Making sure that Cathy had left the area, I locked up and headed off to the Harbor Bar, and Hattie. If anyone could give me some answers to all this, it was her.
It was a bit late when I entered the bar, but Hattie apparently had some pretty hi-tech rabbit on board, as my Guinness was sitting in front of the barstool about the same time as me. Finishing wiping down the bar as I settled in, Hattie Wandered over and asked, “Alright Scotty, ‘core-dump!’” Chuckling for a moment she added, “Can’t listen to all you ‘techies’ every night without picking up some of yer ‘lingo.’”
Frustrated, I gave her the unabridged version and sometimes around midnight I finished, looking up to see if she if she was still awake. Her face was impassive as usual, but she was nodding her head as though she’d thought it all through, and might, just might have something to offer.
Clearing her throat, she began, “Let me get this straight, Scotty. You won the contest, right? So to ‘conquer’ your lit’s wench, you decide to do something that you have no experience with to humiliate her into submission. So she’d break the terms of the content, right?”
I already didn’t like the way this conversation was going, but Hattie was essentially right, so I just nodded my head.
“So,” she continued. “Finding out that your quick ‘whammy’ with the bondage stuff didn’t work the way you expected, you decided to ‘spill the beans’ and tell her exactly what you were going to do to her, right?”
Again I nodded. This wasn’t looking very promising . . .
Stroking her chin in concentration for a few moments, she finally said, “I’d say that giving up the bondage stuff at this point would be an obvious win for her, since you’ve already ‘announced’ to your company’s staff that this was the direction you were going to take.”
I didn’t see any solution in what she’d said so far, but I surely felt like I’d outflanked myself like a true idiot. Finally, she began to put pieces togetherher, and gave me a direction to pursue with the rest of the conditions of the “Deal.”
After finding out that I had little experience with “light bondage” aside from watching a couple of fuck-flicks some time ago pertaining to some fairly ta bondage stuff, she just shook her head and let out a “tsk-tsk.”
“Scotty, just where were you planning to take this if the first shot failed to work?”
I didn’t have an answer for her of course. That was the very reason why I was here. “I didn’t have a plan B,” I told her, feeling a little bit of shame for the ump-teenth time around her.
“Ok, Scotty, here it is,” she started. “I’ve never met the gal, so I can’t say what’s going to happen for certain, but you’ve already put something into motion that might allow me to figure where this might go in your favorite. Telling her that your goal is to make her give up was a bit stupid, but it might actually work in your favorite. Now that she knows what you have in mind, she’ll be less likely to call ‘foul’ when you begin to get a little too close to her ‘hot-points.’
“The fact that she seemed to become aroused at your touch is another good sign. Your toughest job right now, Scotty, is to learn a bit about what Bondage and D/s is all about, and use it to your advantage.”
“It’s been my experience that the tough ones fall into bondage the easiest; terrors by day, submissive by night. I don’t know your gal personally, but from what you describe, she’s a ‘tiger’ in the sales arena. It could very well be that she’s a ‘typical’ split personality, but who knows? Certainly not me. If you get a chance, bring her by some night so I can talk to her, get a feel for where her head might be at.”
“In the meantime there are a couple of more items you may want to pick up at that specialty store you went to that will help you in trying to tame this gal. Just remember, a light touch will go a long way, and will allow you to gauge when and where to take the next steps.”She stopped for a moment, just eyeing me a bit, then asked, “Scotty, just where is your head in all this anyway?”
What I’d failed to tell Hattie was apparently showing somewhere on my face, but she was too shrewd to let it pass. I could feel my face redden a bit as I explained to her that I found the idea of dominance a bit arousing as well, something that became most apparent when I was unable to remain objective to what I was commanding Cathy to do. Apparent of course, by way of an intense, persistent erection during the whole scenario.
“A bit arousing, eh?” she muttered. “Scotty, Scotty, what have you gotten yourself into?”
Then, slapping me on the arm, she ushered me off, reminding me to pick up the additional items from the store on the way back home. Fortunately, those kinds of stores remained open very, very late.
