Seven Days of Service – Day Six
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The next morning, I left my house to do something I’d never done before; see what time the Harbor Bar actually opened for business. As it turned out, Harbor Hattie and her husband opened the bar around 10 a.m. for the early lunch crowd and while she was surprised to see me at that hour, she was pleased as well. I stopped her from ploping my Guinness in front of me as I entered, but still indicated to her that we needed to talk. Cocking an eye at me, she grinned and motioned for me to wait while she settled in the rest of the customers.
When she returned to hear what I had to say, she assumed that stoic look that I’d become familiar with through the years. When I’d finished, she simply turned at me and told me to bring Cathy around After the afternoon’s activities and she’d play it by ear. In the meantime, she mentioned to me almost off-handedly, that the game I was playing was extremely addictive and to be sure that I was prepared to accept the consequences.
Thanking her, I returned home just in time to see Cathy pull into my driveway, dressed a bit better than usual since we were having guests, and she wasn’t sure what the rest of the day might bring. The collar was still prominent on her neck as instructed, so I figured she was still conforming to the terms of our deal. My “mind’s eye” however, was able to visualize every square inch of her naked body beneath that façade. In recognition of this, my cock had already begun stirring, much to my disappointment.
Ushering her quickly into the house, I told her to change into her bikini and report to the kitchen for further instructions.
While she was changing, I recalled the taunts that she’d shot at me in earlier weeks of the content. Her promise to have me serve as the host to a party of her girlfriends in a “ball-bag” was particularly irritating. What she didn’t know right now was exactly who I had invited to our little BBQ. This time I’d taken an opportunity to invite the project leaders from her department as well, since they’d be joining me in working on this contract. If I remembered correctly, that would make it three males and two females in their party if everyone showed up, seven of us in all.
As Cathy returned to the living room I marveled at how well she filled out a bicycle. She was almost as sensitive in the bicycle as she was in the nude. The outfit that she had on was not overly revealing, but enough of her was exposed to pose a serious challenge to my resolve. I reminded her that she was going to be the appointed hostess for my little get-together and expected that she behave accordingly.
My guests were expected around 1 p.m., so I had plenty of time to prepare for their arrival and to make sure that Cathy knew what her responsibility were to be During the visit. She was expressing a bit of announcement that we wouldn’t be alone for the afternoon, but I assured her that her service duties to me during the get-together were as hostess; nothing more. I also promised to take her out of the house after the party and treat her to the Harbor Bar again if she behaved herself.
Looking suspiciously at me, she reluctantly wandered back to the kitchen to prepare the snacks that I had ordered the day before. The only consolation she had at this point was that I had allowed her to wear something. I was sure that she’d have objected Otherwise and she’d have been within her rights to call “foul.”
Finally, my guests began to arrive and I greeted and escorted them into the living room in preparation for the basketball game beginning at 1 p.m. Cathy and I had spread out the snacks on the end tables and coffee table in anticipation for the event, but she remained in the kitchen for now, partly I guessed out of embarrassment. She’d have done the same to me if she’d won, so I had little sympathy for her pulse.
All of those invited turned up for the game, much to my surprise. It musthave had more to do with the conditions of the “Deal” more than anything else, I thought. Some bit of novelty in their lives I suspected. Nonetheless, they settled into the chairs and couch to get comfortable for the sporting event on TV with drinks and snacks.
Wanting to surprise my guests and give them “visual” proof that I was actually using my contest price, I turned and shouted towards the kitchen, “Cathy, Please bring a cold six-pack out here for our guests.”
I watched as five faces turned to me, a question mark on each of them. After waiting a bit for the refreshments to arrive, I decided to return to the kitchen to see what the delay was.
Just as I was about to reach the doorway, Cathy slowly walked out with six beers balanced on a serving tray. Glaring at me as she passed by, she walked into the living room and stopped abruptly. Walking up to her I saw that her face and upper body had suddenly turned bright red and from the look on her face it wasn’t from simple embarrassment. She was furious! Suddenly I could see that this wasn’t going to be the cakewalk that I thought it’d be.
