Setting Some Things Straight

Pulling the last knot tight, she stepped back to view her project.

Damn, he looked good like that.

He was stretched across her very first bondage horse. His arms were spread out – displaying his full wing span. Once he had balanced his fine form across the padded leather, she had set about tying his wrists to help him hold his body in place. Past his upper chest, he was balanced on a necessary thin centre bar which ran down to a carefully constructed bottom section, where his knees were on cushioned brackets and he could lean his thighs against padded support – leaving all the more important parts of him uncovered and accessible for play.

Next time she was going to learn more about the ropes and make the ones holding his broad legs slightly spread against the pads more beautiful.

What needed to change was that expression on his face. He was smiling!

“Are we having fun yet?” he quipped, eyes dancing.

Her eyes narrowed. He is not taking me seriously, she thought. That will change too.

At him, she smiled.

She bent down to kiss him. He reached up as far as he could and met her mouth – his breathing was some shallow – the only evidence that he was not completely unaffected by the anticipation about what was about to happen. Or maybe it was just the binding.

He tried to control the kiss. She pulled back just out of reach.

“We have to talk” she began.

“So you said…” he started.

She held her finger to his lips. He laughed at her with his eyes.

Laughed at her!

“I really like you…” she started.

“I really like you too.”

She rolled her eyes. It was going to go on like this.

She stepped to the side. He lay his cheese on the headrest and followed her with his eyes as far as he could – an encouraging smile on his face.

She began standing just behind his displayed shoulders. She leaned down and kissed the one closest to her. She stretched herself out to lay light fingertips as far along his arms as she could reach and slowly drew them inwards, traced the muscles, drifted down the trapped shoulder blades and back.

He closed his eyes and looked relaxed. He looked like he was enjoying a spa treatment.

She turned her back to his arms, flattened her hands and continued the light, almost floating tracing of his muscles… down his back, in at his waist, over his hips… lightly around his buttocks, down his thighs… At this point she was bent over his lower back to reach, so she gave his butt a quick kiss.

“Mmmmh” he said.

She straightened and continued to run her fingertips up and down his skin – awakening nerve endings, training his attention on her touch as she moved back and forth in an almost hypnotic pace.

“You have been an unexpected pleasure.” she began again. “A discovery.”

She started to move her hands in wider arcs, walking back and forth along the length of his extended form.

“You have temptedme with the opportunity to share deeper fans and darker desires than I have shared with anyone else.”

She slide her hands in circles around his ass, slowly coming up the centre and brushing the back of his ball sack. He quivered and tried to spread his legs further – but the ropes held.

“I look forward to every opportunity to talk to you. We tease, we share, we explore…”

Her single hand came up to circle his anus. His muscles tensed slightly… and then began to relax again at her firm and rhythmic pressure.

“… but so many times it is your turn to answer a question, or even when I have you aroused, suddenly you disappear…”

“Come on honey” he mumbles entered by the sensings “you know that I have work and other responsibilities.”

“I do.” she cooed “I understand that sometimes you need to go – maybe even without any notice…” She leaned over and liberally lubricated her hands.

Starting where she left off – deep in the cleft of his bum, she smoothed the lotion down, over his balls and along his partially thickened cock – smiling as she pulled the lotion over every inch as it grew in her hands.

“Oooooohh yeah… that’s it baby” he mumbled.

“You see – sweetie – when you leave me like that, it can be very frustrating.”

“Sure hun, I get that. I don’t like it either.” He made to shrug, but didn’t quite have the room to move his shoulders that far. “but there isn’t anything that can be done about it. I’m just… oooh yes, just like that… really… busy.”

She continued to stroke up and down his cock, all around his balls and back up and down his perineum and ass.

A shudder ran through him.

“This is why I said you could have sex with other people” he carefully mentioned. His eyes were closed in concentration.

She leaned forward across his back, putting her ear down to hear his heartbeat and momentarily still her hands holding his cock.

“I did.” she announced “yesterday Ifucked three men.”

She felt it. A define increase in his heartbeat and a throbbing in his cock. This was why this man was worth fighting for.

“Good…” he moaned “good girl. Don’t stop. You’re such a good slut.”

She added more lube and continued her stroke.

“But it is just not the same. The orgasms are not as good as they are with you.”

She watched a smile of pride momentarily brighten his face.

“It’s just how it is.” He summarized, although in a some laboured voice.

“I think the solution is better communication. I am just asking you to think ahead – to think of when we can have dedicated time to each other and for us to plan a little – so I am not left waiting…” she increased her speed and motion up and down his shake and around his head “for you to come… back”.

He swivelled his head around to the side she was on and tried to make eye contact. He flashed his most dazzling smile.

“I will try harder to do better.” She could almost hear him wiggling his eyesbrows at his own pun.

“It has been days since we were intimate.” she said softly. She took a breath and tried to separate the facts from the emotion. “I see you come online, but you do not contact me. It makes me ache.”

She took a breath.

“I know you want to spend time with other people too – and I try to be understanding of that. Time with you is just so precise to me. I miss you.”

“I’m here now baby” he crooned “un-tie me and I’ll show you what you mean to me right now.”

