Servicing the Mistress

I’ve had a very good life. I was born and raised, as a service, on a huge estate in the Maryland mountains. Well, really hills. It was and is owned by an extremely wealthy and very important family. I most certainly remember my life, what I’ve experienced. But a lot of my background I’ve picked up in bits and pieces over the years.

My mother was one of the cooks. The son of the family apparently took an interest in her and she reciprocated. So I was born. Perhaps it was because of my birth or perhaps not but very soon after, he married. This was in 1940 so marriages weren’t arranged but I suspect this one came close because his young bride was from another very important family. I’ve known her for years now so I know she was very beautiful when they married. She must have been eighteen or nineteen, had been through ‘finishing school’ but not college. About two years later, they had a child, a daughter, Marilyn.

I was three when Marilyn was born. Apparently, my father (who I didn’t know as my father, of course) continued to visit my mother. When I was five, during a difficult child birthday, both my mother and her baby died. I’ve since learned that his wife didn’t like his having sex with my mother or others. But obviously not enough to deny him because a year or so later she had a second child, a son.

Perhaps I should mention here that I realize that I received special treatment, being the son of one of the family. With my mother dead, I continued to live in the room that my mother and I had. I was too young to be of much use but was given a series of small chores. Later, while I went to school with other local kids, I often was driven to school by the family chauffeur. As I grew, I was given jobs that should have been given to older, more experienced people.

The owning family lived full time in a large house in or near Washington D.C. but they visited the mountain estate often, usually for weeks at a time. Even though I was three years older, because I was the only other child, I often played with Marilyn. We were good friends. As we grew, I became her teacher in some ways, about animals and horse back riding and swimming, and was enrusted to sort of watch over her. To every other service she was “Miss” but to me she was always Marilyn.

When I reached eighteen, I was drafted into the Army. I had never traveled more than a few miles from the estate before. To many of the other boys, the reception center was a difficult experience. Your lose your freedom, you do only what you are told to do. Perhaps it’s innate in me and perhaps it’s because I was a service but it never bothered me. Others had always had control of my life. I found it interesting. Then off to basic training in Kentucky. I’ve never been sure whether it was an accident or my ‘family’ had something to do with it but I spent my two years in Kentucky and never faced combat.

The Army experience was very valuable for me. I had spent my entire life ina very limited, almost artistic situation. For example, I never knew my height or weight. No one hidden it from me, it just never came up. In the Army I learned that I was 6’1″ and 185 pounds. I always knew that I was bigger than most but in the Army I learned that while that’s true, there are many that are even bigger than me. And sex! I wasn’t stupid, I knew about boys and girls but it was never prime. In the Army, that was the main source of conversation. So I learned, at least verbally, a lot about men and women and what they can do with each other. Since we all showed in groups, I also learned that I was a little better endowed than most. Not huge — I actually knew one guy that had an enormous cock — but certainly a little better than average. All in all, it just opened up the real world to me.

I managed to go home several times on leave. During one of these, I met the girl that ended up my wife. Her father worked on the estate but lived just off it. So I had known her slEasily for years. But all of a sudden, at least to me, she had blowmed. She had a perfect body. And as I learned, she was very interested in experimenting with this newly adult body of hers. So we explored it together.

Most importantly, Diane is nice. She’s kind, friendly, has a good sense of humor. Easy to live with. But also, she’s gorgeous. Dark hair, sparkling eyes, a great smile. And a lovely body. This was when Marilyn Monroe was the reigning sex image. And that was Diane. A big, healthy farm girl. Great breasts, lovely legs. But not at all like the thin models of today.

On leave, it was like I was on vacation, something I had never experienced before. I had no assigned tasks. Diane had just finished high school and would get a job on the estate but for a time also had nothing to do. It was summer. We never actually dated, as such. I never asked her out and took her to the movies or anything like that. We would just walk off into the woods together. At first we justtalked and walked. As I think back, she’s the one that first brought up sex, our being male and female. We kissed. She wanted to find out what it was like and so did I. Then we kissed a lot. Sort of climbed around on each other as we kissed. One day we were at the lake. She suggested we go swimming. Well, we both had swum naked all our lives in that lake so we did again. And then we were naked and kissing.