I stepped up to her and attached the silver chain to her collar, allowing the end to dangle between her breasts. This time there was no expression of surprise or resistance, as she merely accepted the action, still glaring at one of the project managers that belonged to her department. It was Sonia, I recalled, but I didn’t like the chemistry that was taking place right now between them and I used the chain to re-establish some control until I could find out more.
Seeing Cathy standing before them in a bikini, collared, with the chain hanging down from the chrome ring, Sonia began to smile wickedly. Watching her, I was reminded of a cat that had spotted her prey. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that There were some bad vibrations coming from them.
Getting up from the couch, Sonia approached Cathy, circulation around her like some predatory beast. The effect was a little unsettling and it occurred to me that I apparently wasn’t privacy to some aspect of her department’s politics.
Finally, stopping behind her, Sonia stretched up and hissed into Cathy’s ear, “How does it feel to beelse’sslave for a change?” As she said that she reached to the bow holding Cathy’s bikini top in place and pulled the string, releasing her beautiful breasts for all present to see.
As the bikini top fluttered to the floor Sonia snarled, “A slave doesn’t deserve the dignity of clothing.”
Recovering my senses, I jumped forward to restrain Sonia from going any further, but I had to inform her that she’d violent the hospitality of my house. Taking her arm, I escorted her off to the side and reminded her that despite Cathy’s position while in my home she’d Still be Sonia’s boss come Monday.
I saw a look of shock on Sonia’s face as the realization of what she’d done sunk in and expected some sparks in our department whoen everyone returned to work the following week. Hoping to defend any future difficulties between the two, I brought her back into the group to see how we could fix this situation.
Returning to the living room, I was surprised to see that Cathy had not replaced the bikini top while I’d gone. Instead, she was still standing where I left her, still holding the tray of drinks, still bare-chested. The rest of the room was staring at her in awe, still shocked at the scene that had taken place just moments ago. The three guys were struggling with “issues of the groin” I noticed and the remaining lady, Barbara, simply sat there shaking her head with a small smile on her lips.
I bent over in front of Cathy, retrieved the bikini top and took the tray of drinks from her hand. I then instructed her to replace the top and turned to serve the cold drinks to our guests. As I did so, I noted that Barbara had begun to laugh. Annoyed, I asked her what was so funny.
“Sonia,” she replied. “She’s had her sights set on you ever since she found out that you were single. You just never noticed. I think she just figured out that she’d finally seen her competition.”
“Competition?” I asked. “Not hardly.”
Barbara looked at me for a moment, then chuckled and said, “Yeah, right.” A quick glance at Sonia however, showed me that there might have been a little truth in what she said.
Looking at the group as Cathy covered herself with the bikini top once more, I asked them how we could “even the score” a bit for Cathy after this little display of humiliation by her subordinate. Everyone fell silent for a couple of minutes, and then surprisingly, Arthur broke out with, “If I were Cathy, I’d settle for a ‘tit for a tat.’”
We were all taken by Surprise. Arthur was usually the last person to offer a suggestion in group meetings and when he did, most of the folks present didn’t understand exactly what he was trying to say. Only if you paid particular attention to where his conversation was directed did you stand a chance of understanding him.
“Tit for tat” I remembered, was an old expression of balance; like an “eye for an eye” going back to the 1500’s. He was actually suggesting that Sonia be humiliated in the same manner that she’d embarrassed Cathy. Cathy had caught on about the same time as I did and simply smiled.
“How about it, Barb?” Arthur asked as he glanced over at her. Barbara had been following our little drama with a frown between her browsers as she tried to figure out what he’d mean by his comment.
“A title for a tat, Sonia,” I said. “What’ll it be?”
Arthur was smiling as he sank back into his chair. Barbara had finally caught on to what we were talking about and was smiling as well. The other two leads didn’t have a clue, but they were interested in what might be about to happen.
Seconds turned into minutes as Sonia pondered what the group had come up with as a solution to her little self-imposed dilemma.
