Most of this is true, and closely based on real experiences I shared with a girl I once dated.
We’d been fucking for a good 15 minutes or so and it… just wasn’t working. I was having trouble feeling much sensing because my hard cock felt like it was just floating in warm butter. Nice, but not enough. Even Stephanie flexing her Kegel-enhanced pelvic muscles wasn’t making a difference. And I could see the frustration in her clnched jaw and the sheen of sweat on her flushed, beautiful face – she wasn’t feeling much either.
We’d been doing girl-on-top, and she leaned forward to kiss and bite my throat. Her long wavy, naturally blonde hair dragged across my face and I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensing overload I was experiencing.
“Hold still!” Stephanie snapped when I pushed to thrust up into her. I obeyed and she sat up in a cowgirl position on my pelvis and tried to bounce up and down. I let my eyes wander down her magnificent body as she moved, her long torso, core muscles flexing, hard pencil-eraser nipples capping her tiny, delicious breasts. She worked hard to maintain her body at this level and her long and lucrative modeling career was the reward.
She stared down at me, ice-blue eyes flashing with lust and hunger as she ground her hips, her hot pussy easily swallowing my throbbing 4″ length of hard flesh. She wrapped her long fingers around my throat and began squeezing as she panted and picked up the pace. Stephanie was great at dirty talk, so hot: “Mmmh.. Yeah, choke the shit out of you, you little bitch. C’mon, give it to me. Give me what I want. Give me my orgasm, slut.” Her grip tightened and I labored to draw breath, fighting the urge to gag and cought as she choked me. I wheezed and looked up lovingly at her. She only got herself up and down the short length of my shaft two or three times, unfortunately, before I slipped out and she bounced down awkwardly against me. Disappointed, she paused to reach down and put me backin to try again.
I started to say something, to offer to change positions but she adjusted her grip from my throat and clamped her hand over my mouth effectively shutting me up. Her fingers squeezed my face, and her knuckle occasionally blocked my nostrils, cutting off my breath. I squirmed to adjust but she pushed harder. The feeling of suffocation was driving me wild.
“I said hold still!” she gasped between her bounces, and I slipped out again. “Fucking little useless cock.” She muttered, but then corrected, “No. No, it’s not your fault. I can do this.”
I think she may have been talking to herself though, the way an athlete self-motivates before the big game. Stephanie was successful at everything and this situation was no different. In the boardroom, in life, in bed – there was nothing she Couldn’t do. Her confidence had taken her far in life and it was going to get us through this too.
After a handful of attempts, she shifted her technique, instead grindingand rolling her hips back and forth. But I couldn’t stay in even at this angle. Now, she ended up with her wet pussy sliding back and forth on top of my hard little shake.
“Goddamn it…,” she swore.
Stephanie was in charge, always. Out of the bedroom, she ran the relationship and there was no questioning her authority. She made the decisions, seeking my opinion only occasionally, and I was expected to fall in line and obey and there was hell to pay when I didn’t. When we first started dating, I tried to buck her control, assuming she was looking to test my masculinity – such as it was – or challenge me in the hopes of finding a powerful man to submit to.
“You’ve been reading too many magazines,” she laughed when she found out. We’d been arguing constantly, unhappy and full of friction and resentment. It wasn’t until it became clear to me – she was the alpha, expecting my acquisitionscence and submission. This was a role I was happy to fill, certainly more comfortable thanchafing at trying to be dominant and alpha. She laughed when I finally explained, and it was a huge pressure relief, like a steam valve threading to burst the pipe, opened just in time. “God, no. Just let me run things. I’m good at it – trust me, it will work best this way.”
It was an easier transition that I expected and since that day, things had been great. She ruled, she commanded, she Sometimes paid. And she fucked. She always fucked me, and was quick to correct my language if I slipped and reversed our roles.
“You’re the girl in our bed, honey. And out. Just relax and be what you are.” And so I did.
But occasionally it led to moments like tonight, where the rhythm was just off, and she in her frustration, tried to fix it. It never worked, but This was her way of handling it. And here I was, on my back, looking up into her eyes, long locks of her blond hair cascading down around her face and swinging wildly, as she fight to force her orgasm. Finally, she seemed to admit defeat and rolled off me with a frustrated sight.
