Wanda Catron’s life continued to change, even after her secret sexual adventure with Betty Grant. Most of the changes were good ones, at least in Wanda’s opinion, but one change bode ill for the teenager.
Shortly after Wanda and Betty slept together, Wanda stopped going to the porn shop looking for Nan Humpers DVDs. She decided that she would never have anything more to do with her former friend. Her life was with Anne Franklin, and she would devote all her love to her Mistress.
A week before Christmas, Wanda’s friend, Amber Anderson, appeared at Wanda and Anne’s house in tears. Slowly the story came out that Amber’s boyfriend, Erich Buchanon, had unexpectedly dumped Amber after the football team’s last game.
“Erich didn’t want to share the riches he expects to get from the NFL,” Amber said through sobs of grief. Erich, a lineman at Utah State, was expected to be a top-10 choice in the next pro football draft. “He used me, then kicked me aside,” she cried on.
Anne and Wanda both had the same idea. They invited Amber to come stay with them, for as long as she needed to. Amber was given the room Wanda’s clothes hung in. Wanda’s clothes were moved to Anne’s room, with Wanda alternating between sleeping with Anne on her bed, Amber on hers, or on her bed in the dungeon, alone or with one or both of the other women.
Christmas came next, and that mean giving gifts to the women in Wanda’s life. For Amber, a “Best Friends” necklace was purchased, along with a length of gold chain to place the pendants around Wanda and Amber’s waists. For her Mistress, Wanda bought the vibrating glove that Betty had shown Wanda. When Anne first inserted her vibrating fingers into Wanda’s pussy, then wiggled them as her thumb vibrated on Wanda’s clip, the teen gushed one of her hardest orgasms ever. Wanda was glad of her present to Anne, but was even more glad of the present Anne gave her.
For Christmas, Anne gave Wanda a slave collar, making WandaAnne’s permanent possession. The Collar was leather, with diamond-encrusted letters, saying “Property of Anne.” The couple had two Collaring ceremonies in celebration of this formalization of their union. The first was a private ceremony that morning, with Amber as witness. The second was at the next monthly BDSM Brunch in January, where Anne and Wanda shared their Collaring with their friends and colleagues in the BDSM community.
Wanda liked the first ceremony better, because it was followed by a wild sex session between Wanda and Mistress Anne. Almost every instrument in the dungeon was used by one woman or the other. Wanda even got to play “Mistress” to Anne’s “slave girl” for one session. For this session, Wanda chose being the teacher, while Anne was the slave licking her pussy under the desk. As Anne’s talented tongue drove deeper and deeper into Wanda’s labia, Amber suddenly appeared with the phone. Wanda’s mother was on the line.
Wanda’s mother, Lorraine Catron, was38 and very beautiful. She had married at 18 and was a widow by 28. She raised Wanda and two other children as a single mom, not having much time for a sex life of her own. Wanda’s brother was 16 and her sister had just turned 15. Anne was one of her brother’s teachers.
As Lorraine talked to Wanda, the teen’s lustful desires continued to bubble, as Anne continued to lick at the girl’s pussy. Lorraine had called to make sure Wanda and Anne were coming to dinner later that evening. Wanda had opened her mouth to answer when Anne shoved a finger into Wanda’s ass. The response from Wanda shot up an octave in mid-word, causing Lorraine to quickly end the phone conversation. Lorraine was a smart woman.
With the phone call ended, Wanda stopped holding back her orgasm and came, flooding Anne’s mouth with her womanly juices. Anne continued to lick and suck until Wanda’s orgasm subsided. Then Wanda pulled Anne into her lap and spanked her for causing Wanda to lose control during thephone call. Anne was trying hard not to giggle through the spanking, which ended in both of them laughing heartily as Anne imitated Wanda’s voice going up an octave.
In January Wanda sent off an application to go to Boise State University. Wanda and Anne agreed that the teen needed to be educated, and Wanda chose to be a teacher, the same as her Mistress. She even chose Mistress Anne’s alma mater to attend.
In February Amber finally won the Amateur Night content at Strip-O-Rama. She had combined her love of gymnastics with a flair of magic to take top prize. Amber came out in a magician’s tailed coat, white shirt, black hot pants and a top hat. She placed the top hat on a table, then quickly stripped to Heart’s “Magic Man.”
Then, utilizing a false top on the hat and a pre-cut hole in the table, Amber started pulling play toys from the hat, like a magician materializing a rabbit. She pulled out a vibing egg, then a mini clip vib. She put both to good use. She pulledout a long dildo, which she slowly slip into her ass, doing gymnastic poses as she played with herself and the toys.. Finally, as the song ended, Amber rolled onto her back, spread her legs very wide, reached into her pussy and pulled out a six-inch vibrating dildo. She touched her clip with the wet instrument and came, as the music ended and the applause thundered around the room.