She had choices, more than Cathy had when Sonia decided to pull the ties on her bikini bra. But apparently only one made sense right now. She slowly reached to the bottom of her pullover and slide it over her head, dropping it on the floor next to her. Only a frilly little silk bra covered her breasts. Looking around at the group she saw no sympathy for her, so she shrugged, reached behind her and unsnapped the bra, allowing it to fall to the floor as well. Dropping her hands to her sides, she definitely succeeded in diverting any further attention from the game on TV, as everyone assembled took in the sight of her tits.
Not too shabby, I thought. She was a little taller than Cathy and her body was a bit thicker, but not by much. She must have been a little younger though, as her tits still jutted straight out from her chest, no sag at all. Dark brown areoles and nice thick nipples, now firmly erect in excitement. Her face was registering that excitement right now, as the glow of red spread across her upper body into her cheeks.
Another tough little shit, I thought. Probably not the best mix between Cathy and herself, but one who could probably hold her own in a catfight. Now however, she stood before us naked from the waist up, looking straight at me for instructions.
Looking over at the other guests, I noted that Arthur was grinning from ear to ear and I suspected that Sonia had just gained an addition to her personal fan club this afternoon. The other two guys were mesmerized by what had just happened and for the moment the game on TV remained completely forgotten. Glancing at Barbara I saw that she had an odd look on her face, but a grin was still on her lips.
Did I ever mention that this game was full of surprises?
Well, just as I was about to tell Sonia to cover up, Barbara suddenly stood up. She declared, “I’m tired of you two bitches getting all the attention.”
She was smiling when she said that so I wasn’t too wOrried about her flying off the handle, but I was some amazing to watch her unbutton her blouse and remove it, dropping it onto her chair. Reaching behind her, she then unsnapped her bra and placed it on her blouse. While all of us were paralyzed in shock, she reached up to her breasts and briefly massed them with her hands.
Now Barbara and I had worked together for a few years and I’d never seen a wild side to her. She was known to be one of the more mature, conservative members of my leadership crew. Moreover, she was married, as were the two men who hadn’t caught on to the double-entendre of Arthur’s suggestion.
Checking her out, it was apparent to me—and the other guys present that she certainly stacked up favorably to Cathy and Sonia. She was the oldest of the three, probably around 40 years old, but she’d kept her figure in remarkably good shape. Her breasts were full and lush, larger than either of the other women, but still holding their shape well. Her nippleswere large and erect, centered in dark pink tightly wrinkled areoles.
Most curiously, however, was the sight of a small tattoo of an orange-red butterfly, just over her left breast. I realized that Barbara hadn’t always been the little conservative lady that she seemed at work.
Fearing things getting out of control now that the ladies had taken a step beyond where I’d intended for the day to go, I instructed both of them to cover themselves back up. Sonia simply put her pullover back on, leaving herself braless, and Barbara, observing this did the same, buttoning on her blouse, but leaving her bra next to her chair. I’m already thinking that the guys would definitely remember this BBQ party for a while, as would the ladies.
Cathy had calmed down now that the other women had exposed themselves in a sympathy strip and with the chain dangling between her tits as a reminder that she was on “best behavior” from this point on, soon became the consummate hostess, anticipating drink and snack requests during the remainder of the game. The guys managed to get into the game on the TV, finally, but I still caught them singing quick glances at the women in hopes of a repeat of the earlier exposure of their charms.
The rest of the afternoon proceeded without incident and broke up shortly after the game’s completion. Out of the five members of the guest list, the only ones that were single had been Sonia and Arthur. I made a mental note to myself to take that into consideration the next time I hosted a get-together like this. I also made a note to become a little bit more aware of the political composition of the other departments around me. Apparently Cathy’s abrasive attitude extended beyond the simple irritations I observed, and the appearance of “wild-cards” in my plans warned me to be much more thoughtful about what I was including in my plans.
The possibility of angry spouses getting involved in any of this was not a comfortable thought. Thenext time I invited the team members, I’d make sure the spouses were included. Perhaps then, the chance of an embarrassing slipup might be avoided.
Once everyone had left, I instructed Cathy to change back into the clothes that she’d arrived in so I could take her out as I’d promised. I asked her to give me the bikini pieces once she’d finished, assuring her that I’d return them when the night was over.