We lay quietly for a moment, me gently testing the places on my neck where her long, strong fingers had clamped down. There would be bruising, I knew – this wasn’t the first time she had tried to choke her orgasm out of me. Usually, she was more successful…
I glanced over to see her eyeing my cock, which was still hard and gleaming with Our juices.
“I want to try a new trick. Spread your legs,” she ordered and I obeyed, shifting my legs apart and letting my pelvis roll open. She moved, catlike in between and we found ourselves in a role-reversed missionary position. She lay on top of my body, now gently kissing me like I was her woman, on my face. She was between my legs like a man and as I took a moment to enjoy Our little gentle interlude, she drenched me deeply and I felt her pussy, opening at the head of my cock for an instant before I was in her wet heat again. I felt so exposed, my body a perfect metaphor for my emotional state.
“A new trick?” I asked. Where was she learning new tricks?, I wondered silently.
“You’re so little,” she whispered, ignoring my question. “But I’ll make this work.” She was determined – she would force the pleasure out of this situation, of me, no matter what.
She started writing, rolling her hips like before, fucking me like a chick again. I had to lay still as her thrusting started in increase in tempo and force and with each upstroke, I could feel the head of my cock at the mouth of her hungry pussy, her lips and the piercing brushing over my engaged sensitive glans. At least I could feel something now, I thought gratefully, but I was tense, fearing that I would slip out of her yet again if she increased the pace at all. We weren’t moving that vigorously yet, and I knew she would need more to reach her peak. I guess she noticed my tension and slowed her pace, looking with concern into my eyes. God, she was so sexy.
“What’s up, baby?”
“Huh? Uh nothing…” I said, avoiding eye contact.
“No, what’s up?” She asked, in a more serious and worried tone, her gyrations slowing to a stop.
“Oh, its just… I mean. Just my mind on work stuff.” I lied.
“Oh are you sure?”
“Yeah, baby. C’mon – fuck me.” I begged in the best luxury pleading I could muster.
She smiled and kissed me deeply and started riding me again. It was such an unusual feeling – like “regular”, vanilla, penis-in-vagina sex, but strangely vulnerable. Yes, my penis was in her but it was clear she was fucking me, penetrating me, owning our sex.
She found a comfortable rhythm and her breath increased again. She fell forward onto my chest and bit my neck and pulled my hair and I could hear her moaning. “Yessss baby… give it to me…” I tried to relax and not focus on trying to stay in her. I felt her nipples harden against my chest and she bit again, sending pain and pleasure wires sown my nerves. Yes! This was working, finally. Her muscles were flexing and relaxing smoothly again and we were sweating and the….
Dammit. My cock plopped out with a wet squish, my fear realized. She tried to adjust without stopping, and dry humped against my public bone for a second. I shifted slightly and was able to re-enter her. She smiled, “Good boy” and got another three or four thrusts before it happened again, this time, twisting my cock painfully to the side. I winced, but she didn’t notice and after several attempts to turn without serious adjustment, let out a huff and growl and reached back to reinsert me with her hand.
I shuddered as I felt three of her long fingers encircle my wet, hard cock – the full length of my shake not long enough to fit all four of her fingers and she hissed, “You better not cum now.”
I nodded My obedience and took a deep breath and tried not to think too much about how great her grip felt on my cock. Last time I came without permission, I was restricted from orgasm for a week, and whipped seriously the next morning. “That’s my cock, you understand? You don’t use it, you don’t even touch it until I tell you to! Your orgasms belong to me! How dare you take what’s mine without my permission.’ She was generally furious.
“PLEASE, Stephanie! I’m so sorry! Please- it hurts, please stop!” I begged in geneine terror, as the tears rans down my face, hoping her arm would tire of slashing her leather belt across my naked, red and blistered ass. “I’ll do as I’m told and always obey you,” I sobbed, cowering naked and shaking with fear at her feet.
“I’m so disappointed in you,” she witnessed, shaking her head. Her words cut deep, almost as painful as the mysterious beating I had just taken. “But this isn’t Your fault. You are still weak and unable to resist the urge to take what’s mine,” she nodded at my cock, which was erect and dripping, “Even though you knew how much your indiscretion hurts me, you did it anyway because you thought you could and get away with it. The failing is mine and mine alone. I failed you – I allowed my affection for you to get in the way. What seemed like kindness was actually the opposite. In letting you get away with things and not providing the proper guidance and correct structure that you so desperately need, it sent the message that I am soft and lenient and I can by taking advantage of, that my words can be questioned and my directions optional. Let me assure you, they are not.”
