AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partially fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-7 before this part. The main character, Sethy, is based upon a real woman and much of the character reflects the true woman. All characters in this story are twenty-one years of age or older. If you are curious about Sethy or Linda, message me.
This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in part or in entirety without express written consent of the author.
Sethy – Part Eight – Payback’s a bitch
When Sethy had told me what Linda had done to her (see Part 3 – Linda) I had decided then and there that Linda needed to get a taste of her own medicine. Everything that she had done to Sethy and everything that she had threatened Sethy with would come back to her. The wheel of karma is unrelenting – that which you do to others shall come back to you. John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote a variant of this in the Beatles last song on their last album “And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make”. What you sow, so shall you reap. I was ready to fully embrace the role of karma’s avenging angel on Linda. When I had travelled from the states I had brought along a few toys which I had planned to use on Sethy if she was up for it. I decided instead that these could best be used on Linda in my quest to excite Sethy from Linda’s trap.
When I had told Rod a few days ago what Linda had done to me, I had never seen him so quiet. Rod is usually a talkative and fun guy who is good with people, but after he knew what Linda had done, he was unusually quiet. I could tell that he was disturbed. I remember after our hike to the waterfall a few days ago (see Part 4 – the Snare) in the taxi going back to the hotel Rod began to outline to me his ideas for how he was going to get me out of this situation with Linda. After he had told me what he was thinking of, I thought to myself, “I’m glad this man loves me because I certainly would not want to piss him off!” Every humiliation that Linda had put me through, Rod wanted her to be humiliated twice. Everything that Linda had threatened me with, Rod wanted her to experience it. Rod would not show any mercy. Linda would feel the full brunt of his anger and revenge.
Rod told me that he wanted me present when Linda returned tonight at 7pm. Rod had told her Last night that tonight would be bondage and BDSM, so she should be expecting that. It’s not the typical kind of thing that Rod indulges in, but since Linda had fired the first shot, Rod was going to return a barrier of cannon fire.
Rod and I were in the room at the Las Palmas by 6:30. Rod did not want to leave anything to chance that Linda might come early and see me. He asked me to wait in the bathroom once Linda arrived and then he would open the bathroom door and that would be my cue to come out into the room.
We heard a knock at the door at 7:00pm. It must be Linda! I walked quetly into the bathroom and closed the door. This time I closed it completely. I knew I would be coming out soon so I was better able to muster up the patience to wait.
I opened the door and there was Linda. She was dressed in black today. Black looked good on her, a stark contrast to her white skin. She looked up at me and smiled “Hello Rod”.
I looked down at her and said with as little emotion as I could muster, “Hello Linda.” I did not invite her in but stepped into the center of the doorway. “I mentioned last night to you that this evening would be playtime and that you need not return unless you were ready to be a submissive slut tonight. Are you ready to embrace that role?”
I could tell from her eyes that she was a little surprised at this, but to her credit, she hardly skipped a beat. “Yes, Rod, I’m here and I’m ready”.
I looked down at her, “You will no longer call me Rod. You will address me as Master. You will also no longer call yourself Linda. You will refer to yourself as Master’s slut. Is that clear?”
“Uh, yes Master” she responded.
“You may enter, my pet” and I stepped into the room from the doorway. Linda followed in behind me. I closed the door behind her. I handed her a 3×5 index card and walked the few paces to my videoorecorder. “I want you to read the card and look into the videocam while you are reading it, my slut”. I turned on the videocam. “You may begin”.
Linda stated, “I am here of my own choice and free will. I consent and agree to be the slut fuckdoll of my Master Rod. I willingly will do what my Master commands. I will remain as my Master’s slut until he dismisses me. My Master may use me and my body as he sees fit. I will also pleasure and serve others as Master commands.” Linda looked up after she had finished reading the card.
“Another thing, slut. You will no longer use the pronoun I. When you refer to yourself you are to say Master’s slut. Understood?”
“Yes. Master’s slut understands, Master”.