Amber was hired that night, Joining Wanda as a regular employee of Strip-O-Rama. Wanda was bringing home almost $3,000 a week from her striping job, and putting most of it into a bank account. She planned to use that money to pay for college. Amber started putting her money in the bank, too, though she loved buying dildos and vibrators of any and every shape and size.
Disaster loosed closer and closer, and Wanda had no idea it was coming, or the inevitable consequences.
* * * * * *
March opened bright and sunny, unusual weather in Provo, Utah. Usually it was still overcast and cold, gReat skiing weather. Wanda had gone shopping with her Mother, and was dragging her purchases into the house when she stopped cold. Mistress Anne was home, even though it was only 1:15 in the afternoon on a school day.
Wanda went to her lover, dropped to her knees and waited to be recognized. She could tell by Anne’s scowl that something was wrong, but Wanda, for the life of her, didn’t know what it could be.
“Do you know a ‘Nan Humpers’?” Anne asked.
“Yes, Mistress,” Wanda replied, a slight lump growing in her throat.
“How do you know her?”
“Mistress, ‘Nan’ is really Betty Grant, my first lover. You remember, I was buying her DVDs for a while last year.”
“When did you see her last?”
Wanda tried swallowing down that growing lump. “Early December, Mistress. She and I spent the day together seeing the sites of Provo with a camera crew.” Wanda explained quickly about the trips to the mall, the ski slopes and the other places they had gone. She didn’t mention the after-tour sex the couple had together.
“Is that all you did?” Anne demanded.
“Mistress, it was filmed for a DVD they were doing, called “Hometown Ho’s.”
“Well, girl,” Anne’s voice dripped with anger as she said “girl.” Wanda knew now she should have told Anne about the filming. “Let’s watch that DVD, shall we?”
Anne turned on her DVD player, and there was the opening credits for “Hometown Ho’s … In Provo.” The camera focused on Betty’s face. As she started to talk, the camera pulled back to reveal that Betty was nude and playing with herself.
“Hi,” she said. “I’m Nan Humpers. In this edition of ‘Hometown Ho’s’ we go to my old home, Provo Utah, home of Mormons, Mormons and more Mormons. And also home to Some of the hottest men and women I’ve ever slept with. Just thinking about those hot bodies gets me wet!” Nan continued masturbating until she came.
For the next shot, Betty was standing at a sign proclaiming “Welcome to Provo.” Shequickly taped up an addition to the sign, “Home to Nan Humpers”, then drove off.
Now it was the interior of the movie room Betty had rented. Sitting next to her on the bed was Wanda. A voice-over by Betty said “Now let’s meet our tour guide for today, my oldest and sexiest friend, Cate Wonders.” Wanda and Betty chit-chatted about Provo, and as the camera frozen on Wanda’s body, Betty voice-overed “I wonder if she’s still as hot as I remember.”
The camera ran through a speed-shot of Provo streets until they were at the Provo Mall. The girls wandered quickly to the Frederick’s of Hollywood store. “Look,” Betty said, “A bit of Hollywood in Provo. And a Frederick’s, too!”
The camera showed Wanda and Betty’s underwear modeling. Then it showed Betty in the Frederick’s with another woman. Betty, a natural redhead, stood with a brown-haired woman with a Frederick’s name badge.
“Now I’m with Kim, a sales lady here at Frederick’s. Kim is going to show us some of the more ‘erotic’ fashions this store has .. . namely herself.”
Kim and Betty went into a back room. The shot cut, and Kim was in a lift-up bra and dark panties. Betty licked each nipple until it stood at ripe attention and Kim was starting to moan. Then Betty asked about the underwear.
“These are edible panties,” Kim explained.
“Let’s see HOW edible they are,” Betty said. She dropped Kim onto a chair, then knelt between her legs. Betty’s mouth closed on the crotch area of the panties, and in two small bites had opened Kim’s pussy to camera view.
“Mmmmmmm, tasty,” Betty said. “What flavor are these panties?”
“Cherry,” Kim replied slowly. “Could this be a sign?” she giggled into the camera? then she lowered back to Kim and started to lick her now-exposed pussy.
Kim moaned louder, then said “I’ve never done this with a woman before.”
Betty smiled, said, “Yep, a sign,” then returned to eating Kim’s panties … and eating Kim. Her mouth moved from panties to pussy, back and forth, driving the brown-haired woman insane with desire. She moaned louder and louder, until she could take no more of the teasing. She grabbed Betty’s red hair and held her against her pussy in need and desire.