She paused for a moment in consideration before continuing, “Clearly, my training hasn’t been effective. We have a long way to go,” she warned, as I wept softly. That was one of the worst moments of my life – the guilt i felt at that moment for failing her was overwhelming and worse, she blamed herself. It only stiffened my resolve to work harder to earn my spot on my knees at her feet and prove I was worthy of the gift of her domination.
Stephanie’s lessons were harsh, even cruel and excessively so, but they served their purpose and they were effective. I learned quickly, but there were always more lessons, more opportunities to fail, more humiliating punishments. Sometimes it feel like she set up situations where success was impossible, just as an excuse so she could beat me raw and show me that she was only doing it because she could and because she wanted to.
Now, she was clearly annoyed. “I don’t Know what’s wrong, that usually works well…” Of course, we both knew what was wrong.
I just nodded, and mumbled, “Yes baby”, unable to come up with something to say that would offer a solution without acknowledging the truth – I was too small for this position. Not that this was anything new for us – there were a number of sex positions she liked to do, that I either couldn’t reach at all or was too small to be effective. But this new thing tonight seemed to both her more than usual.
I remember that night, just a week or so after we’d started fucking — after she started fucking me, I corrected myself – when we’d tried to do a standing thing, with me entering her from behind, with one of her legs lifted, her foot on the edge of the tub as she bent over the bathroom sink. Her pussy opened beautifully, still wet from the saliva I’d left while sucking and licking her clip as I knelt on the cold, hard bathroom tile floor, my neck twisted at an uncomfortable angle. I took a deep breath, went up on tip-toe and pressed the swollen, red head of my cock to her wet lips and tried to enter her.
Stephanie is tall, 5’10” – a good two inches taller than me, and the muscles in her long legs stretched, the tight perfect curves of her little ass spread. It was sexy as all hell, and her juices, rushing down her inner thighs, so delicious. She wasn’t my first rodeo though and I knew this would be a problem, as it had for a number of girls before her. I wanted to do my best and please her, so instead of hesitating or trying to move her into a more advantageageous position, I stepped behind her, rolling my hips up and slide myself into her. I strained on my tip toes, but the angle of her ass, and my short length, left me fully pushed up and forward – and only the head of my cock, barely able to reach deeper than her swollen labia. I just sort of stood there, unsure of what to do next.
“What are you waiting for? Get in me – fuck me!” I tried – oh, how I tried – but any movement at all caused my cock to slip out of her immediately. After two or three tries, she said, “Here, let me,” and arched her back, pushing her hard, round ass further out – which only served to bump my hips back and the tip slipped out again. She took it in stride though and without another thought, flipped around and wrapped her long legs around me, pulling up and slipping down on my little cock.
And so it went. Doggy, side-sex, head down-ass up – all the positions she loved so much that I was unable to do, but she never complained about it and always triedto make the adjustment. And I didn’t ask her about it, figuring it was best left as an unspoken thing for us. We both knew my cock was inadequate and undersized – at its hardest, barely the length of her index finger – and probably contributed to the eventual demise of our relationship, as I look back now. It wasn’t the only reason, but bad sex always makes any other problems you’re having, so much worse.
But tonight was different – this seemed to really both her, in a way I hadn’t seen before. Still, I could tell she wasn’t mad at me or anything. She never openly mocked me and only humiliated me as part of our kinky sex play – though to anyone who didn’t know her, Stephanie’s blunt statements of fact – “you’re very small” – probably would have seemed cruel. Stephanie was an engineer by trade and solving spatial problems like this was her wheelhouse. She wasn’t angry, so much as just problem-solving; working to find the optimum solution. Which lead to what happened next.
“Okay, lets try this…” She said, again as much to herself as to me. She looked down between us, between her legs, and over her shaken, naked pussy to where my little cock throbbed and quivered helpedlessly. With a breath she sat up and straddled my hips in a wide-leg squat – god I loved to see the muscles in her perfect legs tighten and shift, and her v-cuts and six-pack belly flex. I exhausted in pleasure as she sat down on my cock, swallowing my little rod as deep as it could go – not deep at all, really.