She stopped what she was doing, stood up and walked around to face him. He was putting on a look that was both the picture of innocent and yet one that made promises of guilty pleasures. His eyes glowed with a look of success. She projected her own innocent smile.

Something in her eyes caused a glint of suspicion to cross his face.

She bent down and kissed him deeply – exploring his mouth with her tongue, and letting him explore her’s back. He made to bring his arms around her, momentarily forgetting the confines.

“Let me go Princess.” he ordered.

“Close your eyes” she countered. He smiled and compiled.

“Open your mouth wide” she asked. He frowned for half a second, and then obeyed.

She slipped the ball-gag in place.

She barely got the velcro fastened as his head pulled back and his eyes flashed open.

“Wmaat meeh fffuuuuvw?” She did not need that translated.

She walked out of sight and immediately went back to the same rhythm of touches along his back, this time watching the muscles as they sawh and compromised under his skin as he tried in earnest to pull out of the ropes. As her hands once more moved below his waist, his own body betrayed him slightly by moving into her hands instead of away from them.

He obviously changed tactics.

He still and gestured with his head for her to come back where he could see her. She walked all the way around the horse to come back into his view from the other side.

She looked down at him with a touch of concern, but mostly overwhelming delight.

“Yes dear?”

He tried his best to be beginning – and damned if he didn’t almost pull it off with his eyes of liquid truffle alone.

She gazed down at him.

“You would like to me to release you?” she asked.

He nodded – almost fluttering his eyeselids for emphasis.

She moved her face close to his. She lifted one hand and brought it up to gently stroke his face as she filled her eyes with all of the affection she held for him. He relaxed.

“You want to be the one in control?” she asked lightly?

He nodded.

He watched something new come into her eyes. Too late he realized that he hadn’t recognized the trap.

“Not today” she whispered.

The world still to this moment as he watched a different expression then he had ever seen take over her face. He felt trapped by the intensity of this look, and the sudden bloomingof curiosity in his mind.

“Today I am going to help you discover what it feels like to be completely, totally, helplessly focused… on… me.”

As she stood she softly dragged something made of leather along his cheek. As she stepped back, she dangled it briefly in front of him. It was a ball harness. He pulled at the ropes again.

“Shhhhhh” she murmured… walking back around and moving her one hand over him again.

She set the harness in the middle of his back. He could feel the weight of it. He contemplated trying to buck it off.

She lubricated her hands and went back to focusing her attention on his semi-softened member. He fight, and lost, the fight to ignore her ministers. Stroking him up and down, over and back, she soon had him at full hardness once more. Before he realized, she had retrieved the harness from his back and slipped it around him. He felt the straps tighten.

“Now we can take our time.” she cooed.

The next thing he felt was her tongue.

She was kneeing on the floor, enrolled by his dressed and presented cock and balls. Always before she had been rushed. Always before he had taken over the pacing and moved them towards the finish – or had left her frustrated and wanting. Not this time.

She lay the flat of her tongue along the underside – just above the leather – and took a long leisurely lick. She stared and smiled at the tip for a moment. She watched a drop of pre-cum condition and hang from the dome. She leaned forward and licked it up. Grinning, she spent several more minutes flicking and licking and swirling her tongue around and over the smooth, round, wet top of his rigid flesh. His groans and moans were like a soundtrack to a dance.

She was so aroused. This would not do. Her own body was going to distract her from pleasure his. She thought of a solution.

She brought a stool around in front. He lay with his eyes closed, trying to regulate his breathing. His eyes snapped open. The look was a mixture of so many things – but she was delighted to see that there was only a hint of anger.

She adjusted herself so that her crotch was less than an inch away from his face and brought her legs up to rest across his shoulders and back. His eyes widened – and so did his nostrils as he breathed in the scent of her heavily soaked panties.

“This is what you do to me” she noted.

His attention had solidly been drawn from her face to the space between her legs.

She used one hand to pull the soaked to the side, and with the other she slide her fingers down her nether-lips… opening them… showing the glistening drops of liquid that coated them. Her clip was throbbing and extended. She moved her finger across it and her moan was echoed by his muffled one.

Never had he just watched before. Never from up close.

She moved her hands slowly. She knew she was extremely close to a climax and that it would take very little to push herself over. She circled her clip again and felt the shudder work through her, down her legs that connected herself with him.

She stroked down her lips, divided in slightly to the pool below, and back up. She had a moment of complete sympathy for him and his situation, and then proceeded to alleviate her own ache.

In an abrupt change of pace, she thrust three fingers inside and created the delightful Pressure she craved across the roof of her portal. In and out, rapidly, rubbing the strained and engaged tissues. Expertly she aimed her fingers at her own magic spot… and let loose the flood of fluids that had been demanding release.

She called out loudly as she came. Her only regret was that in the thrill of the release, she closed her eyes and lay her head backwards – missing the look on his face. Quickly recovering, she looked down her semi-prone body to meet his eyes.

There was a different look in his eyes. A hunger – but also a new aspect. One of… promise? Hewas trying to ask something of her again, only this time it had the tone of… a request.

“Will you behave?” she asked?

He nodded. And this time she believed him.

