Session II: 08/25/08

hello again, readers. . . . once again . . . . this is for DADDY (although, isn’t EVERYTHING) . . . . . even though HIS approval is what matters most, i would love to hear from you. Many of you have asked about how my training is going . . . . so enjoy. . . . and don’t forget. . . .feedback is welcome. . . . . . .


dearest Daddy,

i can’t tell you how utterly frustrating it was, trying to fight my way out of work, through rush hour and into your arms. yet the second i saw your smile, felt the brush of your hand against my face, i was home. it floors me how one brief touch, one small kiss, can melt away all of the trials of everyday life. When i am with you, the world no longer exists. there is only YOU and me. and the heat we generate together.

my lust for you, Daddy. . . my need to please you, is what gets me through my days. if you had not pulled back when your room entered the room, i would have dropped to my knees and begged you to fuck my face, then and there. but, unfortunately for me, you had other plans.

i had hoped that you’d forgetten about my punishment. you hadn’t. how cruel of you, Daddy, to take me into your basement, into that small dark bathroom and order me to strip off everything but my heels. oh, Daddy! The stained, chipped concrete floor was so HARD, so COLD against my knees. with my arms behind my back, my head bowed in submission, it wasn’t long before my legs began to ache. the siletto heels of my shoes dug unmercifully into my ass as i waited for you to return. how hard it was to hear you walk back upstairs, so far away from where you’d placed me!

when you returned and said my ten minutes was over, i was shocked. ten minutes!?!? surely not, Daddy! it HAD to have been longer. it was an eternity. an eternity where my mind raced:

what if he doesn’t return?

what if one of his rooms comes in?

why have i done this to myself?

why can’t i be a good girll?

what if, for my disobedience, he decides i’m too much trouble to train?

am i to be without him forever?

THAT, Daddy, i could not bear. for who am i, WHAT am i without you?

the relief i felt when you returned, shook me. i felt so foolish for sobbing in your arms, but i could not help it. to feel you pressed against me, fully clothed while i was naked merely Emhasized how vulnerable i was.

i dressed, as instructed, took your outstretched hand, followed you up the stairs and into your room. you were so sweet, Daddy. so loving as you explained why i was punished and why you chose the punishment you did. as i lay with my head in your lap, your hand struggling my hair, i was content. until you said it . . . . .

“It’s time to work on your orgasm control, babygirl.”

it’s hard to not cum so much, so soon. i’m in a constant state of reading around you, Daddy. you touch me briefly and i’m lost. when you had me stand at the foot of your bed, my arms on the wall above my head, i knew i was in trouble. i could smell the musky sweetness of my cunt. my belly was turning, my knees shaky, i knew i was already on the edge. you pushed me further, Daddy, when you stroked your hands up and down my back, my ass and my legs. when you took your fingers and shoved them into my pussy. . . . no YOUR pussy . . . . i lost it. all i can remember is exhaust thrust of your fingers and the violent heat that took over my whole being.

as i came down from the sweetest high, you whipped me around and showed me your hand. tiny rivers of my juices flowed from your glistening palm, down your forearm.

“Clean it up, slut! Did I tell you to cum!?”

“yes, Daddy! no, Daddy! forgive me, Daddy!”

(mmmmmm. . . . i can still taste the combination of my juices and your skin. )

time was lost, as you stroked me, teased me, telling me to breathe. telling me not to cum. oh how i revealed in your praise whenever i did well.

“Good, babygirl. NO! Not yet! Hold it, baby. . . . hold it for Daddy. You can do it!”

were you pleased, Daddy? i’m trying so hard for you. i WANT to be your good little slut.

i was so happy when you’d decided i’d had enough. . . . when you placed me on my knees, my forehead down, and fucked me like the whore am.

thank you, Daddy, for giving me so much. thank you for my punishment. . . my training. . . your cock.

thank you.

your babygirl. . . . your subslut. . . . . . . elle


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