I took a pair of contacts from the table and handed them to Linda. I had brought these from the US thinking that I would use them with Sethy but they were perfect to use with Linda. “Here slut. You may not be familiar with these. They are blinder contacts. They are safe and will not harm your eyes, but they will block 90% of the light entering your eyes leaving you practically sightless. Don’t worry, I will not put you into a situation to harm yourself and I will be assisting you when you need assistance to keep you safe. But now in addition to being a submissive slut, you will be a blind submissive slut. This may alarm you, but let me assure you that in time you will enjoy being sightless. It will further allow you to be completely submissive. You will also find that your other senses are heightened and accentuated with your sight gone. Taste, touch, hearing and smell will all be experienced by you more fully than you have ever before.”
Linda heldthe contacts in her left hand. She clearly was not prepared for this. I could see uncertainty and fear in her eyes.
I gave her a few seconds to come to grips with the situation, then said “if you do not want to participate, then leave now” I said looking directly into her eyes.
Linda thought a second and then said, “No, Master. I want to play”. I walked over to the table where I had gotten the contacts and took a riding crop in my right hand. I took two steps to be next to Linda and then brought the crop down hard on her ass. Linda cried out in pain.
“There is no I for you. Who are you?” and I brought down the crop on Linda’s ass again. When the little flap of leather hit Linda’s ass it made a sharp crack.
Linda’s face contained in pain. “Owww! Oh..Master’s slut. I’m Master’s slut!” she cried.
I hit her again across the ass with the crop. “You stupid slut. You still don’t understand. You have no I. No I! Do you understand??” She felt the crop a fourth time.
“Oh! Master! Yes! Master’s slut understandings!!”
“Very well. Put the contacts in your eyes, slut”
Linda had a little trouble getting the contacts into her eyes but soon had them in. The contacts really were effective at blotting out most of the light. Linda now really was sightless. The white contact made her eyes look like she really was a little blind girl. I had to be on my toes to make sure she did not fall and hurt herself. She was in my care now. “So, my little slut, tell me what you can see now.”
“Master’s slut can see nothing, Master!”
Ah, I thought, she’s learning quite quickly. It’s amazing how quickly a riding crop can help a girl learn. “Very good. OK Linda, strip off all your clothes. It’s been almost 24 hours since I’ve seen you naked.”
Linda had to fumble a bit to find her clothes, but she soon was standing naked before me. While she was striping I had walked over to the bathroom and opened the door and motioned to Sethy to be quiet and that she could come out now. Linda stood in the middle of the room with head up trying to locate where I was.
“You have a tight little body, my slut. Daniel, Tony and Talib all told me that they enjoyed their foursome with you last night. Would you like to play again with them sometimes, my whore?”
“Yes Master. Master’s slut enjoyed them all, especially Daniel.”
“Very nice. Well, we shall see what can be arranged. For now, spread your feet outside your shoulders and reach down and grab both your ankles.” As she did so Linda’s tight little dark butthole revealed itself.
Rod took the tube of K-Y jelly from the table and without saying a word gave it to me and then pointed to Linda’s pumped asshole which was Now looking up at both of us. I squeezed a glob of it right on Linda’s tight little butthole.
“Oooh Master, that’s cold” Linda barked out.
Rod responded, “Never you mind my slut. That is a little K-Y jelly lubricant and your hot little body is heating it now even as we speak”. Then Rod handed me a black butt plug. “Slut you will soon feel some pressure on your asshole as a butt plug will be inserted into your tight little ass. Don’t worry, the K-Y will lubricate the butt plug and your ass and although you may experience a little temporary discomfort, you will be fine, I assure you”.
Rod motioned for me to start to insert the butt plug into Linda’s ass. I rubbed the butt plug on Linda’s asshole and thoroughly lubricated it with the jelly. After it was covered with the lubricant, I pressed the tip of the butt plug up against Linda’s pumped asshole and began to push it in while rotating it. Linda’s ass was tight. I don’t think she has had much experience getting ass-fucked. I continued to twirl the butt plug and add More pressure. The butt plug moved a bit deeper into Linda’s ass. I could see Linda’s little butthole struggle to take in the piece of rubber. I couldn’t see Linda’s face as she was facing away from me, but I could tell from her grunts and groans that she was having some difficulty with it. However, soon that was over. The plug was shaped a bit like human tonsils so once the wider bit at the bottom made it past Linda’s tight asshole, her ass tightened quickly on the narrow neck that was still outside. The end of the butt plug was a flat piece of rubber so Linda would be able to sit fairly comfortable. As comfortable as one can sit with a butt plug in your ass. That was the first time I had ever pushed a butt plug into a woman’s ass. I liked it. I could feel my pussy starting to tingle. Of course, Linda did not know it was me that had pushed it into her asshole. She couldn’t see anything and I had not made a sound, so she didn’t know I was there.
