Author’s Note:
Please read “Serving the Boss” so you have the character’s backgrounds to make this story better for you. All characters and events are fictional. My normal themes of F/f humiliation, kinky sex and some spanking / milk pain are all here. This is my first sequel to a story, so let me know your thoughts with votes & comments. Enjoy!
Jen was surprised at how well Things had developed since Jim introduced Sidney into their relationship. At first she had all of the jealousy and fears any 40 something woman would have when her man brings a single 26 year old woman into the relationship.
And while she didn’t enjoy everything she was now expected to do, she had to admit the humiliation and ending certain disgusting acts had brought her closer to Jim. The young weather girl was clearly embracing the idea of her superiority over Jen. In the beginning Jim pushed her to act that way but Jen was sure that Sidney was enjoying herself when humiliating Jen and acting superior to her. Jen didn’t let it both her because she knew her man got turned on watching Sidney be superior.
Jim spent more time with Jen now and that made tolerating Sidney’s growing attitude much easier. Jen now stayed at Jim’s house 4 or 5 times a week versus before Sidney it was only a night or two a week. And Sidney was rarely there, giving Jen the alone time with her man that she craved so much.
She seemed to grow closer to Jim and Sidney. The more kinky, disgusting sexual acts she performed, the more their ‘dark secret’ made them closer. And made the sexual relationship with all of them more intense.
“Two minutes” the producer called out as Jen sat waiting to start the 11:00pm news cast. Her phone buzzed and a text popped up. It was from Sidney who was standing about 15 feet away from Jen. The text was to Jen and Jim, “After the 11:00 I am going to play “slap the soybean sacks” and then send the old slut to you for a late night blow bang. You have beenstressed this week and should save some of it tonight. 😉 “
Jen was thankful. Having the young woman slap her tits would be humiliating. And the pinching and twisting of her nipples would be painful. But if it got her in Jim’s bed for the night she would be happy.
She had dropped hints to Sidney about not going to Jim’s house the last few days while they ate dinner after the earlier news cast. She thought Sidney had chosen to ignore her hints until she got the text. Glancing over at the darkhaired beauty she watched the evil grin spread across her face.
Shortly after midnight Jen was kneeling in front of Sidney’s couch with her hands cuffed behind her back. Her back was straight, thrusting her fake C cup tits forward, awaiting the humiliating torture that was about to be inflicted for her superior’s pleasure.
Smack… Smack… the room filled with slapping sounds. The young woman had a smug smile on her face as she used both hands to slap the ‘soybean sacks’. It was her favorite term for fake tits although in reality a small percentage of fake tits were ever filled with soybean oil.
Right title, left title, right title, left title, the slapping continued in earnest as her dark eyes stared into the older woman’s soul. “Keeping eye contact” was a rule added to the “game rules” as Sidney started enjoying her new role. When she grew beyond the guilt or shame of how she was treating Jen. Not that Jen deserved it but if it fueled Jen’s inner demonstrations so why shouldn’t Sidney enjoy it? Especially if it fueled her inner demonstrations as well? Sidney’s inner demonstrations were just being discovered but that didn’t make them any less important, did it? In fact, they might be considered more important as she is the superior in the dynamic between news anchor and weather girl.
The tits turned bright red and then to a darker red as the older woman bit her lower lip to stifle the louds moans and grosss wanting to escape her. “Quiet whimpering is expectedand watering eyes are ok. But NO loud noises or sobbing” was a rule added a session or two after the “keep eye contact” rule.
Since those rules were made not a game ended without the older woman’s face red and her vision blurred as her eyes watered. The watering eyes were the younger woman’s que that it was time to move on to her favorite part. The nipple torture.
More noise was allowed during nipple torture. No screaming, nor yelling, nor begging was allowed. But more guttural moans and groans were to be expected. After all those fake tits were already sore so pulling and twisting the nipples would create a more exciting pain. Much more harsh than simple slapses to flesh.
Sidney spread her knees and leaned forward resting her elbows on her knees. This put her hands right at nipple level of the burning red orbs in front of her. She lightly stroked each nipple with her soft dainty fingers. The stroke would have been affectionate if the tits weren’t red and angry from the beating they just took.
