Session with a Goth Girl

Gareth rang, sounding excited. “Man, have I got a subject for you. She’s a fuckin’ goddess, and says she’s right into it.”

I’d met Gareth a few months previously, when I was doing a magazine photoshoot at a Goth/S&M club called the Vault. We got to talking about photography, and he said he knew a few girls who’d be willing to take part in the sort of shoots that I’d been doing lately. I had thought he was all talk, but since then he had brought five girls along to my studio, and the results had generally been more than satisfaction.

“So who is she then?”

“Only met her last night. Name’s Natalie. Says she’s been in the scene a couple of years. Only thing is, she won’t do it for less than a thousand bucks. She’s got some debts.”

“A thousand, eh? And she knows what we’ll expect for that sort of money?”

“Yep, and it’s not a problem. I’m telling you, you’re going to be thrilled when you see this one.”

“Okay, okay. When can she do it?”

“Tomorrow night?”

“Sounds good. Be here at nine.”

Gareth was prone to examination, so I wasn’t letting myself get too excited yet.

The following night, just after nine, I opened the door to find Gareth on the doorstep. He was wearing his customary long, black leather jacket, and his hair, which was long and dyed black with red streaks, was tied back. He grinned at me wickedly – Gareth’s face always reminds me a bit of Mr Punch – and stepped inside, followed by a girl of about 18. He was right – she was stunning.

Her straight, shoulder-length hair was dyed jet-black. Her pale face was angelic, with big, dark brown eyes accentuated with kohl, full lips painted with scarlet lipstick, and a delicate nose and chin. She had a few piercings – several rings Through each ear, a ring through the side of her nose and a stud beneath her bottom lip. She wore a black dress of silk-like material, cut to just above the knee, with a bodice fastened by red laces that was tight over her large breasts. Fishnet stockings, chunky black boots and a black handbag completed the ensemble. She was, indeed, a veritable Goth goddess.

“This is Natalie,” said Gareth,

“Pleased to meet you,” I said. “Done any modelling before?”

“Not, um, professionally, no. Gareth said you’re a very good photographer.”

“I’d like to think so.” I pointed to some fairly innocuous black and white images on the wall, a few nudes among them. She looked at them and nodded. The thought of what we would be doing to this beautiful creativity was already making my cock hard.

“You want a drink before we start? Some wine?”

“Um, I’d like to get the money first, if that’s alright,” she said.

“Of course.” I got my wallet out, extracted 1,000 dollars in 100 dollar bills and handed it to her. She counted it and put it in her handbag. I gave her a model release form which she sat down and read and then signed.

“Okay,” I said, clapping my hands together. “Let’s do it.” I led them out of the blinde room and down the hallway that led to my studio, which had originally been the garage of the house. It was a large room with a cement floor and a big, batteryed workbench running along one side, covered in tools and photography equipment. From the rafters hung a variety of ropes, chains and pulleys. In one corner there was a wardrobe with a few costumes in it, and scattered around the floor were a carpenter’s wooden horse, some wooden stocks, a leather couch, a wooden armchair and a fridge. A rack on one wall held whips, canes and other implements.

As we entered, I saw Natalie looking up at the ropes and chains, and tried to figure out the expression on her face, but I couldn’t. She didn’t look scared though. I told her to sit on the chair. I walked around the room, turning on lights and the two video cameras that were set up to record events.

Gareth went over to the fridge, got a beer for himself and one for me. He offered Natalie a drink, and she took a can of bourbon and coke.

I picked up a camera and started to take some shots of her. I have a few iron rules with photo shoots, one of which is to always start with shots of the model clothed, as you might see her on the street. I find that makes what comes later more exciting.

I asked he her how long she had been into the Goth scene, and the S&M scene in particular. She said about two years, since coming to the city ​​from the country and meeting her boyfriend. She was a sub, she said, and liked to be beating. She answered my questions in just a few words, while looking down at the floor. I didn’t know whether it was because she was shy or nervous.

“Right,” I said. “I think now, I’ll get you to take off the dress.”

She took a deep breath, and put the drink can on the floor and stood up. She undid the lace on the bodyce and pulled it off, then unzipped her skirt at the side and let it fall to her feet. Underneath, she wore a red lace bra, black panties and a garter belt holding up the fishnet stockings. I snapped some more pictures as she stripped.

“The bra too,” I said.

She pulled the strraps over her shoulders and the cups down so that her big, heavy breasts spilled out. They were round and perfectly proportioned, with stubby pinkish-brown nipples and just the barest hint of blue veins beneath the milky skin. She twisted the bra around her wait so that it was back to front, unhooked it and dropped it on the floor, then stood with her hands on her hips, a bit of a defiant look on her face now, as I snapped more shots, including some close-ups of her magnificent tits. I looked for scars or bruises or other marks on her body, but couldn’t see any. He skin was perfect. She had black celtic tattoos on her upper arms, and a sun design around her belly button, which was pierced.