I wasn’t sure what she was doing though – great as this felt, we’d tried this before and any vigorous bouncing up and down and I would come right out of her. But she twisted to look back at my feet now, and grabbed first my left ankle, and then reached back the other way and grabbed my right. Stephanie was a sexual athlete, no doubt – this was advanced stuff.
“Now what?” I teased.
“Shut up!” She ordered and in one movement, pushed up and forward with her strong thighs, first pulling up and then pushing my legs by the ankles out and back towards the pillows. “C’mon… almost…,” she huffed with another push forward, while trying to bear down to keep my little cock in her. “Yes, there it is!” and suddenly, our bodies locked into the position. It was weird at first – my legs were spread and pulled up, my knees on either side of my head and my toes touching the headboard. She slide her grip along my calves to the hollow spots behind my knees, and she held me down tightly as she continued to press them down and open like she was frat boy trying to put his drunk date’s legs behind her ears or something. She couldn’t go all the way with it, not that I wasn’t flexible enough – one of my favorite stunts to show new sex partners was how easily I could do just that. In addition to being a great crowd-pleaser, it also conveniently opened my asshole nicely for whatever they wanted to invade me with. But those stories are for other nights.
She pushed with her pelvis to roll my hips up and I had to flex my core like a crunch to keep rolled up until her center of balance shifted over and she now sat down, using her body weight to keep me pinned like this. She leaned forward between my spread legs and kissed me hard. Incredibly, my cock was still in her, still throbbing and hard as a rock. If it hadn’t taken such concentration to get into this position, I’d have shot my load into her hot pussy by now. Every move she made seemed to drive me even deeper into her. The tendons connecting the shake of my penis to my body, stretched deliciously – imagine reaching down between your legs to push your erection straight down and holding it there. That’s what her pussy and the angle of our bodies were doing to my cock. It was intense to feel so deep and as she started to thrust, fucking me hard and fast, her weight and the folded-up half spread-eagle she had forced me into, holding my legs up, ensured my hard rod had nowhere to go but inside her. The friction felt fantastic and I guess she noticed too, because in no time at all she was fucking hard and fast, riding to her first shattering orgasm. I wondered if this is what fucking a girl felt like when you had a big cock. I’d never know, of course, but it was fun to imagine.
She increased the pace and force of her thrusts and the odd position was putting pressure on my lungs and diaphragm from below and I had to take quick, shallow breaths. I quickly became light-headed and realized I was nearing my own pounding exploration.
She kissed me again, her hair falling over my face and shoulders and she bit down hard on my lower lip. My cry of pain sent her shuddering with pleasure as she slipped over the edge, into a creaming, screaming orgasm. I feel her pussy juice flood out onto my bald pubic area and run down in a rivulet to where it pooled at my upturned, clenching asshole. More little streams ran down my ass cheeks and back, racing towards the sheets. She frozen now, bearing down as hard as she could and bit my jugular and I could feel her body wrong with the ecstasy. I was totally hers. She owned every bit of me and I was so close to orgasm but I dared not cum, not without her say so. Fortunately, the breathing efforts were enough of a distraction to keep me from going over myself, though just barely.
“Mmmm oh god. Yess!” She moaned loudly into my neck, still holding my skin in her teeth, marking me with her bite like a dog establishes itself as the alpha. Her body shook and quivered and spasmed… “Mmmmm ooooooh goddd…” She gasped and began rotating her hips again, fast and hard and I feel her wetness drench me once more, this time the gushing fluids running down into my curved belly. The pool of her juices at my asshole spilled out as she rocked her Center of balance into my body, and then filled up again with her flowing cum. I was drenched in her – Stephanie’s sex, Stephanie’s orgasm. I was Stephanie’s property.
She took several deepbreaths, followed by short shallow ragged inhales and I knew she was about to cum again. We’d reached that point where her orgasms became rolling waves of peak and ebb, peak and ebb over and over. Our bodies were slick with sweat and muscles exhausted as she worked my cock. I knew from experience that she could sustain this for a long, long time.
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