* * * * *
Tuesday morning came early for me, since I’d been up quite late the night before, but promptly at 10:00 a.m. Cathy entered my office. Without being told, she locked the door and marched up to my desk. I could see that she still wore the collar as directed and I thought, so far, so good.
Then, as if reading my mind, she unbuttoned her bloom to her waist and briefly exposed her breasts to me. Buttoning her bloom back up, she reached down to the hem of her skirt and brought it up to her wait, exposing her naked sex to my view.
It was just a glimpse, but it was enough to verify that she’d followed those instructions as well. She still seemed a bit cocky right then, but I knew that she had no idea what I had planned for her later in the evening. Nodding my head, I dismissed her with a reminder that we were due in Wade’s office at 1:00 p.m. for a project meeting.
As she turned to leave my office, I couldn’t help but notice that not only were her nipples making an impressive projection from the front of her blouse, but her ass seemed to have more of a swagger as her backside left the area. Could’a been my imagination, but . . . .
The time for the meeting with Wade found both Cathy and me seated across the long desk from the director. Wade welcomed us to the meeting, and immediately began to summarize the project requirements for my contract with Hector Industries.
We waited quietly until he finished, at which time he looked at each of us, cleared his throat, then informed Cathy that since the majority of her department was working for me now, that he was appointing her as a temporary assistance to myself. At least until the requirements for her own projects increased to the point where her services were needed once more in her own department.
Expecting a little bit of an argument, Wade leaned back in his chair and waited for a reply. It wasn’t long in coming, as Cathy’s face had turned angle red, and she immediately began a long litany of reasons why she shouldn’t and wouldn’t work under me.
Looking at Wade, I sawthat he was reacting like a deer caught in the headlights of a bus. Finally, not seeing any action on his part, I pulled the silver chain from my pocket, reached over to Cathy’s collar, and snapped it firmly into the chrome ring. As soon as the loud click interrupted her tirade, she stopped; stunned, and with wild eyes turned to me. All I said to her was, “A deal is a deal, right?”
Swallowing a couple of times, she composed herself, glaring at me but maintaining her silence. Wade suddenly snapped out of his trance, and stared at the collar around Cathy’s neck, but didn’t make any comment about the collar or the chain now hanging down from it. Looking at me, he suggested that I get together with Cathy and make the necessary arrangements for the “cooperative effort.” Relieved at the interruption, he quickly exhausted himself and escorted Both of us out of his office.
Taking hold of the chain, I guided Cathy through the cubicle areas to my office, noting that there were many ofOur associates observing our passage from Wade’s office to mine. Cathy remained tight-lipped throughout the whole trip to my office, but once I closed the door, she stopped abruptly, and put her hands on her hips, ready to go to war. For once, I made a decision to let her vent, for I had a point of order for her when she finished, wherever she went with it.
Sure enough, I heard much more than I wanted About the arrogance, presumption, and general bossiness of me and Wade concerning her activities, her career, her pride, and much, much more. When she finally ran down, I looked at her and said, “The word is ‘Uncle’.”
Puzzled, she looked at me as though I’d suddenly turned into a unicorn.
“What?” she asked. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Anytime that You are not willing to provide the services you owe me in the contest ‘deal’, all you have to say to me is ‘Uncle,’ can’t get much simpler than that. Then we can get on with our inter-departmental battle as usual.”
I could see that she was weighing what I said carefully in her mind, but after a few minutes she witnessed, and went silent. Again, I felt that face had won out over pride.
“Good,” I said. “Now we can get on with the punishment that you earned by embarrassing me in front of our boss.” As I finished that statement, she jerked her head around to look at me in confusion. I moved behind my desk and sat down, eyeing her carefully. “Remember the word, ‘Uncle.’”
“Pop the buttons on that blouse–now,” I said.
Looking back at the office door, she swung her gaze back at me and then slowly began to unbutton her blouse, keeping her eyes locked onto mine all the while. Finally she said, “I don’t know why you keep undressing me Scott, but I think that you might be pressing the ‘legal’ edges of this price.”