I put the camera down. “Okay, Gareth, give us a hand.” Gareth, who had been sitting on the couch, leaves off it and came over.

Reaching up, I got hold of one of the ropes hanging from the rafters. It had a loop already tied at the end of it. I took hold of Natalie’s left hand, slipped the loop around her wrist and tightened it. Gareth did the same with her other wrist. The ropes were threaded through pulleys, with the other ends attached to hooks on the walls. Taking a rope each, Gareth and I pulled on them so that the girl was raised slowly into the air, her arms in a ‘V’ shape, and stopped when her toes were just touching the floor.

Gareth went to the workbench and came back with a ball gag which he fastened over her mouth. He walked around her, inspecting her, and put his hands on her tits and gave them a good squeeze. I began to take photos. Taking hold of her nipples between thumb and forefinger, he pulled them as hard as he could until they were about two inches long, then twisted them roughly.

He took off his coat and throw it on the couch. He was wearing a fancy, embroidered black shirt and leather pants. He undid his belt, which had a big silver buckle, and took it off. I’d noticed that in these sessions he usually liked to start with the belt. He got hold of Natalie’s left breast in one hand, and flicked the belt across it, right on the nipple, quite lightly at first, then repeated it a few times, each blow a little harder. He did the same with other breast, and finished by flicking the belt back and forth over both of them as Natalie, the ball gag in her mouth, groaned quietly. When he had finished, her lovely big breasts hung down, quite red, the nipples puffy.

I got a pair of scissors from the workbench and handed them Gareth. “Cut her panties off,” I said.

“Aye, aye, sir.” He took the scissors and poked Natalie’s breasts with them, pressing their points quite deep into them. As I knelt beside him to get some close-ups he drew the scissors down her stomach, leaving two long, faith scratches, then began to prod her public shaft with them through the black panties, which madeNatalie flinch.

Slipping a finger into the waistband of the panties, he snipped one side of them. The front of the panties fell away, revealing a delightfully rounded, freshly shacked pussy with a little pentagram tattooed just above the slit.

Gareth spread her legs apart so we could get a proper look at her cunt, which was a pretty thing with crinkled pink labia that protruded a little. It was, I saw, quite wet with her juices. Gareth got the scissors and poked at the soft flesh, and pushed them a little way into her vagina. Then he cut the other side of the panties and pulled them off.

Dropping the scissors, he got one arm around her right leg, grasping her thigh, and pulled it back firmly so that her cunt was opened up. Taking up his belt again with the other hand, he brought the end of it down on her pubis. Natalie understood around but Gareth held her tightly and brought the belt down again and again on the tender cunt flesh.

Satisfied, Gareth dropped the belt.He went to the wall on which the rack of whips hung, selected one, and stood behind Natalie. I repositioned one of the video cameras to get a better shot. Gareth proceeded to whip Natalie’s back and buttocks, good hard strokes that left her skin covered with long, thick welts, from some of which oozed a little blood. When he was finished with her back, he gave her front a whipping too, concentrating on her tits, though less Intensive this time.

We expressed for a moment, and I went to the workbench and picked out a few items, including bulldog clips, masking tape and a little clear plastic case containing needs, which I placed on the wooden chair. Gareth picked up some of the bulldog clips and started to attach them to Natalie’s body – to her nipples and around her breasts, to her arms and stomach. Then, kneeing, he pulled on one of her labia, stretching it right out, and affixed a clip to it, then repeated the operation with the other one. He then taped the clips to the insideof her tights so that her cunt was kept stretched open.

After I had taken a few pictures of her like this, he removed the clips from her nipples and picked up the needle case. Taking hold of one nipple, he pushed a needle through it. Natalie groaned, he head tossing this way and that, her hair, damp with sweat now, sticking to her face. She still had the ball gag in her mouth and saliva dripped down her chin. He thrust a needle through her other nipple, then inserted six or seven more into her breasts, some straight in, others at an angle so the points broke through the skin on the other side.

We decided it was time to tie her up in a different way. Loosening the ropes that were supporting her, we lowered her a bit, then tied two more ropes to her ankles. When we were finished, Natalie was suspended at wait height from the floor, her body level with it, spreadeagled with her legs wide apart.

Gareth stepped back to admire our handiwork, one hand on his crotch. Unzipping his fly, he brought his cock out and wanked himself until he was hard. Approaching Natalie again he positioned himself so that his prick, which was now pointing stiffly upwards, was just inches from the open pink cunt. As I moved in again with the camera, he put his hands on the girl’s thighs and pushed her forward, then let her go. Natalie’s body began to swing back and forth. Gareth stood quite Still and watched, a wicked grin on his face, as the swinging brought her cunt up to the head of his prick, then away again, which made him laugh. Then he grabbed her legs and began to fuck her.

After I’d taken sufficient shots of this I put the camera down. I walked around so that I was standing next to Natalie’s head, which was hanging back, and in the perfect spot for one of the video cameras. Cradling her head in my hands, I undid the ball gag – she let out a gasp as it fell away – and smoothing the hair away from her forehead. The black make-up was smeared around her eyes, her cheeks were stained with tears and she looked absolutely gorgeous. I ran my fingers over her face and into her mouth, feeling her tongue and teeth. Letting some saliva gather in my mouth, I spat it onto her face, and rubbed it in, then spat in her mouth.