Rod saw that Linda’s asshole had swallowed the butt plug and gave me the thumb’s up sign.
“Well, how does that feel my little slut? Comfy?” Rod asked Linda.
“Oh, Master’s slut’s ass feels very full, Master!” Lindasaid with some difficulty. “This is the first time that Master’s slut has had a butt plug up her ass, Master”.
“You are doing fine, my slut” Rod answered. He picked up Linda’s heels from the floor and put them in her hands. “Here’ slut, put these on. Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall if you lose you balance”. After Linda had slipped on her heels, Rod said, “I have a long coat for you. Let me help you slip it on”. Rod helped her get her arms into the sleeves and get the coat over her shoulders.
“We are going to leave the hotel now my lovely little Linda and go somewhere else. Don’t worry, I will guide you, won’t let you bump into anything and won’t let you get hurt. One facet of my job as Master is to make sure you are safe and don’t get hurt. We will go downstairs and then take a little taxi ride. Don’t worry about where we are going.”
We left the room and got into the elevator. Linda was a little unsteady on her heels with no sight. She had her left hand on Rod’s right elbow for guidance and stability. I have to admit my pussy was very wet from the whole situation. With the white contacts, Linda looked like a blind woman and she walked and acted like one. When we walked across the hotel lobby from the elevator we got many looks from people as Rob guided her. People seemed surprised that an attractive blind girl would be wearing heels and guided by an older gentleman. I also saw an older lady in the lobby whose eyes got very big when she was looking at Linda. I wondered if she saw something that made her realize that Linda was naked beneath that coat? Rod had asked me yesterday if I had a long coat or raincoat that we could use for Linda. I had a long brown raincoat which I rarely used in my closet which I picked out and gave to him. It went down a little past Linda’s knees. It excited me to see Linda wearing it knowing that she had nothing on underneath it.
A woman naked in a long coat and heels in public is a good look! Seeing Linda dressed in this way got me really hot and horny. I could feel my panties were soaked! Of course, Linda still did not know that I was with her and Rod. I was not talking and I tried to be as quiet as possible so Linda could not hear me. When we got in the taxi Rod helped Linda into the back and then sat next to her. I sat in the front seat next to the driver. While we were driving I could see the driver was looking over at my legs. I had a short skirt on and my dress covered only about half of my thighs. He was an older man, not very attractive, but I was still turned on by a man looking at me like he would like to fuck me. God I was so wet! When we arrived at our destination and I got out of the car, I was mortified to see a wet spot about 5 centimeters in diameter on the car seat where I was sitting! My cunt was so wet I had leaked out, soaked my panties and then wet his seat cushion. The driver noticed it also, looked up at me and smiled, wiped his index finger on the wet spot, and then stuck his finger in his mouth making a cynical leer at me. Oh my God! What a pervert! I was so humiliated!! But it also got me even wetter.
I has asked the taxi driver to take us to the South Park hotel, where Sethy and I were staying. We could have stayed at the Las Palmas, but I wanted to take Linda out of the hotel naked under the long coat, in heels and with the blinder contacts and we needed someplace to go. I just wanted to see how she would react to all that and what she would do. Linda did quite well. She asked a few questions but did not ask where we were going. I had not buttoned the coat in the front so it was slightly open during the ride. I’m sure Linda could tell that it was open by the way it fell across her body. The taxi driver certainly noticed. Every chance he had he was looking in the rear view mirror trying to see what he could of Linda’s naked body. I saw that when he was not looking at Linda he was checking out Sethy’s legs in front. It’s a wonder we did not have an accident since he was rarely looking at the road. Linda had her left hand on my right tight during the taxi ride. I knew that it was mostly just to have a point of reference since she could not see, but she did rub and cares my thigh during the trip and it did cause me to get a very large erection.