She had never seen a man’s penis before. Or so she said and she was probably true. So she felt it. I was as erect as I could get in seconds. I don’t think either of us had any experience with sex, at least I know I didn’t.

“Girls at school talk a lot about sex,” she said as we lay on the shore naked. She was partially sitting up, staring at my cock and moving her hand on it, feeling it. “Some of them talk about men’s cocks and that guys like girls to take them in their mouth. I don’t even know how to describe how I’m feeling but I need to do something. Would it be o.k.for me to put my mouth on your cock?”

I didn’t know how I was feeling either. But I felt different than I ever had before. I wanted to do something more than kiss her. I wanted to use that body of hers some way and my cock really wanted something to happen. So I said, “I think I’d like that.” So she leaned forward and kissed my cock, then licked it, then got her mouth over the top and licked it. Her eyes kept flitting back and forth from looking at my cock and looking at my face. She looked to me like she was wondering how I felt about this. “That feels great, Diane,” I said out loud and at the same time there was some feeling in my hips that made me push up and shove my cock further into her mouth. I sat up slightly and reached what I could of her, her lower back and butt, and started sort of stroking her or running my hand on her. Her mouth changed a little as she looked at me. If it’s possible, I think she was smiling but her mouth was stretched around me so it was hard to tell. Then she took even more of me into her mouth, still licking and sucking. I relaxed a little and then, without really intending to, it was just sort of instinct, lifted my hips up again, shoving my cock further into her. Then I did it over and over. I realized now, I was essentially fucking her mouth while she sucked me. And then I came. My whole inside seemed to boil up. She lifted her head quickly. She kept hold of my cock with one hand, my cum partly in her mouth, dripping from her chin, as I spurted load after load up into the air, some landing on her hand and arm, some on me.

I almost collapsed onto my back. She had a huge grin on her face and kept her hand wrapped around my cock. “Wow, George,” she said with a big grin, “That was really something.” Then she licked her lips and looked around a little and Wiped my cum off her arm and off my stomach. She reached out and shook her hand, sending some of my stuff, flying off. Then she looked at her hand and looked at me and licked her hand clean. She had a grin like I’ve never seen on her before for a moment and then she lay down on top of me and kissed me. I could taste the difference. I knew that was my stuff I was tasting but everything felt so good that all I did was put my arms around her and kiss her even more.

She lay on me and we kissed and felt each other some. Then she said something that I’ll always remember because it started what’s been a life long love of mine. “The girls say that a guy can do that to a girl, too. I mean, use their tongue and mouth on the girl down there and cause the girl to have an orgasm like you just had.” Then she kissed me again.

I had my hands on her butt as she lay on me. “Well,” I said, not knowing at all what this means but feeling more aroused than I had ever been before, “If you’d like that, I’d like to try it.” She got the biggest grin I’d ever seen and sat up, her legs on either side of me, and started moving up my body, sliding one leg forward and thenthe other, until her bottom was on top of my face. “Lift up just a little, so I can see what I’m doing,” I said.

All of a sudden her fingers showed up, They pulled what I now know are her pussy lips apart and I could see her pink inside sort of glistening, surrounded by a lot of dark, kinky hair. “Just put your tongue in there,” she said in a voice that sounded almost hoarse. I did. Her bottom started to move around. “Push your tongue in as far as you can,” I could hear. So I did. Her bottom just kept moving. “Lick me.” I did. She sort of leaned forward or something and slide her bottom a little, which made my tongue move up in her slit and then there was an, “Ahh. aah. yes. Lick it. Suck it.” I could feel a little shape, almost like a little worm or something. I got my lips on it and sucked, pulling it just a little. That brought on almost a shriek and then a small flood of fluid onto my mouth.

“Ohmigod,” she almost yelled as she lifted her body up off me. Then I could feedl her hand grabbing my cock that somehow had got hard again. She shuffled backwards atop me and the next thing I knew she sat down on my cock. I had never felt anything like it. It was like her insides were a big, soft, warm fist grabbing my cock and moving on it a little. I looked up and she was sitting up, her eyes sort of staring at me like she was in a trance, as her hips moved around, almost gyrating. Then she leaned forward a little and when I saw her breasts hanging there, I sat up a little and got my hands to both of them and my mouth to one nipple. By now she was almost screaming, making so much noise it was sort of scary.

