Wandering in the Dark Ch. 03

He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she stood naked before him, bravely and willingly accepting her punishment. He knew she needed him to speak to her. He knew she needed to hear his voice whether filled with prayer or anger. He could tell from her posture and expression that she was desperate for him to speak to her and explain what would happen now. He knew this with a blinding certainty, even with her beautiful blue eyes covered by the blindfold.

Minutes turned to hours and still he did not speak. How could he? All he wanted to do was take her back up to his bedchamber and relive the past three days. He knew, however, that this was not an option if he wanted to keep the respect of those in his employee and especially if he wanted to retain his commanding authority over all the slaves in the manse. She has willfully wandered off and put many in terrible peril. Punishment was deserved and expected. The whispers about her being his “favorite slave” had not escaped his notice.Showing her the leniency he now wanted to show opened too great a risk. Still, he couldn’t speak. He knew his voice would surely betray the conflict raging in his heart and mind.

He cursed himself inwardly. He had brutally punished countless slaves over the years! Why should this both him so? He knew the answer of course. He flogged her lovely pale skin and saw the deep red welts rising and heard her whimpers. His mind craved escape and found one as he allowed himself to drift mentally back to moment he first laid eyes on Lexi.


On that lovely late summer afternoon, he stood atop the high wall of the Manse looking over the vast fields below. He had been watching her for weeks and had unconsciously began rearrangering his day so that he could make his way to the north turret to watch her approach. He recognized her easily now; he had observed her as she gathered food, herbs and flowers into her basket for so many days now. Itwas as though her shaped form was burned into his mind’s eye.

“Why does this slip of a woman interest me so?” He had said to himself on more than one occasion, “She is pretty and shaped enough, but so are many other slaves I already have inside these walls. What is it about her that draws me to watch her day after day?”

He had been incredulous that anyone would gather items for their basket from his lands without his granting permission beforehand. He thought to himself, “She is either brave or ignorant. Surely she must know that is forbidden without my consent.”

He had not seen her before during other seasons for gathering. He thought, “Perhaps she is new; perhaps she is a wanderer that has merely stumbled across what she believes is free land.”

Smiling slightly, he thought, “She has stumbled into something alright. Soon she will discover the price that must be paid for trespass on my land.”


(The Master didn’t knowthat Lexi had chosen the same memory as her refuge from the pain of the flogger and the agony of her Master’s silence. Together they mentally relived their first moments together)


She hummed a tune and sang lightly as she went about her daily gathering. She felt fortunate to have found such a wealth of herbs and foodstuffs. She never looked at the faraway Manse for more than a second or two; she certainly never realized the danger she had placed herself in.

Each day she moved closer to the foreboding building as she gathered herbs and food for herself. She wondered at how it can be so generous and easily found here when she had searched in so many other places that were practically barren.

The thought that she might be on land owned by someone did not occur to her at all; she honestly thought it was her own good fortune that allowed her to find this cornucopia of provisions. She was single-minded in her focus to find suppliesto feed her now and to store away for the upcoming winter. It seemed almost magic as each successful day she discovered new items to gather: successful plums, ripe pomegranates, tender greens, and the wonderful root vegetables which would sustain her through the winter.

Each day her gathering brought her closer and closer to the Manse. The days of summer were passing quickly and she knew she must make a final surge in the next few remaining to ensure a well stocked larder in the small cave she was now calling her home.

One day she looked towards the Manse, without even seeing it really. She spotted what she thought was an herb garden. As she approached with her basket, she was able to get a better look at the small patch under a large overhanging tree. She was filled with joy and relief as she recognized several of the plants as healing herbs.

She thought to herself, “Oh I must go and gather those in case I need some over the winter.”

Walking over with nary a careIn the world, she had no idea she was walking into a trap. No sooner had she bent forward to pluck some of the herbs than a large, heavy rope net fell from the tree above and covered her body. Startled, she screamed aloud and tried to free herself from it. She looked up from the ground and saw that she was surrounded by men and horses. Fearing for her life and virus, she fought and kicked and spat at them as they surrounded her and began grouping at her body through the net.

