Rob was washing the windows when he noticed Walt watching him.
“Stopping by to help?”
Walt’s gravelly chuckle changed to a smoker’s cought.
“I’ll take that as a no.”
Walt nodded as he tried to regain his breath. “Got a few minutes. I want to ask you something?”
“Sure, what’s on your mind?”
“Is Gail home? This concerns you both.”
Rob’s smile faded at Walt’s serious tone.
“She’s inside. Come on in.”
Walt stared out their kitchen window at nothing in particular as Rob called out for Gail.
Gail took in the eerie quiet and the unopened beers on the table. She sat next to Rob and looked from Walt to Rob and back again.
“Is something wrong Walt?”
Walt opened his beer and took a big swallow. “No and Yes. What I’m about to tell you stays between the three of us.”
He took another swallow and leaned in. Rob and Gail did too.
“Every day I pick up my sister-in-law and we go to the nursery home and see my brother.”
“How’s he doing?”
Walt shook his head. “He’s declining fast. Hasn’t recognized me or Donna for over a year.”
Gail touched his hand. “I’m sorry to hear that. How’s she holding up?”
“That’s the reason I’m here. A few months ago, we’re sitting in their living room having a cup of coffee when she starts crying.”
Walt surprised. “I moved closer and put My arms around her. She laid her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes, she walks into the bedroom.”
He looked at Gail and shrugged. “I figured she’s fixing her face. She walks out naked as the day she was born. She pulls on my hand so I stand up. She kisses me like Carol does in the bedroom and says make love to me. I looked into those pleading eyes and followed her into the bedroom.”
He ran his hand through his silver hair and took another drink. “We cuddled afterward. She told me watching Ray slowly fade away hurt, but not nearly as much as the lack of intimacy.”
Walt removed his glasses andWipes his eyes. “I feel guilty sleeping with my brother’s wife until she said that. I know he would want her taken care of. If not me- who would comfort a woman in her late seventies? Now when we return from the nursery home, we undress and go to bed. Sometimes she just wants me to hold her; other times she wants kisses. On rare occasions, I make love to her.”
Walt shook his empty and Gail got him another beer. He opened and downed half of it.
“The reason I’m here is I think I have what Ray has. I’m starting to forget simple things I use to know.”
He looked at Rob. “You’ve been a great friend and I’m asking you to take care of Carol’s needs. Give her the loving she needs to cope with this illness I have. Don’t worry about my feelings. By the time you’re bedding Carol, I won’t remember this conversation or much of anything else.”
He focused on Gail. “I need your okay for Rob to take care of Carol when I’m in a nursery home. I saw what Donna was like before and after I took care of her. I don’t want Carol to get like that.”
Walt guzzled the last of his beer. “Think about this for a few days before you answer. Don’t say a word to Carol. If you decide no, it dies here. If you decide yes, I thank you now for saving her from a sad existence.” He left.
~*~ Many sunsets later ~*~
When the ten o’clock news cut to a commercial Rob took his cup and empty dish into the kitchen. As he turned off the coffeemaker, he noticed about a cup left in the carafe. “You want some more coffee?”
Not hearing a reply, he carried the carafe to the doorway and held it up. “More coffee?”
His wife, Gail, stared unmoving at the TV.
He was use to her becoming so interested in a show that she tuned out everything else, but it was a commercial- for dog food- and they didn’t have a dog.
Setting down the carafe, he moved to her side. “Gail, what’s wrong?”
“What?” She turned, noticing Rob’s wrinkled browser. “What’s wrong Rob?” Her hand gripped his.
“That’s what I asked you. You were a million miles away. His other hand came up to tenderly push the straight lock of hair behind her ear. “What’s the matter?”
She looked at him with those big doe eyes that captured his heart so many years ago. “It’s nothing. I’m just tired. I’ll go to bed when you leave.”
“I’m not buying tired. Tell me the truth.”
She started to move away, but he stopped her.
“It’s just something Carol said today when we were out.”