When we got out of the taxi I noticed that Sethy had hesitated before closing the front door of the taxi and she seemed a little agitated. I made a mental note to ask her about that. Then I saw the wet spot on the back of her skirt as we were walking to the room. I knew Sethy could get wet in a heartbeat, and that she did not like to wear her panties when they were soaked, so I had a pretty good idea of what had happened. Sethy had been very good during the ride, hardly making a sound. I think Linda had no idea that another person was with us.
We got Linda into the room. I had the videocamera set up already on a tripod; I walked over to it, adjusted it to put Linda inda in the center of the viewfinder, and turned it on. I had asked Sethy before we began to be quiet so Linda would not know another person was there. I wanted it to be a big surprise for Linda later.
I took the coat off of Linda. “How are you my little slut? I must tell you that the taxi driver was checking you out the entire trip.”
“Oh Master, what did he see? Was I entirely exposed?” she asked.
“Not entirely” I replied, “but he was able to see enough to keep him looking. How are you, my pet? Did the trip excited you?”
“Yes, Master. Master’s slut’s pussy is hot and wet” Linda replied.
“I will check that myself, my pet” I said and I traced the lips of Linda’s pussy with my forefinger. My finger slipped easily in. Linda was soaked. “Yes, my little slut, your pussy is very wet. I can see that you are enjoying this so far.”
“Master, I am not sure that enjoying is the correct word, but you can see that my pussy is flooded” she said. I noted that Linda was precise with her words and how she expressed herself. I admire that in a person. Although I was still committed to humbling Linda in a serious way, she was beginning to get some of my grudge respect.
I had Linda kick off the heels she had worn during the taxi ride and walked her to an open spot in the room. “My slut, I want to take a few photos and I want you in a slutty outfit. I’m going to put You in a pair of black panties. Pick up your left foot.” Linda did and I slipped the panties over that foot. “Good. Put that one down and pick up your right foot.” Linda compiled, and I began to slide the panties up her legs. As the panties got above her knees my face was about 4 inches from her pussy. I could smell her scent. There’s something about the scent of a hot pussy that just makes me wild. Totally aroused. It’s a huge turn on for me. I breathed in that delicious aroma that Linda’s hot cunt was giving off. It was all I could do to stop myself from burying my face in Linda’shot cunt. Then I slipped a sexy black bra on her. The bra did not have cups per se, they were strips of black fabric across her breasts. They allowed her erect nipples to stick through and be on full display. Then I slipped some chunky black heels on her and while I did that I had another whiff of her glorious scent. God, there’s nothing like a pussy in heat! Finally, I brought her hands behind her and put Some leather handcuffs on her wrists and bound those together. I fastened a black leather collar around her neck which was fitted with a metal O-ring. I grabbed the camera and began to snap some shots of my hot little slut.
Coming up next might be a challenge for her. “My slut, you look good, but you must look great to be my slut. You need a pair of clamps on those big nipples of yours”
“Oh, Master, please. Please don’t! Master’s slut’s nipples are very sensitive!”
I picked up the leather crop and smoked Linda hard across the ass. “Don’t attempt to tell your Master what to do, you worthless slut!” and I smacked her again across the ass.
“Oh Master, please!! I beg you!! Please don’t clamp my nipples!!” I could easily hear the destination in her voice. I cracked her twice again across the ass.
“The first one is for trying to influence me. My slut does not try to tell Master what to do. The second one is to remind you that there is no I for you. You are always Master’s slut. Get that through your slut brain!” I quickly unfasted the bra and tossed it on the floor. I put a clamp on her left nipple and saw Linda’s face wince in pain. A few seconds later I clamped her right nipple. Linda gritted her teeth but did not say anything. Then I attached a small chain from each nipple clamp to the O-ring on her neck collar. Now I could pull either or Both chains which would tug on either or both nipples. This action usually got a slut’s attention very quickly. While I was attaching the chains to slut’s nipples, I got a lungful of Linda’s pussyScent again. My God! My cock, which had been hard, just got harder and bigger. Sethy had referred to my cock before as the Dictator – meaning it took over my body and my mind and got exactly what it wanted. Yep, Dictator time. I was like a bull in heat. I handed the camera to Sethy and motioned that she should start taking photos. The Dictator demanded to be sucked. He demanded Linda’s mouth and tongue.
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