As she stood there before me, blouse unbuttoned, gaping open and exposing her lovely tits, I saw my chance to inform her of my considered opinion of the terms of the service price. Now I’m not a lawyer, nor am I particularly familiar with the mechanics of law which really seldom conform to common logic. I am however, an excellent blur, a fact that is well known by anyone who has had the misfortune to play poker with me. This ability has served me well in dealing with countless numbers of clients over the years.
I got up from my desk and Walked around to where Cathy stood, and slowly moved around her. As I did so, I calmly informed her of my interpretation of the rules.
“As I see it Cathy, the test of the legality of anything done during the time of this contest price depends on one important fact. ” I paused for a moment, reached out and took her left nipple between the thumb and forefinger of my right hand. Pinching it lightly, I noted with pleasure that her face had become contorted in a combination of conflict and indignation at what I’d just done, and obviously a response to the pain/pleasure of the pinch itself.
Continuing to roll her nipple about between my fingers, I went on with my explanation, “You see, when we agreed to the conditions of the content, we in fact became ‘consenting adults’. In the legal sense, whatever we do between ourselves is fair game, until one or the other of us backs out of the arrangement. Do you remember your escape word? Just say it and your ordeal will be over.”
As I said that, I reached over to her other nipple and began to apply some attention to it as well. While I was talking she was squirming, trying to avoid the touch of my fingers on her body, but not trying to be too obvious about it. I could tell she was analyzing my comments carefully, wanting to survive the contest period without giving up too much of herself. She wasn’t going to get off that easy, I thought.
“As far as why I keep undressing you, as I’d mentioned before, it gives me pleasure, as I’m sure you’ve noticed already.”
In fact, I was already sporting a rather stiff reminder of her effect on my libido. She had obviously decided to go along with my assessment of our situation for the moment, so she allowed me to continue fondling her beautiful breasts. She wasn’t noticing my arousal at the moment however, having gotten caught up in her own plateau of pleasure.
As much as I wanted to keep pushing her to her pleasure threshold, I had to make sure that she Understood that this was a discussion meeting, so I suddenly pinched both of her nipples with my fingers! Snapping out of her lust-induced trace, she barked out a yelp, and then backed away from my hands. Rubbing her offended nipples, she glared at me with contemporary eyes.
Before she could say anything I interjected with a quick question, “What’s the magic word, Cathy?”
Defusing the situation quickly, I told her to button up her blouse and informed her that I was calling a meeting between us and our project leaders at 2:00 p.m. to discuss the distributionn of our responsibility on the project. Before she left for her office however, I made sure that she understood that I expected her to show up at my house at 6:00 p.m., prepared to make us another dinner for two. There were no objects to my instructions this time.
One thing was certain however, we had crossed another boundary in our peculiar contest relationship. First touch, then a little pain, and still I had no sign of a solid rejection by her of my physical handling of her body. I was getting a bit encouraged, but I still had very little experience in bondage, so I remained cautious.
Once she’d left my office however, there was something that I had to take care of before I embarrassed myself before the department staff. Locking my door after her, I slipped preciously back behind my desk and sat down. Taking several Tissues from the box on my desk, I unzipped my trousers, and wrestled a very angry, erect cock out of my shorts. Breathing heavily, I began struggling myself almost as if in a frenzy; trying to get relief quickly, so that I could return to some semblance of normal workday routine.
This woman was affecting me much more than I had ever imagined, and the vision of her naked body was already burned into my memory, haunting me. Add to that the indelible memory of her cent last night, part subtle perfume, part musky arousal. Mother Nature truly was a “Mutha”!
The management meeting passed fairly uneventfully, and I felt that I’d made some small progress in the taming of Cathy. She had made no more objects to the thought of working together with me, but I could tell that her resistance was hovering just below her beautiful skin. Reluctantly she agreed to assist me in bringing this project to a successful conclusion. But, I wasn’t done with her yet.
I left a little early that afternoon, wanting to get home in time to make sure that I was fully prepared for the evening to come. I gathered up the extra items that I’d purchasedon Hattie’s advice, and reviewed in my mind how I would introduce them into our little bondage scenario.