“About Walt? What happened?” He was obviously upset as he waited for the bad news she’d been withholding.
She softly patted his hand. “Calm down; it wasn’t about Walt. It was you.”
Rob’s brow wrinkled. “What about me?”
“Nothing really. We stopped at the market to both pick up a few things and Carol asked me if there was anything special you’d like for breakfast.”
Gail looked away, feeling the tears well in her eyes. “I didn’t think about it until a few minutes ago when Isaw you getting ready to leave.”
She looked at him. “I’m scared that she’s trying to take you from me. You’re not falling in love with her are you?”
Rob took her in his arms. “You have my heart and always will. I’ll call Carol and tell her I won’t be coming over.”
Gail pushed him back and wiped her eyes. “You’ll do no such thing; she’s expecting you.”
He stared for a moment. “But you just said-“
She shook her head. “When I agreed, I didn’t think it would go on for this long.”
“You want me to tell her this is the last time?”
A look of horror swept across her face. “It’d devastate her… and she’d know I put you up to it.”
She tried to smile for her bewildered husband. “I think part of my fear is because of the way her face lights up when she talks about you. She looks forward to being with you. Forget I said anything. You better get going or she’ll start to worry.”
Rob kissed the love of his life and hugged her tight. “Over thirty years together and you still amaze me. You’re sure you’re okay with this?”
“Remind me once in a while that I’m still the only love in your life.” She rubbed her hand over Rob’s chin. “Shave before you go; she doesn’t need bear burn.”
He chuckled. “Yes dear.”
Gail watched from the living room window as Rob left on his nightly walk. She felt the familiar tightening in her tummy knowing Carol would soon be in his arms. She waited until he disappeared around the corner before closing the draws and turning off the porch light.
Carol sat in her darkened living room sipping wine and anxiously watching out the window for a shadowy figure to appear down the street.
Her pulse quicklyned as the longish shadow of a person stretched from the corner streetlight’s glow. She opened the front door and waited his arrival.
Rob entered the darkened house and locked the door. He knew without looking she would be within arm’s reach waiting for his request.
“Come here Carol.”
She stepped into his open arms. The password kiss turned into a torrid tongue battle for dominance. They both knew he would dominate as she was his submissive.
In the bedroom, he stood as she undressed him, taking his flaccid cock in her mouth as she looked up for approval.
“Very good my slut, now get me hard so I can enjoy my pussy.”
Carol worked hard to please him. She relaxed her throat to take him deep. A shiver ran through her as he hardened and gave another command.
“On your back and show me what’s mine.”
She lay on her back spread wide with legs pulled to her chest.
“It’s your pussy Sir; use it for your pleasure.”
She lay cuddled in his arms as the clock announced a new day.
He kissed her. “I wasn’t too rough?”
“No; if I closed my eyes, I saw Walt.” She pulled him on top. “Once more; be Rob this time.”
The loving was soft and tender.
The doctor called and suggested hospice. Carol already approved stopping his Alzheimer’s medicine over a year ago. The end was coming quickly.
As she walked down the nursery home corridor to Walt’s room, Carol glanced into each passing room finding many sad, tired faces of spouses and grown children sitting next to the bed of their loved one.
She sat in the chair next to Walt’s bed. His eyes were closed; his breathing shallow. He’d forgotten her name long ago. She leaned down and kissed his dry lips and then removed the Chap Stick from the top drawer of his night stand and coated his lips.
She told him about her day knowing he didn’t comprehend a word she spoke.
“I don’t know if I could have visited you for all these years if it hadn’t been for your gift.”
On one of his good days three years ago, Walt pointed to his closet and told her to look for an envelope.
She found an envelope labeled ‘When I don’t remember you’.
“Open it when I can’t remember your name.”
Carol opened it six months later. Walt explained how he brought Donna home day after day after seeing his brother. He described her deteriorating emotional state and the events that led up to his making love to her.
She crumbled the papers and started to throw them away when something made her look at the second page. It explained how he never wanted her to suffer like Donna. It detailed the agreement with Rob and Gail. Rob would take care of her intimate needs.