She had no way of knowing that the men were under very strict orders to do no harm to her. They had been told that they could scare her a bit but no more than that. Naturally, they took their fun in making her think she would be gang raped as their captive.

Soon enough, they tired of the game they played. She was still in a state of terror as they bound her hands behind her back, tied her ankles together and throw her roughly over one of the horses for the short ride back to the manse. She screamed andcursed them as cowards all the way to the gates. She continued her kicking and fighting until she found herself dumped on the cold hard floor of the manse, looking up at a set of piercing blue eyes.

A wry smile lingered on his face as he leaned forward to inspect his new possession.

“Hello slave” He said. A cold shiver went down her spine.

She screamed at him, “I am no one’s slave! I am a free woman!”

He shook his head and said with a smile, “Free women do not go about the countryside alone, stealing food and other supplies from owned lands.” He continued, “Free women have husbands or families that they travel with. Only escaped slaves are foolhardy enough to trespass on lands such as this and have the audacity to think they can do so and get away unscathed.”

“Nooooooooooooooo!” She cried as the slaves picked her up from the floor and began to carry her away.

He waved them away casually, “Take her to the punishment room; I will be there shortly”


She struggled and cursed as the slaves dragged her along the hallway into the punishment room. Her ragged clothing was already hanging off of her body. They wasted no time in ripping the tattered remain off her lithe body, leaving her totally naked.

The stone floor was cold as she tried to curry away into a corner and cover herself to hide her shame. The slaves paid no attention to her nakedness as They grabbed her again and brought her to the center of the room. They raised her arms over her head and quickly attached refuges to her wrists. They tightened the chain that hung from above and she felt herself being pulled upward. One of the slaves quickly attached more refuges to her ankles, spreading her legs wide apart as she was quite nearly lifted off the floor.

Moaning and shivering in the cold room, she looked around for something that might possibly give her a ray of hope. She was desperate for anything that her mind might hold onto to keep her will strong and help her in her coming ordeal. She fight back tears as she found nothing of the kind and her mind and heart threatened to fill with hopelessness. She gritted her teeth together and tried her best to steel her mind and body against the horrors that this room seemed to threaten.

The door opened, creaking on its hinges. The Master entered.

He crossed to the center of the room, a small smile spreading across his face as he looked her over. The curves of her body were luscious, the strength and tone in her arms and legs were undeniable, and the angles of her face matched the fire in her crystal blue eyes. He smiled as he noticed that the tears slipping from her eyes down her high cheesebones did not appear as weakness in her. Her fire and her spirit were obvious and strong.

He thought to himself, “Yes, she is a fine specimen of a woman and will make a wonderful addition to my stable as pleasure slave.” He smiled broadly and thought further, “Of cOurse, should I decide to sell her at the auctions, she will surely draw a high price.”

His hand moved to her face, his fingers lightly trailing down from her left temple to her chin as he inspected her further. She flinched at his touch and tried to pull away. He grabbed her chin tightly in his hand and looked menacingly into her eyes. With a low and purposeful voice he grew at her, “Do not make this harder on yourself than it needs to be, slave. You belong to me now. Make no mistake about it, I will break you.”

Ever defiant, she spit in his face and yelled, “NO! I will never be any man’s slave!!”

His arms moved swiftly, slapping her face hard as he wiped her spit off his own face with his other hand. A small trickle of blood appeared at the corner of her lip and trickled down her chin, mixing with the tears coming from her eyes.

In low, measured tones, he told her, “That will cost you dearly, slave. You will wish you had made a different choice just now.”

Walking to the table near the wall, he picked up a small flogger and slapped his hand with it several times, testing the sting.

Turning, and moving back to Lexi, he again took her chin in his hand. He leaned in and kissed her lips gently. His tongue flicked out to taste the blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.