Jen’s tits were on fire. She was blinking quickly to fight back her watery eyes as she kept eye contact with her torquer. She could tell there was something new driving the desire behind the dark eyes staring back at her.
“I have a plan to make myself the new head meteorologist at the station when old man Bill retires later this year. Jim enjoys fucking me and gave me a nice fat raise this year BUT he isn’t going to make me the youngest head meteorologist in the country just because I fuck him and let him watch me humiliate you.” she says plainly while still lightly struggling the burning red fly in front of her.
Suddenly each hand grabs a nipple between it’s thumb and forefinger. Sidney twists each hand so her thumbs are now pointing at the floor instead of the ceiling. “UGHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Jen groans as severe pain courses through her chest.
“That’s right, bitch! This kind of pain and much worse is coming for you if you don’thelp me execute my plan.” Sidney warns through gritted teeth.
“I will be introducing a new female into Jim’s life. You will accept the situation with a smile on your face. You will tell Jim it turns you on to think of another woman serving him and using you.” she says as she turns her fingers the complete opposite direction while squeezing the nipples even harder.
“This new slut is younger than me, blonde hair with HUGE natural tits. She will be MY slave and I will make her fuck Jim and abuse you so Jim can get his Lesbian Dom rocks off while he watches.”
“Are you understanding me cunt? This is the most important thing in my life and if you fuck it up for me I will make you regret it!”
Jen nods her head quickly hoping to end the horrible pain shooting Through her body. Her wrists struggle against the cuffs. She has never tried to break free when being used. Her mind screams….. ‘make it stop.. make it stop.. anything… just make it stop!’
Finally Sidney releases the abused nipples sliding the palms of her hands over them. She pushes her palms forward pressing the nipples back into the title flesh as she squeezes a title in each hand. A hard squeeze to the burning soybean sacks is less painful but hurts all the same.
“My pussy is all wet for you.” the younger woman smiles. Continuing as she reclines back into the couch. “A couple of orgasms for me and you can take your slut pussy to hump your man while he hurts those Fun Bags even more than I did.”
Jen spreads her knees apart and lowers her shoulders as she moves forward finding the fragment wet pussy with her tongue. She slowly licks up, down and back up the wet outer lips before licking the firm clip at the top.
“MmmmHmmmm, you are getting sooooo good at this. Such an obedient cunt. Taking the pain simply because I want to give it. Your reward is tasting my sweet young pussy until I cum on your old face.” Sidney whispers with her head laid back and her eyes closed.
Jen’s untouched pussy is wet. The pain subsiding has allowed her clip to throb as her inner submissive slut baskets in the scenario. The humiliation of being used as a sex toy knowing no reciprocation is coming. The young innocent weather girl has grown into the smug, superior woman now demanding her pleasure. Embarrassingly the dynamic is such a huge turn on for Jen. As much as she may hate this situation in the light of day it fuels her sexually in the darker depths of her personality.
Sidney grabs the head between her legs guiding the older woman’s nose into it’s familiar spot against her clip. They both know this feeling as the hips begin to rotate as the hands pull the head harder. Creating the desired pressure of the nose on the clip.
Jen laps the juicy sex knowing her superior’s orgasm is near. Wanting to please her so she can feel the satisfaction of accomplishment.
“Right there slut! Keep going, keep going! Don’t you dare slow down! You pussy slurping slut! OH MY F-ING GOD!!! Yeeess.”
Moments later Jen is gone and Sidney is in her bathtub enjoying the hot water engulfing her satisfied body. Her mind reveling in her recent good fortune. One minute she was on the phone confiding in her former sorority sister about her having an older woman as her plaything. And the next minute she was opening a second bottle of wine finding out her former sorority sister had a younger sister who was a senior in their sorority. And that younger sister had a submissive roommate that was looking for a job as a weather girl in television.
She’s a cute blonde girl. And OMG her boobs are like watermelons! I mean HUGE boobs hanging on that poor girl. So big they make her look a little heavy but when you get her naked she has a killer body.
“Are you sure the room is submissive?” Sidney giggled.
“Girl, let me tell you! I went to visit my little sister and I straddled that bitch’s face myself. Twice!” came the laughing reply.
“Why Twice? You greedy slut.” both women giggled.