Aside from the color appearing on her chest and face, I had very little with which to gauge her emotional level while performing her duties for me. Picking up the bikini bottoms from the chair in which she’d tossed them, I happily noted that the crotch was absolutely drenched in her vaginal juices and the aroma had an almost hypnotic effect on my libido. Whatever happened during her “hostess” exercise this afternoon definitely had a most profound effect on her and all I had to do was to determine specifically what it was and exploit it.
Returning to the living room dressed, I wondered if Cathy had actually committed her undergarments this time. As if answering my unasked question, she opened her blouse to reveal her naked breasts, and pulled up her skirt to reveal her naked sex.
I noticed that I hadn’t removed her silver chain from the collar still showing around her neck and decided to remove it for the trip to the Harbor Bar. The collar alone should suffice, I thought, to remind her that she was still under my control. As we were about to leave the house, she looked at me and asked, “Aren’t you tired by now of seeing me naked?”
I ignored the question.
Arriving at the Harbor Bar around 6:30 p.m., I escorted Cathy up to the bar where old Hattie stood hunted over the counter chatting with one of her customers quietly. Seeing me coming up she performed her usual little miracle with the mug of Guinness and slide a concoction of some sort in front of Cathy. Just like “Old Home Week”, I thought.
“I was wondering if I’d get the chanceto see you two again anytime soon,” she said. “Cathy had asked me some questions the last time you two were here and I promised I would answer them the next time you folks came in.”
Cathy hadn’t mentioned anything to me about that, but now that we were here I guess it was an opportunity for her to chat with Hattie again. As they began to get settled into their little routine of chit-chat, I could see that I was once again the fifth leg on the stool between the three of us.
Just as I was hoping that Robert might have decided to drop in to take me away from all this “blah-blah,” I felt a hand drop firmly on my shoulder and as I turned around I saw someone I really didn’t want to see right now. I’d only met Barbara’s husband a couple of times since she’d been with the firm, but my Recollection was that he was big, very big and could have been the poster child for a mean-veteran-biker. I could see that my surprise at Barbara’s behavior at my party this afternoon was probably mispaced. At least his tattoos seemed to be spelled correctly.
His strong, chiseled face, ice-blue eyes and long wavy hair—gray for the most part—sweeping back from his temples only accentuated his large muscle build. Hands the size of hams, I thought. They could probably pull me apart with no effort at all. In my moment of truth, I tried really hard to recall his name, just in case I could use it as a magic spell to make all this go away. Roger. Roger was his name.
Looking fearfully at his face, I noticed something encouraging. He was smiling, sheepishly; not in an I’m-going-to-shred-you kind’a way. Now that I was facing him, he put out his hand and shook mine, jerking his head back to a booth where Barbara was sitting, looking at us appreciatedly.
“Could’ja join us for a few, Mr. Bentley?” he asked.
I just couldn’t see any reason to refuse and looking at Cathy and Hattie all tied up in their girl talk, I nodded my head and followed him to the booth. Seatingmyself across from Barbara, I expected Roger to slide in next to her, but he slide in next to me instead, facing her.
I waited for one of them to start the conversation, simply because I didn’t know how much of what happened at my house that afternoon Barbara had shared with her husband. Blocked from the aisle as I was, I sincerely hoped that there wasn’t any bad news associated with this visit.
Barbara wasn’t exactly giving me the vibes that I was hoping for however. She just sat there with her hands together, staring at her beer. Finally, Roger cleared his throat, and began to speak.
“Mr. Bentley,” he began.
I interjected, “Scott. Please call me Scott, Roger.”
He heaved a sight of relief and then continued. “I hope that Barbara’s behavior this afternoon at your home didn’t cause you too much embarrassment. We’ve been married now about twenty years and I know her really well, sometimes she just does stuff without really thinking about it. Meaning well, butgetting herself in trouble, if you know what I mean. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about her, or hold any of this against her.”
Apparently, there were few secrets in Barbara’s household. I only wished there had been none in mine years ago, but that was then, now was now. I immediately saw where this was leading and I didn’t want Roger or Barbara to worry any longer.
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