From then on we did that every day I was home. Then I went back to Ft. Knox and later came home again and we did it all some more. She probably should have got pregnant but didn’t. When I got discharged we got married. When the ownership family heard, we were given a cottage to live in on the estate, a full set of plates and steelware, knives and forks and spoons, and I was given a job as a gardener and Diane as a household maid.

Life was very nice. Diane and I had sex almost constantly, as we had free time from our jobs. Winter set in and we kept each other warm at night. We had an early spring and the family came to the estate. My father (still not known to me then) didn’t come but his wife, daughter and son did. By then I was twenty one and Marilyn, the family’s daughter, was eighteen. I was trimming some hedges when Marilyn came up to me. She was gorgeous. Blond hair, slim body, looked like a model in some magazine. “George,” she excerpted.

I turned, saw her, and smiled, “Marilyn,” I said, “You look lovely.”

She grinned, put her hand on my arm and sort of leaned against me a little, “So do you, George. You’re a handsome man.”

As I think about it now, I’m surprised I wasn’t a little embarrassed. I mean, I’m a service and she’s the boss. But I’d known her forever and actually thought of her as a friend.

She ran her hand up and down my arm, looked at me and then licked her lips. “I was concerned this was going to be a very boring visit, George, but now I think I’m going to enjoy it. Can you come with me?”

“Of course,” I replied, “whatever you want.” I was a service. Even when we were kids and got along together great, there was never any doubt that she could be the boss any time she chose to. She was very nice and seldom chose to but at times could be willful, pouting and stamping her foot and getting her way. So I followed her. She said nothing, just led the way into the main house and up stairs and then into her bedroom suite. Then she turned and looked at me. “You’ve been working, need a shower, c’mon.” She actually took my hand and pulled me into her bathroom. She then turned to me and said, “Take off your clothes.” And then she started taking off hers. I just stared. She stepped out of her shoes, then unbuttoned her blouse and took it off, then reached behind her and unfastened her bra and took it off. For a slim girl she had very full breasts.

“Get undressed,” she said. And so I started to. I still had on my pants and undershorts when she was finally fully naked. Diane was my idea of ​​a sexy woman. Marilyn was something like half the mass of Diane. Just as tall but just so slim that there was a lot less of her.

I had said she was slim but now I could see that while she had a small wait, she had a really well formed, round butt and pretty, shaped legs. Her blond bush around her genitals was either trimmed or wasn’t very full to begin with. She’s beautiful. She steps over to the shower, almost a separate room with shower heads at different heights, and turn the water on. Then she turns to me.

“Finish up, George, and c’mon, I’m feeling very horny.”

I realize for the first time what’s going to happen. We’re going to have sex. I’m married. I love my wife. I’ve never had sex with anyone but my wife. Everything ran though my mind, Wedding vows. But a beautiful naked woman that wants to have sex overpowers my conscience and I step into the shower room. I do wonder if my cock can fit into that slim body. I mean, her inside must be small, too. She washes me. I wash her. Her body really is lovely. Then she’s kneeing on the floor with my cock in her mouth. All through this she keeps telling me what a great body I have and what a great cock I have and I say nothing. She sucks me different than my wife. I think my wife wants to suck me when she does but is really trying to please me, to make love to me. Marilyn wants my cum. She’s attacking me, milking my cock with her hand and lips, and when I shoot into her she doesn’t pull back but sucks out every drop she can get.