I was wearing a pair of shorts, and with one hand was able to pull these and my underpants down, and kicked them off. My cock was hard and for a moment I just let it rest on her face, enjoying the sight of it. I rubbed the head of it over her cheek, then plugged it into her mouth. She sucked it like a good little slut as Gareth continued to fuck. Withdrawing momentarily, I picked up my camera again and took a few shots of her with my dick in her mouth.

After a while we changed places I fucked her cunt, which was still held open by the bulldog clips. I didn’t let myself come though.

We untied her then, and sat her down on the chair. Gareth began to pull the needs out of her breasts as I recorded the sight with my camera. Blood oozed out of some of the holes the needs left. Kneeling down in front of her, I took one of the plump, bruised and reddened tits in my hands and licked the blood off it as Gareth did the same with the other one. We spent a couple of minutes slapping and pulling at her tits, competing to see who could inflict the most pain on them, as Natalie moaned.

We thought about putting her in the stocks then, but decided to tie her to the carpenter’s horse instead. We removed the bulldog clips, lay her face down on it, and tied her hands and feet to the horse’s legs. Gareth picked up a length of bamboo and began to swat her back with it, while I slapped her buttocks with a wooden paddle.

Natalie squirmed on the horse – the beam that ran along the top of it was only about three inches wide, so it would have been cutting into her. Having criss-crossed her back with welts, Gareth put his hand on one of her buttocks and spread them open, then brought the bamboo down hard, delivering a singing blow right on her arsehole, then repeated it a few times. Natalie’s body shuddered violently, she cried out and, to my great delight, a stream of piss shot from her pussy and spattered on the floor. Thankfully, I was quick enough to get a shot of it.

I then spend a happy few minutes fingering her pussy and twisting and stretching her labia. Parting her buttocks, I bent down and licked her swollen, sore anus and spat on it. I slide two fingers deep into it, enjoying the hot silky flesh of her rectum.

I couldn’t control myself any longer and, removing my fingers from her arse, stuck my cock into it. Grabbing hold of her hips I fucked it hard, my cock going deep into her bowels. Meanwhile, Gareth was fucking her mouth. After about two minutes of this I tried to stop myself coming – wanting to get a cum shot later – but it felt too good and I ejaculated into her arse.

I pulled out and got my camera. I took a few shots of her anus, which was now distendedand purple. Gareth came around to have a look and I got him to stick his fingers in it and pull it open as wide as he could, and got some lovely pictures of my sperm dripping from it.

Gareth said he had to come too. He picked his belt up off the floor, fastened it around her neck and pulled it tight. Standing in front of her face, he wanked himself with one hand, grabbed the end of the belt with the other hand, and used it to pull her head back. I had the camera ready as a heavy load of his sperm shot onto her face, into her eyes, and festooned her cheeks.

I spread a towel on the floor and we untied Natalie from the carpenter’s horse and laid her on her back on it. The horse had left two long, parallel, angry red lines down the front of her. She lay with her arms thrown back, face spattered with cum and obviously exhausted. Her tits and stomach and all around her cunt were red and here and there smelled with blood. She was a beautiful sight.

Gareth stand with his feet to each side of her head and – another one of our traditions – began to piss on her. He aimed the stream at her mouth, which was soon filled and bubble over. I took a few final shots, then stood over her and pissed on her too, bathing her tits and pussy with it.

It had been an excellent night’s work.

We helped her up and I led her to the bathroom where she had a shower. When she came in again with a towel wrapped around her, Gareth and I were sitting on the couch with beers in our hands, stroking our dicks as we watched one of the videos I had recorded. Natalie sat on the floor and watched it for a while too.

“You’re a star,” I told her.

After a while she let the towel drop. Her eyes still on the images of herself on the screen, her hand moved to her pussy and began to rub her clip. After a while she swung around so that she was facing us. She ran her hands over her body, the bruises coming out darkly now on her breasts and belly, then fell onto her back with her legs apart. As Gareth and I watched, fascinated, she began to masturbate again until, her back arched and a scream coming from her mouth, she had a violent orgasm.

She stood up again and, without saying a word, began to dress. When she was fully dressed, minus the panties we had cut off her, only a few reddish marks on her neck and chest gave any sign of the ill treatment she had received.

“You’ll give me a lift back?” she said to Gareth.

“For sure,” he said, standing up and putting his cock back in his pants.

I stepped over to her and took her hands in mine and kissed them. “You were great. You’re really very pretty, you know. Any time you want to make some money…”

“Um, could I get copies of the pictures, and the tape?”

“Sure,” I said. She wrote her email address on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

I followed them to the door, patting Gareth on the back as he went out. He turned and smiled at me.

“Do I ever disappoint you?”he said.


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