Betty’s tongue drove deeper into Kim now. The porn star lifted one of Kim’s legs higher, showing Betty’s tongue thrusting in and out of the clerk. There was no doubt when Kim came, because she screamed “I’m cumming!” before gushing all over Betty’s face. Betty then rose up and kissed Kim, smearing her own pussy juices onto Kim’s face. Then Betty rose higher, and the porn star pulled off snap-closure panties before Betty licked her pussy.
Betty showed her amateur status as a lesbian, not really getting anywhere with her licking an sucking. She did try, though, and Betty gave a convincing performance of an orgasm. To Anne and Wanda’s eyes, though, it was totally fake. After Betty’s orgasm, she looked at the camera and said “She’s aHometown Ho!”
When the camera showed Betty emerging from the backroom area, Wanda was there waiting for her. “Sorry,” Betty said, “I had someone to do.”
Wanda erupted, “That never happened!” she cried. “We were together in that store except for 20 seconds, when Betty told me she had to adjust her bra while I went from the changing rooms to the front. Then Betty came right out.”
“The miracles of editing,” Anne said coldly. Wanda had never heard Anne’s voice that way, like she was seeing with anger but barely holding it in.
Wanda and Betty were cruising the mall still. They went to the food court and bought lemonades at the “Hot Dog On A Stick” shop. Then Betty exhausted herself, and the camera followed her for a minute.
“She’s going to the bathroom. I remember that,” Wanda said.
Instead, Betty ended up in the back of the hot dog stand, with a man and a woman. They were introduced as Kevin, the manager of the shop, and Joy, a sales clerk. Betty then started acting like a director, urging the couple to make love together. They did so willingly. Occasional glimpses of Betty as she gave directions showed she was naked and rubbing her pussy with one of the frozen bananas on a stick the shop also sold.
Kevin and Joy were naturals. Joy took his eight-inch cock deep inside her mouth, sucking him to complete hardness. Then they went to the floor, and Kevin licked Joy’s Sheved pussy until she was very wet. Then Kevin thrust his cock into her pussy. As they showed a long shot of the couple fucking, they both were still wearing their silly striped Hot Dog On A Stick hats. Betty laughed and said “Always wear a head covering when working in the back around food.”
The couple went through three different positions before Kevin finally pulled out and shot his cum all over Joy’s face and hat. Then Betty called them over to her. She took the no-longer-frozen banana and shoved it into her pussy. Joy and Kevin took turns eating the bananafrom Betty’s pussy as the porn star moaned in joy. She came as soon as the last banana piece was eaten from her pussy, leaving the couple hugging and kissing on the cooking room floor. As she left, she pointed a thumb at the couple. who looked like they were going to fuck again,m and said “They are Hometown Ho’s.”
Wanda knew this scene had not happened when the movie showed it did, but held her tongue. She was fearing Anne’s wrath more and more.
They drove to Sundance Ski Resort, the local ski lodge that is owned by actor Robert Redford. While they drove Wanda and Betty talked laughingly about the stories of the ski instructor who did all his instructing in the bedroom. This was a local urban legend, and Wanda didn’t believe it’s truth.
At Sundance, they wandered the base of the mountains until they met Rick, a local skirt instructor. He was told the story of the bedroom skirt instructor, and joined in the laughter. Then he asked if either of the women wanted ski lessons.Betty did, and she and Rick went off together.
They went to the ski instructor’s rest area, a little building near the ski rental shade. there the two proceeded to strip each other, and Betty and Rick had long, hot sex. Rick was a long-lasting stud, as he managed to get his nine-inch cock sucked by Betty, then he fucked her pussy, causing Betty to cum. He then fucked Betty’s ass, drawing a second orgasm from the porn actress. When he rolled Betty over and fucked her between the breasts, he finally came, shooting his jism onto Betty’s chin, face and mouth. Betty smiled at the camera, face dripping with cum, and said “He’s a Hometown Ho!”
Then it was back in the car, with Betty driving, and no obvious sign of Wanda. They were speaking about Strip-O-Rama. The car approached the club and Betty said, “Let’s go in, shall we?”
Betty entered the club with the camera rolling. Wanda knew there were no cameras allowed and wondered how they had gotten one in. Betty went and satat the end of the stage as the camera turned. There was Wanda, coming out in her schoolgirl outfit. Betty giggled “Aren’t miniature cameras great? Lester, the cameraman, had on in his glasses, and will be filming all night.”
Highlights of the night ensured. As Wanda did her first strip routine, Betty talked about what a hot body she has, and how she wondered if she was as good in bed as she is onstage. that comment made Wanda blush, knowing that Betty had gotten the answer off-camera.