She remembered nervously calling and having Gail answer. Her stumbling about the letter she found and their agreement with Walt. The line was silent for over a minute before Gail replied, “I’ll send Rob over after dark.” The line went dead.
She’d showered; dressed in her best negligee with full makeup and her finest perfume.
She chuckled Remembering the first time Rob came over. They were like two nervous teenagers in the back seat on lover’s lane for the first time.
Rob stopped by later that weekwith a request she not wear perfume or any other fraudrances.
She’d obeyed; and over the following weeks told him about her submissive side and how Walt expanded upon that submission.
She now thought of herself as Rob’s slut; given to him by Walt. Once Rob got into the mindset of her being his submissive, he turned dominate and her orgasms surpassed anything before.
Carol received the call as she and Gail were doing their weekly grocery shopping.
“Mrs. Arnold, I’m Brenda with Hospice. Walt passed away a few minutes ago. His doctor’s been notified and the Director contacted the funeral home. If you want to see him, now is the time.”
Carol looked at Gail. “Walt’s dead. They told me to see him before the funeral home takes him.”
“I’ll drive,” Gail said as they left their grocery carts. Carol handed her the car keys.
They entered Walt’s room. It looked like he was peacefully sleeping except he wasn’t breathing. His head was square on hisShoulders and his arms were folded over his abdomen. His legs were straight.
The Hospice nurse approach Gail and whispered in her ear. She nodded and moved next to Carol. “I’ll step into the hall and give you some alone time with Walt.” As she stepped away the nurse gave her a slight nod.
She called Rob. “Walt died. I’m bringing Carol home with me. Pick up three young ready dinners at Robinson’s and a couple bottles of appropriate wine.”
Rob turned on the over when Carol’s car pulled in front of the house.
He poured three classes of Chardonnay; leaving one in the kitchen and bringing the other two into the living room.
He wrapped Carol in his arms. “Walt’s in a better place. The man we all knew and loved left us a long time ago. Your suffering is over. He moved her to the couch and placed the Chardonnay in her hands.
“Drink! Celebrate your life with Walt.” Carol sipped.
Gail gave Rob a look when he handed her a glass. He ignored it.
“I’llstart dinner.”
He followed Mr. Robinson’s printed directions and forty-five minutes later dinner was ready. The three ate in silence. They finished the second bottle of Chardonnay.
“Sleep with her tonight.”
Rob looked at his wife as she walked into their bedroom and closed the door.
Carol glowed as he stepped into the room and closed the door. She quickly moved into his arms. The tongue battle was short and sweet. She knelt and took him in her mouth.
“Enough! Show me what’s mine slut.”
She quickly shed her clothes, laid on her back in the middle of the bed with legs pulled up and opened wide. “It’s your pussy sir; use it for your pleasure.”
Gail listened from outside the bedroom door; frowning at Rob’s remarks and Carol’s replies. She returned to their master bedroom when Carol began moaning and becoming Rob to fuck her harder.
Gail watched Rob and Carol as she made breakfast. They talked about Walt’s prearranged cremation and Carol’s step daughter’s offer to take her in. There was no touching or suggestive words about what she heard last night.
After breakfast Rob went to work as the two ladies went to the store for stickers and tags. Other than their bedroom furniture, her clothes, her car and a few sentimental items, everything else was being sold.
Carol and Gail started in the living room. After work, Rob concentrated on Walt’s tools and fishing gear in the basement. Everything was priced to sell.
That evening after another dinner from Robinson’s and a bottle of wine, Gail kissed Rob and told him to sleep in the bedroom and she would sleep with Carol. Rob noticed the bottle of Chardonnay and two glasses Gail carried into the guest room.
The next day was a repeat of marking everything in the house, eating a Robinson meal, Rob sleeping in the bedroom and Gail carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses into the quest room.
Gail sent him to Carol the following night.