Then we dry each other and she takes me by the hand and pulls me into her bedroom. She sits on the edge of the bed and spreads her legs. “Your turn, George,” she says to me as her hands both pull open her pussy lips. So I do her. I can’t help it, I’m aroused. I want to. I’m not sure what kind of perverted mind I have but I love to suck pussy. I do my wife every time, either to climax or just as foreplay. I guess it all started that first time at the lake or something but I just like it. And I liked eating Marilyn. And obviously she did, too. She was loud enough that others had to know what was happening. Once she came, both of her hands held me into her until she finally moaned and pushed me away. I’m kneeing on the floor. She has a glazed look as she stars at me. “I hope you’re hard again, George, because I want you to fuck me.” She scoots back onto the bed as I stand up and climb on the bed and get between her legs. She helps aim me into her and gets loud again as I pump into her. I fit. Her inside aren’t as small as I thought. She make so much noise that I wonder if she’s trying to prove something to herself, it doesn’t seem normal to scream so much. I don’t know whether she had more than one orgasm or just kept riding the same one or what but she seemed to peak several times before I finally came.

“Oh god,” she says as I roll off her and she lays there with her legs still spread and her now red pussy leaking fluids. “You’re great, George. I want you again tomorrow. Thanks.”

I was done. It was obvious. The service had served the employee and the job was over. I dressed and left. Actually went back to trimming the hedges. But in a half hour or so, a maid who knew my wife very well came and told me the Mistress wanted to see me. Well, I had been given some instructions several times by the lady of the house but not often. The orders usually came from my superior, the head gardener. So I wondered what this could all be about.

The mistress actually had a small office. As I think About it, it’s probably usually her husband’s office. I would have had my hat in my hand if I had a hat but I just sort of bowed slightly at the door. “You asked to see me, ma’am?” I had just fucked her daughter. Her very beautiful daughter. So I guess my mind was messed up at the moment about sex because looking at her I realized how beautiful she was. Even more than her daughter. A slightly fuller figure. Here I am, twenty one and she married the boss at eighteen or nineteen when I was one or two so she’s only, perhaps thirty-seven, perhaps forty. She’s in her prime.

“Yes, George. Come in . Close the door and sit down.” I did. “You were just with my daughter.” I opened my mouth to say something and then realized there’s nothing I could say. “Anyone within earshot knows it,” she went on. “It’s much too late to try and stop her. Once a woman has experienced sex and likes it no one can stop her. But she must not get pregnant. That would ruin way too much. So, if she insists and you Continue, do not get her pregnant. If you need rubbers I believe Mrs. Hartnett, the housekeeper, can get some. Or just pull out. Understand?” I just nodded. “All right, that’s all.” I stood up, backed up like I was leaving the Queen, opened the door and got out. I have to talk to Diane. If everyone in the house knows, she knows.

I found Diane and told her I needed to talk to her. She patted me on the butt, smiled, and told me we could talk that evening, she had chores and so did I. And we did talk. And I was surprised. “George,” she told me, “You’re my husband and I love you and you say you love me. If you cheat on me or I cheat on you and neither of us knows, it’s not good. And if you choose to cheat on me with one of our neighbors I’d be very angry. But if the mistress wants you, give her what she wants. That’s not cheating on me as I see it. It’s doing your job. Just don’t get hurt out so you can’t do your duty to me.” And so I did and she seemed very pleased with everything.

So the next day, Marilyn found me and led me away again. I told her that her mother had talked to me. She laughed and said, yes, her mother had talked to her, too. So I told her how her mother didn’t want her to get pregnant. And she said that she didn’t want to either. But then I learned something for the first time.

“My mother,” she went on, “also told me that it was incest, a crime, to have sex with my brother. Did you know that?”

“Your brother?” I said, astounded. “But I knew my mother and she wasn’t your mother.”

“No, but we share a father.”

I was dumbfounded. Just stood there. But by then we were in her bedroom and she was getting undressed. “So,” she went on as she took off her clothes, “I told her with as great a cock as you have and how good you are at oral, I don’t care if you are my brother or whether it’s legal or anything. Well get undressed and let me at that cock of yours again, it’s delicious.” So I did.

Marilyn stayed for three weeks. Except for a day or two when she went someplace else, we had sex each day. Once each day. There was no pretending love was involved. She needed serving and I provided what she needed. I was basically her maleWhore, her full size dildo. Perhaps a dildo is what she’d have used if I hadn’t been available. Or perhaps she’d have found someone else. Her own brother is fourteen or fifteen so he’s probably a little young yet but in time nothing will surprise me.


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