“Well the first time we were drunk late at night. I wanted to know how submissive the cunt was so on Sunday afternoon before I left I went into her bedroom and said, “I want you to eat me again.” she was on her bed studying and looked up at me for a long moment. Then she closed her book and rolled onto her back. She never said a word. Just lay There on her back. So I jumped on the bed and straddled her face. About 45 minutes later I was hugging my sister goodbye before I left. I never touched the subbie slut.”
“OMG! She doesn’t even have to be drunk to obey a stranger? Tell your little sister I want to meet her and might be able to get her a job.”
A couple of days later Sidney booked vacation time off and told everyone around the station she was going home to see her parent’s. In reality she was going to meet the submissive sorority girl.
Lanna turned out to be as pretty as everyone had said. Long thick blonde hairhalf way down her back. Pretty face and smile. She was less intelligent than Sidney and had a ‘matter of fact’ personality. The dull dry personality wouldn’t make her the most popular weather girl. Sidney figured her pretty face and huge natural boobs would more than compensate when it came to viewers watching and getting high viewership ratings.
Their initial meeting was completely normal until the large breasted blonde asked, “Do you really think you can get me a job at your station?”
“Well it’s a very competitive market. There will be lots of candidates with experience applying. So I will have to use a lot of favors to help you and that still may not be enough.”
“I know. I keep getting the ‘need experience’ reply when I send out resumes.”
“Lanna, I understand that you serve the Sorority president in private ways.”
“Who told you that?” the college senior fired back horrified that someone outside of the sorority would know such a secret.
“Relax. YouKnow I am a Sorority Alum. And who told me is beside the point. If you are willing to serve me the same way you serve her then I think I can get you the job. I mean, I am not ugly or anything, right?”
“Oh my God no. I think you’re beautiful. Yes! I mean yes, I would do that for you in private if you got me the job.”
The conversation was going just as Sidney had planned. “Well it will require you to be open to helping me convince my boss. I have two bosses actually. Both are men. One is retirering soon and I plan to get his job. The other boss will require some serving from you though.”
“I don’t know. I…I mean a little harmless fun between girls is one thing. But an older man that is our boss.” Lanna’s voice trailed off as she looked down.
“Oh Please! Spare me the attitude, slut. We both know you have sucked a dick or two to please a Sorority sister. I’ll tell you what. If you want to apply for the job then go to my station’s website and send me an email askingfor my help landing the job we have open. Write it as if we have never met. You know I am an Alum of
of your Sorority and hope I will help you.”
“If I never get the email I will know you are not interested in using sex to get ahead in life. And we will leave it at that, never to speak again. However if you do reach out, we will both know that you are asking to be my slut slave sex toy which will include serving select other people whenever I choose to make you. This requires a great deal of trust between us. Look at it this way. I have more to lose than you do. My career is on the fast track. And I can put you on the same fast track if you want to be a good Big Tit slut for me.”
In the airport waiting for the plane to her parent’s house Sidney checked her work email. It had only been a few hours since she left Lanna at the coffee shop but there was Lanna’s email in her in box. A grin spread across her face knowing her plan could be set in motion.
Over the long wEekend at her parent’s house Sidney talked to Lanna once and exchanged numerous text messages. It was settled that the graduating college submissive would serve Sidney as her slave. This was confirmed through numerous naked pics sent from the submissive to her soon to be Domme. Some pics were truly obscene. The handle of her hairbrush in her wet pussy. Followed by a pic of it in her mouth as she sucked the handle clean.
Lanna admitted her attention to Sidney and she was becoming enthralled with the idea of becoming a true slave. It was a long held fantasy she masturbated to often. But Sidney was the first person she shared the deep seen fantasy with.
The young ladies agreed to a mutually beneficial arrangement where Lanna would move into Sidney’s spare bedroom and live as her slave. She would live rent free and have no need to buy furniture. However she would buy all of the groceries out of her paycheck giving Sidney a small monetary benefit from the arrangement.
Three weeks later Lanna was answering standard interview questions to the panel questioning her. Sidney and two men she just met were conducting the interview. Jim was using his considerable experience of hiding his sexual excitement as he took in the sexy view of the pretty blonde with HUGE boobs droning on with nervous answers to the ridiculous questions.