Not terribly sophisticated, but I thought it would be slow enough to not to push her into complete rejection, and maybe slow enough to give me some idea about where to continue putting more pressure on her; legally of course. It had come to a point with me that I wanted to make her submit, rather than break altogether on the terms of the contest rules.
My carnal side was beginning to exert itself more strongly on my psyche, and as time went on, I felt less willing to resist it. I was beginning to see Cathy in an entirely different light these days, and while I couldn’t overlook her bitchiness altogether, I felt that I might be able to take some liberties with her if I could step inside of her defenses with this bondage scenario. I just had to make sure that my own weaknesses in torqueing her would not stop me before I was able to do so.
I recalled Hattie’s advicelast night when she suggested that I pick up these extra items for my game. “Soft and slow,” she’d advised. “Go easy, and her responses will tell you where you need to take the game. If you get lost, stop by again and maybe I can get the Captain to give you some hints.”
The Captain was her husband, and the short-order cook of the Harbor Inn. I had no idea how old either of them were, but I swear the Captain had to be pushing 70 years if he were a day old, and was probably the only person on earth that Hattie feared and respected. I was hoping that it wouldn’t get to that point.
The last thing I did before Cathy was due to arrive was to get into the shower to clean up. A good enough reason under most any circumstances, but truly, to masturbate like hell. I just had to Take the edge off my overworked libido in order to have some command of myself that evening.
As I pulled on my sleepless t-shirt and finished buttoning up my shorts, I heard the doorbell ring. Right on time, I thought as I pushed my feet into my slippers and made my way to the front door. Composing myself, I let her in, once again closing the door and snapping the lock tight as I turned to follow her into the living room.
She was still dressed in a rather dowdy outfit, although she’d exchanged her sweater for a sweatshirt, and had replaced her pedal pushers with some loose-fitting jeans. As she reached the center of the room, she turned to face me. I was waiting for some reaction from her to indicate whether she was willing to continue this ordeal, or was going to give me the answer that I was now afraid to hear.
After a few moments, she finally surprised and said, “I can see by the look on your face that this is going to continue. Don’t tell me, I know the routine by now.”
With that Comment, she turned and walked towards the kitchen, pulling her sweatshirt off as she went. Reaching the kitchen, she popped the button on her jeans, unzipped and dropped them to the floor. She was naked of course, except for her slip-on sneakers and the collar, and after she draped her clothes over the kitchen chair, she once again donned the apron and began to assemble items for dinner.
This time I remained in the kitchen for a while, observing her as she went about her chores. I’d made up my mind to get over my disappoint with her looking at my inevitable erection, because there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. Actually, from what I’d read about the bondage experience, if things went well, I might be able to enlist Cathy’s assistance in relieving my pressure in that area. I’d just have to wait and see how things went.
She had definitely turned into a different person while naked and under orders from me. As she moved about the kitchen, she knew I was still there; and instead of hampering my view of her naked body as she picked out ingredients for our dinner and assembled the various pots and pans that would feed usBoth, I saw that she seemed to be actually taking opportunities to expose her various charms to me in subtle and maybe not so subtle ways. Her effect on me was predictable, as I now had my old familiar tenting problem in my shorts.
Most of her work was done while her back was to me, so wearing only the apron left her entire backside exposed to me. Watching her lovely ass cheats moving separately as she went Through her preparation of this evening’s meal, I was thinking ahead to what I had planned for this evening’s exercise. Yet another boundary challenge, I thought. The results of this one would help me determine the next level to take our “deal” relationship.
As I returned to the living room to wait for dinner, I kept remembering Hattie’s advice–soft and slow.
Once again, Cathy had prepared a wonderful dinner. Absentmindedly, I wondered where she’d learned those culinary skills, and the thought of having someone around regularly who could cook this good briefly crossed my mind. More to the point however, I definitely decided that I’d never, ever tire of seeing this naked goddess before me. If this contest had given me nothing else, the vision of this beautiful woman in her altogether, was worth the trip.
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