She pulled the velcro free and let the gag drop to the floor.

He immediately lunged his tongue forward to lap up her juices. Moaning again, she moved her hips and pushed her cunt against his face. He was ravenous. He sucked, and thrust and occasionally took heavy breaths before diving back into her pussy. Careful of his face, she arranged her fingers in a position to work her clip and leaned back in the chair to ride over another peak. She closed her eyes and focused her attention on every sensing that was washing over her. Momentarily she was soaring again – her vision going white-blind behind her eyes as her whole body spasmed.

Coming down, she became aware that he was laying tiny, delicate kisses all across her pussy and thighs. She stayed relaxed and absorbed these sensings as well. Shequickly reviewed her other plans, adjusted for the time and strengthened her resolve.

She pulled her legs off and moved the chair back to rise.

He lay quietly, his only motion in his hands and arms, as he flexed them to encourage circuitry. He reminded her of a jungle cat on a sunny log.

“Are you ready for your turn” she tested?

He only nodded. She grinned. He had passed.

Overflowing with delighted energy, she massed his shoulders, and back, and butt and then settled herself between his legs. She glorried in his deep intake of breath as she carefully blew on his encased and engaged genitals.

They were magnificent. Framed and secured, they had increased in size – capturing and containing his arousal in a heightened state. Settling herself on a low stool, she set about dedicating herself to discovering how many new sensings she could give him with.

She traced the balls with her fingers – inspecting how the short hairs were also standing erct from the stretched skin. She moved her fingers down, over the harness and stroked along the silky-smooth skin of his erection. She played with the veins as they pulsed. She leaned forward and placed her mouth just behind the scrotum, on her most favourite inch of male skin and opened her mouth and latched on. She pulled at the base of his shake – sucked it through the skin and almost into her mouth. Then she reversed direction and pressed the area with her tongue. She massed his perineum with her mouth and his cock with her hands.

His moans were like music.

She knew his muscles must be scanning by now. She picked up the muscle rub and stood beside him – started at this neck and worked down his arms. She was rewarded with his murmurs of gratitude as she gripped and rolled his skin, pressing the chemical heat along his body. She progressed down his back, over his buttocks – again kissing each before spreading them with cream, and down his tight thighs and calves – evenmassaging his feet.

She stood back for a moment to enjoy the magnificent sight: Her man. Oiled and rubbed. Muscles tensed and shining as he tried to manage the tension pulsing through his mind and body. It was time to finish this for today.

Diluting the muscle cream with lubricant she rubbed wider and wider circles around and around his ass cheeks, until she included the ass cleft in her route. Moving heat and motion over and over his asshole. She stood beside him and used one hand to cup his balls gently. Taking his over-sensitive cock in the other hand, she re-positioned the one that held his balls so that her thumb was laying along his perineum. She rubbed her favourite spot. She started struggling his cock. The residual muscle cream on her hands added an almost unbearable heat. She could feel his balls throb, begging for release.

He was lost in sensings. His body pulsed and throbbed from his forehead to his feet. When she stroked his cock, it felt like she was stroking every inch of his skin. When she pulled her fingers across his balls, it felt like she was pulling her fingers across his mind.

She slipped her thumb in to push against his walnut and his body lurched harder then when he had tried to break free. His body, the horse, everything was rocking to the motion she was making; to the rhythm she was creating.

She had pictured pretty words at this point, but they were both too far gone for words. They were ready for the end. They were both ready for their world to exploit.

Oiled fingers slipped, but she released the harness and ran her hands over the entire expansion of his flesh, from base to tip and back, and again.

He roared as his body fluids rushed back into place. His whole body rocked. His cock leaping and straining in her grip.

He cried out one word: Her name.

That sound sent a pulse through her sharper than her earlier climaxes and she gripped him harder and moved her hands faster and seconds later… he was cumming.

Her eyes could not break away from the glorious sight of his powerful stream. Her ears were buzzing with the feeling of her own blood rushing through her body and his cries of ultimate release. Thick white ropes of it soon covered her hands… and her feet. She glorried in it.

She promised herself that the next time, he would be shooting that pressure into her.

The orgasm went on and on… she continued to help him; milk his pleasure to the end. She kept her hands around him until his body completely still.

He lay spent. The only indication of his consciousness was his laboured breathing.

Moving quickly she pulled the mattress over to the horse, cut the ropes as quickly as she safely could, and helped him slouch-fall down to the soft surface. She wrapped her body around him, and pulled a cover over them both.

He lay on his back, with his arms still extended. He was staring up at the ceiling. She could not read the expression onhis face.

She closed her eyes, lay on his chest, and waited.

A few minutes later, she felt movement and his arms slowly came around her. He twined one hand into her hair and caressed her head.

She looked up to find him staring down at her, a bemused expression on his face.

“So, what you’re saying” he began, “is that you would like more focused attention.”

She grinned at him and reached her mouth up so that they could kiss. The kiss was intimate; full of shared gratitude and promise.

“And just so that I am clearly communicating,” he added “next time – it’s your turn.”

The flash in her eyes was matched by the delight in his. They fell back to laughing and kissing and making everything right.


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