Lanna could tell the General Manager of the station was the man in control. She Found him attractive for a man her father’s age. She hadn’t yet been introduced to sex with an older man. But she enjoyed sex and found being “used” sexually turned her on. So why not let an older guy use her if that’s what her soon to be owner wanted her to do. She desperately wanted the job. It would give her immediate screen time allowing her to have experience that would translate into future jobs easily. Not to mention, living out her fantasy to live as a true slave for a year or two. Everything hinged on her getting the job.
That night Sidney explained to Lanna that her Friday interview was set on purpose because tomorrow they would be going to Jim’s house to ‘seal the deal’. She also clarified the ‘deal’ was if Lanna was hired then Jim would agree to promote Sidney to the Head Meteorologist when old man Bill retired at the end of the year. That would allow Lanna to move onto TV after only a few months from graduating college.
“You can clean up the dishes after I head to bed. Right now I want you to show me what a good pussy pleaser you are while I relax on the couch. I will let you know what to expect tomorrow while you pleasure me. It will turn me on telling you what you will be doing tomorrow because I have decided you will do it. I know what turns Jim on and doing those things will seal the deal.”
Both young women were naked when Lanna sunk to her knees in front of Sidney. She slowly lowered her face to the cleanshaven pussy in front of her. A sight escaped her Superior as the eager tongue greeted the damp folds.
“This is something I will definitely get used to having on a regular basis.” Sidney whispered as her head lay back into the couch cushion as she closed her eyes.
After enjoying a long moment of initial contact from the warm wet tongue, Sidney let her dainty fingers roam through the thick blonde hair on the head between her tights. Her eyes remained closed as she spoke.
“Tomorrow you will meet Jen. She is Jim’s sex slave and the station’s news anchor. Yeah, that lucky fucker will soon be fucking three hot tv personalities! And two of them will give him ‘all access’. That’s right, you hear me correctly. You will give him your mouth, your pussy and your asshole because I agreed that you would. And I am your owner so you must comply!”
Her whisper grew husky as she continued. “We will torture those HUGE fucking Tits too. Smack em, slap em, pinch em, pull em and dozens of other things to them. It makes me HOT to abuse another woman’s tits! And Jim LOVES towatch me abuse Jen’s fake tits.”
“That old slut will be mortified. Watching your young 22 year old body with HUGE natural boobs roll around on the bed with Jim in a marathon fuck fest. And in between fucks he will watch me torture her old fake tits. Or take a flogger to her old ass. OR WORSE, he will want to watch me punishment you while he recovers from pounding your young hot wet pussy. Ignoring her old ass completely. That will crush her emotionally. Sending her to the kitchen to bring us cold drinks and snacks. Like some kind of maid. No sex for her at all.”
Lanna’s fingers between her own thighs had her on the edge of climax as she listened to the scenario being described. Her darkest dreams could be coming true. She continued licking and sucking the spasming womanhood for all she was worth.
“UuuGGGHHHHH, YES! You BIG TIT SLUT! Keep going… keep going… you cunt lapping slut! Ohhhhhhhh, My GOD!! YES…YES… Make yourself useful…. You watermelon title pussy pleasureser!!”
Lanna felt tremors flow through her body. The electricity from her clip was uncontrollable as a small gush of fluid covered her chin as the engorged pussy in her face spasmed through another orgasm.
The room fell quietly except for the heavy breathing of both women. Lanna sat back and then lay on her back on the floor sucking in deep breaths. Moments later Sidney stood up from the couch looking down on her slave.
“Damn those things are fucking huge.” she giggled staring at the massive sacks of title flesh gathering on either side of Lanna’s chest.
“I’m headed to the shower and then to bed. Clean our dinner plates and get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day for us!”
The next morning Lanna slept in until 10:30am. She emerged from her room to find Sidney on the couch scrolling on her phone with the TV on as well.
“Good Morning. Will you refill my coffee?” The bubble darkhaired vixen said in a pleasant tone.
“Sure.” Lanna replied, taking the coffeecup from the end table before heading into the kitchen.
“We should probably eat something. There are bagels and cream cheese in there. I like my bagel put in the toaster to give it a little warm crunch. Feel free to make you one too. Or have some cereal.”
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