“Mmmmm.” He murmured, “Yes, little one; you are sweet.”

Taking a step backward he raised his arm, flogger in hand. He began working the soft leather tails over her shoulders and down her back, warming her skin with the strokes. He smiled as he watched it turning a light shade of pink as he crisscrossed the tails of the implementation over her smooth votelain-like skin

With increasing severity, he continued to whip his new slave. He selected different floggers as time passed, each time choosing one with heavier tails and more “bite”. Her pink skin soon turned to red and even darker colors as his efforts continued. Long red stripes are appeared onHer skin; she moaned and howled under the well-practicated ministers of his hand.

“You will break, my slave, I promise you.” He spoke calmly, “It may take days or even weeks, but in the end you will do whatever I desire. You will do it willingly.”


She moaned aloud with a pitiful wail. She had been hanging in her restraints for more than a day now; her wrists were chaffed and raw. Her arms felt as if they have been pulled from their very sockets. Her body was red and sore with stripes, signs left from the various floggers the Master had used on her. Exactly how long she had been like this she could not say as the minutes seemed like hours during her punishment.

She was not a runaway slave but she had no way of proving that fact. Being of poor, yet free, birth had installed in her a sense of pride. But pride didn’t line one’s pockets with coin. Her family had been too poor to afford a proper dowry for her. And the cold hard fact of life was that no self-respecting man would take a wife that did not come with a dowry, not even one as beautiful as Lexi.

The door creaked open and she lifted her head slightly. Through blurry eyes she saw the Master entering again. A small sob escaped her lips as she watched him walk towards the side table. Her entire body shivered, anticipating the sting of the lash once again on her now bruised, raw, and tender skin.

He approached her from behind so she was unable to see what devilish device he might have selected to torture her with this time. She spit on the floor and cursed him aloud, thinking her natural definition might act as armor, somehow protecting her from further harm.

He chuckled softly at her useless act but thought to himself yet again what a fine prize this slave will be and what a high price she might fetch at the auction should he decide to sell her.

But the Master did not have a device of torture in his hands. Instead, he held in his hands a jar of cream. For decades, the Doctor and the slave nurses have sworn by its healing properties. He slowly began spreading it over her naked torso. He thought to himself, “No sense in lowering the price of this price when just a little extra attention will keep her in shape to bring the highest bids.”

He was by no means done with her torture or the breaking of her to his will but he was and always will be a man who knows the value of a good slave and the wisdom in treating his own very well in that regard. This was his philosophy only as long as they didn’t cross him, that is. More than one slave had been banished to the woods, naked and whipped half to death to be left to make it on their own or be eaten by the wolves. Others had been sent to the lowest places in the manse to serve the other slaves as the lowest of all, as a non-person.

Lexi was started at first by the cooling of the cream as he rubbed it on her body, but she quickly became aware of the warming sensing thatFollowed. “What sort of man is this?” She wondered “What man would whip a slave and then take the time himself to apply healing creams?”

He moved his hands slowly over her body, applying the cream but feeling the suppleness and texture of her skin at the same time. Smiling at the sensings in his fingers he thought again of what she would look like as a pleasure slave, dressed in silk clothes with a collar around her neck. “Lovely.” He thought. He smiled again at the feeling in his loins.

He began moving his hand over her breasts, red and stripped from the flogger. Her nipples were particularly swollen and no doubt painful. Lexi let out a small moan, ashamed to feel his hand there yet, for some strange reason, feeling a tingling of excitement at the same time. Never before had she felt like this. Her brothers and some of the Other boys in the village of her birth had, on more than one occasion, chased her into the woods and fallen upon her. They were forever trying to grab her breasts and pussy and hold her down to rape her. A credit to her strength and ferocity, she had somehow always managed to escape the worst of it. She had never felt any response to their efforts other than revulsion and fury.

Given her history, she did not understand the feeling in her nether regions. These sensings fought her, but she was not sure she wanted them to stop. Master applied the cream all over her body, back, arms, chest and legs. As his hand moved up her inner thigh, he smiled as he saw the smallest bit of her own dew glistening on the lips of her cunt.

