head. Rick slipped on the cuffs, belted them and joined them with a short length of silver chain.
The chamber erupted into rapt applause. Some stood as they cheered.
Rick acknowledged their passwordate chefs as he acknowledged his own password rising. The fog rolled in again and the lights went down lower.
The red glow nearly pulsed with the music that slide erily around them all. He turned his hard hot gaze on Sarah.
Pulling her to her feet, holding her bonds, he turned her to face the crowd. She stepped lightly out of her ruined panties. Rick scoped them up and deftly slipped them into a pocket.
He stepped up to her back and fit himself tightly against her. He raised her arms above her head with his left hand. With his right, he slid his fingers up her tigh, across her belly, then between her breasts.
Gathering the material at the low dip in front. He “rr… iii…… pp… ed” it down the middle!!! Her tits bounced free. Sarah tried to turn in his arms but he held her firm.
“It’s what you want, my sweet, remember?” he breathed huskily into her ear. She moaned and laid Her head back on his shoulder. He took first one breast into his hand and squeezed and twisted her nipple.
Releasing her wrists, he brought his left hand down and grasped the second one applying equal twisting, squeezed and pulling to both now.
Her arms dropped down behind his head as she gave herself over to the delicious feeling of her nipples hardening again in his hands.
“Spread you legs, my pet,” and she at once compiled with his guttural command. His magic fingers went to work on her played cunt.
She was all over the place, understanding her body against his. Till her knees nearly buckled and he took goal on her… and himself.
Pulling her hands from around his head, he led her over to the open coffin. Her eyes got big and she had the most beautiful smile on her face. He indicated that she climb in. He placed her hands on the side of the coffin and nodded.
She was a sight to behold as she lifted her long sexy leg over the side. Her pussy opened in view of all. Her honey soaked thighs glistening under the low lights. And her ass, still red and smarting, was crossing over the threshold as she pulled up her other leg. She turned to sit facing Rick with her bound hands in her lap.
Around the room candles began to flare as the guests all lit several, placing them on the tables, the tombstones, the floor, coming closer to the casket. Many held a candle in their hands as they sweepy music.
Like ghosts in a trace they eagerly watched on as the play progressed.
Rick laid Sarah back till her head rested on the satisfactionpillow. He pulled her arms over her head across the oak head board.
A human cat in black appeared with a black velvet pillow. On it lay what looked to be an ancient lock.
Rick took the lock and once again pulled the key from his shirt.
Sarah heard as it clicked open.
Her burning hot body was screaming at her, her ears nearly drowning out the sound of the second ‘Click’ as the lock slide home though her cuffs and the golden handle of the casket. Every part of her ached on unison.
Her head was thrashing across the pillow, her eyes wild. “RICK!”
His heart hammered in his chest as he moved to her side. “Tell me pet. Tell me what it is that you want.” He slipped his fingers in her pussy. He worked them around as she bucked and fucked them hard.
“I… I… want…” Oh gheezuz! “I want… you… to… Fuck Me. PLEASE!!!”
Rick pulled out his fingers licking off the creamy soaked digits with a smile.
He climbed into the lower section of thecoffin. Spreading Sarah’s legs he draped her left leg over the front side of the casket. This opened her up for him.
On his knees between her spread thighs, he undid his trousers and pulled his full erection out.
The ladies in the room gasped in unison. The men groaned in envy.
The cat with the pillow leaned over to her friend and whispered, ‘Baby he’s gonna hurt someone with that.’ Several people near by nodded in agreement. One man piped up “She’s about to get staked.”
‘She’s so wet,’ Rick thought. She’ll feel the complete fullness of me. But he’d ease her into it at first and give her a couple minutes to adjust to him.
He placed the palm of his left hand on her lower belly and sought out her swollen clip. With evil intent he rolled his pad around her bud slowly.
She was panting and lifting her hips to encourage his attentions. He felt so in control. He had the hottest, sexiest woman he had ever known undulating beneath him, begging to be fucked byhim.
And that my friends is when the tables turned…
He eased the head of his thick cock inside her wet raging cunt.
And the world came to a stop. He frozen. The guests looked at the statusesque forms in the coffin. Something had seemed to go wrong all at once. You could cut the tension with a knife.
He raised his eyes to Sarah’s. And she was smiling. It was wicked. It was hot. It was sassy. Rick raised his right hand and backslapped her across the face.
“You dirty little slut whore!”
Her head snapped back around. Her eyes glazed over in complete abandon. She sent daggers of red hot hunger back at him.
She grinned!
“Finish what you started,” she rasped out on a dangerous!
“Oh you impudent little bitch. You will pay for this. Over and over and over… I’ll make it my one purpose in life,” Rick ground out between clenched teeth.
“You better start now then,” she quipped impishly, then pushed her hips forward taking in another inch of his cock.
Rick recovered back. Sarah bit her bottom lip and let her head fall back.
He put his entire weight into his forward motion and slammed his whole cock up inside her pussy in one powerful stroke.
She recovered up meeting his stroke with her hips, arching her back and coming up onto her toes.
An inhuman scream tore from her throat as his rock hard cock claimed her. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as she grasped the entire fullness of his possession of her.
“More?!?” Rick grew down at her.
“Yes…” she hissed back.
He straddled her right leg in the coffin and lifted her left leg over his shoulder. With grunt after grunt he pounded into her relentlessly.
“You slutty cock-loving whore!”
She eagerly tried to grind her pussy into him with every thrust.
When she started to buck and cinch his cock he could feel her orgasm reaching its peak. He drove harder and faster and together they explored into eachother. Candles around them sputtered. The room was in a trace.
As the tremors began to subside, Rick slide himself from her. He took a good look at what they had done, it’s evidence all around them.
His ever accommodating friend tonight standing neary holding out a satin handkerchief.
Rick took it with a satisfied grin on his face and wiped down his cock and balls before placing them back inside his trousers. He then placed the blood red stained trophy inside his pocket with the others from this evening.
Someone flashed a camera. He’d make sure he got one of those later.
He stepped out of the casket and moved around to release Sarah’s wrists from the handle.
Flash… click… flash… flash! Rick grinned. ‘Hmm… a lot of pictures for later.’
He lifted Sarah into his arms. Hers went around his neck, the cuffs making it easy to hang on. She buried her face in his chest.
He turned around slowly allowing all to view his now deflowered pet. Hehad never been so happy.
Then swirling his long cape about them both, he strolled out of the party to thunderous applause and chefs.
Cumming next?!? The Final Act…
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