Other dancers were also shown in a highlight reel. Then it showed Betty getting onstage and striping. It followed with Bambi’s strip-tease, and the Bambi Meets Godzilla scene from last December. Then the camera shot changed to an overhead of the shows, where the post-strip orgy ensured. Wanda wondered how they got THAT shot until Anne muttered “Damn. I thought they took those cameras out a couple years ago!”
Then the scene shifted to the movie room. Betty, Bambi and June spent the next15-20 minutes in a hot three-way scene that included double-Godzillas into Betty’s pussy and ass, and a three-way simulateneous orgasm where June, on the bottom, had a vibrator in her pussy while fucking Bambi’s ass with one Godzilla as Bambi fucked Betty’s pussy with the other. Their screams filled the living room as they fucked and licked and sucked each other off. Betty closed the scene with “Those are Hometown Ho’s.”
After that, Betty was lying on the bed in her swimsuit, bought at Frederick’s. She commented to the camera “You’ve seen her all movie long, now let’s close this show the right way, with a good old-fashion lesbian fuckfest.”
Out of the bathroom came Wanda, also in her bikini. The camera followed the two women throughout their lovemaking, with four different angles, including an overhead shot and one from the headboard showing the faces of the women clearly. As the scene started, Anne quickly snapped a leash on Wanda’s Collar, holding the girl in place. The teen was forced to watch as she and her high school lover made love, over and over and over. While the scene lasted 25 minutes, Anne kept returning the DVD to the start of the scene.
The third time through the scene, Anne’s voice quietly but angrily spoke into Wanda’s ear. “Look at you, you little slut! Get away from me one minute, and you’re in another bed. Look at her driving her tongue into your pussy. Look at your face, rapturous in joy. Oops, here comes your orgasm. Now look at you, licking her. And look, that glove. Where have I seen one of those before? My my, that actress didn’t have to fake that orgasm, did she?”
On and on it went. Anne’s fury growing with each minute, each movement on screen between Wanda and Betty. Anne played it again, and again, and again. wanda was in tears by now, totally humiliated by the betrayal both by Betty, who told Wanda their sex was secret, and her own betrayal of the woman she loved, her Mistress Anne.
After the sixth time through the scene, Anne let the movie finish. Wanda went to the bathroom to clean up, as Betty smiled into the camera and said “Now THAT, my friends, is a real Hometown Ho! And she is definitely the hottest fuck in Provo, even better now than I remember her. Thanks for watching. I think I’ll join Cate in the shower now and fuck her some more!”
The credits ran as the camera focused on the bathroom door Wanda went into. Steam started pouring out of the room, as did cries of joy as an unseen sex act started.
When the credits ended, you could hear Betty’s voice screaming “Lick me there!!” then cumming. Anne turned off the DVD player and told Wanda to turn around. The teen did so, terrified.
“I don’t want to know why you made love with that … bitch!” Anne said. “How could you be so STUPID as to SIGN a RELEASE!!!”
Wanda broke into fresh tears. “I’m so sorry,” was all she could stammer, over and over. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry!”
“Not yet you’re not sorry, whore!”Anne spat at her, mocking the movie’s title. “But you will be. You WILL BE!”
* * * * * *
Anne dragged Wanda down to the dungeon. Wanda tried to scramble to her feet, but Anne said “No, stay groveling on the floor!” Wanda, frightened, did as she was ordered.
When they reached the steps, Wanda started getting on her feet. Anne’s hand lashed out, grabbing Wanda’s hair and forcing her back to the floor. One of Anne’s heeled shoes dug into the teen’s back, grinding it’s pointed heel into her back. Wanda screamed in pain, but remained on the floor. Step by step, Anne pulled wanda down into the dungeon. Wanda’s neck hurt from the dragging. Her body started hurting from the thumb as she almost fell down each step. Her back hurt where the heel dug in.
Anne turned left upon entering the dungeon, and pulled Wanda into the only apparatus never used in the dungeon: the cage. Five feet high bars of steel rose on three sides. From the top of the bars, another series of bars formed a ceiling. From a couple of these bars hung chains and cuffs.
Anne pulled Wanda into the cage and locked her hands into the cuffs. Wanda was forced onto her knees, making her arms hang at the very edge of her reach, giving her a bit of pain in fact at the length of the reach. Anne grabbed scissors and quickly cut away the clothes Wanda was wearing. She throw them into a pile in the corner of the cage, a pile with other, similarly-cut rags resided. Wanda turned her head and realized that the pile was most of her clothes, now good for nothing but rags.
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