He started to rub the cream over her pussy and she moaned aloud. She cursed herself for her inability to keep silent, but his touch on her private regions and the resulting sensings caught her off guard. Master smiled as he liberally applied the cream over her labia and cliporis. He could feel the cream heating up in his hands so he had an idea of ​​what she was about to feel on her tender little pussy and breasts very soon.

He took her chin in his hands and turned her face towards his own. Looking her straight in the eye he said “You seem a little less defiant today, slave. However, I can see that I have not broken your will just yet. A few more sessions and I will have you becoming for the privilege of doing my bidding. Won’t I, little one?”

Lexi whimpered in frustration and despair at the thought of being any man’s willing slave. She tried to muster all her indignation and anger. She wanted to spit in his face again, but she found she could not focus. She was excitingly aware that the cream was causing an extreme heat in her nether regions. Her body was reacting to the sensings in the strangest manner she had ever experienced. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter in her pussy. Her hips moved, thrusting out involuntarily, as if trying to get closer to the Master’s hand again. It was as though her body was acting independently from her mind, needing to feel the touch of his fingers on her hot and swollen sex.

Though she was not a virgin, she was not experienced either. The feeling of her pussy flooding with her juices was as confusing as it was exciting. She felt a need and a burning desire that she had never felt before. The Master laughed aloud as her body moved in vain, seeking some sort of contact with something, some sort of contact between anything and her now burning sex.

“Yes, little slave. I know what you need, but I promise you that you will not be getting it any time soon.”

She moaned again and sobbed as her need grow, “Oh goddess, please help me!!” She prayed silently as she twisted and compromised in her restraints.

Master turned and walked towards the door, opening it and looking into the hall.

He saw one of the other slave girls and called to her. She immediately stopped what she was doing and ran over to him, kneeing at his feet.

“Yes Master, how may I serve you?”

He grabbed her by the hair and half dragged her into the punishment chamber. She let out a yelp at the unexpected force and pleased tears well, “Master! Master, what have I done to displease you?”

“Shut up, slave!” He commanded, “You have done nothing to displease me! In fact, you will now do just the opposite. You will please and service me; you will demonstrate the fruits of all your training.”

He released his manhood from his pants and pushed it into her face. Of course she, being a well trained slave, opened her mouth and began taking him in slowly. She licked around the head and down the shake of his cock. She held his heavy balls in her small hand she opened her mouth as wide as she could so that she could engulf his hard cock in her mouth.

He knew, of course, that Lexi could see this and sumised that watching this little slut slave pleased him sexually would only serve to make Lexi’s need for release that much greater. He smiled knowing that viewing this would be as much of a torure for Lexi now as the floggers were before.

Grabbing the slave’s pony tail he held her tightly and thrust in and out of her small mouth, gagging her as he pushed deeper into her throat.

His other hand moved to the slave’s neck so that he could squeeze it slightly. His grip began to cut off her air as his cock in her mouth moved deeper into her throat. His hips moved in a rhythmic fashion, fucking her throat with purpose and ferocity.

The slave sucked his cock and fondled his balls; she used all the skills she had been taught. She worked desperately to make him cum while also trying to somehow get a breath of air as he almost violently used her mouth for his pleasure.

He abruptly pulled out of her mouth and turned her around, pushing her to all fours on the floor facing Lexi. He ripped the slave girl’s tune open, completely exposing her body. With one swift motion he buried his hard cock deeply into her pussy; she screamed at the forcefulness and brutality of his entry.

Lexi watched, seemingly entered at the display in front of her. Her pussy continued to flood with her juices. Her nipples and clip began throbbing and became so swollen that just a breath or a breeze over them could almost bring her to orgasm. Her body moved and her hips kept thrusting forward desperately, seeking a touch to bring relief. She feared that relief would never come until she succumbed to his will. The anguish was palpable.


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