At breakfast, Carol glowed and Gail looked at him differently. Nothing unusual was said and they all continued with the marking.
That night they had a Robinson’s meal and shared a bottle of wine.
Gail prepared for bed as Rob checked the house.
Rob changed into his pajamas and readied for bed.
As he walked into the room, Gail wrapped her arms around his neck.
The kiss was more a tongue battle than a lover’s kiss.
She dropped to her knees as she pulled his pajamas down and took him in her mouth as she looked up for approval.
Rob smiled inside. Gail’s bedtime conversations with Carol over their bottle of wine produced fruitful results.
He looked down into her eyes. “Get on the Bed!”
She removed her nightgown and laid on the bed with her legs spread and pulled back.
Rob frowned. “Did I say lay on your back? Get up on all fours and back up to the end of the bed!”
She moved back until her feet were over the end of the bed.
Rob moved behind her. His left hand raised and came down with a crack on her left butt chef.
She screamed; more from the shock than the pain.
“I asked you a question slut. Did I say to lay on your back? Answer me!”
She hung her head. “No,” came out in a quiet voice.
His right hand struck quickly to the right chef bringing another scream.
“No what?”
“No Sir,” she quickly answered.
“You’re learning slut,” he said placing his cock head inside her opening; finding her very wet. He waited.
Gail pushed back taking a little more inside until he stopped her with his hands. She tried to move forward but he held her tight.
He moved his hips back and forth just enough to tease her before sliding all the way in and then back out to start teasing again.
“Rob please!”
His hand landed quickly with a crack. “What?”
She yipped. “Please fuck my pussy!”
His hand landed again. “Whose?”
She yipped again. “Please Sir, fuck your pussy!”
Rob smiled. ‘On your back and show me what’s mine!”
Gail rolled on her back and spread her legs like Carol teach her.
Rob slide two fingers in her, finding her wetter then he could ever remember.
He placed his cock at her opening and plunged in fucking her with a fury she had never felt before. Within minutes her inner muscles grasped his cock as she experienced an unbelievable orgasm.
Rob slowed until her inner muscles relaxed and then began pounding her again. He watched as her hands gripped the sheets and her legs locked behind his back to pull his pounding cock deeper into her love canal. She screamed as his hot seed brought a greater orgasm.
Carol smiled as she listened outside their bedroom door. Her hand moved steadily between Sir’s pussy as she listened to her friend finding the true pleasure becoming Rob’s submissive. She pressed her lips tightly together as her orgasm coursed through her body. She slowly made her way back to her bedroom.
Carol watched the glowing Gail as she made breakfast for the three of them.
Over breakfast Rob outlined his plan to power wash Carol’s house while the ladies returned to marking the final items.
Carol waited until he left and Gail sat across from her.
“Gail, would you consider sharing Rob?”
Gail stared at her for several painful seconds. “Haven’t I all ready?”
Carol lowered her head and nodded. “You’ve been very generous Mistress.”
Gail saw the tears began to flow and moved closer to her friend.
“What are you really asking Carol?” she said raising the head of the now sobbing one to look her fully in the face.
“Please let me live with you and Rob as your submissive; I’ll with and die in a year at my step daughters.”
Gail was shocked; no, make that total blown away by her friend’s confession.
“I’ll have to discuss this with Master Rob.”
Carol sadly nodded.
Rob noticed Carol’s change the moment he entered the house. He looked at Gail who mouthed “later” and he nodded.
It took two weekends to sell almost everything in the house. The remainder was donated to the area church’s resale shop. Carol sold Walt’s and her car to CarMax. She listed the house with Jaime Dubois.
Carol’s step daughter tried in vain to change her mind. She had visions of using her step-mother like a maid and take control of the rest of her father’s inheritance.
After church every Sunday Rob, Gail, and Carol sat at the same reserved table at the Stockwell Rose. Many eyes watched as Rob seated Gail to his right; taking time to lightly kiss her lips before seating Carol on his left and kissing her.
Those who continued to watch saw the endearing look both women gave him.
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